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A static site generator for the dynamic web - develop with TSX and build with Deno
import type { BuildOptions, Change, Logger } from "../domain.ts";import { Component, ContentType } from "../domain.ts";import { loadIfExists } from "../core/module-loader.ts";import { createRenderer, h } from "../core/jsx.ts";import { fs, path, serve as listen } from "../deps.ts";import { createChangesApplier, createContentReader, writeContent,} from "../core/api.ts";import { writeNginxLocations as writeNginxLocationsInternal } from "./nginx-locations.ts";import { Cacher } from "./cache.ts";
const FUNCTIONS_PATH_DEPRECATED = "functions/index.ts";
export type FunctionHandler = ( req: Request, ctx: FunctionContext,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
type FunctionContext = { log?: Logger; pathnameParams: Record<string, string>; writeAndRender: ContentWriter; updateAndRender: ContentUpdater; renderResponse: <Props>( element: Component<Props>, props: Props extends undefined ? never : Props, ) => Promise<Response>;};
type ContentWriter = (contentPath: string, content: string) => Promise<void>;type ContentUpdater = ( contentPath: string, frontmatter?: Record<string, unknown>, content?: string,) => Promise<void>;
type FunctionDefinition = [string, FunctionHandler, FunctionOptions?];export type FunctionOptions = { /** Cache GET requests to this function in the public folder */ cache?: boolean;};
export type Functions = FunctionDefinition[];export type FunctionErrorHandler = ( err: Error, req: Request,) => Response | void | undefined | Promise<Response | void | undefined>;
type FunctionServerOptions = { responseCacher?: Cacher; functionDefinitions?: Functions; errorHandler?: FunctionErrorHandler; port?: number; buildOptions: BuildOptions;};
type FunctionsPatterns = [URLPattern, FunctionHandler, FunctionOptions?][];
/** @deprecated */export const writeNginxLocations = async ( filepath: string, hostname: string, port: number, functions?: Functions, log?: Logger,) => { // DEPRECATED if (!functions) { functions = (await loadIfExists(FUNCTIONS_PATH_DEPRECATED)) ?.default as Functions; if (functions) { log?.warning("DEPRECATED: Using functions from functions/index.ts"); } } if (!functions) { throw new Error("No functions defined"); } await writeNginxLocationsInternal({ filepath, hostname, port, functions: functions, });};
export const loadFunctionsFromFunctionsFile = async (): Promise< Functions | undefined> => { const functionDefinitions = (await loadIfExists(FUNCTIONS_PATH_DEPRECATED)) ?.default as Functions; return functionDefinitions;};
const getContentUpdater = (buildOptions: BuildOptions): ContentUpdater => { const readContent = createContentReader(buildOptions); const applyChange = createChangesApplier(buildOptions); return async (contentPath, frontmatterAssign, contentReplacement) => { if (contentReplacement !== undefined) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } const content = await readContent(contentPath); if (content?.type !== ContentType.Page) { throw new Error(`Content in ${contentPath} is not a page`); } if (content.content) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } const newContent = { ...content, frontmatter: { ...content.frontmatter, ...frontmatterAssign, }, }; await writeContent(newContent); await applyChange([{ type: "modify", inputPath: newContent.location.inputPath, }]); };};
const getContentWriter = (buildOptions: BuildOptions): ContentWriter => { const applyChange = createChangesApplier(buildOptions); return async (contentPath, content) => { // get content path const filepath = path.join(buildOptions.contentDir, contentPath); // ensure directory exists await fs.ensureDir(path.dirname(filepath)); // write file await Deno.writeTextFile(filepath, content); // create change const change: Change = { type: "create", inputPath: filepath, }; // apply change await applyChange([change]); };};
export const handleRequest = ( fnServerOptions: FunctionServerOptions,) => { const { log } = fnServerOptions.buildOptions;
if (!fnServerOptions.functionDefinitions) return;
// create url patterns const functions: FunctionsPatterns = [pathname, handler, options], ) => [new URLPattern({ pathname }), handler, options]);
// create content writer const writeAndRender = getContentWriter(fnServerOptions.buildOptions); const updateAndRender = getContentUpdater(fnServerOptions.buildOptions);
return async (request: Request): Promise<Response> => { const fn = functions.find(([pattern]) => pattern.test(request.url)); if (!fn) { return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 }); } const [pattern, handler, options] = fn; const match = pattern.exec(request.url)!; const url = new URL(request.url); try { const response = await handler(request, { log, pathnameParams: match.pathname.groups, writeAndRender, updateAndRender, renderResponse: async (component, props) => { const renderer = createRenderer(fnServerOptions.buildOptions); const render = renderer({ type: ContentType.Page, pathname: url.pathname, content: "", frontmatter: {}, location: { type: ContentType.Page, inputPath: "", outputPath: "", contentPath: "", pathname: "", url: new URL(""), }, }); const element = h(component, props); const html = await render(element); return new Response(html, { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" }, }); }, }); if (options?.cache && fnServerOptions.responseCacher) { fnServerOptions.responseCacher(request, response); } return response; } catch (err) { log?.critical(err); const errorResponse = fnServerOptions.errorHandler && await fnServerOptions.errorHandler(err, request); return errorResponse || new Response("Internal server error", { status: 500 }); } };};
export const serve = ( handle: (request: Request) => Response | Promise<Response>,) => { listen(handle);};