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A static site generator for the dynamic web - develop with TSX and build with Deno
import type { Cache, Logger, Page, PagesGetter } from "../domain.ts";import { path } from "../deps.ts";
type ContentDependencies = { [dependencyPath: string]: { [property: string]: string; };};
type ContentDependants = { [dependantPath: string]: { [property: string]: string; };};
const createDependencyProxy = (target: Page, deps: ContentDependencies) => new Proxy(target, { get: function (page: Page, prop: string) { const value = Reflect.get(page, prop); const dependencyPath = page.location.inputPath; deps[dependencyPath] ??= {}; deps[dependencyPath][prop] = typeof value === "object" ? "[object]" : value; return value; }, });
/**Create proxy for recording page dependencies. Last return is a function that should be calledin order to commit (save) the dependencies to the cache.*/export const createDependencyWriter = ( cache: Cache, pagesGetter: PagesGetter, contentDir: string, log?: Logger,): { getPages: PagesGetter; write: (path: string) => Promise<void>; getDependants: (path: string) => Promise<string[]>;} => { const deps: ContentDependencies = {}; /** Array of getPages globs */ const globs: string[] = []; return { getPages: async (wantsPages) => { if (typeof wantsPages === "string") { globs.push(path.join(contentDir, wantsPages)); } else { wantsPages.forEach((glob) => { globs.push(path.join(contentDir, glob)); }); } const pages = await pagesGetter(wantsPages); return => createDependencyProxy(page, deps)); }, write: async (path) => { log?.debug(`Page "${path}" globs used: ${JSON.stringify(globs)}`); log?.debug( `Page "${path}" dependencies: ${JSON.stringify(deps, undefined, 2)}`, ); await Promise.all( Object.entries(deps) // don't create a dependency to the page itself .filter(([depencencyPath]) => depencencyPath !== path) // create cache transactions for each write .map(async ([depencencyPath, accessedProps]) => { await Promise.all([ cache.add( `${depencencyPath}.dependants`, { [path]: accessedProps }, ), cache.add("getPages.globs", { [path]: globs }), ]); }), ); }, getDependants: async (path) => { const deps = await cache.get<ContentDependants | undefined>( `${path}.dependants`, ); if (!deps) return []; const paths = Object.keys(deps); log?.debug( `Got page "${path} dependants: ${paths.join(", ")}"`, ); return paths; }, };};
/** * Read dependants for a page given the input path. */export const createDependantsReader = (cache: Cache, log?: Logger) => async (path: string) => { const deps = await cache.get<ContentDependants | undefined>( `${path}.dependants`, ); if (!deps) return []; const paths = Object.keys(deps); log?.debug( `Got page "${path} dependants: ${paths.join(", ")}"`, ); return paths; };
/**Check if the dependants of a particular page need updating.*/export const createDependencyChecker = (cache: Cache, log?: Logger) => /** @returns Array of `inputPath`s of content files that need re-rendering. */ async (page: Page): Promise<string[]> => { const dependants = await cache.get<ContentDependants>( `${page.location.inputPath}.dependants`, ); log?.debug(`Page "${page.location.inputPath}" dependants: ${dependants}`); return Object.entries(dependants || {}).filter( ([_dependantPath, accessedProps]) => { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(accessedProps)) { if (page[key as keyof Page] !== value) return true; } return false; }, ).map(([dependantPath]) => dependantPath); };
/** * Delete cache of dependants at a particular input path. */export const createDependencyPurger = (cache: Cache) => async (path: string): Promise<void> => { await Promise.all([ cache.delete(`${path}.dependants`), cache.deleteFrom("getPages.globs", path), ]); };
export const _matchGlobs = ( /** * Object with page input path as the key, and an array * of globs used by this page as the value. */ getPagesGlobs: Record<string, string[]>, /** * Newly created page input path. */ createdPagePath: string,): string[] => Object.entries(getPagesGlobs).filter(([_inputPath, globs]) => globs.some((glob) => path.globToRegExp(glob).test(createdPagePath)) ).map(([inputPath]) => inputPath);
/** * Get pages that will depend on a newly created page based on the * globs layouts use for `getPages` */export const createNewDependantsGetter = (cache: Cache) => /** * @param createPagePath [string] Newly create page input path * @return Array of page input paths for pages that want this new page */ async (createdPagePath: string): Promise<string[]> => { const globs = await cache.get<Record<string, string[]>>("getPages.globs"); if (!globs) return []; return _matchGlobs(globs, createdPagePath); };