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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */// @ts-nocheckimport {hsl as d3Hsl} from "d3-color";import {interpolateHslLong as d3InterpolateHslLong} from "d3-interpolate";import {scaleSequentialLog as d3ScaleSequentialLog} from "d3-scale";import {$TOOLTIP} from "../../config/classes";import {loadConfig} from "../../config/config";import Plugin from "../Plugin";import ColorScale from "./ColorScale";import Elements from "./Elements";import Options from "./Options";import {compareEpochs, isEmpty, isFunction, pointInRegion} from "./util";
/** * Stanford diagram plugin * - **NOTE:** * - Plugins aren't built-in. Need to be loaded or imported to be used. * - Non required modules from billboard.js core, need to be installed separately. * - Is preferable use `scatter` as data.type * - **Required modules:** * - [d3-selection]( * - [d3-interpolate]( * - [d3-color]( * - [d3-scale]( * - [d3-brush]( * - [d3-axis]( * - [d3-format]( * @class plugin-stanford * @requires d3-selection * @requires d3-interpolate * @requires d3-color * @requires d3-scale * @requires d3-brush * @requires d3-axis * @requires d3-format * @param {object} options Stanford plugin options * @augments Plugin * @returns {Stanford} * @example * // Plugin must be loaded before the use. * <script src="$YOUR_PATH/plugin/billboardjs-plugin-stanford.js"></script> * * var chart = bb.generate({ * data: { * columns: [ ... ], * type: "scatter" * } * ... * plugins: [ * new bb.plugin.stanford({ * colors: d3.interpolateHslLong( * d3.hsl(250, 1, 0.5), d3.hsl(0, 1, 0.5) * ), * epochs: [ 1, 1, 2, 2, ... ], * lines: [ * { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 65, y2: 65, class: "line1" }, * { x1: 0, x2: 65, y1: 40, y2: 40, class: "line2" } * ], * scale: { * max: 10000, * min: 1, * width: 500, * format: 'pow10', * }, * padding: { * top: 15, * right: 0, * bottom: 0, * left: 0 * }, * regions: [ * { * points: [ // add points counter-clockwise * { x: 0, y: 0 }, * { x: 40, y: 40 }, * { x: 0, y: 40 } * ], * text: function (value, percentage) { * return `Normal Operations: ${value} (${percentage}%)`; * }, * opacity: 0.2, // 0 to 1 * class: "test-polygon1" * }, * ... * ] * } * ] * }); * @example * import {bb} from "billboard.js"; * import Stanford from "billboard.js/dist/billboardjs-plugin-stanford"; * * bb.generate({ * plugins: [ * new Stanford({ ... }) * ] * }) */export default class Stanford extends Plugin { private config; private colorScale; private elements;
constructor(options) { super(options); this.config = new Options();
return this; }
$beforeInit(): void { const {$$} = this;
// override on config values & methods $$.config.data_xSort = false; $$.isMultipleX = () => true; $$.showGridFocus = () => {}; $$.labelishData = d => d.values; $$.opacityForCircle = () => 1;
const getCurrentPadding = $$.getCurrentPadding.bind($$);
$$.getCurrentPadding = () => { const padding = getCurrentPadding();
padding.right += this.colorScale ? this.colorScale.getColorScalePadding() : 0;
return padding; }; }
$init(): void { const {$$} = this;, this.options); $$.color = this.getStanfordPointColor.bind($$);
this.colorScale = new ColorScale(this); this.elements = new Elements(this);
this.convertData(); this.initStanfordData(); this.setStanfordTooltip(); this.colorScale.drawColorScale();
$$.right += this.colorScale ? this.colorScale.getColorScalePadding() : 0;
this.$redraw(); }
$redraw(duration?: number): void { this.colorScale?.drawColorScale(); this.elements?.updateStanfordElements(duration); }
getOptions(): Options { return new Options(); }
convertData(): void { const data = this.$$.data.targets; const epochs = this.options.epochs;
data.forEach(d => { d.values.forEach((v, i) => { v.epochs = epochs[i]; });
d.minEpochs = undefined; d.maxEpochs = undefined; d.colors = undefined; d.colorscale = undefined; }); }
initStanfordData(): void { const {config} = this; const target = this.$$.data.targets[0];
// TODO STANFORD see if (data.js -> orderTargets)+ can be used instead // Make larger values appear on top target.values.sort(compareEpochs);
// Get array of epochs const epochs = => a.epochs);
target.minEpochs = !isNaN(config.scale_min) ? config.scale_min : Math.min(...epochs); target.maxEpochs = !isNaN(config.scale_max) ? config.scale_max : Math.max(...epochs);
target.colors = isFunction(config.colors) ? config.colors : d3InterpolateHslLong(d3Hsl(250, 1, 0.5), d3Hsl(0, 1, 0.5));
target.colorscale = d3ScaleSequentialLog(target.colors) .domain([target.minEpochs, target.maxEpochs]); }
getStanfordPointColor(d) { const target =[0];
return target.colorscale(d.epochs); }
setStanfordTooltip(): string | undefined { const {config} = this.$$;
if (isEmpty(config.tooltip_contents)) { config.tooltip_contents = function(d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) { const {data_x} = config; let html = `<table class="${$TOOLTIP.tooltip}"><tbody>`;
d.forEach(v => { const {id = "", value = 0, epochs = 0, x = ""} = v;
html += `<tr> <th>${data_x || ""}</th> <th class="value">${defaultTitleFormat(x)}</th> </tr> <tr> <th>${}</th> <th class="value">${defaultValueFormat(value)}</th> </tr> <tr class="${$TOOLTIP.tooltipName}-${id}"> <td class="name"><span style="background-color:${ color(v) }"></span>Epochs</td> <td class="value">${defaultValueFormat(epochs)}</td> </tr>`; });
return `${html}</tbody></table>`; }; } }
countEpochsInRegion(region): {value: number, percentage: number} { const $$ = this; const target = $$.data.targets[0];
const total = target.values.reduce( (accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator + Number(currentValue.epochs), 0 );
const value = target.values.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => { if (pointInRegion(currentValue, region)) { return accumulator + Number(currentValue.epochs); }
return accumulator; }, 0);
return { value, percentage: value !== 0 ? +(value / total * 100).toFixed(1) : 0 }; }}