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A static site generator for the dynamic web - develop with TSX and build with Deno
/*Copyright 2021 Eric Selin
This file is part of `bob`.
`bob` is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.
`bob` is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licensealong with `bob`. If not, see <>.
Please contact the developers via GitHub <>or email <>*/
Configuration file
import type { FunctionErrorHandler, Functions } from "./functions/mod.ts";
export type ConfigFile = { contentImporter?: ContentImporter; functions?: Functions; errorHandler?: FunctionErrorHandler; logger?: Logger;};
TSX Components
/** Component type to be used for all TSX components, both layouts and standalone. */export type Component< Props = unknown, PageFrontmatter = undefined, WantedPagesFrontmatter = undefined, ChildPagesFrontmatter = undefined,> = & (( props: Props & { children?: Children }, context: Context< PageFrontmatter, WantedPagesFrontmatter, ChildPagesFrontmatter >, ) => Awaitable<Element>) & { /** @deprecated */ wantsPages?: WantsPages; needsCss?: NeedsCss; };
export type AnyComponent = Component<DefaultProps, unknown, unknown, unknown>;
/** Context for rendering a specific page. */export type Context< PageFrontmatter = unknown, WantedPagesFrontmatter = undefined, ChildPagesFrontmatter = undefined,> = { page: Page<PageFrontmatter>; needsCss: CssSpecifier[]; /** @deprecated */ wantedPages?: WantedPagesFrontmatter extends undefined ? undefined : WantedPages<WantedPagesFrontmatter>; childPages?: ChildPagesFrontmatter extends undefined ? undefined : ChildPages<ChildPagesFrontmatter>;};
type WantsPages = string | string[];type WantedPages<W = unknown> = Page<W>[];type ChildPages<W = unknown> = Promise<Page<W>[]>;
type CssSpecifier = string;type NeedsCss = CssSpecifier;
TSX rendering
/** An `Element` is the internal representation of a `Component` or other node, such as a string. */export type Element<P = unknown> = { type: ElementType; props?: P; children?: Children[]; /** @deprecated */ wantsPages?: WantsPages; needsCss?: NeedsCss;};
/** Creates elements from transpiled JSX calls. This is equivalent to `React.createElement` or `Preact.h`. */export type ElementCreator = ( type: ElementType, props?: unknown, ...children: Children[]) => Element;
/** Render an `Element` (usually the root element, of course) into an HTML string. */export type ElementRenderer = ( element: Children | Promise<Children>,) => Promise<Html>;
/** Creates a renderer. */export type ElementRendererCreator = ( options: BuildOptions, getPages?: PagesGetter,) => ( page?: Page,) => ElementRenderer;
/** Get an array of the pages wanted by a layout or a content page. */export type PagesGetter = (wantsPages: WantsPages) => Promise<Page[]>;
type ElementType = Component<undefined> | string;
type Child = Element | string | number | boolean | null | undefined;type Children = Child | Child[];
/** Component properties. */export type Props = Record<string, unknown>;
/** Default component properties. */type DefaultProps = Props;
export const HTMLEmptyElements = [ "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr",];
declare global { namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicElements { [elemName: string]: unknown; } }}
Main types used throughout the workflow and in the public API.
/** Options needed to build the site. */export type BuildOptions = { contentDir: string; layoutDir: string; publicDir: string; cache: Cache; buildDrafts?: boolean; force?: boolean; baseUrl?: string; log?: Logger;};
/** Parsed representation of something in the `content` directory. */export type Content = Page | StaticContent;
/** Something that should be rendered into an HTML page. */export type Page<T = unknown> = { type: ContentType.Page; /** URL pathname of published page */ pathname: string; location: Location<ContentType.Page>; frontmatter: T & { layout?: string; draft?: boolean; }; title?: string; date?: Date; summary?: string; content: Html;};
export type PageContent = { type: ContentType.Page; location: Location<ContentType.Page>; frontmatter: Record<string, unknown>; content: Html;};
/** Something that should just be copied to the `public` directory. */export type StaticContent = { type: ContentType.Static; location: Location<ContentType.Static>;};
/** Location of the content in different places. */export type Location<T extends ContentType = ContentType> = { type: T; /** Path of the content file, relative to CWD */ inputPath: CwdRelativePath; /** Path of the content file within the content directory */ contentPath: string; /** Path of the output (e.g. HTML) file, relative to CWD */ outputPath: CwdRelativePath; pathname: string; /** @deprecated */ url: URL; /** Flag to mark if asset at this location should be rebuilt */ dirty?: boolean;};
/** Type of content in question. */export enum ContentType { Page = "PAGE", Static = "STATIC", Unknown = "UNKNOWN",}
/** Stats from the build. */export type BuildResults = { durationMs: number; renderCount: number;};
/** Read (but not parsed) representation of something in the `content` directory. */export type File = PageFile | StaticFile;
/** File that should be parsed and rendered into HTML. */export type PageFile = { type: ContentType.Page; location: Location<ContentType.Page>; content: RawFileString;};
/** File that should be copied into the `public` directory. */export type StaticFile = { type: ContentType.Static; location: Location<ContentType.Static>;};
/** Change types available */export type ChangeType = Change["type"];
/** Represents a change in the content or layout files. */export type Change = InputChange | OutputChange;
type InputChange = { type: "create" | "modify" | "delete"; inputPath: CwdRelativePath;};
type OutputChange = { type: "orphan"; outputPath: CwdRelativePath;};
export type ContentImporter = AsyncGenerator< ImportedContent | DeletedContent | undefined>;
export type ImportedContent<T = unknown> = { contentPath: string; data: T;};
export type DeletedContent = { contentPath: string; delete: true;};
// Helper types
export type CwdRelativePath = string;export type RawFileString = string;export type Html = string;
Workflow functions and specific types used in the main builder.
/** Main `build` function. */export type Builder = (options: BuildOptions) => Promise<BuildResults>;
/** Checks whether a content file should be considered "dirty", i.e. should be rendered. */export type DirtyChecker = (location: Location) => Awaitable<boolean>;/** Create a "dirty" checker. */export type DirtyCheckerCreator = (options: BuildOptions) => DirtyChecker;
/** Create a file walker from an array of dirty checkers. */export type FileWalkerCreator = ( dirtyCheckerCreators: DirtyCheckerCreator[],) => ( options: BuildOptions,) => () => LocationGenerator;export type LocationGenerator = AsyncGenerator<Location>;
/** Get `Location` from `WalkEntry` provided by directory walker. */export type WalkEntryToLocationConverter = ( options: BuildOptions,) => (walkEntry: { path: string }) => Location;
/** Get content based on a particular location. */export type ContentGetter = ( location: Location,) => Awaitable<Content | undefined>;
/** Read file specified by a `Location` into `File`. */export type FileReader = ( options: BuildOptions,) => (location: Location) => Promise<File>;
/** Parse a page file into a page. */export type Parser = (file: PageFile) => Page;
/** Load the layout `.tsx` file for a specific page based on lookup rules. */export type LayoutLoader = ( page: Page,) => Awaitable<RenderablePage>;
/** Render page into something that can be written to disk (i.e. HTML string). */export type Renderer = ( renderable: RenderablePage,) => Awaitable<OutputFile>;
/** Write page to disk. */export type OutputFileWriterCreator = ( options: BuildOptions,) => (file: OutputFile) => Promise<void>;
/** Write static file to disk. */export type StaticFileWriterCreator = ( options: BuildOptions,) => (staticContent: StaticContent) => Promise<void>;
// Helper types
export type RenderablePage = { page: Page; renderer: PageRenderer;};export type PageRenderer = (page: Page) => Awaitable<Html>;export type OutputFile = { path: string; output: RawFileString;};
Helpers, utilities and other.
// Cache provider
export interface Cache { get<T>(key: string): Promise<T | undefined>; put<T>(key: string, value: T): Promise<unknown>; delete(key: string): Promise<void>; deleteFrom(key: string, property: string): Promise<void>; add(key: string, value: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<void>; clear(): Promise<void>;}
export type CacheTransactionCallback = ( cache: Cache, lockedKey: string,) => Promise<void>;
// Utility types
export type AnyObject = Record<string, unknown>;type Awaitable<T> = T | Promise<T>;
// External dependencies
import type { Logger } from "./deps.ts";export type { Logger };import type { WalkEntry } from "./deps.ts";export type { WalkEntry };