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A static site generator for the dynamic web - develop with TSX and build with Deno
/*Copyright 2021 Eric Selin
This file is part of `bob`.
`bob` is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.
`bob` is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licensealong with `bob`. If not, see <>.
Please contact the developers via GitHub <>or email <>*/
import type { Builder, BuildOptions, BuildResults, Cache, Change, ContentGetter, Location, Logger, Page, PageContent, PagesGetter, StaticContent,} from "../domain.ts";import { ContentType } from "../domain.ts";import { exists, expandGlob, md, path } from "../deps.ts";import { createDependantsReader, createDependencyPurger, createDependencyWriter, createNewDependantsGetter,} from "./content-dependencies.ts";import { cleanDirectory, createOutputFileWriter, createStaticFileWriter, readContentFile,} from "./fs.ts";import getParser, { stringifyPageContent } from "./parser.ts";import render from "./renderer.ts";import getLayoutLoader from "./layout-loader.ts";import getWalkEntryProcessor from "./walk-entry-processor.ts";import { createInputPathsGetter, removeDuplicateChanges } from "./changes.ts";import { getFilesystemChanges } from "./changes-fs.ts";
type ContentGetterCreator = (options: BuildOptions) => ContentGetter;
export type PageGetter = ( location: Location,) => Promise<Page | undefined>;
const createPagesGetter = ( options: BuildOptions, getContent: ContentGetter,): PagesGetter => { const processWalkEntry = getWalkEntryProcessor(options); const { log } = options; return async (glob) => { let globArray = glob; if (typeof globArray === "string") globArray = [globArray]; const pages: Page[] = []; for (const glob of globArray) { const contentGlob = path.join(options.contentDir, glob); log?.debug(`Getting pages with glob "${contentGlob}"`); for await ( const walkEntry of expandGlob(contentGlob, { extended: true }) ) { const content = await getContent(processWalkEntry(walkEntry)); if (content?.type === ContentType.Page) { log?.debug(`Found page ${content.location.inputPath}`); pages.push(content); } } } return pages; };};
/** Path to content file. If it starts with a slash, it's considered relative to the * root directory, if not it's considered relative to the content directory */type ContentFilePath = string;
export const createContentReader = ( options: BuildOptions,) => { const contentFilePathToLocation = createContentFilePathToLocation(options); return (filepath: string): Promise<StaticContent | PageContent | undefined> => Promise .resolve(filepath) .then(contentFilePathToLocation) .then(async (location) => location.type === ContentType.Static ? staticLocationToContent(location as Location<ContentType.Static>) : location.type === ContentType.Page ? await readPageLocation(location as Location<ContentType.Page>) : undefined );};
const createContentFilePathToLocation = (options: BuildOptions) => { const inputPathToLocation = getWalkEntryProcessor(options); return (filepath: ContentFilePath): Location => { // add content dir if not starting with slash if (!filepath.startsWith("/")) { filepath = path.join(options.contentDir, filepath); } // remove extra beginning slash otherwise else filepath = filepath.substring(1); return inputPathToLocation({ path: filepath }); };};const staticLocationToContent = ( staticLocation: Location<ContentType.Static>,): StaticContent => ({ type: ContentType.Static, location: staticLocation,});
const readPageLocation = ( pageLocation: Location<ContentType.Page>,): Promise<PageContent> => Promise .resolve(pageLocation) .then(async (location) => ({ type: ContentType.Page, location, rawContent: await Deno.readTextFile(location.inputPath), })) .catch((err) => { err.message += ` (trying to read ${pageLocation.inputPath})`; throw err; }) .then(({ rawContent, }) => { const parsed = md.parse(rawContent); return ({, type: ContentType.Page, frontmatter: parsed.meta, content: parsed.content, }); });
export const writeContent = ( content: { location: Location; frontmatter: Record<string, unknown> },): Promise<void> => Deno.writeTextFile( content.location.inputPath, stringifyPageContent({ frontmatter: content.frontmatter }), );
export const createContentGetter: ContentGetterCreator = (options) => { const { buildDrafts } = options; const readFile = readContentFile(options); const parse = getParser(options); return (location) => Promise .resolve(location) .then(readFile) .then((file) => { switch (file.type) { case ContentType.Page: return Promise .resolve(file) .then(parse) .then((page) => // if page is a draft and not building drafts, return undefined // i.e. no page found (page.frontmatter?.draft && !buildDrafts) ? undefined : page ); case ContentType.Static: return file; default: return undefined; } });};
type Processor = ( location: Location,) => Promise<number>;type ProcessorGetter = (options: BuildOptions) => Processor;
export const getProcessor: ProcessorGetter = (options) => { const getContent = createContentGetter(options); const pagesGetter = createPagesGetter(options, getContent); const writeOutputFile = createOutputFileWriter(options); const writeStaticFile = createStaticFileWriter(options);
// run workflow const process: Processor = (location) => { const dependencyWriter = createDependencyWriter( options.cache, pagesGetter, options.contentDir, options.log, ); const loadLayout = getLayoutLoader(options, dependencyWriter.getPages); return Promise .resolve(location) .then(getContent) .then((content) => // continue if page found, otherwise return false content?.type === ContentType.Page ? Promise.resolve(content) .then(loadLayout) .then(render) .then(writeOutputFile) .then(() => dependencyWriter.write(content.location.inputPath)) .then(() => 1) : content?.location.type === ContentType.Static ? Promise.resolve(content) .then(writeStaticFile) .then(() => 1) : 0 ); };
return process;};
type Changer = (change: Change) => Promise<number>;const createChanger = (options: BuildOptions): Changer => { const { log } = options; const process = getProcessor(options); const getLocation = getWalkEntryProcessor(options); const getAllPossibleInputPaths = createInputPathsGetter(options); const purgeDependencies = createDependencyPurger(options.cache); return async (change) => { switch (change.type) { case "create": case "modify": return await process(getLocation({ path: change.inputPath })); case "delete": await purgeDependencies(change.inputPath).catch(() => { log?.debug(`No cached dependants for ${change.inputPath}`); }); await Deno.remove(getLocation({ path: change.inputPath }).outputPath); return 1; case "orphan": await Promise.any( getAllPossibleInputPaths(change.outputPath).map((inputPath) => purgeDependencies(inputPath) ), ).catch(() => { /* this should be a file not found, so just swallow */ log?.debug(`No cached dependants found for ${change.outputPath}`); }); await Deno.remove(change.outputPath); return 1; } };};
type ChangesApplier = (changes: Change[]) => Promise<BuildResults>;export const createChangesApplier = (options: BuildOptions): ChangesApplier => { const { log } = options; const applyChange = createChanger(options); const mapChangeToDependantChanges = createChangeToDependantChangesMapper( options, ); return async (changes) => { log?.debug(`${changes.length} changes requested`); log?.info("Getting dependant pages that need to be re-rendered..."); const allChanges = (await Promise.all( .flat() .filter(removeDuplicateChanges); log?.info( `Applying ${allChanges.length} changes in total including dependants...`, ); log?.debug(JSON.stringify(allChanges)); const startTime =; for (const change of allChanges) { await applyChange(change); } const results = { renderCount: allChanges.length, durationMs: - startTime, }; log?.info( `Applied ${results.renderCount} changes in ${results.durationMs} ms`, ); return results; };};
const createChangeToDependantChangesMapper = ( { log, contentDir, publicDir, cache }: { log?: Logger; contentDir: string; publicDir: string; cache: Cache; },) => { const readDepandants = createDependantsReader(cache, log); const getNewDependants = createNewDependantsGetter(cache); const getAllPossibleInputPaths = createInputPathsGetter({ contentDir, publicDir, }); return async (change: Change): Promise<Change | Change[]> => { let dependants: string[]; if (change.type === "create") { dependants = await getNewDependants(change.inputPath); } else if (change.type === "orphan") { const allPossibleInputPaths = getAllPossibleInputPaths(change.outputPath); dependants = (await Promise.all(; } else { dependants = await readDepandants(change.inputPath); } if (!dependants.length) return change; return [ change, Change => ({ inputPath: dep, type: "modify", })), ]; };};
export const build: Builder = async (options) => { const { contentDir, layoutDir, publicDir, force, log, cache } = options;
log?.debug( `Build directories: content:${contentDir} layouts:${layoutDir} public:${publicDir}`, );
if (!force) { log?.warning("Incremental builds are currently experimental"); log?.warning("Use `-f` CLI flag to force build everything"); }
if (force && await exists(publicDir)) { log?.warning(`Cleaning public directory ${publicDir} as well as cache`); await cleanDirectory(publicDir); await cache.clear(); }
log?.info("Getting list of changes from filesystem..."); const changes = await getFilesystemChanges(options); log?.info(`Got ${changes.length} changes from filesystem`); const results = await createChangesApplier(options)(changes);
return results;};