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🥌 Deno cache library
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import { join, resolve } from "./deps.ts";
const POSIX_HOME = "HOME";
export function cachedir(): string { const env = Deno.env.get; const os =;
const deno = env("DENO_DIR");
if (deno) return resolve(deno);
let home: string | undefined; let path: string; switch (os) { case "linux": { const xdg = env("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); home = xdg ?? env(POSIX_HOME); path = xdg ? "deno" : join(".cache", "deno"); break; } case "darwin": home = env(POSIX_HOME); path = join("Library", "Caches", "deno"); break;
case "windows": home = env("LOCALAPPDATA"); home = home ?? env("USERPROFILE"); path = "deno"; break; }
path = home ? path : ".deno"; if (!home) return path; return resolve(join(home, path));}
export function tmpdir(): string { const env = Deno.env.get; const os =;
let tmp = env("TMPDIR") ?? env("TEMP") ?? env("TMP"); if (tmp) return resolve(tmp);
switch (os) { case "linux": case "darwin": return resolve("/tmp"); case "windows": return resolve( join(env("HOMEDRIVE") ?? env("SYSTEMDRIVE") ?? "C:", "TEMP"), ); }}