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Fastest JS implementation of BLS12-381. Auditable, secure, 0-dependency aggregated signatures & pairings
/*! noble-bls12-381 - MIT License (c) 2019 Paul Miller ( */// bls12-381 is a construction of two curves:// 1. Fp: (x, y)// 2. Fp₂: ((x₁, x₂+i), (y₁, y₂+i)) - (complex numbers)//// Bilinear Pairing (ate pairing) is used to combine both elements into a paired one:// Fp₁₂ = e(Fp, Fp2)// where Fp₁₂ = 12-degree polynomial// Pairing is used to verify signatures.//// We are using Fp for private keys (shorter) and Fp2 for signatures (longer).// Some projects may prefer to swap this relation, it is not supported for now.
import nodeCrypto from 'crypto';// prettier-ignoreimport { hexToBytes, bytesToHex, bytesToNumberBE, concatBytes, Fp, Fr, Fp2, Fp12, CURVE, ProjectivePoint, map_to_curve_simple_swu_9mod16, map_to_curve_simple_swu_3mod4, isogenyMapG1, isogenyMapG2, millerLoop, psi, psi2, calcPairingPrecomputes, mod} from './math.js';export { Fp, Fr, Fp2, Fp12, CURVE };
type Hex = Uint8Array | string;type PrivateKey = Hex | bigint | number;const POW_2_381 = 2n ** 381n; // C_bit, compression bit for serialization flagconst POW_2_382 = POW_2_381 * 2n; // I_bit, point-at-infinity bit for serialization flagconst POW_2_383 = POW_2_382 * 2n; // S_bit, sign bit for serialization flagconst PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH = 48;
type BasicHash = (msg: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>;type Hash = BasicHash & { outputLen: number };function wrapHash(outputLen: number, h: BasicHash): Hash { let tmp = h as Hash; tmp.outputLen = outputLen; return tmp;}
const sha256 = wrapHash(32, async (message: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array> => { if (crypto.web) { const buffer = await crypto.web.subtle.digest('SHA-256', message.buffer); return new Uint8Array(buffer); } else if (crypto.node) { return Uint8Array.from(crypto.node.createHash('sha256').update(message).digest()); } else { throw new Error("The environment doesn't have sha256 function"); }});
// Default hash_to_field options are for hash to G2.//// Parameter definitions are in section 5.3 of the spec unless otherwise noted.// Parameter values come from section 8.8.2 of the spec.// Base field F is GF(p^m)// p = 0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab// m = 2 (or 1 for G1 see section 8.8.1)// k = 128const htfDefaults = { // DST: a domain separation tag // defined in section 2.2.5 // Use utils.getDSTLabel(), utils.setDSTLabel(value) DST: 'BLS_SIG_BLS12381G2_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_NUL_', // p: the characteristic of F // where F is a finite field of characteristic p and order q = p^m p: CURVE.P, // m: the extension degree of F, m >= 1 // where F is a finite field of characteristic p and order q = p^m m: 2, // k: the target security level for the suite in bits // defined in section 5.1 k: 128, // option to use a message that has already been processed by // expand_message_xmd expand: true, // Hash functions for: expand_message_xmd is appropriate for use with a // wide range of hash functions, including SHA-2, SHA-3, BLAKE2, and others. // BBS+ uses blake2: hash: sha256,};
function isWithinCurveOrder(num: bigint): boolean { return 0 < num && num < CURVE.r;}
// Global symbol available in browsers only. Ensure we do not depend on @types/domdeclare const self: Record<string, any> | undefined;const crypto: { node?: any; web?: any } = { node: nodeCrypto, web: typeof self === 'object' && 'crypto' in self ? self.crypto : undefined,};
export const utils = { hashToField: hash_to_field, expandMessageXMD: expand_message_xmd, /** * Can take 40 or more bytes of uniform input e.g. from CSPRNG or KDF * and convert them into private key, with the modulo bias being negligible. * As per FIPS 186 B.1.1. * * @param hash hash output from sha512, or a similar function * @returns valid private key */ hashToPrivateKey: (hash: Hex): Uint8Array => { hash = ensureBytes(hash); if (hash.length < 40 || hash.length > 1024) throw new Error('Expected 40-1024 bytes of private key as per FIPS 186'); const num = mod(bytesToNumberBE(hash), CURVE.r); // This should never happen if (num === 0n || num === 1n) throw new Error('Invalid private key'); return numberTo32BytesBE(num); }, stringToBytes, bytesToHex, hexToBytes, randomBytes: (bytesLength: number = 32): Uint8Array => { if (crypto.web) { return crypto.web.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(bytesLength)); } else if (crypto.node) { const { randomBytes } = crypto.node; return new Uint8Array(randomBytes(bytesLength).buffer); } else { throw new Error("The environment doesn't have randomBytes function"); } },
// NIST SP 800-56A rev 3, section // randomPrivateKey: (): Uint8Array => { return utils.hashToPrivateKey(utils.randomBytes(40)); }, sha256, mod, getDSTLabel() { return htfDefaults.DST; }, setDSTLabel(newLabel: string) { // if (typeof newLabel !== 'string' || newLabel.length > 2048 || newLabel.length === 0) { throw new TypeError('Invalid DST'); } htfDefaults.DST = newLabel; },};
function numberTo32BytesBE(num: bigint) { const length = 32; const hex = num.toString(16).padStart(length * 2, '0'); return hexToBytes(hex);}
function toPaddedHex(num: bigint, padding: number) { if (typeof num !== 'bigint' || num < 0n) throw new Error('Expected valid bigint'); if (typeof padding !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Expected valid padding'); return num.toString(16).padStart(padding * 2, '0');}
function ensureBytes(hex: string | Uint8Array): Uint8Array { // Uint8Array.from() instead of hash.slice() because node.js Buffer // is instance of Uint8Array, and its slice() creates **mutable** copy return hex instanceof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array.from(hex) : hexToBytes(hex);}
// UTF8 to ui8afunction stringToBytes(str: string) { const bytes = new Uint8Array(str.length); for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { bytes[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes;}
// Octet Stream to Integer (bytesToNumberBE)function os2ip(bytes: Uint8Array): bigint { let result = 0n; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { result <<= 8n; result += BigInt(bytes[i]); } return result;}
// Integer to Octet Streamfunction i2osp(value: number, length: number): Uint8Array { if (value < 0 || value >= 1 << (8 * length)) { throw new Error(`bad I2OSP call: value=${value} length=${length}`); } const res = Array.from({ length }).fill(0) as number[]; for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { res[i] = value & 0xff; value >>>= 8; } return new Uint8Array(res);}
function strxor(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const arr = new Uint8Array(a.length); for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { arr[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]; } return arr;}
// Produces a uniformly random byte string using a cryptographic hash function H that outputs b bits// function expand_message_xmd( msg: Uint8Array, DST: Uint8Array, lenInBytes: number, H: Hash = utils.sha256): Promise<Uint8Array> { // if (DST.length > 255) DST = await H(concatBytes(stringToBytes('H2C-OVERSIZE-DST-'), DST)); const b_in_bytes = H.outputLen; const r_in_bytes = b_in_bytes * 2; const ell = Math.ceil(lenInBytes / b_in_bytes); if (ell > 255) throw new Error('Invalid xmd length'); const DST_prime = concatBytes(DST, i2osp(DST.length, 1)); const Z_pad = i2osp(0, r_in_bytes); const l_i_b_str = i2osp(lenInBytes, 2); const b = new Array<Uint8Array>(ell); const b_0 = await H(concatBytes(Z_pad, msg, l_i_b_str, i2osp(0, 1), DST_prime)); b[0] = await H(concatBytes(b_0, i2osp(1, 1), DST_prime)); for (let i = 1; i <= ell; i++) { const args = [strxor(b_0, b[i - 1]), i2osp(i + 1, 1), DST_prime]; b[i] = await H(concatBytes(...args)); } const pseudo_random_bytes = concatBytes(...b); return pseudo_random_bytes.slice(0, lenInBytes);}
// hashes arbitrary-length byte strings to a list of one or more elements of a finite field F// Inputs:// msg - a byte string containing the message to hash.// count - the number of elements of F to output.// Outputs:// [u_0, ..., u_(count - 1)], a list of field elements.async function hash_to_field( msg: Uint8Array, count: number, options: Partial<typeof htfDefaults> = {}): Promise<bigint[][]> { // if options is provided but incomplete, fill any missing fields with the // value in hftDefaults (ie hash to G2). const htfOptions = { ...htfDefaults, ...options }; const log2p = htfOptions.p.toString(2).length; const L = Math.ceil((log2p + htfOptions.k) / 8); // section 5.1 of ietf draft link above const len_in_bytes = count * htfOptions.m * L; const DST = stringToBytes(htfOptions.DST); let pseudo_random_bytes = msg; if (htfOptions.expand) { pseudo_random_bytes = await expand_message_xmd(msg, DST, len_in_bytes, htfOptions.hash); } const u = new Array(count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const e = new Array(htfOptions.m); for (let j = 0; j < htfOptions.m; j++) { const elm_offset = L * (j + i * htfOptions.m); const tv = pseudo_random_bytes.subarray(elm_offset, elm_offset + L); e[j] = mod(os2ip(tv), htfOptions.p); } u[i] = e; } return u;}
function normalizePrivKey(key: PrivateKey): bigint { let int: bigint; if (key instanceof Uint8Array && key.length === 32) int = bytesToNumberBE(key); else if (typeof key === 'string' && key.length === 64) int = BigInt(`0x${key}`); else if (typeof key === 'number' && key > 0 && Number.isSafeInteger(key)) int = BigInt(key); else if (typeof key === 'bigint' && key > 0n) int = key; else throw new TypeError('Expected valid private key'); int = mod(int, CURVE.r); if (!isWithinCurveOrder(int)) throw new Error('Private key must be 0 < key < CURVE.r'); return int;}
function assertType(item: any, type: any) { if (!(item instanceof type)) throw new Error('Expected Fp* argument, not number/bigint');}
// Point on G1 curve: (x, y)// We add z because we work with projective coordinates instead of affine x-y: that's much faster.export class PointG1 extends ProjectivePoint<Fp> { static BASE = new PointG1(new Fp(CURVE.Gx), new Fp(CURVE.Gy), Fp.ONE); static ZERO = new PointG1(Fp.ONE, Fp.ONE, Fp.ZERO);
constructor(x: Fp, y: Fp, z: Fp = Fp.ONE) { super(x, y, z, Fp); assertType(x, Fp); assertType(y, Fp); assertType(z, Fp); }
static fromHex(bytes: Hex) { bytes = ensureBytes(bytes); let point; if (bytes.length === 48) { const { P } = CURVE;
const compressedValue = bytesToNumberBE(bytes); const bflag = mod(compressedValue, POW_2_383) / POW_2_382; if (bflag === 1n) { return this.ZERO; } const x = new Fp(mod(compressedValue, POW_2_381)); const right = x.pow(3n).add(new Fp(CURVE.b)); // y² = x³ + b let y = right.sqrt(); if (!y) throw new Error('Invalid compressed G1 point'); const aflag = mod(compressedValue, POW_2_382) / POW_2_381; if ((y.value * 2n) / P !== aflag) y = y.negate(); point = new PointG1(x, y); } else if (bytes.length === 96) { // Check if the infinity flag is set if ((bytes[0] & (1 << 6)) !== 0) return PointG1.ZERO; const x = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(0, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)); const y = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)); point = new PointG1(new Fp(x), new Fp(y)); } else { throw new Error('Invalid point G1, expected 48/96 bytes'); } point.assertValidity(); return point; }
// Encodes byte string to elliptic curve // static async hashToCurve(msg: Hex, options?: Partial<typeof htfDefaults>): Promise<PointG1> { msg = ensureBytes(msg); const [[u0], [u1]] = await hash_to_field(msg, 2, { m: 1, ...options }); const [x0, y0] = map_to_curve_simple_swu_3mod4(new Fp(u0)); const [x1, y1] = map_to_curve_simple_swu_3mod4(new Fp(u1)); const [x2, y2] = new PointG1(x0, y0).add(new PointG1(x1, y1)).toAffine(); const [x3, y3] = isogenyMapG1(x2, y2); return new PointG1(x3, y3).clearCofactor(); } // static async encodeToCurve(msg: Hex, options?: Partial<typeof htfDefaults>): Promise<PointG1> { msg = ensureBytes(msg); const u = await hash_to_field(msg, 1, { m: 1, ...options, }); const [x0, y0] = map_to_curve_simple_swu_3mod4(new Fp(u[0][0])); const [x1, y1] = isogenyMapG1(x0, y0); return new PointG1(x1, y1).clearCofactor(); } static fromPrivateKey(privateKey: PrivateKey) { return this.BASE.multiplyPrecomputed(normalizePrivKey(privateKey)); }
toRawBytes(isCompressed = false) { return hexToBytes(this.toHex(isCompressed)); }
toHex(isCompressed = false) { this.assertValidity(); if (isCompressed) { const { P } = CURVE; let hex; if (this.isZero()) { hex = POW_2_383 + POW_2_382; } else { const [x, y] = this.toAffine(); const flag = (y.value * 2n) / P; hex = x.value + flag * POW_2_381 + POW_2_383; } return toPaddedHex(hex, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH); } else { if (this.isZero()) { // 2x PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH return '4'.padEnd(2 * 2 * PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH, '0'); // bytes[0] |= 1 << 6; } else { const [x, y] = this.toAffine(); return toPaddedHex(x.value, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) + toPaddedHex(y.value, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH); } } }
assertValidity() { if (this.isZero()) return this; if (!this.isOnCurve()) throw new Error('Invalid G1 point: not on curve Fp'); if (!this.isTorsionFree()) throw new Error('Invalid G1 point: must be of prime-order subgroup'); return this; }
[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]() { return this.toString(); }
// Sparse multiplication against precomputed coefficients millerLoop(P: PointG2): Fp12 { return millerLoop(P.pairingPrecomputes(), this.toAffine()); }
// Clear cofactor of G1 // clearCofactor(): PointG1 { // return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.h); const t = this.mulCurveMinusX(); return t.add(this); }
// Checks for equation y² = x³ + b private isOnCurve(): boolean { const b = new Fp(CURVE.b); const { x, y, z } = this; const left = y.pow(2n).multiply(z).subtract(x.pow(3n)); const right = b.multiply(z.pow(3n)); return left.subtract(right).isZero(); }
// σ endomorphism private sigma(): PointG1 { const BETA = 0x1a0111ea397fe699ec02408663d4de85aa0d857d89759ad4897d29650fb85f9b409427eb4f49fffd8bfd00000000aaacn; const [x, y] = this.toAffine(); return new PointG1(x.multiply(BETA), y); }
// φ endomorphism private phi(): PointG1 { const cubicRootOfUnityModP = 0x5f19672fdf76ce51ba69c6076a0f77eaddb3a93be6f89688de17d813620a00022e01fffffffefffen; return new PointG1(this.x.multiply(cubicRootOfUnityModP), this.y, this.z); }
// [-0xd201000000010000]P private mulCurveX() { return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.x).negate(); } // [0xd201000000010000]P private mulCurveMinusX() { return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.x); }
// Checks is the point resides in prime-order subgroup. // point.isTorsionFree() should return true for valid points // It returns false for shitty points. // private isTorsionFree(): boolean { // todo: unroll const xP = this.mulCurveX(); // [x]P const u2P = xP.mulCurveMinusX(); // [u2]P return u2P.equals(this.phi());
// // (z² − 1)/3 // const c1 = 0x396c8c005555e1560000000055555555n; // const P = this; // const S = P.sigma(); // const Q = S.double(); // const S2 = S.sigma(); // // [(z² − 1)/3](2σ(P) − P − σ²(P)) − σ²(P) = O // const left = Q.subtract(P).subtract(S2).multiplyUnsafe(c1); // const C = left.subtract(S2); // return C.isZero(); }}
// Point on G2 curve (complex numbers): (x₁, x₂+i), (y₁, y₂+i)// We add z because we work with projective coordinates instead of affine x-y: that's much faster.export class PointG2 extends ProjectivePoint<Fp2> { static BASE = new PointG2(Fp2.fromBigTuple(CURVE.G2x), Fp2.fromBigTuple(CURVE.G2y), Fp2.ONE); static ZERO = new PointG2(Fp2.ONE, Fp2.ONE, Fp2.ZERO);
private _PPRECOMPUTES: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][] | undefined;
constructor(x: Fp2, y: Fp2, z: Fp2 = Fp2.ONE) { super(x, y, z, Fp2); assertType(x, Fp2); assertType(y, Fp2); assertType(z, Fp2); }
// Encodes byte string to elliptic curve // static async hashToCurve(msg: Hex, options?: Partial<typeof htfDefaults>): Promise<PointG2> { msg = ensureBytes(msg); const u = await hash_to_field(msg, 2, options); //console.log(`hash_to_curve(msg}) u0=${new Fp2(u[0])} u1=${new Fp2(u[1])}`); const [x0, y0] = map_to_curve_simple_swu_9mod16(Fp2.fromBigTuple(u[0])); const [x1, y1] = map_to_curve_simple_swu_9mod16(Fp2.fromBigTuple(u[1])); const [x2, y2] = new PointG2(x0, y0).add(new PointG2(x1, y1)).toAffine(); const [x3, y3] = isogenyMapG2(x2, y2); return new PointG2(x3, y3).clearCofactor(); } static async encodeToCurve(msg: Hex, options?: Partial<typeof htfDefaults>): Promise<PointG2> { msg = ensureBytes(msg); const u = await hash_to_field(msg, 1, options); const [x0, y0] = map_to_curve_simple_swu_9mod16(Fp2.fromBigTuple(u[0])); const [x1, y1] = isogenyMapG2(x0, y0); return new PointG2(x1, y1).clearCofactor(); }
// TODO: Optimize, it's very slow because of sqrt. static fromSignature(hex: Hex): PointG2 { hex = ensureBytes(hex); const { P } = CURVE; const half = hex.length / 2; if (half !== 48 && half !== 96) throw new Error('Invalid compressed signature length, must be 96 or 192'); const z1 = bytesToNumberBE(hex.slice(0, half)); const z2 = bytesToNumberBE(hex.slice(half)); // Indicates the infinity point const bflag1 = mod(z1, POW_2_383) / POW_2_382; if (bflag1 === 1n) return this.ZERO;
const x1 = new Fp(z1 % POW_2_381); const x2 = new Fp(z2); const x = new Fp2(x2, x1); const y2 = x.pow(3n).add(Fp2.fromBigTuple(CURVE.b2)); // y² = x³ + 4 // The slow part let y = y2.sqrt(); if (!y) throw new Error('Failed to find a square root');
// Choose the y whose leftmost bit of the imaginary part is equal to the a_flag1 // If y1 happens to be zero, then use the bit of y0 const { re: y0, im: y1 } = y.reim(); const aflag1 = (z1 % POW_2_382) / POW_2_381; const isGreater = y1 > 0n && (y1 * 2n) / P !== aflag1; const isZero = y1 === 0n && (y0 * 2n) / P !== aflag1; if (isGreater || isZero) y = y.multiply(-1n); const point = new PointG2(x, y, Fp2.ONE); point.assertValidity(); return point; }
static fromHex(bytes: Hex) { bytes = ensureBytes(bytes); const m_byte = bytes[0] & 0xe0; if (m_byte === 0x20 || m_byte === 0x60 || m_byte === 0xe0) { throw new Error('Invalid encoding flag: ' + m_byte); } const bitC = m_byte & 0x80; // compression bit const bitI = m_byte & 0x40; // point at infinity bit const bitS = m_byte & 0x20; // sign bit let point; if (bytes.length === 96 && bitC) { const { P, b2 } = CURVE; const b = Fp2.fromBigTuple(b2);
bytes[0] = bytes[0] & 0x1f; // clear flags if (bitI) { // check that all bytes are 0 if (bytes.reduce((p, c) => (p !== 0 ? c + 1 : c), 0) > 0) { throw new Error('Invalid compressed G2 point'); } return PointG2.ZERO; } const x_1 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(0, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)); const x_0 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)); const x = new Fp2(new Fp(x_0), new Fp(x_1)); const right = x.pow(3n).add(b); // y² = x³ + 4 * (u+1) = x³ + b let y = right.sqrt(); if (!y) throw new Error('Invalid compressed G2 point'); const Y_bit = y.c1.value === 0n ? (y.c0.value * 2n) / P : (y.c1.value * 2n) / P ? 1n : 0n; y = bitS > 0 && Y_bit > 0 ? y : y.negate(); return new PointG2(x, y); } else if (bytes.length === 192 && !bitC) { // Check if the infinity flag is set if ((bytes[0] & (1 << 6)) !== 0) { return PointG2.ZERO; }
const x1 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(0, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)); const x0 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH, 2 * PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)); const y1 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(2 * PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH, 3 * PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)); const y0 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(3 * PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH));
point = new PointG2(Fp2.fromBigTuple([x0, x1]), Fp2.fromBigTuple([y0, y1])); } else { throw new Error('Invalid point G2, expected 96/192 bytes'); } point.assertValidity(); return point; }
static fromPrivateKey(privateKey: PrivateKey) { return this.BASE.multiplyPrecomputed(normalizePrivKey(privateKey)); }
toSignature() { if (this.equals(PointG2.ZERO)) { const sum = POW_2_383 + POW_2_382; const h = toPaddedHex(sum, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) + toPaddedHex(0n, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH); return hexToBytes(h); } const [{ re: x0, im: x1 }, { re: y0, im: y1 }] = this.toAffine().map((a) => a.reim()); const tmp = y1 > 0n ? y1 * 2n : y0 * 2n; const aflag1 = tmp / CURVE.P; const z1 = x1 + aflag1 * POW_2_381 + POW_2_383; const z2 = x0; return hexToBytes(toPaddedHex(z1, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) + toPaddedHex(z2, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)); }
toRawBytes(isCompressed = false) { return hexToBytes(this.toHex(isCompressed)); }
toHex(isCompressed = false) { this.assertValidity(); if (isCompressed) { const { P } = CURVE; let x_1 = 0n; let x_0 = 0n; if (this.isZero()) { x_1 = POW_2_383 + POW_2_382; // set compressed & point-at-infinity bits } else { const [x, y] = this.toAffine(); const flag = y.c1.value === 0n ? (y.c0.value * 2n) / P : (y.c1.value * 2n) / P ? 1n : 0n; x_1 = x.c1.value + flag * POW_2_381 + POW_2_383; // set compressed & sign bits x_0 = x.c0.value; } return toPaddedHex(x_1, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) + toPaddedHex(x_0, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH); } else { if (this.equals(PointG2.ZERO)) { return '4'.padEnd(2 * 4 * PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH, '0'); // bytes[0] |= 1 << 6; } const [{ re: x0, im: x1 }, { re: y0, im: y1 }] = this.toAffine().map((a) => a.reim()); return ( toPaddedHex(x1, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) + toPaddedHex(x0, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) + toPaddedHex(y1, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) + toPaddedHex(y0, PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) ); } }
assertValidity() { if (this.isZero()) return this; if (!this.isOnCurve()) throw new Error('Invalid G2 point: not on curve Fp2'); if (!this.isTorsionFree()) throw new Error('Invalid G2 point: must be of prime-order subgroup'); return this; }
// Ψ endomorphism private psi() { return this.fromAffineTuple(psi(...this.toAffine())); }
// Ψ² private psi2() { return this.fromAffineTuple(psi2(...this.toAffine())); }
// [-x]P aka [z]P private mulCurveX() { return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.x).negate(); }
// Maps the point into the prime-order subgroup G2. // clear_cofactor_bls12381_g2 from cfrg-hash-to-curve-11 // // prettier-ignore clearCofactor(): PointG2 { const P = this; let t1 = P.mulCurveX(); // [-x]P let t2 = P.psi(); // Ψ(P) let t3 = P.double(); // 2P t3 = t3.psi2(); // Ψ²(2P) t3 = t3.subtract(t2); // Ψ²(2P) - Ψ(P) t2 = t1.add(t2); // [-x]P + Ψ(P) t2 = t2.mulCurveX(); // [x²]P - [x]Ψ(P) t3 = t3.add(t2); // Ψ²(2P) - Ψ(P) + [x²]P - [x]Ψ(P) t3 = t3.subtract(t1); // Ψ²(2P) - Ψ(P) + [x²]P - [x]Ψ(P) + [x]P const Q = t3.subtract(P); // Ψ²(2P) - Ψ(P) + [x²]P - [x]Ψ(P) + [x]P - 1P => return Q; // [x²-x-1]P + [x-1]Ψ(P) + Ψ²(2P) }
// Checks for equation y² = x³ + b private isOnCurve(): boolean { const b = Fp2.fromBigTuple(CURVE.b2); const { x, y, z } = this; const left = y.pow(2n).multiply(z).subtract(x.pow(3n)); const right = b.multiply(z.pow(3n) as Fp2); return left.subtract(right).isZero(); }
// Checks is the point resides in prime-order subgroup. // point.isTorsionFree() should return true for valid points // It returns false for shitty points. // // prettier-ignore private isTorsionFree(): boolean { const P = this; return P.mulCurveX().equals(P.psi()); // ψ(P) == [u](P) // // const psi2 = P.psi2(); // Ψ²(P) // const psi3 = psi2.psi(); // Ψ³(P) // const zPsi3 = psi3.mulNegX(); // [z]Ψ³(P) where z = -x // return zPsi3.subtract(psi2).add(P).isZero(); // [z]Ψ³(P) - Ψ²(P) + P == O }
// Improves introspection in node.js. Basically displays point's x, y. [Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]() { return this.toString(); }
clearPairingPrecomputes() { this._PPRECOMPUTES = undefined; }
pairingPrecomputes(): [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][] { if (this._PPRECOMPUTES) return this._PPRECOMPUTES; this._PPRECOMPUTES = calcPairingPrecomputes(...this.toAffine()); return this._PPRECOMPUTES; }}
// Calculates bilinear pairingexport function pairing(P: PointG1, Q: PointG2, withFinalExponent: boolean = true): Fp12 { if (P.isZero() || Q.isZero()) throw new Error('No pairings at point of Infinity'); P.assertValidity(); Q.assertValidity(); // Performance: 9ms for millerLoop and ~14ms for exp. const looped = P.millerLoop(Q); return withFinalExponent ? looped.finalExponentiate() : looped;}
type G1Hex = Hex | PointG1;type G2Hex = Hex | PointG2;function normP1(point: G1Hex): PointG1 { return point instanceof PointG1 ? point : PointG1.fromHex(point);}function normP2(point: G2Hex): PointG2 { return point instanceof PointG2 ? point : PointG2.fromSignature(point);}async function normP2Hash(point: G2Hex): Promise<PointG2> { return point instanceof PointG2 ? point : PointG2.hashToCurve(point);}
// Multiplies generator by private key.// P = pk x Gexport function getPublicKey(privateKey: PrivateKey): Uint8Array { return PointG1.fromPrivateKey(privateKey).toRawBytes(true);}
// Executes `hashToCurve` on the message and then multiplies the result by private key.// S = pk x H(m)export async function sign(message: Hex, privateKey: PrivateKey): Promise<Uint8Array>;export async function sign(message: PointG2, privateKey: PrivateKey): Promise<PointG2>;export async function sign(message: G2Hex, privateKey: PrivateKey): Promise<Uint8Array | PointG2> { const msgPoint = await normP2Hash(message); msgPoint.assertValidity(); const sigPoint = msgPoint.multiply(normalizePrivKey(privateKey)); if (message instanceof PointG2) return sigPoint; return sigPoint.toSignature();}
// Checks if pairing of public key & hash is equal to pairing of generator & signature.// e(P, H(m)) == e(G, S)export async function verify(signature: G2Hex, message: G2Hex, publicKey: G1Hex): Promise<boolean> { const P = normP1(publicKey); const Hm = await normP2Hash(message); const G = PointG1.BASE; const S = normP2(signature); // Instead of doing 2 exponentiations, we use property of billinear maps // and do one exp after multiplying 2 points. const ePHm = pairing(P.negate(), Hm, false); const eGS = pairing(G, S, false); const exp = eGS.multiply(ePHm).finalExponentiate(); return exp.equals(Fp12.ONE);}
// Adds a bunch of public key points together.// pk1 + pk2 + pk3 = pkAexport function aggregatePublicKeys(publicKeys: Hex[]): Uint8Array;export function aggregatePublicKeys(publicKeys: PointG1[]): PointG1;export function aggregatePublicKeys(publicKeys: G1Hex[]): Uint8Array | PointG1 { if (!publicKeys.length) throw new Error('Expected non-empty array'); const agg =, p) => sum.add(p), PointG1.ZERO); if (publicKeys[0] instanceof PointG1) return agg.assertValidity(); return agg.toRawBytes(true);}
// Adds a bunch of signature points together.export function aggregateSignatures(signatures: Hex[]): Uint8Array;export function aggregateSignatures(signatures: PointG2[]): PointG2;export function aggregateSignatures(signatures: G2Hex[]): Uint8Array | PointG2 { if (!signatures.length) throw new Error('Expected non-empty array'); const agg =, s) => sum.add(s), PointG2.ZERO); if (signatures[0] instanceof PointG2) return agg.assertValidity(); return agg.toSignature();}
// e(G, S) = e(G, SUM(n)(Si)) = MUL(n)(e(G, Si))export async function verifyBatch( signature: G2Hex, messages: G2Hex[], publicKeys: G1Hex[]): Promise<boolean> { if (!messages.length) throw new Error('Expected non-empty messages array'); if (publicKeys.length !== messages.length) throw new Error('Pubkey count should equal msg count'); const sig = normP2(signature); const nMessages = await Promise.all(; const nPublicKeys =; try { const paired = []; for (const message of new Set(nMessages)) { const groupPublicKey = nMessages.reduce( (groupPublicKey, subMessage, i) => subMessage === message ? groupPublicKey.add(nPublicKeys[i]) : groupPublicKey, PointG1.ZERO ); // const msg = message instanceof PointG2 ? message : await PointG2.hashToCurve(message); // Possible to batch pairing for same msg with different groupPublicKey here paired.push(pairing(groupPublicKey, message, false)); } paired.push(pairing(PointG1.BASE.negate(), sig, false)); const product = paired.reduce((a, b) => a.multiply(b), Fp12.ONE); const exp = product.finalExponentiate(); return exp.equals(Fp12.ONE); } catch { return false; }}
// Pre-compute points. Refer to README.PointG1.BASE.calcMultiplyPrecomputes(4);