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// Auto-load dotenv varsimport "";import { APIInteraction, GatewayInteractionCreateDispatch, APIApplicationCommand,} from "npm:discord-api-types";import { Webhook, CommandResolver, CommandModule, Options, WebhookInteraction, Rest, Gateway, GatewayInteraction, environment, // logger,} from "npm:@blurp/common/core";
export * from "npm:@blurp/common";
environment.token = Deno.env.get("TOKEN");environment.applicationId = Deno.env.get("APPLICATION_ID");environment.guildId = Deno.env.get("GUILD_ID");environment.publicKey = Deno.env.get("PUBLIC_KEY");
function compareCommands( localCommand: CommandModule["command"], remoteCommand: APIApplicationCommand) { // checks if a is a subset of b const subset = (a: any, b: any) => { for (const k in a) { if (typeof a[k] === "object" && typeof b[k] === "object") { if (!subset(a[k], b[k])) return false; } else if (a[k] !== b[k]) { return false; } } return true; }; return subset(localCommand, remoteCommand);}
export const serveWebhook = (commands: CommandModule[]) => { const webhook = new Webhook(); const rest = new Rest(); const resolver = new CommandResolver(commands);
return async (request: Request) => { const handler = async (apiInteraction: APIInteraction) => { const interaction = new WebhookInteraction(apiInteraction, rest); const command = resolver.resolve(apiInteraction); command?.(interaction); return await interaction.response; }; return await webhook.handle(request, handler); };};
export function startGateway(options: Options) { if ( !environment.applicationId || !environment.guildId || !environment.token ) { throw new Error("Environment variables not set"); } const rest = new Rest(); const gateway = new Gateway(rest); const resolver = new CommandResolver(options.commands); gateway.connect(); "DISPATCH_INTERACTION_CREATE", (payload: GatewayInteractionCreateDispatch) => { const interaction = new GatewayInteraction(payload.d, rest); const command = resolver.resolve(payload.d); command?.(interaction); } );}
export async function updateCommands(commands: Options["commands"]) { const rest = new Rest(); const commandData = => c.command); rest.bulkOverwriteGuildApplicationCommands(commandData); //"Updated commands"); return;}