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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {d3Transition} from "../../types/types";import {window} from "./browser";import {isArray, isTabVisible} from "./util";
const {setTimeout, clearTimeout} = window;
/** * Generate resize queue function * @returns {Fucntion} * @private */export function generateResize() { const fn: any[] = []; let timeout;
const callResizeFn = function() { // Delay all resize functions call, to prevent unintended excessive call from resize event callResizeFn.clear();
timeout = setTimeout(() => { fn.forEach((f: Function) => f()); }, 200); };
callResizeFn.clear = () => { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } };
callResizeFn.add = f => fn.push(f); callResizeFn.remove = f => fn.splice(fn.indexOf(f), 1);
return callResizeFn;}
type Transition = boolean | d3Transition;
/** * Generate transition queue function * @returns {Function} * @private */export function generateWait() { let transitionsToWait: Transition[] = [];
// 'f' is called as, ...); const f = function(selection: d3Transition, callback: Function) { let timer;
/** * Check if transition is complete * @private */ function loop() { let done = 0;
for (let i = 0, t; (t = transitionsToWait[i]); i++) { if (t === true || t.empty?.()) { done++; continue; }
// when tab isn't visible exit loop if (isTabVisible() === false) { done = transitionsToWait.length; break; }
try { t.transition(); } catch (e) { done++; } }
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
if (done === transitionsToWait.length) { callback?.(); } else { timer = setTimeout(loop, 50); } }
loop(); };
f.add = function(t: Transition | Transition[]) { isArray(t) ? (transitionsToWait = transitionsToWait.concat(t)) : transitionsToWait.push(t); };
return f;}