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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {isNumber, setTextValue} from "../../module/util";import {$TEXT} from "../../config/classes";
/** * Get the text position * @param {string} pos right, left or center * @param {number} width chart width * @returns {string|number} text-anchor value or position in pixel * @private */function getTextPos(pos = "left", width?: number | any): number | "start" | "middle" | "end" { const isNum = isNumber(width); let position;
if (pos.indexOf("center") > -1) { position = isNum ? width / 2 : "middle"; } else if (pos.indexOf("right") > -1) { position = isNum ? width : "end"; } else { position = isNum ? 0 : "start"; }
return position;}
export default { /** * Initializes the title * @private */ initTitle(): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el} = $$;
if (config.title_text) { $el.title = $el.svg.append("g");
const text = $el.title .append("text") .style("text-anchor", getTextPos(config.title_position)) .attr("class", $TEXT.title);
setTextValue(text, config.title_text, [0.3, 1.5]); } },
/** * Redraw title * @private */ redrawTitle(): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state: {current}, $el: {title}} = $$;
if (title) { const y = $$$$);
if (/g/i.test(title.node().tagName)) { title.attr("transform", `translate(${getTextPos(config.title_position, current.width)}, ${y})`); } else { title.attr("x", $$$$)).attr("y", y); } } },
/** * Returns the x attribute value of the title * @returns {number} x attribute value * @private */ xForTitle(): number { const $$ = this; const {config, state: {current}} = $$; const position = config.title_position || "left"; const textRectWidth = $$.getTextRect($$.$el.title, $TEXT.title).width; let x;
if (/(right|center)/.test(position)) { x = current.width - textRectWidth;
if (position.indexOf("right") >= 0) { x = current.width - textRectWidth - config.title_padding.right; } else if (position.indexOf("center") >= 0) { x = (current.width - textRectWidth) / 2; } } else { // left x = (config.title_padding.left || 0); }
return x; },
/** * Returns the y attribute value of the title * @returns {number} y attribute value * @private */ yForTitle(): number { const $$ = this;
return ($$ || 0) + $$.getTextRect($$.$el.title, $TEXT.title).height; },
/** * Get title padding * @returns {number} padding value * @private */ getTitlePadding(): number { const $$ = this;
return $$.yForTitle() + ($$.config.title_padding.bottom || 0); },};