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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {transition as d3Transition} from "d3-transition";import {$COMMON, $SELECT, $TEXT} from "../../config/classes";import {generateWait} from "../../module/generator";import {callFn, capitalize, getOption, isTabVisible, notEmpty} from "../../module/util";
export default { redraw(options: any = {}): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state, $el} = $$; const {main, treemap} = $el;
state.redrawing = true;
const targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets); const {flow, initializing} = options; const wth = $$.getWithOption(options); const duration = wth.Transition ? config.transition_duration : 0; const durationForExit = wth.TransitionForExit ? duration : 0; const durationForAxis = wth.TransitionForAxis ? duration : 0; const transitions = $$.axis?.generateTransitions(durationForAxis);
// update legend and transform each g if (wth.Legend && config.legend_show) { options.withTransition = !!duration; !treemap && $$.updateLegend($$.mapToIds($$.data.targets), options, transitions); } else if (wth.Dimension) { // need to update dimension (e.g. axis.y.tick.values) because y tick values should change // no need to update axis in it because they will be updated in redraw() $$.updateDimension(true); }
// update circleY based on updated parameters if (!treemap && (!$$.hasArcType() || state.hasRadar)) { $$.updateCircleY && ($$.circleY = $$.updateCircleY()); }
// Data empty label positioning and text. config.data_empty_label_text &&`text.${$TEXT.text}.${$COMMON.empty}`) .attr("x", state.width / 2) .attr("y", state.height / 2) .text(config.data_empty_label_text) .style("display", targetsToShow.length ? "none" : null);
// update axis if (state.hasAxis) { // @TODO: Make 'init' state to be accessible everywhere not passing as argument. $$.axis.redrawAxis(targetsToShow, wth, transitions, flow, initializing);
// grid $$.hasGrid() && $$.updateGrid();
// rect for regions config.regions.length && $$.updateRegion();
["bar", "candlestick", "line", "area"].forEach(v => { const name = capitalize(v);
if ((/^(line|area)$/.test(v) && $$.hasTypeOf(name)) || $$.hasType(v)) { $$[`update${name}`](wth.TransitionForExit); } });
// circles for select $el.text && main.selectAll(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircles}`) .filter($$.isBarType.bind($$)) .selectAll("circle") .remove();
// event rects will redrawn when flow called if (config.interaction_enabled && !flow && wth.EventRect) { $$.redrawEventRect(); $$.bindZoomEvent?.(); } } else { // arc $el.arcs && $$.redrawArc(duration, durationForExit, wth.Transform);
// radar $el.radar && $$.redrawRadar();
// polar $el.polar && $$.redrawPolar();
// treemap treemap && $$.updateTreemap(durationForExit); }
// @TODO: Axis & Radar type if (!state.resizing && !treemap && ($$.hasPointType() || state.hasRadar)) { $$.updateCircle(); }
// text $$.hasDataLabel() && !$$.hasArcType(null, ["radar"]) && $$.updateText();
// title $$.redrawTitle?.();
initializing && $$.updateTypesElements();
$$.generateRedrawList(targetsToShow, flow, duration, wth.Subchart); $$.callPluginHook("$redraw", options, duration); },
/** * Generate redraw list * @param {object} targets targets data to be shown * @param {object} flow flow object * @param {number} duration duration value * @param {boolean} withSubchart whether or not to show subchart * @private */ generateRedrawList(targets, flow: any, duration: number, withSubchart: boolean): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state} = $$; const shape = $$.getDrawShape();
if (state.hasAxis) { // subchart config.subchart_show && $$.redrawSubchart(withSubchart, duration, shape); }
// generate flow const flowFn = flow && $$.generateFlow({ targets, flow, duration: flow.duration, shape, xv: $$.xv.bind($$) }); const withTransition = (duration || flowFn) && isTabVisible();
// redraw list const redrawList = $$.getRedrawList(shape, flow, flowFn, withTransition);
// callback function after redraw ends const afterRedraw = () => { flowFn && flowFn();
state.redrawing = false; callFn(config.onrendered, $$.api); };
if (afterRedraw) { // Only use transition when current tab is visible. if (withTransition && redrawList.length) { // Wait for end of transitions for callback const waitForDraw = generateWait();
// transition should be derived from one transition d3Transition().duration(duration) .each(() => { redrawList .reduce((acc, t1) => acc.concat(t1), []) .forEach(t => waitForDraw.add(t)); }) .call(waitForDraw, afterRedraw); } else if (!state.transiting) { afterRedraw(); } }
// update fadein condition $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets).forEach(id => { state.withoutFadeIn[id] = true; }); },
getRedrawList(shape, flow, flowFn, withTransition: boolean): Function[] { const $$ = <any> this; const {config, state: {hasAxis, hasRadar, hasTreemap}, $el: {grid}} = $$; const {cx, cy, xForText, yForText} = shape.pos; const list: Function[] = [];
if (hasAxis) { if (config.grid_x_lines.length || config.grid_y_lines.length) { list.push($$.redrawGrid(withTransition)); }
if (config.regions.length) { list.push($$.redrawRegion(withTransition)); }
Object.keys(shape.type).forEach(v => { const name = capitalize(v); const drawFn = shape.type[v];
if ((/^(area|line)$/.test(v) && $$.hasTypeOf(name)) || $$.hasType(v)) { list.push($$[`redraw${name}`](drawFn, withTransition)); } });
!flow && grid.main && list.push($$.updateGridFocus()); }
if (!$$.hasArcType() || hasRadar) { notEmpty(config.data_labels) && config.data_labels !== false && list.push($$.redrawText(xForText, yForText, flow, withTransition)); }
if (($$.hasPointType() || hasRadar) && !config.point_focus_only) { $$.redrawCircle && list.push($$.redrawCircle(cx, cy, withTransition, flowFn)); }
if (hasTreemap) { list.push($$.redrawTreemap(withTransition)); }
return list; },
updateAndRedraw(options: any = {}): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state} = $$; let transitions;
// same with redraw options.withTransition = getOption(options, "withTransition", true); options.withTransform = getOption(options, "withTransform", false); options.withLegend = getOption(options, "withLegend", false);
// NOT same with redraw options.withUpdateXDomain = true; options.withUpdateOrgXDomain = true; options.withTransitionForExit = false; options.withTransitionForTransform = getOption(options, "withTransitionForTransform", options.withTransition);
// MEMO: called in updateLegend in redraw if withLegend if (!(options.withLegend && config.legend_show)) { if (state.hasAxis) { transitions = $$.axis.generateTransitions( options.withTransitionForAxis ? config.transition_duration : 0 ); }
// Update scales $$.updateScales(); $$.updateSvgSize();
// Update g positions $$.transformAll(options.withTransitionForTransform, transitions); }
// Draw with new sizes & scales $$.redraw(options, transitions); }};