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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {select as d3Select} from "d3-selection";import {drag as d3Drag} from "d3-drag";import {$ARC, $AXIS, $COMMON, $SHAPE, $TREEMAP} from "../../config/classes";import {KEY} from "../../module/Cache";import {emulateEvent, getPointer, isNumber, isObject} from "../../module/util";import type {IArcDataRow} from "../data/IData";
export default { selectRectForSingle(context, eventRect, index: number): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el: {main, circle}} = $$; const isSelectionEnabled = config.data_selection_enabled; const isSelectionGrouped = config.data_selection_grouped; const isSelectable = config.data_selection_isselectable; const isTooltipGrouped = config.tooltip_grouped; const selectedData = $$.getAllValuesOnIndex(index);
if (isTooltipGrouped) { $$.showTooltip(selectedData, context); $$.showGridFocus?.(selectedData);
if (!isSelectionEnabled || isSelectionGrouped) { return; } }
// remove possible previous focused state !circle && main.selectAll(`.${$COMMON.EXPANDED}:not(.${$SHAPE.shape}-${index})`).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, false);
const shapeAtIndex = main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}-${index}`) .classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, true) .style("cursor", isSelectable ? "pointer" : null) .filter(function(d) { return $$.isWithinShape(this, d); });
if (shapeAtIndex.empty() && !isTooltipGrouped) { $$.hideGridFocus?.(); $$.hideTooltip();
!isSelectionGrouped && $$.setExpand(index); }
shapeAtIndex .call(selected => { const d =;
if (isSelectionEnabled && (isSelectionGrouped || isSelectable?.bind($$.api)(d)) ) {"cursor", "pointer"); }
if (!isTooltipGrouped) { $$.showTooltip(d, context); $$.showGridFocus?.(d); $$.unexpandCircles?.();
selected.each(d => $$.setExpand(index,; } }); },
/** * Expand data shape/point * @param {number} index Index number * @param {string} id Data id * @param {boolean} reset Reset expand state * @private */ setExpand(index: number, id?: string, reset?: boolean): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el: {circle}} = $$;
circle && config.point_focus_expand_enabled && $$.expandCircles(index, id, reset);
// bar, candlestick $$.expandBarTypeShapes(true, index, id, reset); },
/** * Expand/Unexpand bar type shapes * @param {boolean} expand Expand or unexpand * @param {number} i Shape index * @param {string} id Data id * @param {boolean} reset Reset expand style * @private */ expandBarTypeShapes(expand = true, i?: number, id?: string, reset?: boolean): void { const $$ = this;
["bar", "candlestick"] .filter(v => $$.$el[v]) .forEach(v => { reset && $$.$el[v].classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, false); $$.getShapeByIndex(v, i, id).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, expand); }); },
/** * Handle data.onover/out callback options * @param {boolean} isOver Over or not * @param {number|object} d data object * @private */ setOverOut(isOver: boolean, d: number | IArcDataRow): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state: {hasRadar, hasTreemap}, $el: {main}} = $$; const isArcTreemap = isObject(d);
// Call event handler if (isArcTreemap || d !== -1) { const callback = config[isOver ? "data_onover" : "data_onout"].bind($$.api);
config.color_onover && $$.setOverColor(isOver, d, isArcTreemap);
if (isArcTreemap && "id") { const selector = hasTreemap ? $TREEMAP.treemap : $ARC.arc;
callback(d,`.${selector}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix((d as IArcDataRow).id)}`).node()); } else if (!config.tooltip_grouped) { const last = $$.cache.get(KEY.setOverOut) || [];
// select based on the index const shapesAtIndex = main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}-${d}`) .filter(function(d) { return $$.isWithinShape(this, d); });
// filter if has new selection const shape = shapesAtIndex.filter(function() { return last.every(v => v !== this); });
// call onout callback if (!isOver || shapesAtIndex.empty() || ( last.length === shape.size() && shape.nodes().every(((v, i) => v !== last[i])) )) { while (last.length) { const target = last.pop();
config.data_onout.bind($$.api)(d3Select(target).datum(), target); } }
// call onover callback shape.each(function() { if (isOver) { callback(d3Select(this).datum(), this); last.push(this); } });
$$.cache.add(KEY.setOverOut, last); } else { if (isOver) { config.point_focus_only && hasRadar ? $$.showCircleFocus($$.getAllValuesOnIndex(d, true)) : $$.setExpand(d, null, true); }
!$$.isMultipleX() && main.selectAll(`.${$SHAPE.shape}-${d}`) .each(function(d) { callback(d, this); }); } } },
/** * Call data.onover/out callback for touch event * @param {number|object} d target index or data object for Arc type * @private */ callOverOutForTouch(d): void { const $$ = this; const last = $$.cache.get(KEY.callOverOutForTouch);
if (isObject(d) && last ? !== : (d !== last)) { (last || isNumber(last)) && $$.setOverOut(false, last); (d || isNumber(d)) && $$.setOverOut(true, d);
$$.cache.add(KEY.callOverOutForTouch, d); } },
/** * Return draggable selection function * @returns {Function} * @private */ getDraggableSelection(): Function { const $$ = this; const {config, state} = $$;
return config.interaction_enabled && config.data_selection_draggable && $$.drag ? d3Drag() .on("drag", function(event) { state.event = event; $$.drag(getPointer(event, this)); }) .on("start", function(event) { state.event = event; $$.dragstart(getPointer(event, this)); }) .on("end", event => { state.event = event; $$.dragend(); }) : () => {}; },
/** * Dispatch a mouse event. * @private * @param {string} type event type * @param {number} index Index of eventRect * @param {Array} mouse x and y coordinate value */ dispatchEvent(type: string, index: number, mouse): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state: { eventReceiver, hasAxis, hasRadar, hasTreemap }, $el: {eventRect, arcs, radar, treemap}} = $$; const element = ( (hasTreemap && eventReceiver.rect) || (hasRadar &&`.${$AXIS.axis}-${index} text`)) || ( eventRect || arcs?.selectAll(`.${$} path`).filter((d, i) => i === index) ) )?.node();
if (element) { const isMultipleX = $$.isMultipleX(); let {width, left, top} = element.getBoundingClientRect();
if (hasAxis && !hasRadar && !isMultipleX) { const coords = eventReceiver.coords[index];
width = coords.w; left += coords.x; top += coords.y; }
const x = left + (mouse ? mouse[0] : 0) + ( isMultipleX || config.axis_rotated ? 0 : (width / 2) ); const y = top + (mouse ? mouse[1] : 0); const params = { screenX: x, screenY: y, clientX: x, clientY: y };
emulateEvent[/^(mouse|click)/.test(type) ? "mouse" : "touch"]( hasTreemap ? treemap.node() : element, type, params); } },
setDragStatus(isDragging: boolean): void { this.state.dragging = isDragging; },
/** * Unbind zoom events * @private */ unbindZoomEvent(): void { const $$ = this; const {$el: {eventRect, zoomResetBtn}} = $$;
eventRect?.on(".zoom wheel.zoom .drag", null);
zoomResetBtn?.on("click", null) .style("display", "none"); },
/** * Unbind all attached events * @private */ unbindAllEvents(): void { const $$ = this; const {$el: {arcs, eventRect, legend, region, svg, treemap}, brush} = $$; const list = [ "wheel", "click", "mouseover", "mousemove", "mouseout", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchstart.eventRect", "touchmove.eventRect", "touchend.eventRect", ".brush", ".drag", ".zoom", "wheel.zoom", "dblclick.zoom" ].join(" ");
// detach all possible event types [svg, eventRect, region?.list, brush?.getSelection(), arcs?.selectAll("path"), legend?.selectAll("g"), treemap] .forEach(v => v?.on(list, null));
$$.unbindZoomEvent?.(); }};