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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {select as d3Select} from "d3-selection";import {document} from "../../module/browser";import {$ARC, $TOOLTIP} from "../../config/classes";import {IDataRow} from "../data/IData";import {getPointer, isFunction, isObject, isString, isValue, callFn, sanitise, tplProcess, isUndefined, parseDate} from "../../module/util";
export default { /** * Initializes the tooltip * @private */ initTooltip(): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el} = $$;
$el.tooltip = d3Select(config.tooltip_contents.bindto);
if ($el.tooltip.empty()) { $el.tooltip = $el.chart .append("div") .attr("class", $TOOLTIP.tooltipContainer) .style("position", "absolute") .style("pointer-events", "none") .style("display", "none"); }
$$.bindTooltipResizePos(); },
initShowTooltip(): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el, state: {hasAxis, hasRadar}} = $$;
// Show tooltip if needed if (config.tooltip_init_show) { const isArc = !(hasAxis && hasRadar);
if ($$.axis?.isTimeSeries() && isString(config.tooltip_init_x)) { const targets = $$.data.targets[0]; let i; let val;
config.tooltip_init_x =$$, config.tooltip_init_x);
for (i = 0; (val = targets.values[i]); i++) { if ((val.x - config.tooltip_init_x) === 0) { break; } }
config.tooltip_init_x = i; }
let data = $$ => { const x = isArc ? 0 : config.tooltip_init_x;
return $$.addName(d.values[x]); });
if (isArc) { data = [data[config.tooltip_init_x]]; }
$el.tooltip.html($$.getTooltipHTML( data, $$.axis?.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getDefaultValueFormat(), $$.color ));
if (!config.tooltip_contents.bindto) { $"top", .style("left", config.tooltip_init_position.left) .style("display", null); } } },
/** * Get the tooltip HTML string * @param {Array} args Arguments * @returns {string} Formatted HTML string * @private */ getTooltipHTML(...args): string { const $$ = this; const {api, config} = $$;
return isFunction(config.tooltip_contents) ? config.tooltip_contents.bind(api)(...args) : $$.getTooltipContent(...args); },
/** * Returns the tooltip content(HTML string) * @param {object} d data * @param {Function} defaultTitleFormat Default title format * @param {Function} defaultValueFormat Default format for each data value in the tooltip. * @param {Function} color Color function * @returns {string} html * @private */ getTooltipContent(d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color): string { const $$ = this; const {api, config, state} = $$;
let [titleFormat, nameFormat, valueFormat] = ["title", "name", "value"].map(v => { const fn = config[`tooltip_format_${v}`];
return isFunction(fn) ? fn.bind(api) : fn; });
titleFormat = titleFormat || defaultTitleFormat; nameFormat = nameFormat || (name => name); valueFormat = valueFormat || ( $$.isStackNormalized() ? (v, ratio) => `${(ratio * 100).toFixed(2)}%` : defaultValueFormat );
const order = config.tooltip_order; const getRowValue = row => ($$.axis && $$.isBubbleZType(row) ? $$.getBubbleZData(row.value, "z") : $$.getBaseValue(row)); const getBgColor = $$.levelColor ? row => $$.levelColor(row.value) : row => color(row); const contents = config.tooltip_contents; const tplStr = contents.template; const targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds();
if (order === null && config.data_groups.length) { // for stacked data, order should aligned with the visually displayed data const ids = $$.orderTargets($$.data.targets) .map(i2 => .reverse();
d.sort((a, b) => { let v1 = a ? a.value : null; let v2 = b ? b.value : null;
if (v1 > 0 && v2 > 0) { v1 = ? ids.indexOf( : null; v2 = ? ids.indexOf( : null; }
return v1 - v2; }); } else if (/^(asc|desc)$/.test(order)) { const isAscending = order === "asc";
d.sort((a, b) => { const v1 = a ? getRowValue(a) : null; const v2 = b ? getRowValue(b) : null;
return isAscending ? v1 - v2 : v2 - v1; }); } else if (isFunction(order)) { d.sort(order.bind(api)); }
const tpl = $$.getTooltipContentTemplate(tplStr); const len = d.length; let text; let row; let param; let value; let i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { row = d[i];
if (!row || !(getRowValue(row) || getRowValue(row) === 0)) { continue; }
if (isUndefined(text)) { const title = (state.hasAxis || state.hasRadar) && sanitise(titleFormat ? titleFormat(row.x) : row.x);
text = tplProcess(tpl[0], { CLASS_TOOLTIP: $TOOLTIP.tooltip, TITLE: isValue(title) ? ( tplStr ? title : `<tr><th colspan="2">${title}</th></tr>` ) : "" }); }
if (!row.ratio && $$.$el.arcs) { row.ratio = $$.getRatio("arc", $$.$`path.${$ARC.arc}-${}`).data()[0]); }
param = [row.ratio,, row.index, d]; value = sanitise(valueFormat(getRowValue(row), ...param));
if ($$.isAreaRangeType(row)) { const [high, low] = ["high", "low"].map(v => sanitise( valueFormat($$.getRangedData(row, v), ...param) ));
value = `<b>Mid:</b> ${value} <b>High:</b> ${high} <b>Low:</b> ${low}`; } else if ($$.isCandlestickType(row)) { const [open, high, low, close, volume] = ["open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"].map(v => sanitise( valueFormat($$.getRangedData(row, v, "candlestick"), ...param) ));
value = `<b>Open:</b> ${open} <b>High:</b> ${high} <b>Low:</b> ${low} <b>Close:</b> ${close}${volume ? ` <b>Volume:</b> ${volume}` : ""}`; } else if ($$.isBarRangeType(row)) { const [start, end] = row.value;
value = `${valueFormat(start)} ~ ${valueFormat(end)}`; }
if (value !== undefined) { // Skip elements when their name is set to null if ( === null) { continue; }
const name = sanitise(nameFormat(, ...param)); const color = getBgColor(row); const contentValue = { CLASS_TOOLTIP_NAME: $TOOLTIP.tooltipName + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(, COLOR: (tplStr || !$$.patterns) ? color : `<svg><rect style="fill:${color}" width="10" height="10"></rect></svg>`, NAME: name, VALUE: value };
if (tplStr && isObject(contents.text)) { const index = targetIds.indexOf(;
Object.keys(contents.text).forEach(key => { contentValue[key] = contents.text[key][index]; }); }
text += tplProcess(tpl[1], contentValue); } }
return `${text}</table>`; },
/** * Get the content template string * @param {string} tplStr Tempalte string * @returns {Array} Template string * @private */ getTooltipContentTemplate(tplStr?: string): string[] { return (tplStr || `<table class="{=CLASS_TOOLTIP}"><tbody> {=TITLE} {{<tr class="{=CLASS_TOOLTIP_NAME}"> <td class="name">${this.patterns ? `{=COLOR}` : `<span style="background-color:{=COLOR}"></span>`}{=NAME}</td> <td class="value">{=VALUE}</td> </tr>}} </tbody></table>`) .replace(/(\r?\n|\t)/g, "") .split(/{{(.*)}}/); },
/** * Returns the position of the tooltip * @param {object} dataToShow data * @param {string} tWidth Width value of tooltip element * @param {string} tHeight Height value of tooltip element * @param {HTMLElement} element Tooltip element * @returns {object} top, left value * @private */ tooltipPosition(dataToShow, tWidth: number, tHeight: number, element): {top: number, left: number} { const $$ = this; const {config, scale, state} = $$; const {width, height, current, isLegendRight, inputType, event} = state; const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge") && !config.gauge_fullCircle; const svgLeft = $$.getSvgLeft(true); let chartRight = svgLeft + current.width - $$.getCurrentPaddingRight(); const chartLeft = $$.getCurrentPaddingLeft(true); const size = 20; let [x, y] = getPointer(event, element);
// Determine tooltip position if ($$.hasArcType()) { const raw = inputType === "touch" || $$.hasType("radar");
if (!raw) { y += hasGauge ? height : height / 2; x += (width - (isLegendRight ? $$.getLegendWidth() : 0)) / 2; } } else { const dataScale = scale.x(dataToShow[0].x);
if (config.axis_rotated) { y = dataScale + size; x += svgLeft + 100; chartRight -= svgLeft; } else { y -= 5; x = svgLeft + chartLeft + size + ($$.scale.zoom ? x : dataScale); } }
// when tooltip left + tWidth > chart's width if ((x + tWidth + 15) > chartRight) { x -= tWidth + chartLeft; }
if (y + tHeight > current.height) { y -= hasGauge ? tHeight * 3 : tHeight + 30; }
const pos = {top: y, left: x};
// make sure to not be positioned out of viewport Object.keys(pos).forEach(v => { if (pos[v] < 0) { pos[v] = 0; } });
return pos; },
/** * Show the tooltip * @param {object} selectedData Data object * @param {SVGElement} eventRect Event <rect> element * @private */ showTooltip(selectedData: IDataRow[], eventRect: SVGElement): void { const $$ = this; const {config, scale, state, $el: {tooltip}} = $$; const {bindto} = config.tooltip_contents; const dataToShow = selectedData.filter(d => d && isValue($$.getBaseValue(d)));
if (!tooltip || dataToShow.length === 0 || !config.tooltip_show) { return; }
let datum = tooltip.datum(); let {width = 0, height = 0} = datum || {}; const dataStr = JSON.stringify(selectedData);
if (!datum || datum.current !== dataStr) { const index = selectedData.concat().sort()[0].index;
callFn(config.tooltip_onshow, $$.api, selectedData);
// set tooltip content tooltip .html($$.getTooltipHTML( selectedData, // data $$.axis ? $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat() : $$.categoryName.bind($$), // defaultTitleFormat $$.getDefaultValueFormat(), // defaultValueFormat $$.color // color )) .style("display", null) .style("visibility", null) // for IE9 .datum(datum = { index, current: dataStr, width: width ="offsetWidth"), height: height ="offsetHeight") });
callFn(config.tooltip_onshown, $$.api, selectedData); $$._handleLinkedCharts(true, index); }
if (!bindto) { const fnPos = config.tooltip_position?.bind($$.api) || $$.tooltipPosition.bind($$); const [x, y] = getPointer(state.event, eventRect); // get mouse event position const currPos: any = {x, y}; const data = selectedData.filter(Boolean)?.shift();
if (scale.x && data && "x" in data) { currPos.xAxis = scale.x(data.x); }
// Get tooltip dimensions const pos = fnPos(dataToShow, width, height, eventRect, currPos);
["top", "left"].forEach(v => { const value = pos[v];, `${value}px`);
// Remember left pos in percentage to be used on resize call if (v === "left" && !datum.xPosInPercent) { datum.xPosInPercent = value / state.current.width * 100; } }); } },
/** * Adjust tooltip position on resize event * @private */ bindTooltipResizePos(): void { const $$ = this; const {resizeFunction, state, $el: {tooltip}} = $$;
resizeFunction.add(() => { if ("display") === "block") { const {current} = state; const {width, xPosInPercent} = tooltip.datum(); let value = current.width / 100 * xPosInPercent; const diff = current.width - (value + width);
// if tooltip size overs current viewport size if (diff < 0) { value += diff; }"left", `${value}px`); } }); },
/** * Hide the tooltip * @param {boolean} force Force to hide * @private */ hideTooltip(force?: boolean): void { const $$ = this; const {api, config, $el: {tooltip}} = $$;
if (tooltip &&"display") !== "none" && (!config.tooltip_doNotHide || force)) { const selectedData = JSON.parse(tooltip.datum().current);
callFn(config.tooltip_onhide, api, selectedData);
// hide tooltip tooltip .style("display", "none") .style("visibility", "hidden") // for IE9 .datum(null);
callFn(config.tooltip_onhidden, api, selectedData); } },
/** * Toggle display for linked chart instances * @param {boolean} show true: show, false: hide * @param {number} index x Axis index * @private */ _handleLinkedCharts(show: boolean, index: number): void { const $$ = this; const {charts, config, state: {event}} = $$;
// Prevent propagation among instances if isn't instantiated from the user's event // if (event?.isTrusted && config.tooltip_linked && charts.length > 1) { const linkedName = config.tooltip_linked_name;
charts .filter(c => c !== $$.api) .forEach(c => { const {config, $el} = c.internal; const isLinked = config.tooltip_linked; const name = config.tooltip_linked_name; const isInDom = document.body.contains($el.chart.node());
if (isLinked && linkedName === name && isInDom) { const data = $[0]; const isNotSameIndex = index !== data?.index;
try { c.tooltip[ show && isNotSameIndex ? "show" : "hide" ]({index}); } catch (e) {} } }); } }};