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Build System for C/C++ projects using Deno and TypeScript
import * as Path from '';import * as FS from '';
export const red = (a: string): string => `\x1b[31m${a}\x1b[0m`;export const green = (a: string): string => `\x1b[32m${a}\x1b[0m`;export const yellow = (a: string): string => `\x1b[33m${a}\x1b[0m`;
export const timeNow = (): number => (new Date()).getTime();export const timeFormat = (a: number): string => `${(a / 1000).toFixed(2)} sec`;
export const numberFormat = (a: number): string => { const s: string = a.toString(); let ret: string = ''; let idx: number = 0; for (let i = (s.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (idx === 3) { ret = (' ' + ret); idx = 0; } ret = (s[i] + ret); idx += 1; } return ret;}
export const remove = (path: string): void => { try { Deno.removeSync(path, { recursive: true }); } catch (e) {}}
export const tempPath = (): string => { if ( == "windows") return "C:\\Temp"; else if ( == "darwin") return "/tmp"; else if ( == "linux") return "/tmp"; else throw new Error(`Platform "${}" is not supported`);}
export const dirName = (): string => { const parts = Path.resolve(Deno.cwd()).split(Path.sep); return parts[parts.length - 1];}
export interface IStat { path: string; exists: boolean; isFile: boolean; isDirectory: boolean; modified: number; size: number;}
export const stat = (path: string): IStat => { try { const stat = Deno.statSync(path); return { path, exists: true, isFile: stat.isFile, isDirectory: stat.isDirectory, modified: stat.mtime?.getTime() ?? 0, size: stat.size } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return { path, exists: false, isFile: false, isDirectory: false, modified: 0, size: 0 } } throw e; }}
export enum Color { Yellow = 'yellow', Green = 'green', Red = 'red'}
export enum Align { Left = 'left', Center = 'center', Right = 'right'}
export class Renderer { private _lines: number = 0; private _cursor: number = 0; public get cursor(): number { return this._cursor; } public write(text: string): void { if (text.includes('\n')) throw new Error('Renderer.write(): "\\n" is not allowed here, use Renderer.break() instead'); const rem = (Deno.consoleSize(Deno.stdout.rid).columns - this._cursor); const out = text.substr(0, rem); this._cursor += out.length; Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(out)); } public writeValue(value: string, width: number, align: Align | undefined, color: Color | undefined) { let out = value.substr(0, width); if ((out.length < width) && (align !== undefined) && (align !== Align.Left)) { const gap = (width - out.length); if (align === Align.Center) { for (let i = 0; i < (gap / 2); i++) out = (' ' + out + ' '); } else if (align === Align.Right) { for (let i = 0; i < gap; i++) out = (' ' + out); } } out = out.substr(0, width).padEnd(width, ' '); if (color !== undefined) { if (color === Color.Yellow) { out = yellow(out); } else if (color === Color.Green) { out = green(out); } else if (color === Color.Red) { out = red(out); } } this.write(out); } public break(): void { Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode('\n')); this._cursor = 0; this._lines += 1; } public rewind(): void { Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(`\x1B[${this._lines}A`)); Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(`\x1B[${this._cursor}D`)); this._cursor = 0; this._lines = 0; }}
export interface IAppComponent { render(renderer: Renderer): void;}
export class App { private _needsLine: boolean = true; private _renderer: Renderer = new Renderer(); private _components: IAppComponent[] = []; public addTable(): Table { const table = new Table(); this._components.push(table); return table; } public addLabel(): Label { const label = new Label(); this._components.push(label); return label; } public addSeparator(): Separator { const separator = new Separator(); this._components.push(separator); return separator; } public addProgress(options?: ProgressOptions): Progress { const progress = new Progress(options); this._components.push(progress); return progress; } public render(): void { if (this._needsLine) { console.log(''); this._needsLine = false; } this._renderer.rewind(); for (const component of this._components) component.render(this._renderer); }}
export class Separator implements IAppComponent { public render(renderer: Renderer): void { renderer.writeValue('', 0, undefined, undefined); renderer.break(); }}
export class Label implements IAppComponent { public value?: string; public color?: Color; public width?: number; public render(renderer: Renderer): void { renderer.writeValue(this.value ?? '', this.width ?? 999, undefined, this.color); renderer.break(); }}
export interface ProgressOptions { value?: number; label?: string; item?: string; width?: number;}
export class Progress implements IAppComponent { public value?: number; public label?: string; public item?: string; public width?: number; public render(renderer: Renderer): void { const WIDTH = this.width ?? 50; if (this.label !== undefined) renderer.write(this.label + ' '); renderer.write('['); if (this.value !== undefined) { for (let i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { if (this.value >= (i / WIDTH)) { renderer.write('#'); } else { renderer.write(' '); } } } renderer.write(']'); if (this.item !== undefined) renderer.write(' ' + this.item); renderer.break(); } public constructor(options?: ProgressOptions) { if (options !== undefined) { this.value = options.value; this.label = options.label; this.item = options.item; this.width = options.width } }}
export const COLUMN_SEPARATOR = ' ';
export interface TableColumnOptions { name?: string; align?: Align; width?: number;}
export interface ITableColumnFitOptions { minWidth?: number; maxWidth?: number;}
export class TableColumn { private _table: Table; public name: string; public align: Align; public width: number; public constructor(table: Table, options?: TableColumnOptions) { this._table = table; = (options?.name ?? 'Untitled'); this.align = (options?.align ?? Align.Left); this.width = (options?.width ?? 8); } public autoFitContents(options?: ITableColumnFitOptions): void { this.width =; for (const row of this._table.rows) { for (const cell of row.cells) { if (cell.column === this) this.width = Math.max(this.width, cell.value.length); } } if (options?.minWidth !== undefined) this.width = Math.max(this.width, options.minWidth); if (options?.maxWidth !== undefined) this.width = Math.min(this.width, options.maxWidth); } public render(renderer: Renderer): void { renderer.writeValue(, this.width, this.align, undefined); renderer.write(COLUMN_SEPARATOR); }}
export class TableCell { private _row: TableRow; private _column: TableColumn; public value: string; public color: Color | undefined; public get column(): TableColumn { return this._column; } public constructor(row: TableRow, column: TableColumn, value?: string) { this._row = row; this._column = column; this.value = (value ?? ''); } public render(renderer: Renderer) { renderer.writeValue(this.value, this.column.width, this.column.align, this.color); renderer.write(COLUMN_SEPARATOR); }}
export class TableRow { private _table: Table; private _cells: TableCell[] = []; public get cells(): TableCell[] { return this._cells; } public constructor(table: Table) { this._table = table; } public addCell(column: TableColumn, value?: string): TableCell { if (this._cells.find(c => c.column == column)) throw new Error('TableRow.addCell(): Cell for this column already added'); this._cells.push(new TableCell(this, column, value)); return this._cells[this._cells.length - 1]; } public render(renderer: Renderer): void { for (const column of this._table.columns) { const cell: TableCell | undefined = this._cells.find(c => c.column == column); if (cell !== undefined) cell.render(renderer); else { renderer.writeValue('cell not found', column.width, undefined, undefined); renderer.write(COLUMN_SEPARATOR); } } renderer.break(); }}
export class Table implements IAppComponent { private _columns: TableColumn[] = []; private _rows: TableRow[] = []; private _renderHeader(renderer: Renderer): void { for (const column of this._columns) column.render(renderer); renderer.break(); } private _renderSeparator(renderer: Renderer): void { for (const column of this._columns) { renderer.write(``.padEnd(column.width, '-')); if (column !== this._columns[this._columns.length -1]) renderer.write(``.padEnd(COLUMN_SEPARATOR.length, '-')); } renderer.break(); } private _renderRows(renderer: Renderer): void { for (const row of this._rows) row.render(renderer); } public get columns(): TableColumn[] { return this._columns; } public get rows(): TableRow[] { return this._rows; } public header: boolean = true; public addColumn(options?: TableColumnOptions): TableColumn { this._columns.push(new TableColumn(this, options)); return this._columns[this._columns.length - 1]; } public addRow(): TableRow { this._rows.push(new TableRow(this)); return this._rows[this._rows.length - 1]; } public render(renderer: Renderer): void { if (this.header) { this._renderHeader(renderer); this._renderSeparator(renderer); } this._renderRows(renderer); } public autoFitContents(): void { for (const column of this._columns) column.autoFitContents(); }}
export enum Standard { c89 = 'c89', c90 = 'c90', c99 = 'c99', c11 = 'c11', c17 = 'c17', gnu89 = 'gnu89', gnu90 = 'gnu90', gnu99 = 'gnu99', gnu11 = 'gnu11', gnu17 = 'gnu17', cxx98 = 'c++98', cxx03 = 'c++03', cxx11 = 'c++11', cxx14 = 'c++14', cxx17 = 'c++17', cxx2a = 'c++2a', gnuxx98 = 'gnu++98', gnuxx03 = 'gnu++03', gnuxx11 = 'gnu++11', gnuxx14 = 'gnu++14', gnuxx17 = 'gnu++17', gnuxx2a = 'gnu++2a'}
export interface IOptions { includePath?: string[]; libraryPath?: string[]; libraries?: string[]; frameworks?: string[]; standard?: Standard; objcARC?: boolean; macros?: string[]; debug?: boolean; oLevel?: number; sanitizer?: boolean; errorLimit?: number; arguments?: string[];}
export interface IResult { cmd: string[]; code: number; stdout: string; stderr: string;}
export async function run(cmd: string[], log?: boolean): Promise<IResult> { if (log === true) { const text: string = cmd.join(' ') + '\n'; const path: string = Path.join(Path.resolve(Deno.cwd()), 'clang.log'); Deno.writeFileSync(path, (new TextEncoder()).encode(text), { append: true }); }
const proc ={ cmd, stderr: 'piped', stdout: 'piped' }); const [ stderr, stdout, status ] = await Promise.all([ proc.stderrOutput(), proc.output(), proc.status() ]); const ret = { cmd: cmd, code: status.code, stdout: new TextDecoder().decode(stdout).trim(), stderr: new TextDecoder().decode(stderr).trim() };
return ret;}
export async function clang(input: string[], output?: string, options?: IOptions, log?: boolean): Promise<IResult> { const cmd: string[] = ['clang']; for (const path of input) cmd.push(path); if (options?.standard) cmd.push(`-std=${options.standard}`); if (options?.objcARC) cmd.push('-fobjc-arc'); if (options?.debug) cmd.push('-g'); if (options?.oLevel) cmd.push(`-O${options.oLevel.toString()}`); if (options?.sanitizer) cmd.push(`-fsanitize=address`); for (const path of (options?.includePath ?? [])) cmd.push(`-I${Path.normalize(path)}`); for (const path of (options?.libraryPath ?? [])) cmd.push(`-L${Path.normalize(path)}`); for (const library of (options?.libraries ?? [])) cmd.push(`-l${library}`); for (const framework of (options?.frameworks ?? [])) { cmd.push('-framework'); cmd.push(framework); } for (const macro of (options?.macros ?? [])) cmd.push(`-D${macro}`); if (options?.errorLimit) cmd.push(`-ferror-limit=${options.errorLimit.toString()}`); for (const arg of (options?.arguments ?? [])) cmd.push(arg); if (output) { cmd.push(`-o`); cmd.push(output); }
return run(cmd, log);}
export async function llvmar(input: string[], output: string, log?: boolean): Promise<IResult> { return run([( == 'windows' ? 'llvm-ar' : 'ar'), 'rc', output, ...input], log);}
export interface IUnitInfo { modified: number; LOC: number; eLOC: number; size: number; deps: ({ path: string, modified: number })[];}
export interface IUnitStatus { type: ('running' | 'error' | 'complete'); action?: ('skip' | 'compiling' | 'compiled' | 'failure'); mmTime?: number; LOC?: number; eLOC?: number; eTime?: number; cTime?: number; time?: number; size?: number; stdout?: string; stderr?: string;}
export interface IUnitMakeOptions { log?: boolean;}
export class Unit { private _onError: ((status: IUnitStatus) => void)[] = []; private _onStatus: ((status: IUnitStatus) => void)[] = []; private _onComplete: ((status: IUnitStatus) => void)[] = []; private _triggerError(status: IUnitStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onError), status); } private _triggerStatus(status: IUnitStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onStatus), status); } private _triggerComplete(status: IUnitStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onComplete), status); } public includePath: string[] = []; public libraryPath: string[] = []; public libraries: string[] = []; public frameworks: string[] = []; public arguments: string[] = []; public macros: string[] = []; public standard?: Standard; public objcARC?: boolean; public debug?: boolean; public oLevel?: number; public sanitizer?: boolean; public errorLimit?: number; public input?: string; public output?: string; public clean?: boolean; public temp?: string; public onError(fn: (state: IUnitStatus) => void): void { this._onError.push(fn); } public onStatus(fn: (state: IUnitStatus) => void): void { this._onStatus.push(fn); } public onComplete(fn: (state: IUnitStatus) => void): void { this._onComplete.push(fn); } public async make(options?: IUnitMakeOptions): Promise<IUnitStatus> { const status: IUnitStatus = { type: 'running', stdout: '', stderr: '' }; if (this.input === undefined) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += 'build-system: error: Input sources not specified (unit.input = \'path/to/input/file\')\n'; this._triggerError(status); return status; } const inputPath: string = Path.resolve(this.input); const inputStat: IStat = stat(inputPath); if (!inputStat.exists) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += `build-system: error: File "${inputPath}" not found\n`; this._triggerError(status); return status; } if (inputStat.isDirectory) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += `build-system: error: File "${inputPath}" is directory\n`; this._triggerError(status); return status; } const relPath: string = (() => { const __ret: string = Path.relative(Deno.cwd(), Path.resolve(inputPath)); if (__ret.includes('..')) return ( == 'windows') ? Path.resolve(__ret).split(':')[1] : Path.resolve(__ret); else return __ret; })();
const outDir: string = (this.temp !== undefined) ? Path.resolve(this.temp) : Path.resolve(Path.join(tempPath(), 'clang-build-system', dirName())); const outSrcPath: string = Path.resolve(Path.join(outDir, relPath)); const outSrcDir: string = Path.dirname(outSrcPath); const outInfoPath: string = `${outSrcPath}.json`; const outPrepPath: string = `${outSrcPath}.prep`; const outObjPath: string = `${outSrcPath}.o`;
const __time_Unit = timeNow(); const __time_MM = timeNow();
const res1 = await clang( [this.input], undefined, { arguments: ['-MM', ...(this.arguments ?? [])], includePath: this.includePath, macros: this.macros }, options?.log ); status.stderr += res1.stderr;
if (res1.code !== 0) { status.type = 'error'; this._triggerError(status); return status; }
status.mmTime = (timeNow() - __time_MM); this._triggerStatus(status);
const info: IUnitInfo = { deps: [], LOC: 0, eLOC: 0, size: 0, modified: inputStat.modified }; const prev: IUnitInfo = { deps: [], LOC: 0, eLOC: 0, size: 0, modified: 0 }; const lines: string[] = res1.stdout.trim() .replaceAll('\\\r\n', '') .replaceAll('\\\n', '') .split(' ') .slice(2) .filter(a => a.trim().length > 0); for (const line of lines) { const path = Path.resolve(line); const stat_ = stat(path); if (!stat_.exists) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += `build-system: error: File "${path}" not found\n`; this._triggerError(status); return status; } if (!info.deps.some(a => a.path === path)) info.deps.push({ path, modified: stat_.modified }); }
if (stat(outInfoPath).exists) { try { const json = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readFile(outInfoPath))); prev.modified = json['modified'] ?? 0; prev.eLOC = json['eLOC'] ?? 0; prev.LOC = json['LOC'] ?? 0; prev.size = json['size'] ?? 0; if (Array.isArray(json['deps'])) { for (const dep of json['deps']) { if ((dep['path'] !== undefined) && (dep['modified'] !== undefined)) prev.deps.push(dep); } } } catch (e) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += `build-system: error: ${e.message || e.toString()}\n`; this._triggerError(status); return status; } }
if (info.modified === prev.modified) { if (info.deps.length === prev.deps.length) { status.action = 'skip'; for (let i = 0; i < info.deps.length; i++) { if ((info.deps[i].path !== prev.deps[i].path) || (info.deps[i].modified !== prev.deps[i].modified)) { status.action = 'compiling'; break; } } } else status.action = 'compiling'; } else status.action = 'compiling';
const outPrepPathStat = stat(outPrepPath); const outObjPathStat = stat(outObjPath); if (!outPrepPathStat.exists) status.action = 'compiling'; if (!outObjPathStat.exists) status.action = 'compiling'; if (this.clean === true) status.action = 'compiling';
if (status.action === 'compiling') { if (outPrepPathStat.exists) await Deno.remove(outPrepPath); if (outObjPathStat.exists) await Deno.remove(outObjPath); if (!stat(outDir).exists) await Deno.mkdir(outDir, { recursive: true }); if (!stat(outSrcDir).exists) await Deno.mkdir(outSrcDir, { recursive: true });
info.LOC = (new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readFile(inputPath))).split('\n').length;
status.LOC = info.LOC; this._triggerStatus(status);
const __time_E = timeNow();
const res2 = await clang( [inputPath], outPrepPath, { arguments: ['-E', ...(this.arguments ?? [])], includePath: this.includePath, macros: this.macros }, options?.log ); status.stdout += res2.stdout; status.stderr += res2.stderr;
if (res2.code !== 0) { status.type = 'error'; status.action = 'failure'; this._triggerError(status); return status; }
status.eTime = (timeNow() - __time_E); this._triggerStatus(status);
info.eLOC = (new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readFile(outPrepPath))).split('\n').length;
status.eLOC = info.eLOC; this._triggerStatus(status);
const __time_C = timeNow();
const res3 = await clang( [inputPath], outObjPath, { arguments: ['-c', ...(this.arguments ?? [])], includePath: this.includePath, standard: this.standard, objcARC: this.objcARC, macros: this.macros, debug: this.debug, oLevel: this.oLevel, sanitizer: this.sanitizer, errorLimit: this.errorLimit }, options?.log ); status.stdout += res3.stdout; status.stderr += res3.stderr;
if (res3.code !== 0) { status.type = 'error'; status.action = 'failure'; this._triggerError(status); return status; }
info.size = stat(outObjPath).size; status.cTime = (timeNow() - __time_C); status.size = info.size; status.action = 'compiled'; this._triggerStatus(status);
await Deno.writeFile(outInfoPath, new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(info))); } else { info.LOC = prev.LOC; info.eLOC = prev.eLOC; info.size = prev.size; status.LOC = info.LOC; status.eLOC = info.eLOC; status.size = info.size; this._triggerStatus(status); }
if (this.output !== undefined) { const outputPath: string = Path.resolve(this.output); const outputDir: string = Path.dirname(outputPath);
if (!stat(outputDir).exists) await Deno.mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true });
await Deno.copyFile(outObjPath, outputPath); }
status.type = 'complete'; status.time = (timeNow() - __time_Unit); this._triggerStatus(status); this._triggerComplete(status); return status; }}
export interface ILinkStatus { type: ('running' | 'error' | 'complete'); time?: number; size?: number; stdout?: string; stderr?: string;}
export interface ILinkMakeOptions { log?: boolean;}
export class Link { private _onError: ((status: ILinkStatus) => void)[] = []; private _onComplete: ((status: ILinkStatus) => void)[] = []; private _triggerError(status: ILinkStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onError), status); } private _triggerComplete(status: ILinkStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onComplete), status); } public input: string[] = []; public includePath: string[] = []; public libraryPath: string[] = []; public libraries: string[] = []; public frameworks: string[] = []; public arguments: string[] = []; public macros?: string[]; public standard?: Standard; public objcARC?: boolean; public debug?: boolean; public oLevel?: number; public sanitizer?: boolean; public errorLimit?: number; public output?: string; public onError(fn: (state: ILinkStatus) => void): void { this._onError.push(fn); } public onComplete(fn: (state: ILinkStatus) => void): void { this._onComplete.push(fn); } async make(options?: ILinkMakeOptions): Promise<ILinkStatus> { const status: ILinkStatus = { type: 'running', stdout: '', stderr: '' }; const input: string[] = []; for (const path of this.input) { const p = Path.resolve(path); if (!stat(p).isFile) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += `build-system: error: File "${p}" not found\n`; this._triggerError(status); return status; } input.push(p); }
if (input.length === 0) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += 'build-system: error: At least one input is required (link.input = [\'path/to/some/file\'])\n'; this._triggerError(status); return status; }
if (this.output === undefined) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += 'build-system: error: Output destination not specified (link.output = \'path/to/output/file\')\n'; this._triggerError(status); return status; } const output = Path.resolve(this.output);
const __time = timeNow();
const res = await clang( input, output, { includePath: this.includePath, libraryPath: this.libraryPath, libraries: this.libraries, frameworks: this.frameworks, standard: this.standard, objcARC: this.objcARC, macros: this.macros, debug: this.debug, oLevel: this.oLevel, sanitizer: this.sanitizer, errorLimit: this.errorLimit, arguments: this.arguments }, options?.log ); status.stdout += res.stdout; status.stderr += res.stderr;
if (res.code !== 0) { status.type = 'error'; this._triggerError(status); return status; }
status.type = 'complete'; status.time = (timeNow() - __time); status.size = stat(this.output).size; this._triggerComplete(status); return status; }}
export interface IArchStatus { type: ('running' | 'error' | 'complete'); time?: number; size?: number; stdout?: string; stderr?: string;}
export interface IArchMakeOptions { log?: boolean;}
export class Arch { private _onError: ((status: IArchStatus) => void)[] = []; private _onComplete: ((status: IArchStatus) => void)[] = []; private _triggerError(status: IArchStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onError), status); } private _triggerComplete(status: IArchStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onComplete), status); } public output?: string; public input: string[] = []; public onError(fn: (state: IArchStatus) => void): void { this._onError.push(fn); } public onComplete(fn: (state: IArchStatus) => void): void { this._onComplete.push(fn); } async make(options?: IArchMakeOptions): Promise<IArchStatus> { const status: IArchStatus = { type: 'running', stdout: '', stderr: '' }; const input: string[] = []; for (const path of this.input) { const p = Path.resolve(path); if (!stat(p).isFile) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += `build-system: error: File "${p}" not found\n`; this._triggerError(status); return status; } input.push(p); }
if (input.length === 0) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += 'build-system: error: At least one input is required (arch.input = [\'path/to/some/file\'])\n'; this._triggerError(status); return status; }
if (this.output === undefined) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += 'build-system: error: Output destination not specified (arch.output = \'path/to/output/file\')\n'; this._triggerError(status); return status; } const output = Path.resolve(this.output);
const __time = timeNow();
const res = await llvmar( input, output, options?.log ); status.stdout += res.stdout; status.stderr += res.stderr;
if (res.code !== 0) { status.type = 'error'; this._triggerError(status); return status; }
status.type = 'complete'; status.time = (timeNow() - __time); status.size = stat(this.output).size; this._triggerComplete(status); return status; }}
export interface ITargetObject { path: string; status: IUnitStatus;}
export interface ITargetStatus { type: ('running' | 'error' | 'complete'); time?: number; size?: number; stdout?: string; stderr?: string;}
export interface ITargetMakeOptions { output?: boolean; threads?: number; log?: boolean;}
export enum TargetType { executable = 'executable', library = 'library'}
export class Target { private _onError: ((status: ITargetStatus) => void)[] = []; private _onComplete: ((status: ITargetStatus) => void)[] = []; private _triggerError(status: ITargetStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onError), status); } private _triggerComplete(status: ITargetStatus): void { for (const subscribtion of this._onComplete), status); } private _outputStatus(status: ITargetStatus): void { const out: string = (status.stderr + '\n' + status.stdout).split('\n') .map(a => a.trim()) .filter(a => a.length !== 0) .join('\n') .replaceAll('error:', red('error:')) .replaceAll('warning:', yellow('warning:')); console.log((out.length > 0) ? `\n${out}\n` : '\n'); } public type: TargetType = TargetType.executable; public sources: string[] = []; public includePath: string[] = []; public libraryPath: string[] = []; public libraries: string[] = []; public frameworks: string[] = []; public arguments: string[] = []; public macros: string[] = []; public cStandard?: Standard; public cppStandard?: Standard; public objcARC?: boolean; public debug?: boolean; public oLevel?: number; public sanitizer?: boolean; public errorLimit?: number; public output?: string; public clean?: boolean; public temp?: string; public onError(fn: (state: IUnitStatus) => void): void { this._onError.push(fn); } public onComplete(fn: (state: IUnitStatus) => void): void { this._onComplete.push(fn); } public async make(options?: ITargetMakeOptions): Promise<ITargetStatus> { const status: ITargetStatus = { type: 'running', stdout: '', stderr: '' }; const sources: string[] = [];
if (this.output === undefined) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += 'build-system: error: Output file not specified (target.output = \'path/to/output/file\')\n'; this._triggerError(status); if (options?.output === true) this._outputStatus(status); return status; }
const output: string = Path.resolve(this.output);
if (this.sources.length === 0) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += 'build-system: error: At least one source is required (target.sources = [\'path/to/some/source\'])\n'; this._triggerError(status); if (options?.output === true) this._outputStatus(status); return status; }
for (const path of this.sources) { const p: string = Path.resolve(path); if (!stat(p).exists) { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += `build-system: error: File "${p}" not found\n`; this._triggerError(status); if (options?.output === true) this._outputStatus(status); return status; } sources.push(p); }
let __seq = 1;
const tempDir: string = (this.temp !== undefined) ? Path.resolve(this.temp) : Path.join(Path.dirname(output), 'temp'); const batches: string[][] = ((): string[][] => { const ret: string[][] = []; const input: string[] = sources; while (input.length > 0) ret.push(input.splice(0, options?.threads ?? 4)); return ret; })(); const objects: ITargetObject[] = [];
for (const batch of batches) { const app = new App();
const table = app.addTable(); table.header = (batch === batches[0]); const fileNameColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'File Name', width: 16 }); const mmTimeColumn = table.addColumn({ name: '-MM Time', align: Align.Center }); const actionColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'Action', width: 10 }); const locColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'LOC', width: 6, align: Align.Right }); const eTimeColumn = table.addColumn({ name: '-E Time', align: Align.Right }); const locEColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'LOC (-E)', align: Align.Right }); const cTimeColumn = table.addColumn({ name: '-c Time', align: Align.Right }); const timeColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'TU Time', align: Align.Right }); const sizeColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'TU Size', align: Align.Right });
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for (const path of batch) { const row = table.addRow(); const nameCell = row.addCell(fileNameColumn, Path.basename(path)); const mmTimeCell = row.addCell(mmTimeColumn); const actionCell = row.addCell(actionColumn); const locCell = row.addCell(locColumn); const eTimeCell = row.addCell(eTimeColumn); const locECell = row.addCell(locEColumn); const cTimeCell = row.addCell(cTimeColumn); const timeCell = row.addCell(timeColumn); const sizeCell = row.addCell(sizeColumn);
const updateRow = (status: IUnitStatus): void => { mmTimeCell.value = status.mmTime ? timeFormat(status.mmTime ?? 0) : '-'; actionCell.value = status.action?.toString() ?? '-'; locCell.value = status.LOC ? numberFormat(status.LOC ?? 0) : '-'; eTimeCell.value = status.eTime ? timeFormat(status.eTime ?? 0) : '-'; locECell.value = status.eLOC ? numberFormat(status.eLOC ?? 0) : '-'; cTimeCell.value = status.cTime ? timeFormat(status.cTime ?? 0) : '-'; timeCell.value = status.time ? timeFormat(status.time ?? 0) : '-'; sizeCell.value = status.size ? (status.size / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' MB' : '-';
if (status.action === 'failure') actionCell.color = Color.Red;
if (status.action === 'compiled') actionCell.color = Color.Green;
if (options?.output === true) app.render(); }
const unit: Unit = new Unit(); unit.onStatus(updateRow); unit.onComplete(updateRow); unit.onError(updateRow); unit.includePath = this.includePath; unit.libraryPath = this.libraryPath; unit.libraries = this.libraries; unit.frameworks = this.frameworks; unit.standard = (() => { const ext = Path.extname(path); if (['.c'].includes(ext)) return this.cStandard; else if (['.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.c++'].includes(ext)) return this.cppStandard; else return undefined; })(); unit.objcARC = this.objcARC; unit.macros = this.macros; unit.debug = this.debug; unit.oLevel = this.oLevel; unit.sanitizer = this.sanitizer; unit.errorLimit = this.errorLimit; unit.arguments = this.arguments; unit.input = path; unit.output = Path.join(tempDir, `${__seq++}_${Path.basename(path)}.o`); unit.temp = Path.join(tempDir); unit.clean = this.clean;
promises.push((async () => { objects.push({ path: <string>unit.output, status: await unit.make({ log: options?.log }) }); })()); }
if (options?.output === true) app.render();
await Promise.all(promises); }
let errors: boolean = false;
for (const object of objects) { status.stderr += object.status.stderr ?? ''; status.stdout += object.status.stdout ?? ''; if (object.status.type === 'error') errors = true; }
if (errors) { status.type = 'error'; this._triggerError(status); if (options?.output === true) this._outputStatus(status); return status; }
const app = new App();
const table = app.addTable();
const nameColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'File Name', width: 18 }); const timeColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'Time', align: Align.Right }); const sizeColumn = table.addColumn({ name: 'Size', align: Align.Right });
const row = table.addRow();
const nameCell = row.addCell(nameColumn, Path.basename(this.output)); const timeCell = row.addCell(timeColumn, '-'); const sizeCell = row.addCell(sizeColumn, '-');
let res: ILinkStatus | IArchStatus | undefined;
if (this.type === TargetType.executable) { const link = new Link(); link.includePath = this.includePath; link.libraryPath = this.libraryPath; link.libraries = this.libraries; link.frameworks = this.frameworks; link.objcARC = this.objcARC; link.macros = this.macros; link.debug = this.debug; link.oLevel = this.oLevel; link.sanitizer = this.sanitizer; link.errorLimit = this.errorLimit; link.arguments = this.arguments; link.input = => u.path); link.output = this.output; link.onError(status => { nameCell.color = Color.Red; app.render(); }); link.onComplete(status => { timeCell.value = timeFormat(status.time ?? 0); sizeCell.value = ((status.size ?? 0) / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' MB'; app.render(); });
res = await link.make({ log: options?.log });
} else if (this.type === TargetType.library) { const arch = new Arch(); arch.input = => u.path); arch.output = this.output; arch.onError(status => { nameCell.color = Color.Red; app.render(); }); arch.onComplete(status => { timeCell.value = timeFormat(status.time ?? 0); sizeCell.value = ((status.size ?? 0) / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' MB'; app.render(); });
res = await arch.make({ log: options?.log }); } else { status.type = 'error'; status.stderr += 'build-system: error: Target type not specified (target.type = TargetType.executable)\n'; this._triggerError(status); if (options?.output === true) this._outputStatus(status); return status; }
status.stderr += res.stderr ?? ''; status.stdout += res.stdout ?? '';
if (res.type === 'error') { status.type = 'error'; this._triggerError(status); if (options?.output === true) this._outputStatus(status); return status; }
if (options?.output === true) this._outputStatus(status);
status.type = 'complete'; this._triggerComplete(status); return status; }}
export class Project extends Target { private _path: string; private _name: string; private _mode: string; public get path(): string { return this._path; } public get name(): string { return this._name; } public get mode(): string { return this._mode; } public constructor(options: { path: string; name?: string; mode?: ('release' | 'debug') }) { super(); this._path = options.path; this._name = ?? (Path.basename(options.path)); this._mode = options.mode ?? 'debug'; this.output = Path.resolve(tempPath(), `${this._name}/${this._mode}/out.${ === 'windows' ? 'exe' : 'a'}`); this.cStandard = Standard.c17; this.cppStandard = Standard.cxx2a; this.libraries.push('stdc++'); } public addFile(path: string): void { this.sources.push(Path.resolve(this._path, path)); } public addFolder(path: string, options?: { exts?: string[], recursive?: boolean }): void { for (const entry of FS.walkSync(Path.resolve(this._path, path), { maxDepth: (options?.recursive === true ? Infinity : 1), exts: options?.exts })) { if (entry.isFile) { this.sources.push(entry.path); } } }}