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Code Coverage Deno Doc

Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase or PascalCase: foo-bar → fooBar

Correctly handles Unicode strings.

If you use this on untrusted user input, don’t forget to limit the length to something reasonable.


The API is the same on all this platforms ✔️

Deno 🦕

import { camelcase } from "";

camelCase("foo-bar"); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase("foo_bar"); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase("Foo-Bar"); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase("розовый_пушистый_единорог"); //=> 'розовыйПушистыйЕдинорог'

camelCase("Foo-Bar", { pascalCase: true }); //=> 'FooBar'

camelCase("", { pascalCase: false }); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase("Foo-BAR", { preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true }); //=> 'fooBAR'

camelCase("fooBAR", { pascalCase: true, preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true }); //=> 'FooBAR'

camelCase("foo bar"); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase(["foo", "bar"]); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase(["__foo__", "--bar"], { pascalCase: true }); //=> 'FooBar'

camelCase(["foo", "BAR"], {
  pascalCase: true,
  preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true,
}); //=> 'FooBAR'

camelCase("lorem-ipsum", { locale: "en-US" }); //=> 'loremIpsum'

Node.js 🐢🚀

import { camelCase } from "@ultirequiem/camelcase";

Browser 🌐

You can use any CDN 🔥

Eg 👉 ESM ↔️ SkyPack 🆚 Script Tag ↔️ JSDelivr


Is hosted on Deno Doc 📄


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