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A helper cli which takes one or more binaries for different platforms and wraps them into an npm package for distribution.

Installation via deno

  1. Install from (installs exactly this url, so it will always run the latest version of itself!) deno install --allow-read='.' --allow-write='.' -n bin2npm

  2. Write a config (TODO @bjesuiter)

Installation via npm

Global Installation: npm i -g bin2npm

Local Installation: npm i -D bin2npm

Usage (for both deno & npm)

  1. Write a config file (TODO @bjesuiter)
  2. Run bin2npm => It will search for all bin2npm.toml files inside your CWD
  3. Finished! If your config was correct, then your output npm package should be in your configured output dir!

If you have any issues, please open an Issue at:

For Developers of this package

Use asset_builder from ( to have the template folder available to the deno cli.

Run deno task pack-assets to pack the files in /template into src-gen/assets.ts

IMPORTANT: This MUST also be done for the deno variant, otherwise the package will not work when installed from!

Building the npm package

  1. Increase versions:
    1. In cli.ts for the bin2npm cli
    2. Of target npm package by updating the version in ./bin2npm.toml
  2. Run deno task compile
  3. Run deno task start and choose the top-level bin2npm.toml => This runs bin2npm on the compiled output of itself! (Great, isn’t it?!?)
  4. Run deno task publish-npm to publish on npm


0.0.3 - 2023-06-10

  • fix missing assets for both and npm, by inlining the assets as base64

0.0.2 - 2023-06-10

  • fixing stdin of wrapped child processes, was not attached to process.stdin before, so selecting the config to use was not possible!

0.0.1 - 2023-06-10

  • initial release