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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import { hierarchy as d3Hierarchy, treemap as d3Treemap, treemapBinary as d3TreemapBinary, treemapDice as d3TreemapDice, treemapSlice as d3TreemapSlice, treemapSliceDice as d3TreemapSliceDice, treemapSquarify as d3TreemapSquarify, treemapResquarify as d3TreemapResquarify} from "d3-hierarchy";import {select as d3Select} from "d3-selection";import type {d3Selection} from "../../../types/types";import {$COMMON, $TREEMAP} from "../../config/classes";import {isFunction, getRandom} from "../../module/util";import type {ITreemapData, IData, IDataRow} from "../data/IData";
/** * Get treemap elements' position * @param {d3Selection} group Root selection * @param {object} root Root data * @private */function position(group, root): void { const $$ = this; const {scale: {x, y}, state: {width}} = $$;
group.selectAll("g") .attr("transform", d => ( `translate(${d === root ? "0,0" : `${x(d.x0)},${y(d.y0)}`})` )) .select("rect") .attr("width", d => ( d === root ? width : x(d.x1) - x(d.x0)) ) .attr("height", d => ( d === root ? 0 : y(d.y1) - y(d.y0)) );}
/** * Convert data for treemap hierarchy * @param {object} data Data object * @returns {Array} Array of data for treemap hierarchy * @private */function convertDataToTreemapData(data: IData[]): ITreemapData[] { const $$ = this;
return => { const {id, values} = d; const {value} = values[0];
return { name: id, id, // needed to keep compatibility on whole code logic value, ratio: $$.getRatio("treemap", values[0]) } as ITreemapData; });}
export default { initTreemap(): void { const $$ = this; const {$el, state: { current: {width, height}, clip, datetimeId }} = $$; = `${datetimeId}-clip`;
$$.treemap = d3Treemap() .tile($$.getTreemapTile());
$$.treemapFn = data => { const hierarchyData = d3Hierarchy(data).sum(d => d.value); const sortFn = $$.getSortCompareFn(true);
return $$.treemap( sortFn ? hierarchyData.sort(sortFn) : hierarchyData ); };
$el.defs .append("clipPath") .attr("id", .append("rect") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height);
$el.treemap = $`.${$COMMON.chart}`) .attr("clip-path", `url(#${})`) .append("g") .classed($TREEMAP.chartTreemaps, true);
$$.bindTreemapEvent(); },
/** * Bind events * @private */ bindTreemapEvent(): void { const $$ = this; const {$el, config, state} = $$; const getTarget = event => { const target = event.isTrusted ? : state.eventReceiver.rect?.node(); let data;
if (/^rect$/i.test(target.tagName)) { state.event = event; data = d3Select(target).datum(); }
return data?.data; };
if (config.interaction_enabled) { const isTouch = state.inputType === "touch";
$el.treemap .on(isTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousemove", event => { const data = getTarget(event);
if (data) { $$.showTooltip([data], event.currentTarget); event.type === "mouseover" && $$.setOverOut(true, data); } }) .on(isTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseout", event => { const data = getTarget(event);
$$.hideTooltip(); $$.setOverOut(false, data); }); } },
/** * Get tiling function * @returns {Function} * @private */ getTreemapTile() { const $$ = this; const {config, state: {current: {width, height}}} = $$; const tile = { "binary": d3TreemapBinary, "dice": d3TreemapDice, "slice": d3TreemapSlice, "sliceDice": d3TreemapSliceDice, "squarify": d3TreemapSquarify, "resquarify": d3TreemapResquarify }[config.treemap_tile ?? "binary"] ?? d3TreemapBinary;
return (node, x0, y0, x1, y1) => { tile(node, 0, 0, width, height);
for (const child of node.children) { child.x0 = x0 + child.x0 / width * (x1 - x0); child.x1 = x0 + child.x1 / width * (x1 - x0); child.y0 = y0 + child.y0 / height * (y1 - y0); child.y1 = y0 + child.y1 / height * (y1 - y0); } }; },
/** * Get treemap hierarchy data * @param {Array} targets Data targets * @returns {object} * @private */ getTreemapData(targets: IData[]): ITreemapData { const $$ = this;
return { name: "root", children: convertDataToTreemapData.bind($$)( $$.filterTargetsToShow(targets.filter($$.isTreemapType, $$)) ) }; },
/** * Update treemap data * @param {Array} targets Data targets * @private */ updateTargetsForTreemap(targets: IData): void { const $$ = this; const {$el: {treemap}} = $$; const treemapData = $$.treemapFn($$.getTreemapData(targets ?? $$.data.targets));
// using $el.treemap reference can alter data, so select treemap <g> again; },
/** * Render treemap * @param {number} durationForExit Duration for exit transition * @private */ updateTreemap(durationForExit: number): void { const $$ = this; const {$el, $T} = $$; const data = $el.treemap.datum(); const classChartTreemap = $$.getChartClass("Treemap");
const treemap = $el.treemap .selectAll("g") .data(data.children);
$T(treemap.exit(), durationForExit) .style("opacity", "0") .remove();
treemap.enter() .append("g") .append("rect");
$el.treemap.selectAll("g") .attr("class", classChartTreemap) .select("rect") .attr("fill", d => $$.color(; },
/** * Generate treemap coordinate points data * @returns {Array} Array of coordinate points * @private */ generateGetTreemapPoints(): (d: IDataRow) => [number, number][] { const $$ = this; const {$el, scale: {x, y}} = $$; const points = {};
$el.treemap.selectAll("g").each(d => { points[] = [ [x(d.x0), y(d.y0)], [x(d.x1), y(d.y1)] ]; });
return d => points[]; },
/** * Redraw treemap * @param {boolean} withTransition With or without transition * @returns {Array} Selections * @private */ redrawTreemap(withTransition?: boolean): d3Selection[] { const $$ = this; const {$el, state: {current: {width, height}}} = $$;
// update defs $"rect") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height);
return [ $$.$T($el.treemap, withTransition, getRandom()) .call(position.bind($$), $el.treemap.datum()) ]; },
/** * Get treemap data label format function * @param {object} d Data object * @returns {Function} * @private */ treemapDataLabelFormat(d: IDataRow): Function { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const {id, value} = d; const format = config.treemap_label_format; const ratio = $$.getRatio("treemap", d); const percentValue = (ratio * 100).toFixed(2); const meetLabelThreshold = config.treemap_label_show && $$.meetsLabelThreshold( ratio, "treemap" ) ? null : "0";
return function(node) {"opacity", meetLabelThreshold);
return isFunction(format) ? format.bind($$.api)(value, ratio, id) : `${id}\n${percentValue}%`; }; }};