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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import { select as d3Select, namespaces as d3Namespaces} from "d3-selection";import {document} from "../../module/browser";import {$FOCUS, $GAUGE, $LEGEND} from "../../config/classes";import {KEY} from "../../module/Cache";import {callFn, isDefined, getOption, isEmpty, isFunction, notEmpty, tplProcess} from "../../module/util";
/** * Get color string for given data id * @param {string} id Data id * @returns {string} Color string * @private */function getLegendColor(id: string): string { const $$ = this; const data = $$.getDataById(id); const color = $$.levelColor ? $$.levelColor(data.values[0].value) : $$.color(data);
return color;}
export default { /** * Initialize the legend. * @private */ initLegend(): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el} = $$;
$$.legendItemTextBox = {}; $$.state.legendHasRendered = false;
if (config.legend_show) { if (!config.legend_contents_bindto) { $el.legend = $$.$el.svg.append("g") .classed($LEGEND.legend, true) .attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("legend")); }
// MEMO: call here to update legend box and translate for all // MEMO: translate will be updated by this, so transform not needed in updateLegend() $$.updateLegend(); } else { $$.state.hiddenLegendIds = $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets); } },
/** * Update legend element * @param {Array} targetIds ID's of target * @param {object} options withTransform : Whether to use the transform property / withTransitionForTransform: Whether transition is used when using the transform property / withTransition : whether or not to transition. * @param {object} transitions Return value of the generateTransitions * @private */ updateLegend(targetIds, options, transitions): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state, scale, $el} = $$;
const optionz = options || { withTransform: false, withTransitionForTransform: false, withTransition: false };
optionz.withTransition = getOption(optionz, "withTransition", true); optionz.withTransitionForTransform = getOption(optionz, "withTransitionForTransform", true);
if (config.legend_contents_bindto && config.legend_contents_template) { $$.updateLegendTemplate(); } else if (!state.hasTreemap) { $$.updateLegendElement( targetIds || $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets), optionz, transitions ); }
// toggle legend state $el.legend?.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`) .classed($LEGEND.legendItemHidden, function(id) { const hide = !$$.isTargetToShow(id);
if (hide) { = null; }
return hide; });
// Update size and scale $$.updateScales(false, !scale.zoom); $$.updateSvgSize();
// Update g positions $$.transformAll(optionz.withTransitionForTransform, transitions);
state.legendHasRendered = true; },
/** * Update legend using template option * @private */ updateLegendTemplate(): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el} = $$; const wrapper = d3Select(config.legend_contents_bindto); const template = config.legend_contents_template;
if (!wrapper.empty()) { const targets = $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets); const ids: string[] = []; let html = "";
targets.forEach(v => { const content = isFunction(template) ? template.bind($$.api)(v, $$.color(v), $$[0].values) : tplProcess(template, { COLOR: $$.color(v), TITLE: v });
if (content) { ids.push(v); html += content; } });
const legendItem = wrapper.html(html) .selectAll(function() { return this.childNodes; }) .data(ids);
$el.legend = wrapper; } },
/** * Update the size of the legend. * @param {Obejct} size Size object * @private */ updateSizeForLegend(size): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state: { isLegendTop, isLegendLeft, isLegendRight, isLegendInset, current }} = $$; const {width, height} = size;
const insetLegendPosition = { top: isLegendTop ? $$.getCurrentPaddingTop() + config.legend_inset_y + 5.5 : current.height - height - $$.getCurrentPaddingBottom() - config.legend_inset_y, left: isLegendLeft ? $$.getCurrentPaddingLeft() + config.legend_inset_x + 0.5 : current.width - width - $$.getCurrentPaddingRight() - config.legend_inset_x + 0.5 };
$$.state.margin3 = { top: isLegendRight ? 0 : isLegendInset ? : current.height - height, right: NaN, bottom: 0, left: isLegendRight ? current.width - width : isLegendInset ? insetLegendPosition.left : 0 }; },
/** * Transform Legend * @param {boolean} withTransition whether or not to transition. * @private */ transformLegend(withTransition): void { const $$ = this; const {$el: {legend}, $T} = $$;
$T(legend, withTransition) .attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("legend")); },
/** * Update the legend step * @param {number} step Step value * @private */ updateLegendStep(step: number): void { this.state.legendStep = step; },
/** * Update legend item width * @param {number} width Width value * @private */ updateLegendItemWidth(width: number): void { this.state.legendItemWidth = width; },
/** * Update legend item height * @param {number} height Height value * @private */ updateLegendItemHeight(height): void { this.state.legendItemHeight = height; },
/** * Update legend item color * @param {string} id Corresponding data ID value * @param {string} color Color value * @private */ updateLegendItemColor(id: string, color: string): void { const {legend} = this.$el;
if (legend) {`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}-${id} line`) .style("stroke", color); } },
/** * Get the width of the legend * @returns {number} width * @private */ getLegendWidth(): number { const $$ = this; const {current: {width}, isLegendRight, isLegendInset, legendItemWidth, legendStep} = $$.state;
return $$.config.legend_show ? ( isLegendRight || isLegendInset ? legendItemWidth * (legendStep + 1) : width ) : 0; },
/** * Get the height of the legend * @returns {number} height * @private */ getLegendHeight(): number { const $$ = this; const {current, isLegendRight, legendItemHeight, legendStep} = $$.state; const isFitPadding = $$.config.padding?.mode === "fit";
return $$.config.legend_show ? ( isLegendRight ? current.height : ( isFitPadding ? 10 : Math.max(20, legendItemHeight) ) * (legendStep + 1) ) : 0; },
/** * Get the opacity of the legend that is unfocused * @param {d3.selection} legendItem Legend item node * @returns {string|null} opacity * @private */ opacityForUnfocusedLegend(legendItem): string | null { return legendItem.classed($LEGEND.legendItemHidden) ? null : "0.3"; },
/** * Toggles the focus of the legend * @param {Array} targetIds ID's of target * @param {boolean} focus whether or not to focus. * @private */ toggleFocusLegend(targetIds: string[], focus: boolean): void { const $$ = this; const {$el: {legend}, $T} = $$; const targetIdz = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds);
legend && $T(legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`) .filter(id => targetIdz.indexOf(id) >= 0) .classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, focus)) .style("opacity", function() { return focus ? null : $$$$, d3Select(this)); }); },
/** * Revert the legend to its default state * @private */ revertLegend(): void { const $$ = this; const {$el: {legend}, $T} = $$;
legend && $T(legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`) .classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, false)) .style("opacity", null); },
/** * Shows the legend * @param {Array} targetIds ID's of target * @private */ showLegend(targetIds: string[]): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el, $T} = $$;
if (!config.legend_show) { config.legend_show = true;
$el.legend ? $"visibility", null) : $$.initLegend();
!$$.state.legendHasRendered && $$.updateLegend(); }
$T( $el.legend.selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)) .style("visibility", null) ).style("opacity", null); },
/** * Hide the legend * @param {Array} targetIds ID's of target * @private */ hideLegend(targetIds: string[]): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el: {legend}} = $$;
if (config.legend_show && isEmpty(targetIds)) { config.legend_show = false;"visibility", "hidden"); }
$$.addHiddenLegendIds(targetIds); legend.selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)) .style("opacity", "0") .style("visibility", "hidden"); },
/** * Get legend item textbox dimension * @param {string} id Data ID * @param {HTMLElement|d3.selection} textElement Text node element * @returns {object} Bounding rect * @private */ getLegendItemTextBox(id?: string, textElement?) { const $$ = this; const {cache, state} = $$; let data;
// do not prefix w/'$', to not be resetted cache in .load() call const cacheKey = KEY.legendItemTextBox;
if (id) { data = (!state.redrawing && cache.get(cacheKey)) || {};
if (!data[id]) { data[id] = $$.getTextRect(textElement, $LEGEND.legendItem); cache.add(cacheKey, data); }
data = data[id]; }
return data; },
/** * Set legend item style & bind events * @param {d3.selection} item Item node * @private */ setLegendItem(item): void { const $$ = this; const {$el, api, config, state} = $$; const isTouch = state.inputType === "touch"; const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge"); const useCssRule = config.boost_useCssRule;
item .attr("class", function(id) { const node = d3Select(this); const itemClass = (!node.empty() && node.attr("class")) || "";
return itemClass + $$.generateClass($LEGEND.legendItem, id); }) .style("visibility", id => ($$.isLegendToShow(id) ? null : "hidden"));
if (config.interaction_enabled) { if (useCssRule) { [ [`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`, "cursor:pointer"], [`.${$LEGEND.legendItem} text`, "pointer-events:none"], [`.${$LEGEND.legendItemPoint} text`, "pointer-events:none"], [`.${$LEGEND.legendItemTile}`, "pointer-events:none"], [`.${$LEGEND.legendItemEvent}`, "fill-opacity:0"] ].forEach(v => { const [selector, props] = v;
$$.setCssRule(false, selector, [props])($el.legend); }); }
item .style("cursor", $$.getStylePropValue("pointer")) .on("click", function(event, id) { if (!callFn(config.legend_item_onclick, api, id)) { if (event.altKey) { api.hide();; } else { api.toggle(id);
d3Select(this) .classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, false); } }
isTouch && $$.hideTooltip(); });
!isTouch && item .on("mouseout", function(event, id) { if (!callFn(config.legend_item_onout, api, id)) { d3Select(this).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, false);
if (hasGauge) { $$.undoMarkOverlapped($$, `.${$GAUGE.gaugeValue}`); }
$$.api.revert(); } }) .on("mouseover", function(event, id) { if (!callFn(config.legend_item_onover, api, id)) { d3Select(this).classed($FOCUS.legendItemFocused, true);
if (hasGauge) { $$.markOverlapped(id, $$, `.${$GAUGE.gaugeValue}`); }
if (!state.transiting && $$.isTargetToShow(id)) { api.focus(id); } } }); } },
/** * Update the legend * @param {Array} targetIds ID's of target * @param {object} options withTransform : Whether to use the transform property / withTransitionForTransform: Whether transition is used when using the transform property / withTransition : whether or not to transition. * @private */ updateLegendElement(targetIds: string[], options): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state, $el: {legend}, $T} = $$; const legendType = config.legend_item_tile_type; const isRectangle = legendType !== "circle"; const legendItemR = config.legend_item_tile_r;
const itemTileSize = { width: isRectangle ? config.legend_item_tile_width : legendItemR * 2, height: isRectangle ? config.legend_item_tile_height : legendItemR * 2 };
const dimension = { padding: { top: 4, right: 10 }, max: { width: 0, height: 0 }, posMin: 10, step: 0, tileWidth: itemTileSize.width + 5, totalLength: 0 };
const sizes = { offsets: {}, widths: {}, heights: {}, margins: [0], steps: {} };
let xForLegend; let yForLegend; let background;
// Skip elements when their name is set to null const targetIdz = targetIds .filter(id => !isDefined(config.data_names[id]) || config.data_names[id] !== null);
const withTransition = options.withTransition; const updatePositions = $$.getUpdateLegendPositions(targetIdz, dimension, sizes);
if (state.isLegendInset) { dimension.step = config.legend_inset_step ? config.legend_inset_step : targetIdz.length; $$.updateLegendStep(dimension.step); }
if (state.isLegendRight) { xForLegend = id => dimension.max.width * sizes.steps[id]; yForLegend = id => sizes.margins[sizes.steps[id]] + sizes.offsets[id]; } else if (state.isLegendInset) { xForLegend = id => dimension.max.width * sizes.steps[id] + 10; yForLegend = id => sizes.margins[sizes.steps[id]] + sizes.offsets[id]; } else { xForLegend = id => sizes.margins[sizes.steps[id]] + sizes.offsets[id]; yForLegend = id => dimension.max.height * sizes.steps[id]; }
const posFn = { xText: (id, i?: number) => xForLegend(id, i) + 4 + itemTileSize.width, xRect: (id, i?: number) => xForLegend(id, i), x1Tile: (id, i?: number) => xForLegend(id, i) - 2, x2Tile: (id, i?: number) => xForLegend(id, i) - 2 + itemTileSize.width, yText: (id, i?: number) => yForLegend(id, i) + 9, yRect: (id, i?: number) => yForLegend(id, i) - 5, yTile: (id, i?: number) => yForLegend(id, i) + 4 };
$$.generateLegendItem(targetIdz, itemTileSize, updatePositions, posFn);
// Set background for inset legend background =`.${$LEGEND.legendBackground} rect`);
if (state.isLegendInset && dimension.max.width > 0 && background.size() === 0) { background = legend.insert("g", `.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`) .attr("class", $LEGEND.legendBackground) .append("rect"); }
const texts = legend.selectAll("text") .data(targetIdz) .text(id => (isDefined(config.data_names[id]) ? config.data_names[id] : id)) // MEMO: needed for update .each(function(id, i) { updatePositions(this, id, i); });
$T(texts, withTransition) .attr("x", posFn.xText) .attr("y", posFn.yText);
const rects = legend.selectAll(`rect.${$LEGEND.legendItemEvent}`) .data(targetIdz);
$T(rects, withTransition) .attr("width", id => sizes.widths[id]) .attr("height", id => sizes.heights[id]) .attr("x", posFn.xRect) .attr("y", posFn.yRect);
// update legend items position $$.updateLegendItemPos(targetIdz, withTransition, posFn);
if (background) { $T(background, withTransition) .attr("height", $$.getLegendHeight() - 12) .attr("width", dimension.max.width * (dimension.step + 1) + 10); }
// Update all to reflect change of legend $$.updateLegendItemWidth(dimension.max.width); $$.updateLegendItemHeight(dimension.max.height); $$.updateLegendStep(dimension.step); },
/** * Get position update function * @param {Array} targetIdz Data ids * @param {object} dimension Dimension object * @param {object} sizes Size object * @returns {Function} Update position function * @private */ getUpdateLegendPositions(targetIdz, dimension, sizes) { const $$ = this; const {config, state} = $$; const isLegendRightOrInset = state.isLegendRight || state.isLegendInset;
return function(textElement, id, index) { const reset = index === 0; const isLast = index === targetIdz.length - 1; const box = $$.getLegendItemTextBox(id, textElement);
const itemWidth = box.width + dimension.tileWidth + (isLast && !isLegendRightOrInset ? 0 : dimension.padding.right) + config.legend_padding; const itemHeight = box.height +; const itemLength = isLegendRightOrInset ? itemHeight : itemWidth; const areaLength = isLegendRightOrInset ? $$.getLegendHeight() : $$.getLegendWidth(); let margin;
// MEMO: care about condifion of step, totalLength const updateValues = function(id2, withoutStep?: boolean) { if (!withoutStep) { margin = (areaLength - dimension.totalLength - itemLength) / 2;
if (margin < dimension.posMin) { margin = (areaLength - itemLength) / 2; dimension.totalLength = 0; dimension.step++; } }
sizes.steps[id2] = dimension.step; sizes.margins[dimension.step] = state.isLegendInset ? 10 : margin; sizes.offsets[id2] = dimension.totalLength; dimension.totalLength += itemLength; };
if (reset) { dimension.totalLength = 0; dimension.step = 0; dimension.max.width = 0; dimension.max.height = 0; }
if (config.legend_show && !$$.isLegendToShow(id)) { sizes.widths[id] = 0; sizes.heights[id] = 0; sizes.steps[id] = 0; sizes.offsets[id] = 0;
return; }
sizes.widths[id] = itemWidth; sizes.heights[id] = itemHeight;
if (!dimension.max.width || itemWidth >= dimension.max.width) { dimension.max.width = itemWidth; }
if (!dimension.max.height || itemHeight >= dimension.max.height) { dimension.max.height = itemHeight; }
const maxLength = isLegendRightOrInset ? dimension.max.height : dimension.max.width;
if (config.legend_equally) { Object.keys(sizes.widths).forEach(id2 => (sizes.widths[id2] = dimension.max.width)); Object.keys(sizes.heights).forEach(id2 => (sizes.heights[id2] = dimension.max.height)); margin = (areaLength - maxLength * targetIdz.length) / 2;
if (margin < dimension.posMin) { dimension.totalLength = 0; dimension.step = 0; targetIdz.forEach(id2 => updateValues(id2)); } else { updateValues(id, true); } } else { updateValues(id); } }; },
/** * Generate legend item elements * @param {Array} targetIdz Data ids * @param {object} itemTileSize Item tile size {width, height} * @param {Function} updatePositions Update position function * @param {object} posFn Position functions * @private */ generateLegendItem(targetIdz, itemTileSize, updatePositions, posFn) { const $$ = this; const {config, state, $el: {legend}} = $$; const usePoint = config.legend_usePoint; const legendItemR = config.legend_item_tile_r; const legendType = config.legend_item_tile_type; const isRectangle = legendType !== "circle"; const isLegendRightOrInset = state.isLegendRight || state.isLegendInset;
const pos = -200;
// Define g for legend area const l = legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}`) .data(targetIdz) .enter() .append("g");
l.append("text") .text(id => (isDefined(config.data_names[id]) ? config.data_names[id] : id)) .each(function(id, i) { updatePositions(this, id, i); }) .style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none")) .attr("x", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.xText : pos) .attr("y", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yText);
l.append("rect") .attr("class", $LEGEND.legendItemEvent) .style("fill-opacity", $$.getStylePropValue("0")) .attr("x", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.xRect : pos) .attr("y", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yRect);
if (usePoint) { const ids: string[] = [];
l.append(d => { const pattern = notEmpty(config.point_pattern) ? config.point_pattern : [config.point_type];
ids.indexOf(d) === -1 && ids.push(d);
let point = pattern[ids.indexOf(d) % pattern.length];
if (point === "rectangle") { point = "rect"; }
return document.createElementNS(d3Namespaces.svg, ("hasValidPointType" in $$) && $$.hasValidPointType(point) ? point : "use"); }) .attr("class", $LEGEND.legendItemPoint) .style("fill", getLegendColor.bind($$)) .style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none")) .attr("href", (data, idx, selection) => { const node = selection[idx]; const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); const id = $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(data);
return nodeName === "use" ? `#${state.datetimeId}-point${id}` : undefined; }); } else { l.append(isRectangle ? "line" : legendType) .attr("class", $LEGEND.legendItemTile) .style("stroke", getLegendColor.bind($$)) .style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none")) .call(selection => { if (legendType === "circle") { selection .attr("r", legendItemR) .style("fill", getLegendColor.bind($$)) .attr("cx", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.x2Tile : pos) .attr("cy", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yTile); } else if (isRectangle) { selection .attr("stroke-width", itemTileSize.height) .attr("x1", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.x1Tile : pos) .attr("y1", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yTile) .attr("x2", isLegendRightOrInset ? posFn.x2Tile : pos) .attr("y2", isLegendRightOrInset ? pos : posFn.yTile); } }); } },
/** * Update legend item position * @param {Array} targetIdz Data ids * @param {boolean} withTransition Whether or not to apply transition * @param {object} posFn Position functions * @private */ updateLegendItemPos(targetIdz: string[], withTransition: boolean, posFn): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el: {legend}, $T} = $$; const usePoint = config.legend_usePoint; const legendType = config.legend_item_tile_type; const isRectangle = legendType !== "circle";
if (usePoint) { const tiles = legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItemPoint}`) .data(targetIdz);
$T(tiles, withTransition) .each(function() { const nodeName = this.nodeName.toLowerCase(); const pointR = config.point_r; let x = "x"; let y = "y"; let xOffset = 2; let yOffset = 2.5; let radius = null; let width = <number|null>null; let height = <number|null>null;
if (nodeName === "circle") { const size = pointR * 0.2;
x = "cx"; y = "cy"; radius = pointR + size; xOffset = pointR * 2; yOffset = -size; } else if (nodeName === "rect") { const size = pointR * 2.5;
width = size; height = size; yOffset = 3; }
d3Select(this) .attr(x, d => posFn.x1Tile(d) + xOffset) .attr(y, d => posFn.yTile(d) - yOffset) .attr("r", radius) .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height); }); } else { const tiles = legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItemTile}`) .data(targetIdz);
$T(tiles, withTransition) .style("stroke", getLegendColor.bind($$)) .call(selection => { if (legendType === "circle") { selection .attr("cx", d => { const x2 = posFn.x2Tile(d);
return x2 - ((x2 - posFn.x1Tile(d)) / 2); }) .attr("cy", posFn.yTile); } else if (isRectangle) { selection .attr("x1", posFn.x1Tile) .attr("y1", posFn.yTile) .attr("x2", posFn.x2Tile) .attr("y2", posFn.yTile); } }); } }};