Build System for C/C++ projects using Deno and TypeScript
Current version released
4 years ago
What is it?
Clang based build system, for C/C++ projects, that you can leverage using TypeScript and Deno.
- Parallel compilation;
- Object files caching;
- Nice console output;
// make.ts
import * as Path from 'https://deno.land/std/path/mod.ts';
import { Target, tempPath } from 'https://deno.land/x/buildsystem/mod.ts';
const temp: string = Path.join(tempPath(), 'MyApp');
const library: string = Path.resolve('path/to/library');
const project: string = Path.resolve(Deno.cwd());
if (Deno.args.includes('--clean')
|| Deno.args.includes('--release')) {
try {
Deno.removeSync(temp, { recursive: true });
} catch (e) {}
const target = new Target();
target.sources = [`${library}/path/to/file1.c`,
target.output = Path.join(temp, 'MyApp.out');
target.includePath = [library];
target.frameworks = ['Cocoa', 'Metal', 'MetalKit', 'QuartzCore'];
target.arguments = ['-Wall'];
target.macros = ['__METAL__'];
target.objcARC = true;
if (Deno.args.includes('--release')) {
target.debug = false;
target.oLevel = 3;
} else {
target.debug = true;
const res = await target.make({ output: true, threads: 16 });
if (res.type === 'complete')
if (Deno.args.includes('--run'))
await Deno.run({ cmd: [ target.output ] }).status();
deno run --allow-all --unstable ./make.ts --run