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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import type {DataRow} from "../../../types/types";import {$BAR, $COMMON} from "../../config/classes";import {getRandom, isNumber} from "../../module/util";import type {IDataRow} from "../data/IData";
type BarTypeDataRow = DataRow<number | number[]>;
export default { initBar(): void { const {$el, config, state: {clip}} = this;
$ = $`.${$COMMON.chart}`) // should positioned at the beginning of the shape node to not overlap others .insert("g", ":first-child") .attr("class", $BAR.chartBars) .call(this.setCssRule(false, `.${$BAR.chartBars}`, ["pointer-events:none"]));
// set clip-path attribute when condition meet // if (config.clipPath === false && ( config.bar_radius || config.bar_radius_ratio )) { $"clip-path", clip.pathXAxis.replace(/#[^)]*/, `#${}`)); } },
updateTargetsForBar(targets: BarTypeDataRow[]): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el} = $$; const classChartBar = $$.getChartClass("Bar"); const classBars = $$.getClass("bars", true); const classFocus = $$.classFocus.bind($$); const isSelectable = config.interaction_enabled && config.data_selection_isselectable;
if (!$ { $$.initBar(); }
const mainBarUpdate = $$.$`.${$BAR.chartBars}`) .selectAll(`.${$BAR.chartBar}`) .data( // remove targets.filter( v => v.values.some(d => (isNumber(d.value) || $$.isBarRangeType(d))) ) ) .attr("class", d => classChartBar(d) + classFocus(d));
const mainBarEnter = mainBarUpdate.enter().append("g") .attr("class", classChartBar) .style("opacity", "0") .style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none"));
// Bars for each data mainBarEnter.append("g") .attr("class", classBars) .style("cursor", d => (isSelectable?.bind?.($$.api)(d) ? "pointer" : null)) .call($$.setCssRule(true, ` .${$}`, ["fill"], $$.color)); },
/** * Generate/Update elements * @param {boolean} withTransition Transition for exit elements * @param {boolean} isSub Subchart draw * @private */ updateBar(withTransition: boolean, isSub = false): void { const $$ = this; const {$el, $T} = $$; const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el; const classBar = $$.getClass("bar", true); const initialOpacity = $$.initialOpacity.bind($$);
const bar = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$BAR.bars}`) .selectAll(`.${$}`) .data($$.labelishData.bind($$));
$T(bar.exit(), withTransition) .style("opacity", "0") .remove();
$ = bar.enter().append("path") .attr("class", classBar) .style("fill", $$.getStylePropValue($$.color)) .merge(bar) .style("opacity", initialOpacity); },
/** * Redraw function * @param {Function} drawFn Retuned function from .getDrawShape() => .generateDrawBar() * @param {boolean} withTransition With or without transition * @param {boolean} isSub Subchart draw * @returns {Array} */ redrawBar(drawFn, withTransition?: boolean, isSub = false) { const $$ = this; const {bar} = (isSub ? $$.$el.subchart : $$.$el);
return [ $$.$T(bar, withTransition, getRandom()) .attr("d", d => (isNumber(d.value) || $$.isBarRangeType(d)) && drawFn(d)) .style("fill", $$.getStylePropValue($$.color)) .style("opacity", null) ]; },
/** * Generate draw function * @param {object} barIndices data order within x axis. * barIndices ==> {data1: 0, data2: 0, data3: 1, data4: 1, __max__: 1} * * When gropus given as: * groups: [ * ["data1", "data2"], * ["data3", "data4"] * ], * * Will be rendered as: * data1 data3 data1 data3 * data2 data4 data2 data4 * ------------------------- * 0 1 * @param {boolean} isSub If is for subchart * @returns {Function} * @private */ generateDrawBar(barIndices, isSub?: boolean): (d: IDataRow, i: number) => string { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const getPoints = $$.generateGetBarPoints(barIndices, isSub); const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const barRadius = config.bar_radius; const barRadiusRatio = config.bar_radius_ratio;
// get the bar radius const getRadius = isNumber(barRadius) && barRadius > 0 ? () => barRadius : ( isNumber(barRadiusRatio) ? w => w * barRadiusRatio : null );
return (d: IDataRow, i: number) => { // 4 points that make a bar const points = getPoints(d, i);
// switch points if axis is rotated, not applicable for sub chart const indexX = +isRotated; const indexY = +!indexX;
const isNegative = d.value as number < 0; const pathRadius = ["", ""]; let radius = 0;
const isGrouped = $$.isGrouped(; // const hasRadius = d.value !== 0 && getRadius; const isRadiusData = getRadius && isGrouped ? $$.isStackingRadiusData(d) : false;
if (getRadius && (!isGrouped || isRadiusData)) { const index = isRotated ? indexY : indexX; const barW = points[2][index] - points[0][index];
radius = getRadius(barW);
const arc = `a${radius},${radius} ${isNegative ? `1 0 0` : `0 0 1`} `;
pathRadius[+!isRotated] = `${arc}${radius},${radius}`; pathRadius[+isRotated] = `${arc}${[-radius, radius][isRotated ? "sort" : "reverse"]()}`;
isNegative && pathRadius.reverse(); }
// path string data shouldn't be containing new line chars // const path = isRotated ? `H${points[1][indexX] - radius} ${pathRadius[0]}V${points[2][indexY] - radius} ${pathRadius[1]}H${points[3][indexX]}` : `V${points[1][indexY] + (isNegative ? -radius : radius)} ${pathRadius[0]}H${points[2][indexX] - radius} ${pathRadius[1]}V${points[3][indexY]}`;
return `M${points[0][indexX]},${points[0][indexY]}${path}z`; }; },
/** * Determine if given stacking bar data is radius type * @param {object} d Data row * @returns {boolean} */ isStackingRadiusData(d: IDataRow): boolean { const $$ = this; const {$el, config, data, state} = $$; const {id, index, value} = d;
// when the data is hidden, check if has rounded edges if (state.hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(id) > -1) { const target = $ => === id && d.value === value);
return !target.empty() && /a\d+/i.test(target.attr("d")); }
// Find same grouped ids const keys = config.data_groups.find(v => v.indexOf(id) > -1);
// Get sorted list const sortedList = $$.orderTargets( $$.filterTargetsToShow(data.targets.filter($$.isBarType, $$)) ).filter(v => keys.indexOf( > -1);
// Get sorted Ids. Filter positive or negative values Ids from given value const sortedIds = sortedList .map(v => v.values.filter( v2 => v2.index === index && ( isNumber(value) && value > 0 ? v2.value > 0 : v2.value < 0 ))[0] ) .filter(Boolean) .map(v =>;
// If the given id stays in the last position, then radius should be applied. return value !== 0 && (sortedIds.indexOf(id) === sortedIds.length - 1); },
/** * Generate bar coordinate points data * @param {object} barIndices Data order within x axis. * @param {boolean} isSub If is for subchart * @returns {Array} Array of coordinate points * @private */ generateGetBarPoints(barIndices, isSub?: boolean): (d: IDataRow, i: number) => [number, number][] { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const axis = isSub ? $$.axis.subX : $$.axis.x; const barTargetsNum = $$.getIndicesMax(barIndices) + 1; const barW = $$.getBarW("bar", axis, barTargetsNum); const barX = $$.getShapeX(barW, barIndices, !!isSub); const barY = $$.getShapeY(!!isSub); const barOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isBarType, barIndices, !!isSub); const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
return (d: IDataRow, i: number) => { const y0 =$$,, isSub)($$.getShapeYMin(; const offset = barOffset(d, i) || y0; // offset is for stacked bar chart const width = isNumber(barW) ? barW : barW[] || barW._$width; const value = d.value as number; const posX = barX(d); let posY = barY(d);
// fix posY not to overflow opposite quadrant if (config.axis_rotated && ( (value > 0 && posY < y0) || (value < 0 && y0 < posY) )) { posY = y0; }
if (!$$.isBarRangeType(d)) { posY -= (y0 - offset); }
const startPosX = posX + width;
// 4 points that make a bar return [ [posX, offset], [posX, posY], [startPosX, posY], [startPosX, offset] ]; }; }};