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Test Deno Node Wrangler

brawler is a command-line tool and library to develop and deploy Deno scripts for Cloudflare Workers with Wrangler.

The project is still in an early-beta stage and not tested extensively yet.


Use the script installer of deno:

deno install -A --name brawler

Note that wrangler ( must be also installed to use brawler.


Use brawler init, brawler dev, and brawler publish instead of wrangler init, wrangler dev, and wrangler publish, respectively.

You can pass any options available in wrangler.

See brawler --help and wrangler --help for details.

# create wrangler.toml and deno.json in cwd (optional)
brawler init

# develop a script locally with hot-reload
touch index.ts
brawler dev index.ts

# publish it
brawler publish index.ts --name my-brawler-project

How it works

brawler is basically just a wrapper of wrangler.

It transforms Deno scripts into Node modules by dnt (, and passes them to wrangler. It also watches updates on a project by Deno.watchFs and repeats the procedure for each update.



Yes, we have denoflare (, which is a great project letting you work with a pure Deno environment.

However, denoflare still lacks a significant portion of functionality in wrangler, which is why this project exists for now.