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Canvas API for Deno, ported from canvaskit-wasm (Skia).
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let document = undefined;let wasmBuff = Deno.readFileSync('./canvaskit.wasm');let wasmMod = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmBuff);
let storeWasm;
export const CanvasKitInit = (function () { var _scriptDir = typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : undefined; if (typeof __filename !== 'undefined') _scriptDir = _scriptDir || __filename; return ( function (CanvasKitInit) { CanvasKitInit = CanvasKitInit || {};
null; var f; f || (f = typeof CanvasKitInit !== 'undefined' ? CanvasKitInit : {}); var ba, ea; f.ready = new Promise(function (a, b) { ba = a; ea = b }); (function (a) { a.Of = a.Of || []; a.Of.push(function () { a.MakeSWCanvasSurface = function (b) { var c = b; if ("CANVAS" !== c.tagName && (c = document.getElementById(b), !c)) throw "Canvas with id " + b + " was not found"; if (b = a.MakeSurface(c.width, c.height)) b.Ff = c; return b }; a.MakeCanvasSurface || (a.MakeCanvasSurface = a.MakeSWCanvasSurface); a.MakeSurface = function (b, c) { var d = { width: b, height: c, colorType: a.ColorType.RGBA_8888, alphaType: a.AlphaType.Unpremul, colorSpace: a.SkColorSpace.SRGB }, h = b * c * 4, m = a._malloc(h); if (d = this._getRasterDirectSurface(d, m, 4 * b)) d.Ff = null, d.Ah = b, d.wh = c, d.zh = h, d.Yg = m, d.getCanvas().clear(a.TRANSPARENT); return d }; a.SkSurface.prototype.flush = function (b) { this._flush(); if (this.Ff) { var c = new Uint8ClampedArray(a.HEAPU8.buffer, this.Yg, this.zh); c = new ImageData(c, this.Ah, this.wh); b ? this.Ff.getContext("2d").putImageData(c, 0, 0, b[0], b[1], b[2] - b[0], b[3] - b[1]) : this.Ff.getContext("2d").putImageData(c, 0, 0) } }; a.SkSurface.prototype.dispose = function () { this.Yg && a._free(this.Yg); this.delete() }; a.currentContext = a.currentContext || function () { }; a.setCurrentContext = a.setCurrentContext || function () { } }) })(f); (function (a) { a.Of = a.Of || []; a.Of.push(function () { function b(c, d, h) { return c && c.hasOwnProperty(d) ? c[d] : h } a.GetWebGLContext = function (c, d) { if (!c) throw "null canvas passed into makeWebGLContext"; var h = { alpha: b(d, "alpha", 1), depth: b(d, "depth", 1), stencil: b(d, "stencil", 8), antialias: b(d, "antialias", 0), premultipliedAlpha: b(d, "premultipliedAlpha", 1), preserveDrawingBuffer: b(d, "preserveDrawingBuffer", 0), preferLowPowerToHighPerformance: b(d, "preferLowPowerToHighPerformance", 0), failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: b(d, "failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat", 0), enableExtensionsByDefault: b(d, "enableExtensionsByDefault", 1), explicitSwapControl: b(d, "explicitSwapControl", 0), renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer: b(d, "renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer", 0) }; h.majorVersion = d && d.majorVersion ? d.majorVersion : "undefined" !== typeof WebGL2RenderingContext ? 2 : 1; if (h.explicitSwapControl) throw "explicitSwapControl is not supported"; if (c = 1 < h.majorVersion ? c.getContext("webgl2", h) : c.getContext("webgl", h)) { d = fa(ha); var m = { Nh: d, attributes: h, version: h.majorVersion, nh: c }; c.canvas && (c.canvas.uh = m); ha[d] = m; ("undefined" === typeof h.Fh || h.Fh) && ja(m); h = d } else h = 0; if (!h) return 0; ka(h); return h }; a.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface = function (c, d, h) { d = d || null; var m = c, q = "undefined" !== typeof OffscreenCanvas && m instanceof OffscreenCanvas; if (!("undefined" !== typeof HTMLCanvasElement && m instanceof HTMLCanvasElement || q || (m = document.getElementById(c), m))) throw "Canvas with id " + c + " was not found"; c = this.GetWebGLContext(m, h); h = m.uh.version; if (!c || 0 > c) throw "failed to create webgl context: err " + c; q = this.MakeGrContext(c); d = this.MakeOnScreenGLSurface(q, m.width, m.height, d); if (!d) return d = m.cloneNode(!0), m.parentNode.replaceChild(d, m), d.classList.add("ck-replaced"), a.MakeSWCanvasSurface(d); d.fg = c; d.grContext = q; d.openGLversion = h; return d }; a.MakeCanvasSurface = a.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface }) })(f); (function (a) { function b(g) { return Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(g || 0, 255))) } function c(g) { return g ? g.constructor === Float32Array && 4 === g.length : !1 } function d(g) { return (b(255 * g[3]) << 24 | b(255 * g[0]) << 16 | b(255 * g[1]) << 8 | b(255 * g[2]) << 0) >>> 0 } function h(g) { if (g instanceof Float32Array) { for (var r = Math.floor(g.length / 4), A = new Uint32Array(r), D = 0; D < r; D++)A[D] = d(g.slice(4 * D, 4 * (D + 1))); return A } if (g instanceof Uint32Array) return g; if (g instanceof Array && g[0] instanceof Float32Array) return } function m(g) { if (void 0 === g) return 1; var r = parseFloat(g); return g && -1 !== g.indexOf("%") ? r / 100 : r } function q(g, r, A) { if (!g || !g.length) return 0; if (g._ck) return g.byteOffset; var D = a[r].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; A || (A = a._malloc(g.length * D)); a[r].set(g, A / D); return A } function u(g, r, A) { if (!g || !g.length) return 0; var D = a[r].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; A || (A = a._malloc(g.length * g[0].length * D)); r = a[r]; var M = 0; D = A / D; for (var ca = 0; ca < g.length; ca++)for (var e = 0; e < g[0].length; e++)r[D + M] = g[ca][e], M++; return A } function y(g) { var r = { Vf: 0, count: g.length, Ig: a.ColorType.RGBA_F32 }; if (g instanceof Float32Array) r.Vf = q(g, "HEAPF32"), r.count = g.length / 4; else if (g instanceof Uint32Array) r.Vf = q(g, "HEAPU32"), r.Ig = a.ColorType.RGBA_8888; else if (g instanceof Array && g[0] instanceof Float32Array) r.Vf = u(g, "HEAPF32"); else throw "Invalid argument to copyFlexibleColorArray, Not a color array " + typeof g; return r } function E(g) { if (!g) return 0; if (g.length) { if (6 !== g.length && 9 !== g.length) throw "invalid matrix size"; var r = q(g, "HEAPF32", ib); 6 === g.length && a.HEAPF32.set(Cb, 6 + r / 4); return r } r = ec.toTypedArray(); r[0] = g.m11; r[1] = g.m21; r[2] = g.m41; r[3] = g.m12; r[4] = g.m22; r[5] = g.m42; r[6] = g.m14; r[7] = g.m24; r[8] = g.m44; return ib } function I(g) { if (!g) return 0; var r = fc.toTypedArray(); if (g.length) { if (16 !== g.length && 6 !== g.length && 9 !== g.length) throw "invalid matrix size"; if (16 === g.length) return q(g, "HEAPF32", Fa); r.fill(0); r[0] = g[0]; r[1] = g[1]; r[3] = g[2]; r[4] = g[3]; r[5] = g[4]; r[7] = g[5]; r[12] = g[6]; r[13] = g[7]; r[15] = g[8]; 6 === g.length && (r[12] = 0, r[13] = 0, r[15] = 1); return Fa } r[0] = g.m11; r[1] = g.m21; r[2] = g.m31; r[3] = g.m41; r[4] = g.m12; r[5] = g.m22; r[6] = g.m32; r[7] = g.m42; r[8] = g.m13; r[9] = g.m23; r[10] = g.m33; r[11] = g.m43; r[12] = g.m14; r[13] = g.m24; r[14] = g.m34; r[15] = g.m44; return Fa } function N(g) { for (var r = Array(16), A = 0; 16 > A; A++)r[A] = a.HEAPF32[g / 4 + A]; return r } function Q(g, r) { return q(g, "HEAPF32", r || jb) } function z(g, r, A, D) { var M = hc.toTypedArray(); M[0] = g; M[1] = r; M[2] = A; M[3] = D; return jb } function R(g) { for (var r = new Float32Array(4), A = 0; 4 > A; A++)r[A] = a.HEAPF32[g / 4 + A]; return r } function T(g, r) { return q(g, "HEAPF32", r || Na) } function da(g, r) { return q(g, "HEAPF32", r || ic) } function ua(g, r) { if (kb) require("fs").writeFile(r, new Buffer(g), function (D) { if (D) throw D; }); else { url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([g], { type: "application/octet-stream" })); var A = document.createElement("a"); document.body.appendChild(A); A.href = url; = r;; setTimeout(function () { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); A.remove() }, 50) } } function U(g, r) { r && !r._ck && a._free(g) } a.Color = function (g, r, A, D) { void 0 === D && (D = 1); return a.Color4f(b(g) / 255, b(r) / 255, b(A) / 255, D) }; a.ColorAsInt = function (g, r, A, D) { void 0 === D && (D = 255); return (b(D) << 24 | b(g) << 16 | b(r) << 8 | b(A) << 0 & 268435455) >>> 0 }; a.Color4f = function (g, r, A, D) { void 0 === D && (D = 1); return Float32Array.of(g, r, A, D) }; Object.defineProperty(a, "TRANSPARENT", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(0, 0, 0, 0) } }); Object.defineProperty(a, "BLACK", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(0, 0, 0, 1) } }); Object.defineProperty(a, "WHITE", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(1, 1, 1, 1) } }); Object.defineProperty(a, "RED", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(1, 0, 0, 1) } }); Object.defineProperty(a, "GREEN", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(0, 1, 0, 1) } }); Object.defineProperty(a, "BLUE", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(0, 0, 1, 1) } }); Object.defineProperty(a, "YELLOW", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(1, 1, 0, 1) } }); Object.defineProperty(a, "CYAN", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(0, 1, 1, 1) } }); Object.defineProperty(a, "MAGENTA", { get: function () { return a.Color4f(1, 0, 1, 1) } }); a.getColorComponents = function (g) { return [Math.floor(255 * g[0]), Math.floor(255 * g[1]), Math.floor(255 * g[2]), g[3]] }; a.parseColorString = function (g, r) { g = g.toLowerCase(); if (g.startsWith("#")) { r = 255; switch (g.length) { case 9: r = parseInt(g.slice(7, 9), 16); case 7: var A = parseInt(g.slice(1, 3), 16); var D = parseInt(g.slice(3, 5), 16); var M = parseInt(g.slice(5, 7), 16); break; case 5: r = 17 * parseInt(g.slice(4, 5), 16); case 4: A = 17 * parseInt(g.slice(1, 2), 16), D = 17 * parseInt(g.slice(2, 3), 16), M = 17 * parseInt(g.slice(3, 4), 16) }return a.Color(A, D, M, r / 255) } return g.startsWith("rgba") ? (g = g.slice(5, -1), g = g.split(","), a.Color(+g[0], +g[1], +g[2], m(g[3]))) : g.startsWith("rgb") ? (g = g.slice(4, -1), g = g.split(","), a.Color(+g[0], +g[1], +g[2], m(g[3]))) : g.startsWith("gray(") || g.startsWith("hsl") || !r || (g = r[g], void 0 === g) ? a.BLACK : g }; a.multiplyByAlpha = function (g, r) { g = g.slice(); g[3] = Math.max(0, Math.min(g[3] * r, 1)); return g }; var kb = !(new Function("try {return this===window;}catch(e){ return false;}"))(), Cb = Float32Array.of(0, 0, 1), ib = 0, ec, Fa = 0, fc, jb = 0, hc, Wa, Na = 0, Mc, Nc = 0, Oc, jc = 0, Pc, ic = 0, Qc, Rc = 0, kc = {}; = function () { = []; this.Mf = null; Object.defineProperty(this, "length", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return / 4 } }) }; = function (g, r, A, D) { this.Mf ||, r, A, D) }; = function (g, r, A, D, M) { 0 > g || g >= / 4 || (g *= 4, this.Mf ? (g = this.Mf / 4 + g, a.HEAPF32[g] = r, a.HEAPF32[g + 1] = A, a.HEAPF32[g + 2] = D, a.HEAPF32[g + 3] = M) : ([g] = r,[g + 1] = A,[g + 2] = D,[g + 3] = M)) }; = function () { return this.Mf ? this.Mf : this.Mf = q(, "HEAPF32") }; = function () { this.Mf && (a._free(this.Mf), this.Mf = null) }; a.Bg = function () { this.Hg = []; this.Mf = null; Object.defineProperty(this, "length", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return this.Hg.length } }) }; a.Bg.prototype.push = function (g) { this.Mf || this.Hg.push(g) }; a.Bg.prototype.set = function (g, r) { 0 > g || g >= this.Hg.length || (g *= 4, this.Mf ? a.HEAPU32[this.Mf / 4 + g] = r : this.Hg[g] = r) }; = function () { return this.Mf ? this.Mf : this.Mf = q(this.Hg, "HEAPU32") }; a.Bg.prototype.delete = function () { this.Mf && (a._free(this.Mf), this.Mf = null) }; a.SkRectBuilder =; a.RSXFormBuilder =; a.SkColorBuilder = a.Bg; a.Malloc = function (g, r) { var A = a._malloc(r * g.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); return { _ck: !0, length: r, byteOffset: A, jg: null, subarray: function (D, M) { D = this.toTypedArray().subarray(D, M); D._ck = !0; return D }, toTypedArray: function () { if (this.jg && this.jg.length) return this.jg; this.jg = new g(a.HEAPU8.buffer, A, r); this.jg._ck = !0; return this.jg } } }; a.Free = function (g) { a._free(g.byteOffset); g.byteOffset = 0; g.toTypedArray = null; g.jg = null }; a.onRuntimeInitialized = function () { function g(e, l, t, w, C) { for (var p = 0; p < e.length; p++)l[p * t + (p * C + w + t) % t] = e[p]; return l } function r(e) { for (var l = e * e, t = Array(l); l--;)t[l] = 0 == l % (e + 1) ? 1 : 0; return t } function A() { for (var e = 0, l = 0; l < arguments.length - 1; l += 2)e += arguments[l] * arguments[l + 1]; return e } function D(e, l, t) { for (var w = Array(e.length), C = 0; C < t; C++)for (var p = 0; p < t; p++) { for (var F = 0, L = 0; L < t; L++)F += e[t * C + L] * l[t * L + p]; w[C * t + p] = F } return w } function M(e, l) { for (var t = D(l[0], l[1], e), w = 2; w < l.length;)t = D(t, l[w], e), w++; return t } hc = a.Malloc(Float32Array, 4); jb = hc.byteOffset; fc = a.Malloc(Float32Array, 16); Fa = fc.byteOffset; ec = a.Malloc(Float32Array, 9); ib = ec.byteOffset; Pc = a.Malloc(Float32Array, 12); ic = Pc.byteOffset; Qc = a.Malloc(Float32Array, 12); Rc = Qc.byteOffset; Wa = a.Malloc(Float32Array, 4); Na = Wa.byteOffset; Mc = a.Malloc(Float32Array, 4); Nc = Mc.byteOffset; Oc = a.Malloc(Int32Array, 4); jc = Oc.byteOffset; a.SkColorSpace.SRGB = a.SkColorSpace._MakeSRGB(); a.SkColorSpace.DISPLAY_P3 = a.SkColorSpace._MakeDisplayP3(); a.SkColorSpace.ADOBE_RGB = a.SkColorSpace._MakeAdobeRGB(); a.SkMatrix = {}; a.SkMatrix.identity = function () { return r(3) }; a.SkMatrix.invert = function (e) { var l = e[0] * e[4] * e[8] + e[1] * e[5] * e[6] + e[2] * e[3] * e[7] - e[2] * e[4] * e[6] - e[1] * e[3] * e[8] - e[0] * e[5] * e[7]; return l ? [(e[4] * e[8] - e[5] * e[7]) / l, (e[2] * e[7] - e[1] * e[8]) / l, (e[1] * e[5] - e[2] * e[4]) / l, (e[5] * e[6] - e[3] * e[8]) / l, (e[0] * e[8] - e[2] * e[6]) / l, (e[2] * e[3] - e[0] * e[5]) / l, (e[3] * e[7] - e[4] * e[6]) / l, (e[1] * e[6] - e[0] * e[7]) / l, (e[0] * e[4] - e[1] * e[3]) / l] : null }; a.SkMatrix.mapPoints = function (e, l) { for (var t = 0; t < l.length; t += 2) { var w = l[t], C = l[t + 1], p = e[6] * w + e[7] * C + e[8], F = e[3] * w + e[4] * C + e[5]; l[t] = (e[0] * w + e[1] * C + e[2]) / p; l[t + 1] = F / p } return l }; a.SkMatrix.multiply = function () { return M(3, arguments) }; a.SkMatrix.rotated = function (e, l, t) { l = l || 0; t = t || 0; var w = Math.sin(e); e = Math.cos(e); return [e, -w, A(w, t, 1 - e, l), w, e, A(-w, l, 1 - e, t), 0, 0, 1] }; a.SkMatrix.scaled = function (e, l, t, w) { t = t || 0; w = w || 0; var C = g([e, l], r(3), 3, 0, 1); return g([t - e * t, w - l * w], C, 3, 2, 0) }; a.SkMatrix.skewed = function (e, l, t, w) { t = t || 0; w = w || 0; var C = g([e, l], r(3), 3, 1, -1); return g([-e * t, -l * w], C, 3, 2, 0) }; a.SkMatrix.translated = function (e, l) { return g(arguments, r(3), 3, 2, 0) }; a.SkVector = {}; = function (e, l) { return (t, w) { return t * l[w] }).reduce(function (t, w) { return t + w }) }; a.SkVector.lengthSquared = function (e) { return, e) }; a.SkVector.length = function (e) { return Math.sqrt(a.SkVector.lengthSquared(e)) }; a.SkVector.mulScalar = function (e, l) { return (t) { return t * l }) }; a.SkVector.add = function (e, l) { return (t, w) { return t + l[w] }) }; a.SkVector.sub = function (e, l) { return (t, w) { return t - l[w] }) }; a.SkVector.dist = function (e, l) { return a.SkVector.length(a.SkVector.sub(e, l)) }; a.SkVector.normalize = function (e) { return a.SkVector.mulScalar(e, 1 / a.SkVector.length(e)) }; a.SkVector.cross = function (e, l) { return [e[1] * l[2] - e[2] * l[1], e[2] * l[0] - e[0] * l[2], e[0] * l[1] - e[1] * l[0]] }; a.SkM44 = {}; a.SkM44.identity = function () { return r(4) }; a.SkM44.translated = function (e) { return g(e, r(4), 4, 3, 0) }; a.SkM44.scaled = function (e) { return g(e, r(4), 4, 0, 1) }; a.SkM44.rotated = function (e, l) { return a.SkM44.rotatedUnitSinCos(a.SkVector.normalize(e), Math.sin(l), Math.cos(l)) }; a.SkM44.rotatedUnitSinCos = function (e, l, t) { var w = e[0], C = e[1]; e = e[2]; var p = 1 - t; return [p * w * w + t, p * w * C - l * e, p * w * e + l * C, 0, p * w * C + l * e, p * C * C + t, p * C * e - l * w, 0, p * w * e - l * C, p * C * e + l * w, p * e * e + t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] }; a.SkM44.lookat = function (e, l, t) { l = a.SkVector.normalize(a.SkVector.sub(l, e)); t = a.SkVector.normalize(t); t = a.SkVector.normalize(a.SkVector.cross(l, t)); var w = a.SkM44.identity(); g(t, w, 4, 0, 0); g(a.SkVector.cross(t, l), w, 4, 1, 0); g(a.SkVector.mulScalar(l, -1), w, 4, 2, 0); g(e, w, 4, 3, 0); e = a.SkM44.invert(w); return null === e ? a.SkM44.identity() : e }; a.SkM44.perspective = function (e, l, t) { var w = 1 / (l - e); t /= 2; t = Math.cos(t) / Math.sin(t); return [t, 0, 0, 0, 0, t, 0, 0, 0, 0, (l + e) * w, 2 * l * e * w, 0, 0, -1, 1] }; a.SkM44.rc = function (e, l, t) { return e[4 * l + t] }; a.SkM44.multiply = function () { return M(4, arguments) }; a.SkM44.invert = function (e) { var l = e[0], t = e[4], w = e[8], C = e[12], p = e[1], F = e[5], L = e[9], P = e[13], V = e[2], aa = e[6], ma = e[10], oa = e[14], J = e[3], k = e[7], n = e[11]; e = e[15]; var x = l * F - t * p, B = l * L - w * p, G = l * P - C * p, H = t * L - w * F, O = t * P - C * F, Z = w * P - C * L, ia = V * k - aa * J, pa = V * n - ma * J, qa = V * e - oa * J, Xa = aa * n - ma * k, Ya = aa * e - oa * k, Za = ma * e - oa * n, Sc = x * Za - B * Ya + G * Xa + H * qa - O * pa + Z * ia, ra = 1 / Sc; if (0 === Sc || Infinity === ra) return null; x *= ra; B *= ra; G *= ra; H *= ra; O *= ra; Z *= ra; ia *= ra; pa *= ra; qa *= ra; Xa *= ra; Ya *= ra; Za *= ra; l = [F * Za - L * Ya + P * Xa, L * qa - p * Za - P * pa, p * Ya - F * qa + P * ia, F * pa - p * Xa - L * ia, w * Ya - t * Za - C * Xa, l * Za - w * qa + C * pa, t * qa - l * Ya - C * ia, l * Xa - t * pa + w * ia, k * Z - n * O + e * H, n * G - J * Z - e * B, J * O - k * G + e * x, k * B - J * H - n * x, ma * O - aa * Z - oa * H, V * Z - ma * G + oa * B, aa * G - V * O - oa * x, V * H - aa * B + ma * x]; return l.every(function (Tc) { return Infinity !== Tc && -Infinity !== Tc }) ? l : null }; a.SkM44.transpose = function (e) { return [e[0], e[4], e[8], e[12], e[1], e[5], e[9], e[13], e[2], e[6], e[10], e[14], e[3], e[7], e[11], e[15]] }; a.SkM44.mustInvert = function (e) { e = a.SkM44.invert(e); if (null === e) throw "Matrix not invertible"; return e }; a.SkM44.setupCamera = function (e, l, t) { var w = a.SkM44.lookat(t.eye, t.coa, t.up); t = a.SkM44.perspective(t.near, t.far, t.angle); l = [(e[2] - e[0]) / 2, (e[3] - e[1]) / 2, l]; e = a.SkM44.multiply(a.SkM44.translated([(e[0] + e[2]) / 2, (e[1] + e[3]) / 2, 0]), a.SkM44.scaled(l)); return a.SkM44.multiply(e, t, w, a.SkM44.mustInvert(e)) }; a.SkColorMatrix = {}; a.SkColorMatrix.identity = function () { var e = new Float32Array(20); e[0] = 1; e[6] = 1; e[12] = 1; e[18] = 1; return e }; a.SkColorMatrix.scaled = function (e, l, t, w) { var C = new Float32Array(20); C[0] = e; C[6] = l; C[12] = t; C[18] = w; return C }; var ca = [[6, 7, 11, 12], [0, 10, 2, 12], [0, 1, 5, 6]]; a.SkColorMatrix.rotated = function (e, l, t) { var w = a.SkColorMatrix.identity(); e = ca[e]; w[e[0]] = t; w[e[1]] = l; w[e[2]] = -l; w[e[3]] = t; return w }; a.SkColorMatrix.postTranslate = function (e, l, t, w, C) { e[4] += l; e[9] += t; e[14] += w; e[19] += C; return e }; a.SkColorMatrix.concat = function (e, l) { for (var t = new Float32Array(20), w = 0, C = 0; 20 > C; C += 5) { for (var p = 0; 4 > p; p++)t[w++] = e[C] * l[p] + e[C + 1] * l[p + 5] + e[C + 2] * l[p + 10] + e[C + 3] * l[p + 15]; t[w++] = e[C] * l[4] + e[C + 1] * l[9] + e[C + 2] * l[14] + e[C + 3] * l[19] + e[C + 4] } return t }; a.SkPath.MakeFromCmds = function (e) { for (var l = 0, t = 0; t < e.length; t++)l += e[t].length; if (kc[l]) var w = kc[l]; else w = new Float32Array(l), kc[l] = w; var C = 0; for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)for (var p = 0; p < e[t].length; p++)w[C] = e[t][p], C++; e = [q(w, "HEAPF32"), l]; l = a.SkPath._MakeFromCmds(e[0], e[1]); a._free(e[0]); return l }; a.MakePathFromCmds = a.SkPath.MakeFromCmds; a.SkPath.MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights = function (e, l, t) { var w = q(e, "HEAPU8"), C = q(l, "HEAPF32"), p = q(t, "HEAPF32"), F = a.SkPath._MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights(w, e.length, C, l.length, p, t && t.length || 0); U(w, e); U(C, l); U(p, t); return F }; a.SkPath.prototype.addArc = function (e, l, t) { e = T(e); this._addArc(e, l, t); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.addOval = function (e, l, t) { void 0 === t && (t = 1); e = T(e); this._addOval(e, !!l, t); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.addPath = function () { var e =, l = e[0], t = !1; "boolean" === typeof e[e.length - 1] && (t = e.pop()); if (1 === e.length) this._addPath(l, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, t); else if (2 === e.length) e = e[1], this._addPath(l, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6] || 0, e[7] || 0, e[8] || 1, t); else if (7 === e.length || 10 === e.length) this._addPath(l, e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6], e[7] || 0, e[8] || 0, e[9] || 1, t); else return null; return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.addPoly = function (e, l) { if (e._ck) { var t = e.byteOffset; var w = e.length / 2 } else t = u(e, "HEAPF32"), w = e.length; this._addPoly(t, w, l); U(t, e); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.addRect = function (e, l) { e = T(e); this._addRect(e, !!l); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.addRRect = function (e, l) { e = da(e); this._addRRect(e, !!l); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.addVerbsPointsWeights = function (e, l, t) { var w = q(e, "HEAPU8"), C = q(l, "HEAPF32"), p = q(t, "HEAPF32"); this._addVerbsPointsWeights(w, e.length, C, l.length, p, t && t.length || 0); U(w, e); U(C, l); U(p, t) }; a.SkPath.prototype.arc = function (e, l, t, w, C, p) { e = a.LTRBRect(e - t, l - t, e + t, l + t); C = (C - w) / Math.PI * 180 - 360 * !!p; p = new a.SkPath; p.addArc(e, w / Math.PI * 180, C); this.addPath(p, !0); p.delete(); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.arcToOval = function (e, l, t, w) { e = T(e); this._arcToOval(e, l, t, w); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.arcToRotated = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F) { this._arcToRotated(e, l, t, !!w, !!C, p, F); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.arcToTangent = function (e, l, t, w, C) { this._arcToTangent(e, l, t, w, C); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.close = function () { this._close(); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.conicTo = function (e, l, t, w, C) { this._conicTo(e, l, t, w, C); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.computeTightBounds = function (e) { this._computeTightBounds(Na); var l = Wa.toTypedArray(); return e ? (e.set(l), e) : l.slice() }; a.SkPath.prototype.cubicTo = function (e, l, t, w, C, p) { this._cubicTo(e, l, t, w, C, p); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.dash = function (e, l, t) { return this._dash(e, l, t) ? this : null }; a.SkPath.prototype.getBounds = function (e) { this._getBounds(Na); var l = Wa.toTypedArray(); return e ? (e.set(l), e) : l.slice() }; a.SkPath.prototype.lineTo = function (e, l) { this._lineTo(e, l); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.moveTo = function (e, l) { this._moveTo(e, l); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.offset = function (e, l) { this._transform(1, 0, e, 0, 1, l, 0, 0, 1); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.quadTo = function (e, l, t, w) { this._quadTo(e, l, t, w); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.rArcTo = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F) { this._rArcTo(e, l, t, w, C, p, F); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.rConicTo = function (e, l, t, w, C) { this._rConicTo(e, l, t, w, C); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.rCubicTo = function (e, l, t, w, C, p) { this._rCubicTo(e, l, t, w, C, p); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.rLineTo = function (e, l) { this._rLineTo(e, l); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.rMoveTo = function (e, l) { this._rMoveTo(e, l); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.rQuadTo = function (e, l, t, w) { this._rQuadTo(e, l, t, w); return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.stroke = function (e) { e = e || {}; e.width = e.width || 1; e.miter_limit = e.miter_limit || 4; e.cap = e.cap || a.StrokeCap.Butt; e.join = e.join || a.StrokeJoin.Miter; e.precision = e.precision || 1; return this._stroke(e) ? this : null }; a.SkPath.prototype.transform = function () { if (1 === arguments.length) { var e = arguments[0]; this._transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6] || 0, e[7] || 0, e[8] || 1) } else if (6 === arguments.length || 9 === arguments.length) e = arguments, this._transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6] || 0, e[7] || 0, e[8] || 1); else throw "transform expected to take 1 or 9 arguments. Got " + arguments.length; return this }; a.SkPath.prototype.trim = function (e, l, t) { return this._trim(e, l, !!t) ? this : null }; a.SkImage.prototype.encodeToData = function () { if (!arguments.length) return this._encodeToData(); if (2 === arguments.length) { var e = arguments; return this._encodeToDataWithFormat(e[0], e[1]) } throw "encodeToData expected to take 0 or 2 arguments. Got " + arguments.length; }; a.SkImage.prototype.makeShader = function (e, l, t) { t = E(t); return this._makeShader(e, l, t) }; a.SkImage.prototype.readPixels = function (e, l, t) { switch (e.colorType) { case a.ColorType.RGBA_8888: var w = 4 * e.width; break; case a.ColorType.RGBA_F32: w = 16 * e.width; break; default: return }var C = w * e.height, p = a._malloc(C); if (!this._readPixels(e, p, w, l, t)) return null; l = null; switch (e.colorType) { case a.ColorType.RGBA_8888: l = (new Uint8Array(a.HEAPU8.buffer, p, C)).slice(); break; case a.ColorType.RGBA_F32: l = (new Float32Array(a.HEAPU8.buffer, p, C)).slice() }a._free(p); return l }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.clear = function (e) { e = Q(e); this._clear(e) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.clipRRect = function (e, l, t) { e = da(e); this._clipRRect(e, l, t) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.clipRect = function (e, l, t) { e = T(e); this._clipRect(e, l, t) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.concat = function (e) { e = I(e); this._concat(e) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.concat44 = a.SkCanvas.prototype.concat; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawArc = function (e, l, t, w, C) { e = T(e); this._drawArc(e, l, t, w, C) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawAtlas = function (e, l, t, w, C, p) { if (e && w && l && t && l.length === t.length) { C || (C = a.BlendMode.SrcOver); var F; ? F = : F = q(l, "HEAPF32"); if ( { var L =; var P = t.length } else L = q(t, "HEAPF32"), P = t.length / 4; var V = 0; p && ( ? V = : V = q(h(p), "HEAPU32")); this._drawAtlas(e, L, F, V, P, C, w); F && ! && U(F, l); L && ! && U(L, t); V && ! && U(V, p) } }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawColor = function (e, l) { e = Q(e); void 0 !== l ? this._drawColor(e, l) : this._drawColor(e) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawColorComponents = function (e, l, t, w, C) { e = z(e, l, t, w); void 0 !== C ? this._drawColor(e, C) : this._drawColor(e) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawDRRect = function (e, l, t) { e = da(e, ic); l = da(l, Rc); this._drawDRRect(e, l, t) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawImageNine = function (e, l, t, w) { l = q(l, "HEAP32", jc); t = T(t); this._drawImageNine(e, l, t, w) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawImageRect = function (e, l, t, w, C) { l = T(l, Na); t = T(t, Nc); this._drawImageRect(e, l, t, w, !!C) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawOval = function (e, l) { e = T(e); this._drawOval(e, l) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawPoints = function (e, l, t) { if (l._ck) { var w = l.byteOffset; var C = l.length / 2 } else w = u(l, "HEAPF32"), C = l.length; this._drawPoints(e, w, C, t); U(w, l) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawRRect = function (e, l) { e = da(e); this._drawRRect(e, l) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawRect = function (e, l) { e = T(e); this._drawRect(e, l) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawShadow = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F) { var L = q(C, "HEAPF32"), P = q(p, "HEAPF32"); this._drawShadow(e, l, t, w, L, P, F); U(L, C); U(P, p) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.getLocalToDevice = function () { this._getLocalToDevice(Fa); return N(Fa) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.findMarkedCTM = function (e) { return this._findMarkedCTM(e, Fa) ? N(Fa) : null }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.getTotalMatrix = function () { this._getTotalMatrix(ib); for (var e = Array(9), l = 0; 9 > l; l++)e[l] = a.HEAPF32[ib / 4 + l]; return e }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.readPixels = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F, L) { C = C || a.AlphaType.Unpremul; p = p || a.ColorType.RGBA_8888; F = F || a.SkColorSpace.SRGB; var P = 4; p === a.ColorType.RGBA_F16 && (P = 8); L = L || P * t; var V = w * L; P = a._malloc(V); if (!this._readPixels({ width: t, height: w, colorType: p, alphaType: C, colorSpace: F }, P, L, e, l)) return a._free(P), null; e = (new Uint8Array(a.HEAPU8.buffer, P, V)).slice(); a._free(P); return e }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.saveLayer = function (e, l, t, w) { l = T(l); return this._saveLayer(e || null, l, t || null, w || 0) }; a.SkCanvas.prototype.writePixels = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F, L) { if (e.byteLength % (l * t)) throw "pixels length must be a multiple of the srcWidth * srcHeight"; var P = e.byteLength / (l * t); p = p || a.AlphaType.Unpremul; F = F || a.ColorType.RGBA_8888; L = L || a.SkColorSpace.SRGB; var V = P * l; P = q(e, "HEAPU8"); l = this._writePixels({ width: l, height: t, colorType: F, alphaType: p, colorSpace: L }, P, V, w, C); U(P, e); return l }; a.SkColorFilter.MakeBlend = function (e, l) { e = Q(e); return a.SkColorFilter._MakeBlend(e, l) }; a.SkColorFilter.MakeMatrix = function (e) { if (!e || 20 !== e.length) throw "invalid color matrix"; var l = q(e, "HEAPF32"), t = a.SkColorFilter._makeMatrix(l); U(l, e); return t }; a.SkImageFilter.MakeMatrixTransform = function (e, l, t) { e = E(e); return a.SkImageFilter._MakeMatrixTransform(e, l, t) }; a.SkPaint.prototype.getColor = function () { this._getColor(jb); return R(jb) }; a.SkPaint.prototype.setColor = function (e, l) { l = l || null; e = Q(e); this._setColor(e, l) }; a.SkPaint.prototype.setColorComponents = function (e, l, t, w, C) { C = C || null; e = z(e, l, t, w); this._setColor(e, C) }; a.SkPictureRecorder.prototype.beginRecording = function (e) { e = T(e); return this._beginRecording(e) }; a.SkSurface.prototype.captureFrameAsSkPicture = function (e) { var l = new a.SkPictureRecorder, t = l.beginRecording(a.LTRBRect(0, 0, this.width(), this.height())); e(t); e = l.finishRecordingAsPicture(); l.delete(); return e }; a.SkSurface.prototype.makeImageSnapshot = function (e) { e = q(e, "HEAP32", jc); return this._makeImageSnapshot(e) }; a.SkSurface.prototype.requestAnimationFrame = function (e, l) { this.Cg || (this.Cg = this.getCanvas()); requestAnimationFrame(function () { void 0 !== this.fg && a.setCurrentContext(this.fg); e(this.Cg); this.flush(l) }.bind(this)) }; a.SkSurface.prototype.drawOnce = function (e, l) { this.Cg || (this.Cg = this.getCanvas()); requestAnimationFrame(function () { void 0 !== this.fg && a.setCurrentContext(this.fg); e(this.Cg); this.flush(l); this.dispose() }.bind(this)) }; a.SkPathEffect.MakeDash = function (e, l) { l || (l = 0); if (!e.length || 1 === e.length % 2) throw "Intervals array must have even length"; var t = q(e, "HEAPF32"); l = a.SkPathEffect._MakeDash(t, e.length, l); U(t, e); return l }; a.SkShader.Color = function (e, l) { l = l || null; e = Q(e); return a.SkShader._Color(e, l) }; a.SkShader.MakeLinearGradient = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F, L) { L = L || null; var P = y(t), V = q(w, "HEAPF32"); F = F || 0; p = E(p); e = a._MakeLinearGradientShader(e, l, P.Vf, P.Ig, V, P.count, C, F, p, L); U(P.Vf, t); w && U(V, w); return e }; a.SkShader.MakeRadialGradient = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F, L) { L = L || null; var P = y(t), V = q(w, "HEAPF32"); F = F || 0; p = E(p); e = a._MakeRadialGradientShader(e, l, P.Vf, P.Ig, V, P.count, C, F, p, L); U(P.Vf, t); w && U(V, w); return e }; a.SkShader.MakeSweepGradient = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F, L, P, V) { V = V || null; var aa = y(t), ma = q(w, "HEAPF32"); F = F || 0; L = L || 0; P = P || 360; p = E(p); e = a._MakeSweepGradientShader(e, l, aa.Vf, aa.Ig, ma, aa.count, C, L, P, F, p, V); U(aa.Vf, t); w && U(ma, w); return e }; a.SkShader.MakeTwoPointConicalGradient = function (e, l, t, w, C, p, F, L, P, V) { V = V || null; var aa = y(C), ma = q(p, "HEAPF32"); P = P || 0; L = E(L); e = a._MakeTwoPointConicalGradientShader(e, l, t, w, aa.Vf, aa.Ig, ma, aa.count, F, P, L, V); U(aa.Vf, C); p && U(ma, p); return e }; a.SkVertices.prototype.bounds = function (e) { this._bounds(Na); var l = Wa.toTypedArray(); return e ? (e.set(l), e) : l.slice() }; a.ui = a.SkPathEffect.MakeDash; = a.SkShader.MakeLinearGradient; a.ti = a.SkShader.MakeRadialGradient; = a.SkShader.MakeTwoPointConicalGradient; a.Of && a.Of.forEach(function (e) { e() }) }; a.computeTonalColors = function (g) { var r = q(g.ambient, "HEAPF32"), A = q(, "HEAPF32"); this._computeTonalColors(r, A); var D = { ambient: R(r), spot: R(A) }; U(r, g.ambient); U(A,; return D }; a.LTRBRect = function (g, r, A, D) { return Float32Array.of(g, r, A, D) }; a.XYWHRect = function (g, r, A, D) { return Float32Array.of(g, r, g + A, r + D) }; a.LTRBiRect = function (g, r, A, D) { return Int32Array.of(g, r, A, D) }; a.XYWHiRect = function (g, r, A, D) { return Int32Array.of(g, r, g + A, r + D) }; a.RRectXY = function (g, r, A) { return Float32Array.of(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3], r, A, r, A, r, A, r, A) }; a.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded = function (g) { g = new Uint8Array(g); var r = a._malloc(g.byteLength); a.HEAPU8.set(g, r); return (g = a._decodeAnimatedImage(r, g.byteLength)) ? g : null }; a.MakeImageFromEncoded = function (g) { g = new Uint8Array(g); var r = a._malloc(g.byteLength); a.HEAPU8.set(g, r); return (g = a._decodeImage(r, g.byteLength)) ? g : null }; var lb = null; a.MakeImageFromCanvasImageSource = function (g) { var r = g.width, A = g.height; lb || (lb = document.createElement("canvas")); lb.width = r; lb.height = A; var D = lb.getContext("2d"); D.drawImage(g, 0, 0); g = D.getImageData(0, 0, r, A); return a.MakeImage(, r, A, a.AlphaType.Unpremul, a.ColorType.RGBA_8888, a.SkColorSpace.SRGB) }; a.MakeImage = function (g, r, A, D, M, ca) { var e = g.length / (r * A); A = { width: r, height: A, alphaType: D, colorType: M, colorSpace: ca }; D = q(g, "HEAPU8"); return a._MakeImage(A, D, g.length, r * e) }; a.MakeSkVertices = function (g, r, A, D, M, ca) { var e = M && M.length || 0, l = 0; A && A.length && (l |= 1); D && D.length && (l |= 2); void 0 === ca || ca || (l |= 4); g = new a._SkVerticesBuilder(g, r.length, e, l); u(r, "HEAPF32", g.positions()); g.texCoords() && u(A, "HEAPF32", g.texCoords()); if (g.colors()) { if ( throw "Color builder not accepted by MakeSkVertices, use array of ints"; q(h(D), "HEAPU32", g.colors()) } g.indices() && q(M, "HEAPU16", g.indices()); return g.detach() }; (function (g) { g.Of = g.Of || []; g.Of.push(function () { function r(p) { if (!p || !p.length) return []; for (var F = [], L = 0; L < p.length; L += 5) { var P = g.LTRBRect(p[L], p[L + 1], p[L + 2], p[L + 3]); P.direction = 0 === p[L + 4] ? g.TextDirection.RTL : g.TextDirection.LTR; F.push(P) } g._free(p.byteOffset); return F } function A(p) { p = p || {}; void 0 === p.weight && (p.weight = g.FontWeight.Normal); p.width = p.width || g.FontWidth.Normal; p.slant = p.slant || g.FontSlant.Upright; return p } function D(p) { if (!p || !p.length) return 0; for (var F = [], L = 0; L < p.length; L++) { var P = M(p[L]); F.push(P) } return q(F, "HEAPU32") } function M(p) { if (l[p]) return l[p]; var F = la(p) + 1, L = g._malloc(F); na(p, v, L, F); return l[p] = L } function ca(p) { p._colorPtr = Q(p.color); p._foregroundColorPtr = 0; p._backgroundColorPtr = 0; p._decorationColorPtr = 0; p.foregroundColor && (p._foregroundColorPtr = Q(p.foregroundColor, t)); p.backgroundColor && (p._backgroundColorPtr = Q(p.backgroundColor, w)); p.decorationColor && (p._decorationColorPtr = Q(p.decorationColor, C)); Array.isArray(p.fontFamilies) && p.fontFamilies.length ? (p._fontFamiliesPtr = D(p.fontFamilies), p._fontFamiliesLen = p.fontFamilies.length) : (p._fontFamiliesPtr = 0, p._fontFamiliesLen = 0) } function e(p) { g._free(p._fontFamiliesPtr) } g.Paragraph.prototype.getRectsForRange = function (p, F, L, P) { p = this._getRectsForRange(p, F, L, P); return r(p) }; g.Paragraph.prototype.getRectsForPlaceholders = function () { var p = this._getRectsForPlaceholders(); return r(p) }; g.TypefaceFontProvider.prototype.registerFont = function (p, F) { p = g.SkFontMgr.RefDefault().MakeTypefaceFromData(p); if (!p) return null; F = M(F); this._registerFont(p, F) }; g.ParagraphStyle = function (p) { p.disableHinting = p.disableHinting || !1; if (p.ellipsis) { var F = p.ellipsis; p._ellipsisPtr = M(F); p._ellipsisLen = la(F) + 1 } else p._ellipsisPtr = 0, p._ellipsisLen = 0; p.heightMultiplier = p.heightMultiplier || 0; p.maxLines = p.maxLines || 0; p.textAlign = p.textAlign || g.TextAlign.Start; p.textDirection = p.textDirection || g.TextDirection.LTR; p.textStyle = g.TextStyle(p.textStyle); F = (F = p.strutStyle) || {}; F.strutEnabled = F.strutEnabled || !1; F.strutEnabled && Array.isArray(F.fontFamilies) && F.fontFamilies.length ? (F._fontFamiliesPtr = D(F.fontFamilies), F._fontFamiliesLen = F.fontFamilies.length) : (F._fontFamiliesPtr = 0, F._fontFamiliesLen = 0); F.fontStyle = A(F.fontStyle); F.fontSize = F.fontSize || 0; F.heightMultiplier = F.heightMultiplier || 0; F.leading = F.leading || 0; F.forceStrutHeight = F.forceStrutHeight || !1; p.strutStyle = F; return p }; g.TextStyle = function (p) { p.color || (p.color = g.BLACK); p.decoration = p.decoration || 0; p.decorationThickness = p.decorationThickness || 0; p.decorationStyle = p.decorationStyle || g.DecorationStyle.Solid; p.textBaseline = p.textBaseline || g.TextBaseline.Alphabetic; p.fontSize = p.fontSize || 0; p.letterSpacing = p.letterSpacing || 0; p.wordSpacing = p.wordSpacing || 0; p.heightMultiplier = p.heightMultiplier || 0; if (p.locale) { var F = p.locale; p._localePtr = M(F); p._localeLen = la(F) + 1 } else p._localePtr = 0, p._localeLen = 0; p.fontStyle = A(p.fontStyle); if (p.shadows) { F = p.shadows; var L = (aa) { return aa.color || g.BLACK }), P = (aa) { return aa.offset || [0, 0] }), V = (aa) { return aa.blurRadius || 0 }); p._shadowLen = F.length; p._shadowColorsPtr = y(L).Vf; p._shadowOffsetsPtr = u(P, "HEAPF32"); p._shadowBlurRadiiPtr = q(V, "HEAPF32") } else p._shadowLen = 0, p._shadowColorsPtr = 0, p._shadowOffsetsPtr = 0, p._shadowBlurRadiiPtr = 0; p.fontFeatures ? (F = p.fontFeatures, L = (aa) { return }), P = (aa) { return aa.value }), p._fontFeatureLen = F.length, p._fontFeatureNamesPtr = D(L), p._fontFeatureValuesPtr = q(P, "HEAPU32")) : (p._fontFeatureLen = 0, p._fontFeatureNamesPtr = 0, p._fontFeatureValuesPtr = 0); return p }; var l = {}, t = g._malloc(16), w = g._malloc(16), C = g._malloc(16); g.ParagraphBuilder.Make = function (p, F) { ca(p.textStyle); F = g.ParagraphBuilder._Make(p, F); e(p.textStyle); return F }; g.ParagraphBuilder.MakeFromFontProvider = function (p, F) { ca(p.textStyle); F = g.ParagraphBuilder._MakeFromFontProvider(p, F); e(p.textStyle); return F }; g.ParagraphBuilder.prototype.pushStyle = function (p) { ca(p); this._pushStyle(p); e(p) }; g.ParagraphBuilder.prototype.pushPaintStyle = function (p, F, L) { ca(p); this._pushPaintStyle(p, F, L); e(p) }; g.ParagraphBuilder.prototype.addPlaceholder = function (p, F, L, P, V) { L = L || g.PlaceholderAlignment.Baseline; P = P || g.TextBaseline.Alphabetic; this._addPlaceholder(p || 0, F || 0, L, P, V || 0) } }) })(f); a.Of = a.Of || []; a.Of.push(function () { a.SkPath.prototype.op = function (g, r) { return this._op(g, r) ? this : null }; a.SkPath.prototype.simplify = function () { return this._simplify() ? this : null } }); a.Of = a.Of || []; a.Of.push(function () { a.SkCanvas.prototype.drawText = function (g, r, A, D, M) { if ("string" === typeof g) { var ca = la(g), e = a._malloc(ca + 1); na(g, v, e, ca + 1); this._drawSimpleText(e, ca, r, A, M, D); a._free(e) } else this._drawShapedText(g, r, A, D) }; a.SkFont.prototype.getGlyphBounds = function (g, r, A) { var D = q(g, "HEAPU16"), M = a._malloc(16 * g.length); this._getGlyphWidthBounds(D, g.length, 0, M, r || null); r = new Float32Array(a.HEAPU8.buffer, M, 4 * g.length); U(D, g); if (A) return A.set(r), a._free(M), A; g = Float32Array.from(r); a._free(M); return g }; a.SkFont.prototype.getGlyphIDs = function (g, r, A) { r || (r = g.length); var D = la(g) + 1, M = a._malloc(D); na(g, v, M, D); g = a._malloc(2 * r); r = this._getGlyphIDs(M, D - 1, r, g); a._free(M); if (0 > r) return a._free(g), null; M = new Uint16Array(a.HEAPU8.buffer, g, r); if (A) return A.set(M), a._free(g), A; A = Uint32Array.from(M); a._free(g); return A }; a.SkFont.prototype.getGlyphWidths = function (g, r, A) { var D = q(g, "HEAPU16"), M = a._malloc(4 * g.length); this._getGlyphWidthBounds(D, g.length, M, 0, r || null); r = new Float32Array(a.HEAPU8.buffer, M, g.length); U(D, g); if (A) return A.set(r), a._free(M), A; g = Float32Array.from(r); a._free(M); return g }; a.SkFont.prototype.getWidths = function (g) { var r = g.length + 1, A = la(g) + 1, D = a._malloc(A); na(g, v, D, A); g = a._malloc(4 * r); if (!this._getWidths(D, A, r, g)) return a._free(D), a._free(g), null; r = new Float32Array(a.HEAPU8.buffer, g, r); r = Array.from(r); a._free(D); a._free(g); return r }; a.SkFontMgr.FromData = function () { if (!arguments.length) return null; var g = arguments; 1 === g.length && Array.isArray(g[0]) && (g = arguments[0]); if (!g.length) return null; for (var r = [], A = [], D = 0; D < g.length; D++) { var M = new Uint8Array(g[D]), ca = q(M, "HEAPU8"); r.push(ca); A.push(M.byteLength) } r = q(r, "HEAPU32"); A = q(A, "HEAPU32"); g = a.SkFontMgr._fromData(r, A, g.length); a._free(r); a._free(A); return g }; a.SkFontMgr.prototype.MakeTypefaceFromData = function (g) { g = new Uint8Array(g); var r = q(g, "HEAPU8"); return (g = this._makeTypefaceFromData(r, g.byteLength)) ? g : null }; a.ShapedText.prototype.getBounds = function (g) { this._getBounds(Na); var r = Wa.toTypedArray(); return g ? (g.set(r), g) : r.slice() }; a.SkTextBlob.MakeOnPath = function (g, r, A, D) { if (g && g.length && r && r.countPoints()) { if (1 === r.countPoints()) return this.MakeFromText(g, A); D || (D = 0); var M = A.getWidths(g), ca = new a.RSXFormBuilder; r = new a.SkPathMeasure(r, !1, 1); for (var e = 0; e < g.length; e++) { var l = M[e]; D += l / 2; if (D > r.getLength()) { if (!r.nextContour()) { g = g.substring(0, e); break } D = l / 2 } var t = r.getPosTan(D), w = t[2], C = t[3]; ca.push(w, C, t[0] - l / 2 * w, t[1] - l / 2 * C); D += l / 2 } g = this.MakeFromRSXform(g, ca, A); ca.delete(); r.delete(); return g } }; a.SkTextBlob.MakeFromRSXform = function (g, r, A) { var D = la(g) + 1, M = a._malloc(D); na(g, v, M, D); g = 0; ? g = : g = q(r, "HEAPF32"); r = a.SkTextBlob._MakeFromRSXform(M, D - 1, g, A); a._free(M); return r ? r : null }; a.SkTextBlob.MakeFromRSXformGlyphs = function (g, r, A) { var D = q(g, "HEAPU16"), M = 0; ? M = : M = q(r, "HEAPF32"); r = a.SkTextBlob._MakeFromRSXformGlyphs(D, 2 * g.length, M, A); U(D, g); return r ? r : null }; a.SkTextBlob.MakeFromGlyphs = function (g, r) { var A = q(g, "HEAPU16"); r = a.SkTextBlob._MakeFromGlyphs(A, 2 * g.length, r); U(A, g); return r ? r : null }; a.SkTextBlob.MakeFromText = function (g, r) { var A = la(g) + 1, D = a._malloc(A); na(g, v, D, A); g = a.SkTextBlob._MakeFromText(D, A - 1, r); a._free(D); return g ? g : null }; a.MallocGlyphIDs = function (g) { return a.Malloc(Uint16Array, g) } }); a.Of = a.Of || []; a.Of.push(function () { a.MakeSkPicture = function (g) { g = new Uint8Array(g); var r = a._malloc(g.byteLength); a.HEAPU8.set(g, r); return (g = a._MakeSkPicture(r, g.byteLength)) ? g : null }; a.SkPicture.prototype.saveAsFile = function (g) { var r = this.serialize(); if (r) { var A = a.getSkDataBytes(r); ua(A, g); r.delete() } } }); (function () { function g(J) { for (var k = 0; k < J.length; k++)if (void 0 !== J[k] && !Number.isFinite(J[k])) return !1; return !0 } function r(J) { var k = a.getColorComponents(J); J = k[0]; var n = k[1], x = k[2]; k = k[3]; if (1 === k) return J = J.toString(16).toLowerCase(), n = n.toString(16).toLowerCase(), x = x.toString(16).toLowerCase(), J = 1 === J.length ? "0" + J : J, n = 1 === n.length ? "0" + n : n, x = 1 === x.length ? "0" + x : x, "#" + J + n + x; k = 0 === k || 1 === k ? k : k.toFixed(8); return "rgba(" + J + ", " + n + ", " + x + ", " + k + ")" } function A(J) { return a.parseColorString(J, aa) } function D(J) { J = ma.exec(J); if (!J) return null; var k = parseFloat(J[4]), n = 16; switch (J[5]) { case "em": case "rem": n = 16 * k; break; case "pt": n = 4 * k / 3; break; case "px": n = k; break; case "pc": n = 16 * k; break; case "in": n = 96 * k; break; case "cm": n = 96 * k / 2.54; break; case "mm": n = 96 / 25.4 * k; break; case "q": n = 96 / 25.4 / 4 * k; break; case "%": n = 16 / 75 * k }return { style: J[1], variant: J[2], weight: J[3], sizePx: n, family: J[6].trim() } } function M(J) { this.Ff = J; this.Hf = new a.SkPaint; this.Hf.setAntiAlias(!0); this.Hf.setStrokeMiter(10); this.Hf.setStrokeCap(a.StrokeCap.Butt); this.Hf.setStrokeJoin(a.StrokeJoin.Miter); this.Qg = "10px monospace"; = new a.SkFont(null, 10);!0); this.Uf = = a.BLACK; = 0; this.Fg = a.TRANSPARENT; this.rg = this.qg = 0; this.Gg = = 1; this.Eg = 0; this.og = []; this.Gf = a.BlendMode.SrcOver; this.hg = a.FilterQuality.Low; this.Dg = !0; this.Hf.setStrokeWidth(this.Gg); this.Hf.setBlendMode(this.Gf); this.Kf = new a.SkPath; this.Lf = a.SkMatrix.identity(); this.oh = []; = []; this.dg = function () { this.Kf.delete(); this.Hf.delete();; (k) { k.dg() }) }; Object.defineProperty(this, "currentTransform", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return { a: this.Lf[0], c: this.Lf[1], e: this.Lf[2], b: this.Lf[3], d: this.Lf[4], f: this.Lf[5] } }, set: function (k) { k.a && this.setTransform(k.a, k.b, k.c, k.d, k.e, k.f) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "fillStyle", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return c(this.Uf) ? r(this.Uf) : this.Uf }, set: function (k) { "string" === typeof k ? this.Uf = A(k) : && (this.Uf = k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "font", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return this.Qg }, set: function (k) { var n = D(k), x =; n.typeface = oa[x] ? oa[x][( || "normal") + "|" + (n.variant || "normal") + "|" + (n.weight || "normal")] || oa[x]["*"] : null; n && (,, this.Qg = k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "globalAlpha", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return }, set: function (k) { !isFinite(k) || 0 > k || 1 < k || ( = k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "globalCompositeOperation", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { switch (this.Gf) { case a.BlendMode.SrcOver: return "source-over"; case a.BlendMode.DstOver: return "destination-over"; case a.BlendMode.Src: return "copy"; case a.BlendMode.Dst: return "destination"; case a.BlendMode.Clear: return "clear"; case a.BlendMode.SrcIn: return "source-in"; case a.BlendMode.DstIn: return "destination-in"; case a.BlendMode.SrcOut: return "source-out"; case a.BlendMode.DstOut: return "destination-out"; case a.BlendMode.SrcATop: return "source-atop"; case a.BlendMode.DstATop: return "destination-atop"; case a.BlendMode.Xor: return "xor"; case a.BlendMode.Plus: return "lighter"; case a.BlendMode.Multiply: return "multiply"; case a.BlendMode.Screen: return "screen"; case a.BlendMode.Overlay: return "overlay"; case a.BlendMode.Darken: return "darken"; case a.BlendMode.Lighten: return "lighten"; case a.BlendMode.ColorDodge: return "color-dodge"; case a.BlendMode.ColorBurn: return "color-burn"; case a.BlendMode.HardLight: return "hard-light"; case a.BlendMode.SoftLight: return "soft-light"; case a.BlendMode.Difference: return "difference"; case a.BlendMode.Exclusion: return "exclusion"; case a.BlendMode.Hue: return "hue"; case a.BlendMode.Saturation: return "saturation"; case a.BlendMode.Color: return "color"; case a.BlendMode.Luminosity: return "luminosity" } }, set: function (k) { switch (k) { case "source-over": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.SrcOver; break; case "destination-over": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.DstOver; break; case "copy": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Src; break; case "destination": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Dst; break; case "clear": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Clear; break; case "source-in": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.SrcIn; break; case "destination-in": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.DstIn; break; case "source-out": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.SrcOut; break; case "destination-out": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.DstOut; break; case "source-atop": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.SrcATop; break; case "destination-atop": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.DstATop; break; case "xor": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Xor; break; case "lighter": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Plus; break; case "plus-lighter": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Plus; break; case "plus-darker": throw "plus-darker is not supported"; case "multiply": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Multiply; break; case "screen": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Screen; break; case "overlay": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Overlay; break; case "darken": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Darken; break; case "lighten": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Lighten; break; case "color-dodge": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.ColorDodge; break; case "color-burn": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.ColorBurn; break; case "hard-light": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.HardLight; break; case "soft-light": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.SoftLight; break; case "difference": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Difference; break; case "exclusion": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Exclusion; break; case "hue": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Hue; break; case "saturation": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Saturation; break; case "color": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Color; break; case "luminosity": this.Gf = a.BlendMode.Luminosity; break; default: return }this.Hf.setBlendMode(this.Gf) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "imageSmoothingEnabled", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return this.Dg }, set: function (k) { this.Dg = !!k } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "imageSmoothingQuality", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { switch (this.hg) { case a.FilterQuality.Low: return "low"; case a.FilterQuality.Medium: return "medium"; case a.FilterQuality.High: return "high" } }, set: function (k) { switch (k) { case "low": this.hg = a.FilterQuality.Low; break; case "medium": this.hg = a.FilterQuality.Medium; break; case "high": this.hg = a.FilterQuality.High } } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "lineCap", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { switch (this.Hf.getStrokeCap()) { case a.StrokeCap.Butt: return "butt"; case a.StrokeCap.Round: return "round"; case a.StrokeCap.Square: return "square" } }, set: function (k) { switch (k) { case "butt": this.Hf.setStrokeCap(a.StrokeCap.Butt); break; case "round": this.Hf.setStrokeCap(a.StrokeCap.Round); break; case "square": this.Hf.setStrokeCap(a.StrokeCap.Square) } } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "lineDashOffset", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return this.Eg }, set: function (k) { isFinite(k) && (this.Eg = k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "lineJoin", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { switch (this.Hf.getStrokeJoin()) { case a.StrokeJoin.Miter: return "miter"; case a.StrokeJoin.Round: return "round"; case a.StrokeJoin.Bevel: return "bevel" } }, set: function (k) { switch (k) { case "miter": this.Hf.setStrokeJoin(a.StrokeJoin.Miter); break; case "round": this.Hf.setStrokeJoin(a.StrokeJoin.Round); break; case "bevel": this.Hf.setStrokeJoin(a.StrokeJoin.Bevel) } } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "lineWidth", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return this.Hf.getStrokeWidth() }, set: function (k) { 0 >= k || !k || (this.Gg = k, this.Hf.setStrokeWidth(k)) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "miterLimit", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return this.Hf.getStrokeMiter() }, set: function (k) { 0 >= k || !k || this.Hf.setStrokeMiter(k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "shadowBlur", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return }, set: function (k) { 0 > k || !isFinite(k) || ( = k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "shadowColor", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r(this.Fg) }, set: function (k) { this.Fg = A(k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "shadowOffsetX", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return this.qg }, set: function (k) { isFinite(k) && (this.qg = k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "shadowOffsetY", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return this.rg }, set: function (k) { isFinite(k) && (this.rg = k) } }); Object.defineProperty(this, "strokeStyle", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r( }, set: function (k) { "string" === typeof k ? = A(k) : && ( = k) } }); this.arc = function (k, n, x, B, G, H) { p(this.Kf, k, n, x, x, 0, B, G, H) }; this.arcTo = function (k, n, x, B, G) { t(this.Kf, k, n, x, B, G) }; this.beginPath = function () { this.Kf.delete(); this.Kf = new a.SkPath }; this.bezierCurveTo = function (k, n, x, B, G, H) { var O = this.Kf; g([k, n, x, B, G, H]) && (O.isEmpty() && O.moveTo(k, n), O.cubicTo(k, n, x, B, G, H)) }; this.clearRect = function (k, n, x, B) { this.Hf.setStyle(a.PaintStyle.Fill); this.Hf.setBlendMode(a.BlendMode.Clear); this.Ff.drawRect(a.XYWHRect(k, n, x, B), this.Hf); this.Hf.setBlendMode(this.Gf) }; this.clip = function (k, n) { "string" === typeof k ? (n = k, k = this.Kf) : k && k.Xg && (k = k.Nf); k || (k = this.Kf); k = k.copy(); n && "evenodd" === n.toLowerCase() ? k.setFillType(a.FillType.EvenOdd) : k.setFillType(a.FillType.Winding); this.Ff.clipPath(k, a.ClipOp.Intersect, !0); k.delete() }; this.closePath = function () { w(this.Kf) }; this.createImageData = function () { if (1 === arguments.length) { var k = arguments[0]; return new e(new Uint8ClampedArray(4 * k.width * k.height), k.width, k.height) } if (2 === arguments.length) { k = arguments[0]; var n = arguments[1]; return new e(new Uint8ClampedArray(4 * k * n), k, n) } throw "createImageData expects 1 or 2 arguments, got " + arguments.length; }; this.createLinearGradient = function (k, n, x, B) { if (g(arguments)) { var G = new l(k, n, x, B);; return G } }; this.createPattern = function (k, n) { k = new P(k, n);; return k }; this.createRadialGradient = function (k, n, x, B, G, H) { if (g(arguments)) { var O = new V(k, n, x, B, G, H);; return O } }; this.yh = function () { var k = this.Pg(); this.Dg ? k.setFilterQuality(this.hg) : k.setFilterQuality(a.FilterQuality.None); return k }; this.drawImage = function (k) { var n = this.yh(); if (3 === arguments.length || 5 === arguments.length) var x = a.XYWHRect(arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3] || k.width(), arguments[4] || k.height()), B = a.XYWHRect(0, 0, k.width(), k.height()); else if (9 === arguments.length) x = a.XYWHRect(arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8]), B = a.XYWHRect(arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4]); else throw "invalid number of args for drawImage, need 3, 5, or 9; got " + arguments.length; this.Ff.drawImageRect(k, B, x, n, !1); n.dispose() }; this.ellipse = function (k, n, x, B, G, H, O, Z) { p(this.Kf, k, n, x, B, G, H, O, Z) }; this.Pg = function () { var k = this.Hf.copy(); k.setStyle(a.PaintStyle.Fill); if (c(this.Uf)) { var n = a.multiplyByAlpha(this.Uf,; k.setColor(n) } else n =, k.setColor(a.Color(0, 0, 0,, k.setShader(n); k.dispose = function () { this.delete() }; return k }; this.fill = function (k, n) { "string" === typeof k ? (n = k, k = this.Kf) : k && k.Xg && (k = k.Nf); if ("evenodd" === n) this.Kf.setFillType(a.FillType.EvenOdd); else { if ("nonzero" !== n && n) throw "invalid fill rule"; this.Kf.setFillType(a.FillType.Winding) } k || (k = this.Kf); n = this.Pg(); var x =; x && (, this.lg(), this.Ff.drawPath(k, x), this.Ff.restore(), x.dispose()); this.Ff.drawPath(k, n); n.dispose() }; this.fillRect = function (k, n, x, B) { var G = this.Pg(), H =; H && (, this.lg(), this.Ff.drawRect(a.XYWHRect(k, n, x, B), H), this.Ff.restore(), H.dispose()); this.Ff.drawRect(a.XYWHRect(k, n, x, B), G); G.dispose() }; this.fillText = function (k, n, x) { var B = this.Pg(); k = a.SkTextBlob.MakeFromText(k,; var G =; G && (, this.lg(), this.Ff.drawTextBlob(k, n, x, G), this.Ff.restore(), G.dispose()); this.Ff.drawTextBlob(k, n, x, B); k.delete(); B.dispose() }; this.getImageData = function (k, n, x, B) { return (k = this.Ff.readPixels(k, n, x, B)) ? new e(new Uint8ClampedArray(k.buffer), x, B) : null }; this.getLineDash = function () { return this.og.slice() }; = function (k) { var n = a.SkMatrix.invert(this.Lf); a.SkMatrix.mapPoints(n, k); return k }; this.isPointInPath = function (k, n, x) { var B = arguments; if (3 === B.length) var G = this.Kf; else if (4 === B.length) G = B[0], k = B[1], n = B[2], x = B[3]; else throw "invalid arg count, need 3 or 4, got " + B.length; if (!isFinite(k) || !isFinite(n)) return !1; x = x || "nonzero"; if ("nonzero" !== x && "evenodd" !== x) return !1; B =[k, n]); k = B[0]; n = B[1]; G.setFillType("nonzero" === x ? a.FillType.Winding : a.FillType.EvenOdd); return G.contains(k, n) }; this.isPointInStroke = function (k, n) { var x = arguments; if (2 === x.length) var B = this.Kf; else if (3 === x.length) B = x[0], k = x[1], n = x[2]; else throw "invalid arg count, need 2 or 3, got " + x.length; if (!isFinite(k) || !isFinite(n)) return !1; x =[k, n]); k = x[0]; n = x[1]; B = B.copy(); B.setFillType(a.FillType.Winding); B.stroke({ width: this.lineWidth, miter_limit: this.miterLimit, cap: this.Hf.getStrokeCap(), join: this.Hf.getStrokeJoin(), precision: .3 }); x = B.contains(k, n); B.delete(); return x }; this.lineTo = function (k, n) { F(this.Kf, k, n) }; this.measureText = function (k) { return { width: } }; this.moveTo = function (k, n) { var x = this.Kf; g([k, n]) && x.moveTo(k, n) }; this.putImageData = function (k, n, x, B, G, H, O) { if (g([n, x, B, G, H, O])) if (void 0 === B) this.Ff.writePixels(, k.width, k.height, n, x); else if (B = B || 0, G = G || 0, H = H || k.width, O = O || k.height, 0 > H && (B += H, H = Math.abs(H)), 0 > O && (G += O, O = Math.abs(O)), 0 > B && (H += B, B = 0), 0 > G && (O += G, G = 0), !(0 >= H || 0 >= O)) { k = a.MakeImage(, k.width, k.height, a.AlphaType.Unpremul, a.ColorType.RGBA_8888, a.SkColorSpace.SRGB); var Z = a.XYWHRect(B, G, H, O); n = a.XYWHRect(n + B, x + G, H, O); x = a.SkMatrix.invert(this.Lf);; this.Ff.concat(x); this.Ff.drawImageRect(k, Z, n, null, !1); this.Ff.restore(); k.delete() } }; this.quadraticCurveTo = function (k, n, x, B) { var G = this.Kf; g([k, n, x, B]) && (G.isEmpty() && G.moveTo(k, n), G.quadTo(k, n, x, B)) }; this.rect = function (k, n, x, B) { var G = this.Kf; k = a.XYWHRect(k, n, x, B); g(k) && G.addRect(k) }; this.resetTransform = function () { this.Kf.transform(this.Lf); var k = a.SkMatrix.invert(this.Lf); this.Ff.concat(k); this.Lf = this.Ff.getTotalMatrix() }; this.restore = function () { var k = this.oh.pop(); if (k) { var n = a.SkMatrix.multiply(this.Lf, a.SkMatrix.invert(k.Dh)); this.Kf.transform(n); this.Hf.delete(); this.Hf = k.Yh; this.og = k.Uh; this.Gg = k.mi; =; this.Uf = k.fs; this.qg = k.ji; this.rg =; =; this.Fg = k.ii; = k.Jh; this.Gf = k.Kh; this.Eg = k.Vh; this.Dg = k.Sh; this.hg = k.Th; this.Qg = k.Hh; this.Ff.restore(); this.Lf = this.Ff.getTotalMatrix() } }; this.rotate = function (k) { if (isFinite(k)) { var n = a.SkMatrix.rotated(-k); this.Kf.transform(n); this.Ff.rotate(k / Math.PI * 180, 0, 0); this.Lf = this.Ff.getTotalMatrix() } }; = function () { if ( { var k =; } else k = this.Uf; if ( { var n =; } else n =; this.oh.push({ Dh: this.Lf.slice(), Uh: this.og.slice(), mi: this.Gg, li: n, fs: k, ji: this.qg, ki: this.rg, bi:, ii: this.Fg, Jh:, Vh: this.Eg, Kh: this.Gf, Sh: this.Dg, Th: this.hg, Yh: this.Hf.copy(), Hh: this.Qg }); }; this.scale = function (k, n) { if (g(arguments)) { var x = a.SkMatrix.scaled(1 / k, 1 / n); this.Kf.transform(x); this.Ff.scale(k, n); this.Lf = this.Ff.getTotalMatrix() } }; this.setLineDash = function (k) { for (var n = 0; n < k.length; n++)if (!isFinite(k[n]) || 0 > k[n]) return; 1 === k.length % 2 && Array.prototype.push.apply(k, k); this.og = k }; this.setTransform = function (k, n, x, B, G, H) { g(arguments) && (this.resetTransform(), this.transform(k, n, x, B, G, H)) }; this.lg = function () { var k = a.SkMatrix.invert(this.Lf); this.Ff.concat(k); this.Ff.concat(a.SkMatrix.translated(this.qg, this.rg)); this.Ff.concat(this.Lf) }; = function (k) { var n = a.multiplyByAlpha(this.Fg,; if (!a.getColorComponents(n)[3] || !( || this.rg || this.qg)) return null; k = k.copy(); k.setColor(n); var x = a.SkMaskFilter.MakeBlur(a.BlurStyle.Normal, / 2, !1); k.setMaskFilter(x); k.dispose = function () { x.delete(); this.delete() }; return k }; this.Zg = function () { var k = this.Hf.copy(); k.setStyle(a.PaintStyle.Stroke); if (c( { var n = a.multiplyByAlpha(,; k.setColor(n) } else n =, k.setColor(a.Color(0, 0, 0,, k.setShader(n); k.setStrokeWidth(this.Gg); if (this.og.length) { var x = a.SkPathEffect.MakeDash(this.og, this.Eg); k.setPathEffect(x) } k.dispose = function () { x && x.delete(); this.delete() }; return k }; this.stroke = function (k) { k = k ? k.Nf : this.Kf; var n = this.Zg(), x =; x && (, this.lg(), this.Ff.drawPath(k, x), this.Ff.restore(), x.dispose()); this.Ff.drawPath(k, n); n.dispose() }; this.strokeRect = function (k, n, x, B) { var G = this.Zg(), H =; H && (, this.lg(), this.Ff.drawRect(a.XYWHRect(k, n, x, B), H), this.Ff.restore(), H.dispose()); this.Ff.drawRect(a.XYWHRect(k, n, x, B), G); G.dispose() }; this.strokeText = function (k, n, x) { var B = this.Zg(); k = a.SkTextBlob.MakeFromText(k,; var G =; G && (, this.lg(), this.Ff.drawTextBlob(k, n, x, G), this.Ff.restore(), G.dispose()); this.Ff.drawTextBlob(k, n, x, B); k.delete(); B.dispose() }; this.translate = function (k, n) { if (g(arguments)) { var x = a.SkMatrix.translated(-k, -n); this.Kf.transform(x); this.Ff.translate(k, n); this.Lf = this.Ff.getTotalMatrix() } }; this.transform = function (k, n, x, B, G, H) { k = [k, x, G, n, B, H, 0, 0, 1]; n = a.SkMatrix.invert(k); this.Kf.transform(n); this.Ff.concat(k); this.Lf = this.Ff.getTotalMatrix() }; this.addHitRegion = function () { }; this.clearHitRegions = function () { }; this.drawFocusIfNeeded = function () { }; this.removeHitRegion = function () { }; this.scrollPathIntoView = function () { }; Object.defineProperty(this, "canvas", { value: null, writable: !1 }) } function ca(J) { this.$g = J; this.fg = new M(J.getCanvas()); this.Rg = []; this.vh = a.SkFontMgr.RefDefault(); this.decodeImage = function (k) { k = a.MakeImageFromEncoded(k); if (!k) throw "Invalid input"; this.Rg.push(k); return k }; this.loadFont = function (k, n) { k = this.vh.MakeTypefaceFromData(k); if (!k) return null; this.Rg.push(k); var x = ( || "normal") + "|" + (n.variant || "normal") + "|" + (n.weight || "normal"); n =; oa[n] || (oa[n] = { "*": k }); oa[n][x] = k }; this.makePath2D = function (k) { k = new L(k); this.Rg.push(k.Nf); return k }; this.getContext = function (k) { return "2d" === k ? this.fg : null }; this.toDataURL = function (k, n) { this.$g.flush(); var x = this.$g.makeImageSnapshot(); if (x) { k = k || "image/png"; var B = a.ImageFormat.PNG; "image/jpeg" === k && (B = a.ImageFormat.JPEG); if (n = x.encodeToData(B, n || .92)) { n = a.getSkDataBytes(n); k = "data:" + k + ";base64,"; if (kb) n = Buffer.from(n).toString("base64"); else { x = 0; B = n.length; for (var G = "", H; x < B;)H = n.slice(x, Math.min(x + 32768, B)), G += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, H), x += 32768; n = btoa(G) } return k + n } } }; this.dispose = function () { this.fg.dg(); this.Rg.forEach(function (k) { k.delete() }); this.$g.dispose() } } function e(J, k, n) { if (!k || 0 === n) throw "invalid dimensions, width and height must be non-zero"; if (J.length % 4) throw "arr must be a multiple of 4"; n = n || J.length / (4 * k); Object.defineProperty(this, "data", { value: J, writable: !1 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "height", { value: n, writable: !1 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "width", { value: k, writable: !1 }) } function l(J, k, n, x) { this.Qf = null; this.Yf = []; this.Sf = []; this.addColorStop = function (B, G) { if (0 > B || 1 < B || !isFinite(B)) throw "offset must be between 0 and 1 inclusively"; G = A(G); var H = this.Sf.indexOf(B); if (-1 !== H) this.Yf[H] = G; else { for (H = 0; H < this.Sf.length && !(this.Sf[H] > B); H++); this.Sf.splice(H, 0, B); this.Yf.splice(H, 0, G) } }; = function () { var B = new l(J, k, n, x); B.Yf = this.Yf.slice(); B.Sf = this.Sf.slice(); return B }; this.dg = function () { this.Qf && (this.Qf.delete(), this.Qf = null) }; = function (B) { var G = [J, k, n, x]; a.SkMatrix.mapPoints(B, G); B = G[0]; var H = G[1], O = G[2]; G = G[3]; this.dg(); return this.Qf = a.SkShader.MakeLinearGradient([B, H], [O, G], this.Yf, this.Sf, a.TileMode.Clamp) } } function t(J, k, n, x, B, G) { if (g([k, n, x, B, G])) { if (0 > G) throw "radii cannot be negative"; J.isEmpty() && J.moveTo(k, n); J.arcToTangent(k, n, x, B, G) } } function w(J) { if (!J.isEmpty()) { var k = J.getBounds(); (k[3] - k[1] || k[2] - k[0]) && J.close() } } function C(J, k, n, x, B, G, H) { H = (H - G) / Math.PI * 180; G = G / Math.PI * 180; k = a.LTRBRect(k - x, n - B, k + x, n + B); 1E-5 > Math.abs(Math.abs(H) - 360) ? (n = H / 2, J.arcToOval(k, G, n, !1), J.arcToOval(k, G + n, n, !1)) : J.arcToOval(k, G, H, !1) } function p(J, k, n, x, B, G, H, O, Z) { if (g([k, n, x, B, G, H, O])) { if (0 > x || 0 > B) throw "radii cannot be negative"; var ia = 2 * Math.PI, pa = H % ia; 0 > pa && (pa += ia); var qa = pa - H; H = pa; O += qa; !Z && O - H >= ia ? O = H + ia : Z && H - O >= ia ? O = H - ia : !Z && H > O ? O = H + (ia - (H - O) % ia) : Z && H < O && (O = H - (ia - (O - H) % ia)); G ? (Z = a.SkMatrix.rotated(G, k, n), G = a.SkMatrix.rotated(-G, k, n), J.transform(G), C(J, k, n, x, B, H, O), J.transform(Z)) : C(J, k, n, x, B, H, O) } } function F(J, k, n) { g([k, n]) && (J.isEmpty() && J.moveTo(k, n), J.lineTo(k, n)) } function L(J) { this.Nf = null; "string" === typeof J ? this.Nf = a.MakePathFromSVGString(J) : J && J.Xg ? this.Nf = J.Nf.copy() : this.Nf = new a.SkPath; this.Xg = function () { return this.Nf }; this.addPath = function (k, n) { n || (n = { a: 1, c: 0, e: 0, b: 0, d: 1, f: 0 }); this.Nf.addPath(k.Nf, [n.a, n.c, n.e, n.b, n.d, n.f]) }; this.arc = function (k, n, x, B, G, H) { p(this.Nf, k, n, x, x, 0, B, G, H) }; this.arcTo = function (k, n, x, B, G) { t(this.Nf, k, n, x, B, G) }; this.bezierCurveTo = function (k, n, x, B, G, H) { var O = this.Nf; g([k, n, x, B, G, H]) && (O.isEmpty() && O.moveTo(k, n), O.cubicTo(k, n, x, B, G, H)) }; this.closePath = function () { w(this.Nf) }; this.ellipse = function (k, n, x, B, G, H, O, Z) { p(this.Nf, k, n, x, B, G, H, O, Z) }; this.lineTo = function (k, n) { F(this.Nf, k, n) }; this.moveTo = function (k, n) { var x = this.Nf; g([k, n]) && x.moveTo(k, n) }; this.quadraticCurveTo = function (k, n, x, B) { var G = this.Nf; g([k, n, x, B]) && (G.isEmpty() && G.moveTo(k, n), G.quadTo(k, n, x, B)) }; this.rect = function (k, n, x, B) { var G = this.Nf; k = a.XYWHRect(k, n, x, B); g(k) && G.addRect(k) } } function P(J, k) { this.Qf = null; this.xh = J; this._transform = a.SkMatrix.identity(); "" === k && (k = "repeat"); switch (k) { case "repeat-x": = a.TileMode.Repeat; = a.TileMode.Decal; break; case "repeat-y": = a.TileMode.Decal; = a.TileMode.Repeat; break; case "repeat": = = a.TileMode.Repeat; break; case "no-repeat": = = a.TileMode.Decal; break; default: throw "invalid repetition mode " + k; }this.setTransform = function (n) { n = [n.a, n.c, n.e, n.b, n.d, n.f, 0, 0, 1]; g(n) && (this._transform = n) }; = function () { var n = new P; =; =; return n }; this.dg = function () { this.Qf && (this.Qf.delete(), this.Qf = null) }; = function () { this.dg(); return this.Qf = this.xh.makeShader(,, this._transform) } } function V(J, k, n, x, B, G) { this.Qf = null; this.Yf = []; this.Sf = []; this.addColorStop = function (H, O) { if (0 > H || 1 < H || !isFinite(H)) throw "offset must be between 0 and 1 inclusively"; O = A(O); var Z = this.Sf.indexOf(H); if (-1 !== Z) this.Yf[Z] = O; else { for (Z = 0; Z < this.Sf.length && !(this.Sf[Z] > H); Z++); this.Sf.splice(Z, 0, H); this.Yf.splice(Z, 0, O) } }; = function () { var H = new V(J, k, n, x, B, G); H.Yf = this.Yf.slice(); H.Sf = this.Sf.slice(); return H }; this.dg = function () { this.Qf && (this.Qf.delete(), this.Qf = null) }; = function (H) { var O = [J, k, x, B]; a.SkMatrix.mapPoints(H, O); var Z = O[0], ia = O[1], pa = O[2]; O = O[3]; var qa = (Math.abs(H[0]) + Math.abs(H[4])) / 2; H = n * qa; qa *= G; this.dg(); return this.Qf = a.SkShader.MakeTwoPointConicalGradient([Z, ia], H, [pa, O], qa, this.Yf, this.Sf, a.TileMode.Clamp) } } a._testing = {}; var aa = { aliceblue: Float32Array.of(.941, .973, 1, 1), antiquewhite: Float32Array.of(.98, .922, .843, 1), aqua: Float32Array.of(0, 1, 1, 1), aquamarine: Float32Array.of(.498, 1, .831, 1), azure: Float32Array.of(.941, 1, 1, 1), beige: Float32Array.of(.961, .961, .863, 1), bisque: Float32Array.of(1, .894, .769, 1), black: Float32Array.of(0, 0, 0, 1), blanchedalmond: Float32Array.of(1, .922, .804, 1), blue: Float32Array.of(0, 0, 1, 1), blueviolet: Float32Array.of(.541, .169, .886, 1), brown: Float32Array.of(.647, .165, .165, 1), burlywood: Float32Array.of(.871, .722, .529, 1), cadetblue: Float32Array.of(.373, .62, .627, 1), chartreuse: Float32Array.of(.498, 1, 0, 1), chocolate: Float32Array.of(.824, .412, .118, 1), coral: Float32Array.of(1, .498, .314, 1), cornflowerblue: Float32Array.of(.392, .584, .929, 1), cornsilk: Float32Array.of(1, .973, .863, 1), crimson: Float32Array.of(.863, .078, .235, 1), cyan: Float32Array.of(0, 1, 1, 1), darkblue: Float32Array.of(0, 0, .545, 1), darkcyan: Float32Array.of(0, .545, .545, 1), darkgoldenrod: Float32Array.of(.722, .525, .043, 1), darkgray: Float32Array.of(.663, .663, .663, 1), darkgreen: Float32Array.of(0, .392, 0, 1), darkgrey: Float32Array.of(.663, .663, .663, 1), darkkhaki: Float32Array.of(.741, .718, .42, 1), darkmagenta: Float32Array.of(.545, 0, .545, 1), darkolivegreen: Float32Array.of(.333, .42, .184, 1), darkorange: Float32Array.of(1, .549, 0, 1), darkorchid: Float32Array.of(.6, .196, .8, 1), darkred: Float32Array.of(.545, 0, 0, 1), darksalmon: Float32Array.of(.914, .588, .478, 1), darkseagreen: Float32Array.of(.561, .737, .561, 1), darkslateblue: Float32Array.of(.282, .239, .545, 1), darkslategray: Float32Array.of(.184, .31, .31, 1), darkslategrey: Float32Array.of(.184, .31, .31, 1), darkturquoise: Float32Array.of(0, .808, .82, 1), darkviolet: Float32Array.of(.58, 0, .827, 1), deeppink: Float32Array.of(1, .078, .576, 1), deepskyblue: Float32Array.of(0, .749, 1, 1), dimgray: Float32Array.of(.412, .412, .412, 1), dimgrey: Float32Array.of(.412, .412, .412, 1), dodgerblue: Float32Array.of(.118, .565, 1, 1), firebrick: Float32Array.of(.698, .133, .133, 1), floralwhite: Float32Array.of(1, .98, .941, 1), forestgreen: Float32Array.of(.133, .545, .133, 1), fuchsia: Float32Array.of(1, 0, 1, 1), gainsboro: Float32Array.of(.863, .863, .863, 1), ghostwhite: Float32Array.of(.973, .973, 1, 1), gold: Float32Array.of(1, .843, 0, 1), goldenrod: Float32Array.of(.855, .647, .125, 1), gray: Float32Array.of(.502, .502, .502, 1), green: Float32Array.of(0, .502, 0, 1), greenyellow: Float32Array.of(.678, 1, .184, 1), grey: Float32Array.of(.502, .502, .502, 1), honeydew: Float32Array.of(.941, 1, .941, 1), hotpink: Float32Array.of(1, .412, .706, 1), indianred: Float32Array.of(.804, .361, .361, 1), indigo: Float32Array.of(.294, 0, .51, 1), ivory: Float32Array.of(1, 1, .941, 1), khaki: Float32Array.of(.941, .902, .549, 1), lavender: Float32Array.of(.902, .902, .98, 1), lavenderblush: Float32Array.of(1, .941, .961, 1), lawngreen: Float32Array.of(.486, .988, 0, 1), lemonchiffon: Float32Array.of(1, .98, .804, 1), lightblue: Float32Array.of(.678, .847, .902, 1), lightcoral: Float32Array.of(.941, .502, .502, 1), lightcyan: Float32Array.of(.878, 1, 1, 1), lightgoldenrodyellow: Float32Array.of(.98, .98, .824, 1), lightgray: Float32Array.of(.827, .827, .827, 1), lightgreen: Float32Array.of(.565, .933, .565, 1), lightgrey: Float32Array.of(.827, .827, .827, 1), lightpink: Float32Array.of(1, .714, .757, 1), lightsalmon: Float32Array.of(1, .627, .478, 1), lightseagreen: Float32Array.of(.125, .698, .667, 1), lightskyblue: Float32Array.of(.529, .808, .98, 1), lightslategray: Float32Array.of(.467, .533, .6, 1), lightslategrey: Float32Array.of(.467, .533, .6, 1), lightsteelblue: Float32Array.of(.69, .769, .871, 1), lightyellow: Float32Array.of(1, 1, .878, 1), lime: Float32Array.of(0, 1, 0, 1), limegreen: Float32Array.of(.196, .804, .196, 1), linen: Float32Array.of(.98, .941, .902, 1), magenta: Float32Array.of(1, 0, 1, 1), maroon: Float32Array.of(.502, 0, 0, 1), mediumaquamarine: Float32Array.of(.4, .804, .667, 1), mediumblue: Float32Array.of(0, 0, .804, 1), mediumorchid: Float32Array.of(.729, .333, .827, 1), mediumpurple: Float32Array.of(.576, .439, .859, 1), mediumseagreen: Float32Array.of(.235, .702, .443, 1), mediumslateblue: Float32Array.of(.482, .408, .933, 1), mediumspringgreen: Float32Array.of(0, .98, .604, 1), mediumturquoise: Float32Array.of(.282, .82, .8, 1), mediumvioletred: Float32Array.of(.78, .082, .522, 1), midnightblue: Float32Array.of(.098, .098, .439, 1), mintcream: Float32Array.of(.961, 1, .98, 1), mistyrose: Float32Array.of(1, .894, .882, 1), moccasin: Float32Array.of(1, .894, .71, 1), navajowhite: Float32Array.of(1, .871, .678, 1), navy: Float32Array.of(0, 0, .502, 1), oldlace: Float32Array.of(.992, .961, .902, 1), olive: Float32Array.of(.502, .502, 0, 1), olivedrab: Float32Array.of(.42, .557, .137, 1), orange: Float32Array.of(1, .647, 0, 1), orangered: Float32Array.of(1, .271, 0, 1), orchid: Float32Array.of(.855, .439, .839, 1), palegoldenrod: Float32Array.of(.933, .91, .667, 1), palegreen: Float32Array.of(.596, .984, .596, 1), paleturquoise: Float32Array.of(.686, .933, .933, 1), palevioletred: Float32Array.of(.859, .439, .576, 1), papayawhip: Float32Array.of(1, .937, .835, 1), peachpuff: Float32Array.of(1, .855, .725, 1), peru: Float32Array.of(.804, .522, .247, 1), pink: Float32Array.of(1, .753, .796, 1), plum: Float32Array.of(.867, .627, .867, 1), powderblue: Float32Array.of(.69, .878, .902, 1), purple: Float32Array.of(.502, 0, .502, 1), rebeccapurple: Float32Array.of(.4, .2, .6, 1), red: Float32Array.of(1, 0, 0, 1), rosybrown: Float32Array.of(.737, .561, .561, 1), royalblue: Float32Array.of(.255, .412, .882, 1), saddlebrown: Float32Array.of(.545, .271, .075, 1), salmon: Float32Array.of(.98, .502, .447, 1), sandybrown: Float32Array.of(.957, .643, .376, 1), seagreen: Float32Array.of(.18, .545, .341, 1), seashell: Float32Array.of(1, .961, .933, 1), sienna: Float32Array.of(.627, .322, .176, 1), silver: Float32Array.of(.753, .753, .753, 1), skyblue: Float32Array.of(.529, .808, .922, 1), slateblue: Float32Array.of(.416, .353, .804, 1), slategray: Float32Array.of(.439, .502, .565, 1), slategrey: Float32Array.of(.439, .502, .565, 1), snow: Float32Array.of(1, .98, .98, 1), springgreen: Float32Array.of(0, 1, .498, 1), steelblue: Float32Array.of(.275, .51, .706, 1), tan: Float32Array.of(.824, .706, .549, 1), teal: Float32Array.of(0, .502, .502, 1), thistle: Float32Array.of(.847, .749, .847, 1), tomato: Float32Array.of(1, .388, .278, 1), transparent: Float32Array.of(0, 0, 0, 0), turquoise: Float32Array.of(.251, .878, .816, 1), violet: Float32Array.of(.933, .51, .933, 1), wheat: Float32Array.of(.961, .871, .702, 1), white: Float32Array.of(1, 1, 1, 1), whitesmoke: Float32Array.of(.961, .961, .961, 1), yellow: Float32Array.of(1, 1, 0, 1), yellowgreen: Float32Array.of(.604, .804, .196, 1) }; a._testing.parseColor = A; a._testing.colorToString = r; var ma = /(italic|oblique|normal|)\s*(small-caps|normal|)\s*(bold|bolder|lighter|[1-9]00|normal|)\s*([\d\.]+)(px|pt|pc|in|cm|mm|%|em|ex|ch|rem|q)(.+)/, oa = { "Noto Mono": { "*": null }, monospace: { "*": null } }; a._testing.parseFontString = D; a.MakeCanvas = function (J, k) { return (J = a.MakeSurface(J, k)) ? new ca(J) : null }; a.ImageData = function () { if (2 === arguments.length) { var J = arguments[0], k = arguments[1]; return new e(new Uint8ClampedArray(4 * J * k), J, k) } if (3 === arguments.length) { var n = arguments[0]; if (n.prototype.constructor !== Uint8ClampedArray) throw "bytes must be given as a Uint8ClampedArray"; J = arguments[1]; k = arguments[2]; if (n % 4) throw "bytes must be given in a multiple of 4"; if (n % J) throw "bytes must divide evenly by width"; if (k && k !== n / (4 * J)) throw "invalid height given"; return new e(n, J, n / (4 * J)) } throw "invalid number of arguments - takes 2 or 3, saw " + arguments.length; } })() })(f); var sa = {}, ta; for (ta in f) f.hasOwnProperty(ta) && (sa[ta] = f[ta]); var va = "./this.program"; function wa(a, b) { throw b; } var xa = !1, ya = !1, za = !1, Aa = !1; xa = "object" === typeof window; ya = "function" === typeof importScripts; za = "object" === typeof process && "object" === typeof process.versions && "string" === typeof process.versions.node; Aa = !xa && !za && !ya; var Ba = "", Ca, Da, Ea, Ga; if (za) Ba = ya ? require("path").dirname(Ba) + "/" : __dirname + "/", Ca = function (a, b) { Ea || (Ea = require("fs")); Ga || (Ga = require("path")); a = Ga.normalize(a); return Ea.readFileSync(a, b ? null : "utf8") }, Da = function (a) { a = Ca(a, !0); a.buffer || (a = new Uint8Array(a)); assert(a.buffer); return a }, 1 < process.argv.length && (va = process.argv[1].replace(/\\/g, "/")), process.argv.slice(2), process.on("uncaughtException", function (a) { if (!(a instanceof Ha)) throw a; }), process.on("unhandledRejection", Ia), wa = function (a) { process.exit(a) }, f.inspect = function () { return "[Emscripten Module object]" }; else if (Aa) "undefined" != typeof read && (Ca = function (a) { return read(a) }), Da = function (a) { if ("function" === typeof readbuffer) return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(a)); a = read(a, "binary"); assert("object" === typeof a); return a }, "function" === typeof quit && (wa = function (a) { quit(a) }), "undefined" !== typeof print && ("undefined" === typeof console && (console = {}), console.log = print, console.warn = console.error = "undefined" !== typeof printErr ? printErr : print); else if (xa || ya) ya ? Ba = self.location.href : (document || {}).currentScript && (Ba = (document || {}).currentScript.src), _scriptDir && (Ba = _scriptDir), 0 !== Ba.indexOf("blob:") ? Ba = Ba.substr(0, Ba.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) : Ba = "", Ca = function (a) { var b = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", a, !1); b.send(null); return b.responseText }, ya && (Da = function (a) { var b = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", a, !1); b.responseType = "arraybuffer"; b.send(null); return new Uint8Array(b.response) }); var Ja = f.print || console.log.bind(console), Ka = f.printErr || console.warn.bind(console); for (ta in sa) sa.hasOwnProperty(ta) && (f[ta] = sa[ta]); sa = null; f.thisProgram && (va = f.thisProgram); f.quit && (wa = f.quit); var La = 0, Ma; f.wasmBinary && (Ma = f.wasmBinary); var noExitRuntime; f.noExitRuntime && (noExitRuntime = f.noExitRuntime); "object" !== typeof WebAssembly && Ia("no native wasm support detected"); var Oa, Pa = new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: 8111, maximum: 8111, element: "anyfunc" }), Qa = !1; function assert(a, b) { a || Ia("Assertion failed: " + b) } var Ra = "undefined" !== typeof TextDecoder ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : void 0; function Sa(a, b, c) { var d = b + c; for (c = b; a[c] && !(c >= d);)++c; if (16 < c - b && a.subarray && Ra) return Ra.decode(a.subarray(b, c)); for (d = ""; b < c;) { var h = a[b++]; if (h & 128) { var m = a[b++] & 63; if (192 == (h & 224)) d += String.fromCharCode((h & 31) << 6 | m); else { var q = a[b++] & 63; h = 224 == (h & 240) ? (h & 15) << 12 | m << 6 | q : (h & 7) << 18 | m << 12 | q << 6 | a[b++] & 63; 65536 > h ? d += String.fromCharCode(h) : (h -= 65536, d += String.fromCharCode(55296 | h >> 10, 56320 | h & 1023)) } } else d += String.fromCharCode(h) } return d } function Ta(a, b) { return a ? Sa(v, a, b) : "" } function na(a, b, c, d) { if (!(0 < d)) return 0; var h = c; d = c + d - 1; for (var m = 0; m < a.length; ++m) { var q = a.charCodeAt(m); if (55296 <= q && 57343 >= q) { var u = a.charCodeAt(++m); q = 65536 + ((q & 1023) << 10) | u & 1023 } if (127 >= q) { if (c >= d) break; b[c++] = q } else { if (2047 >= q) { if (c + 1 >= d) break; b[c++] = 192 | q >> 6 } else { if (65535 >= q) { if (c + 2 >= d) break; b[c++] = 224 | q >> 12 } else { if (c + 3 >= d) break; b[c++] = 240 | q >> 18; b[c++] = 128 | q >> 12 & 63 } b[c++] = 128 | q >> 6 & 63 } b[c++] = 128 | q & 63 } } b[c] = 0; return c - h } function la(a) { for (var b = 0, c = 0; c < a.length; ++c) { var d = a.charCodeAt(c); 55296 <= d && 57343 >= d && (d = 65536 + ((d & 1023) << 10) | a.charCodeAt(++c) & 1023); 127 >= d ? ++b : b = 2047 >= d ? b + 2 : 65535 >= d ? b + 3 : b + 4 } return b } var Ua = "undefined" !== typeof TextDecoder ? new TextDecoder("utf-8") : void 0; function Va(a, b) { var c = a >> 1; for (var d = c + b / 2; !(c >= d) && $a[c];)++c; c <<= 1; if (32 < c - a && Ua) return Ua.decode(v.subarray(a, c)); c = 0; for (d = ""; ;) { var h = ab[a + 2 * c >> 1]; if (0 == h || c == b / 2) return d; ++c; d += String.fromCharCode(h) } } function bb(a, b, c) { void 0 === c && (c = 2147483647); if (2 > c) return 0; c -= 2; var d = b; c = c < 2 * a.length ? c / 2 : a.length; for (var h = 0; h < c; ++h)ab[b >> 1] = a.charCodeAt(h), b += 2; ab[b >> 1] = 0; return b - d } function cb(a) { return 2 * a.length } function db(a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = ""; !(c >= b / 4);) { var h = K[a + 4 * c >> 2]; if (0 == h) break; ++c; 65536 <= h ? (h -= 65536, d += String.fromCharCode(55296 | h >> 10, 56320 | h & 1023)) : d += String.fromCharCode(h) } return d } function eb(a, b, c) { void 0 === c && (c = 2147483647); if (4 > c) return 0; var d = b; c = d + c - 4; for (var h = 0; h < a.length; ++h) { var m = a.charCodeAt(h); if (55296 <= m && 57343 >= m) { var q = a.charCodeAt(++h); m = 65536 + ((m & 1023) << 10) | q & 1023 } K[b >> 2] = m; b += 4; if (b + 4 > c) break } K[b >> 2] = 0; return b - d } function fb(a) { for (var b = 0, c = 0; c < a.length; ++c) { var d = a.charCodeAt(c); 55296 <= d && 57343 >= d && ++c; b += 4 } return b } var gb, hb, v, ab, $a, K, mb, S, nb; function ob(a) { gb = a; f.HEAP8 = hb = new Int8Array(a); f.HEAP16 = ab = new Int16Array(a); f.HEAP32 = K = new Int32Array(a); f.HEAPU8 = v = new Uint8Array(a); f.HEAPU16 = $a = new Uint16Array(a); f.HEAPU32 = mb = new Uint32Array(a); f.HEAPF32 = S = new Float32Array(a); f.HEAPF64 = nb = new Float64Array(a) } var pb = f.INITIAL_MEMORY || 134217728; f.wasmMemory ? Oa = f.wasmMemory : Oa = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: pb / 65536, maximum: 32768 }); Oa && (gb = Oa.buffer); pb = gb.byteLength; ob(gb); K[457140] = 7071600; function qb(a) { for (; 0 < a.length;) { var b = a.shift(); if ("function" == typeof b) b(f); else { var c = b.Ih; "number" === typeof c ? void 0 === b.ah ? f.dynCall_v(c) : f.dynCall_vi(c, b.ah) : c(void 0 === b.ah ? null : b.ah) } } } var rb = [], sb = [], tb = [], ub = []; function vb() { var a = f.preRun.shift(); rb.unshift(a) } var wb = Math.ceil, xb = Math.floor, yb = 0, zb = null, Ab = null; f.preloadedImages = {}; f.preloadedAudios = {}; function Ia(a) { if (f.onAbort) f.onAbort(a); Ka(a); Qa = !0; a = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError("abort(" + a + "). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info."); ea(a); throw a; } function Bb(a) { var b = Db; return String.prototype.startsWith ? b.startsWith(a) : 0 === b.indexOf(a) } function Eb() { return Bb("data:application/octet-stream;base64,") } var Db = "canvaskit.wasm"; if (!Eb()) { var Fb = Db; Db = f.locateFile ? f.locateFile(Fb, Ba) : Ba + Fb } function Gb() { try { if (Ma) return new Uint8Array(Ma); if (Da) return Da(Db); throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed"; } catch (a) { Ia(a) } } function Hb() { return Ma || !xa && !ya || "function" !== typeof fetch || Bb("file://") ? new Promise(function (a) { a(Gb()) }) :fetch(Db, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function (a) { if (!a.ok) throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + Db + "'"; return a.arrayBuffer() }).catch(function () { return Gb() }) } sb.push({ Ih: function () { Ib() } }); function Jb(a) { this.If = a - 16; = function (b) { K[this.If + 8 >> 2] = b }; this.di = function (b) { K[this.If + 0 >> 2] = b }; this.ei = function () { K[this.If + 4 >> 2] = 0 }; = function () { hb[this.If + 12 >> 0] = 0 }; = function () { hb[this.If + 13 >> 0] = 0 }; this.Ph = function (b, c) {; this.di(c); this.ei();; } } function Kb() { return 0 < } var Lb = {}, Mb = [null, [], []], Nb = {}, Ob = {}; function Pb(a) { for (; a.length;) { var b = a.pop(); a.pop()(b) } } function Qb(a) { return this.fromWireType(mb[a >> 2]) } var Rb = {}, Sb = {}, Tb = {}; function Ub(a) { if (void 0 === a) return "_unknown"; a = a.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "$"); var b = a.charCodeAt(0); return 48 <= b && 57 >= b ? "_" + a : a } function Vb(a, b) { a = Ub(a); return (new Function("body", "return function " + a + '() {\n "use strict"; return body.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n'))(b) } function Wb(a) { var b = Error, c = Vb(a, function (d) { = a; this.message = d; d = Error(d).stack; void 0 !== d && (this.stack = this.toString() + "\n" + d.replace(/^Error(:[^\n]*)?\n/, "")) }); c.prototype = Object.create(b.prototype); c.prototype.constructor = c; c.prototype.toString = function () { return void 0 === this.message ? : + ": " + this.message }; return c } var Xb = void 0; function Yb(a) { throw new Xb(a); } function Zb(a, b, c) { function d(u) { u = c(u); u.length !== a.length && Yb("Mismatched type converter count"); for (var y = 0; y < a.length; ++y)$b(a[y], u[y]) } a.forEach(function (u) { Tb[u] = b }); var h = Array(b.length), m = [], q = 0; b.forEach(function (u, y) { Sb.hasOwnProperty(u) ? h[y] = Sb[u] : (m.push(u), Rb.hasOwnProperty(u) || (Rb[u] = []), Rb[u].push(function () { h[y] = Sb[u]; ++q; q === m.length && d(h) })) }); 0 === m.length && d(h) } var ac = {}; function bc(a) { switch (a) { case 1: return 0; case 2: return 1; case 4: return 2; case 8: return 3; default: throw new TypeError("Unknown type size: " + a); } } var cc = void 0; function dc(a) { for (var b = ""; v[a];)b += cc[v[a++]]; return b } var lc = void 0; function W(a) { throw new lc(a); } function $b(a, b, c) { c = c || {}; if (!("argPackAdvance" in b)) throw new TypeError("registerType registeredInstance requires argPackAdvance"); var d =; a || W('type "' + d + '" must have a positive integer typeid pointer'); if (Sb.hasOwnProperty(a)) { if (c.Oh) return; W("Cannot register type '" + d + "' twice") } Sb[a] = b; delete Tb[a]; Rb.hasOwnProperty(a) && (b = Rb[a], delete Rb[a], b.forEach(function (h) { h() })) } function mc(a) { return { count: a.count, yg: a.yg, Lg: a.Lg, If: a.If, Pf: a.Pf, Xf: a.Xf, $f: a.$f } } function nc(a) { W( + " instance already deleted") } var oc = !1; function pc() { } function qc(a) { --a.count.value; 0 === a.count.value && (a.Xf ? a.$f.Zf(a.Xf) : a.Pf.Jf.Zf(a.If)) } function rc(a) { if ("undefined" === typeof FinalizationGroup) return rc = function (b) { return b }, a; oc = new FinalizationGroup(function (b) { for (var c =; !c.done; c = = c.value, c.If ? qc(c) : console.warn("object already deleted: " + c.If) }); rc = function (b) { oc.register(b, b.Ef, b.Ef); return b }; pc = function (b) { oc.unregister(b.Ef) }; return rc(a) } var sc = void 0, tc = []; function uc() { for (; tc.length;) { var a = tc.pop(); a.Ef.yg = !1; a["delete"]() } } function vc() { } var wc = {}; function xc(a, b, c) { if (void 0 === a[b].Rf) { var d = a[b]; a[b] = function () { a[b].Rf.hasOwnProperty(arguments.length) || W("Function '" + c + "' called with an invalid number of arguments (" + arguments.length + ") - expects one of (" + a[b].Rf + ")!"); return a[b].Rf[arguments.length].apply(this, arguments) }; a[b].Rf = []; a[b].Rf[d.wg] = d } } function yc(a, b, c) { f.hasOwnProperty(a) ? ((void 0 === c || void 0 !== f[a].Rf && void 0 !== f[a].Rf[c]) && W("Cannot register public name '" + a + "' twice"), xc(f, a, a), f.hasOwnProperty(c) && W("Cannot register multiple overloads of a function with the same number of arguments (" + c + ")!"), f[a].Rf[c] = b) : (f[a] = b, void 0 !== c && (f[a].Ci = c)) } function zc(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u) { = a; this.constructor = b; this.zg = c; this.Zf = d; = h; this.Lh = m; this.Og = q; this.Eh = u; this.$h = [] } function Ac(a, b, c) { for (; b !== c;)b.Og || W("Expected null or instance of " + + ", got an instance of " +, a = b.Og(a), b =; return a } function Bc(a, b) { if (null === b) return && W("null is not a valid " +, 0; b.Ef || W('Cannot pass "' + Cc(b) + '" as a ' +; b.Ef.If || W("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +; return Ac(b.Ef.If, b.Ef.Pf.Jf, this.Jf) } function Dc(a, b) { if (null === b) { && W("null is not a valid " +; if (this.Tg) { var c = this.Mg(); null !== a && a.push(this.Zf, c); return c } return 0 } b.Ef || W('Cannot pass "' + Cc(b) + '" as a ' +; b.Ef.If || W("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +; !this.Sg && b.Ef.Pf.Sg && W("Cannot convert argument of type " + (b.Ef.$f ? b.Ef.$ : + " to parameter type " +; c = Ac(b.Ef.If, b.Ef.Pf.Jf, this.Jf); if (this.Tg) switch (void 0 === b.Ef.Xf && W("Passing raw pointer to smart pointer is illegal"), this.hi) { case 0: b.Ef.$f === this ? c = b.Ef.Xf : W("Cannot convert argument of type " + (b.Ef.$f ? b.Ef.$ : + " to parameter type " +; break; case 1: c = b.Ef.Xf; break; case 2: if (b.Ef.$f === this) c = b.Ef.Xf; else { var d = b.clone(); c =, Ec(function () { d["delete"]() })); null !== a && a.push(this.Zf, c) } break; default: W("Unsupporting sharing policy") }return c } function Fc(a, b) { if (null === b) return && W("null is not a valid " +, 0; b.Ef || W('Cannot pass "' + Cc(b) + '" as a ' +; b.Ef.If || W("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +; b.Ef.Pf.Sg && W("Cannot convert argument of type " + + " to parameter type " +; return Ac(b.Ef.If, b.Ef.Pf.Jf, this.Jf) } function Gc(a, b, c) { if (b === c) return a; if (void 0 === return null; a = Gc(a, b,; return null === a ? null : c.Eh(a) } var Hc = {}; function Ic(a, b) { for (void 0 === b && W("ptr should not be undefined");;)b = a.Og(b), a =; return Hc[b] } function Jc(a, b) { b.Pf && b.If || Yb("makeClassHandle requires ptr and ptrType"); !!b.$f !== !!b.Xf && Yb("Both smartPtrType and smartPtr must be specified"); b.count = { value: 1 }; return rc(Object.create(a, { Ef: { value: b } })) } function Kc(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E, I) { = a; this.Jf = b; = c; this.Sg = d; this.Tg = h; this.Zh = m; this.hi = q; = u; this.Mg = y; = E; this.Zf = I; h || void 0 !== ? this.toWireType = Dc : (this.toWireType = d ? Bc : Fc, this.Wf = null) } function Lc(a, b, c) { f.hasOwnProperty(a) || Yb("Replacing nonexistant public symbol"); void 0 !== f[a].Rf && void 0 !== c ? f[a].Rf[c] = b : (f[a] = b, f[a].wg = c) } function Uc(a, b) { a = dc(a); var c = f["dynCall_" + a]; for (var d = [], h = 1; h < a.length; ++h)d.push("a" + h); h = "return function dynCall_" + (a + "_" + b) + "(" + d.join(", ") + ") {\n"; h += " return dynCall(rawFunction" + (d.length ? ", " : "") + d.join(", ") + ");\n"; c = (new Function("dynCall", "rawFunction", h + "};\n"))(c, b); "function" !== typeof c && W("unknown function pointer with signature " + a + ": " + b); return c } var Vc = void 0; function Wc(a) { a = Xc(a); var b = dc(a); Yc(a); return b } function Zc(a, b) { function c(m) { h[m] || Sb[m] || (Tb[m] ? Tb[m].forEach(c) : (d.push(m), h[m] = !0)) } var d = [], h = {}; b.forEach(c); throw new Vc(a + ": " +[", "])); } function $c(a) { var b = Function; if (!(b instanceof Function)) throw new TypeError("new_ called with constructor type " + typeof b + " which is not a function"); var c = Vb( || "unknownFunctionName", function () { }); c.prototype = b.prototype; c = new c; a = b.apply(c, a); return a instanceof Object ? a : c } function ad(a, b, c, d, h) { var m = b.length; 2 > m && W("argTypes array size mismatch! Must at least get return value and 'this' types!"); var q = null !== b[1] && null !== c, u = !1; for (c = 1; c < b.length; ++c)if (null !== b[c] && void 0 === b[c].Wf) { u = !0; break } var y = "void" !== b[0].name, E = "", I = ""; for (c = 0; c < m - 2; ++c)E += (0 !== c ? ", " : "") + "arg" + c, I += (0 !== c ? ", " : "") + "arg" + c + "Wired"; a = "return function " + Ub(a) + "(" + E + ") {\nif (arguments.length !== " + (m - 2) + ") {\nthrowBindingError('function " + a + " called with ' + arguments.length + ' arguments, expected " + (m - 2) + " args!');\n}\n"; u && (a += "var destructors = [];\n"); var N = u ? "destructors" : "null"; E = "throwBindingError invoker fn runDestructors retType classParam".split(" "); d = [W, d, h, Pb, b[0], b[1]]; q && (a += "var thisWired = classParam.toWireType(" + N + ", this);\n"); for (c = 0; c < m - 2; ++c)a += "var arg" + c + "Wired = argType" + c + ".toWireType(" + N + ", arg" + c + "); // " + b[c + 2].name + "\n", E.push("argType" + c), d.push(b[c + 2]); q && (I = "thisWired" + (0 < I.length ? ", " : "") + I); a += (y ? "var rv = " : "") + "invoker(fn" + (0 < I.length ? ", " : "") + I + ");\n"; if (u) a += "runDestructors(destructors);\n"; else for (c = q ? 1 : 2; c < b.length; ++c)m = 1 === c ? "thisWired" : "arg" + (c - 2) + "Wired", null !== b[c].Wf && (a += m + "_dtor(" + m + "); // " + b[c].name + "\n", E.push(m + "_dtor"), d.push(b[c].Wf)); y && (a += "var ret = retType.fromWireType(rv);\nreturn ret;\n"); E.push(a + "}\n"); return $c(E).apply(null, d) } function bd(a, b) { for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a; d++)c.push(K[(b >> 2) + d]); return c } var cd = [], dd = [{}, { value: void 0 }, { value: null }, { value: !0 }, { value: !1 }]; function ed(a) { 4 < a && 0 === --dd[a].ih && (dd[a] = void 0, cd.push(a)) } function Ec(a) { switch (a) { case void 0: return 1; case null: return 2; case !0: return 3; case !1: return 4; default: var b = cd.length ? cd.pop() : dd.length; dd[b] = { ih: 1, value: a }; return b } } function fd(a, b, c) { switch (b) { case 0: return function (d) { return this.fromWireType((c ? hb : v)[d]) }; case 1: return function (d) { return this.fromWireType((c ? ab : $a)[d >> 1]) }; case 2: return function (d) { return this.fromWireType((c ? K : mb)[d >> 2]) }; default: throw new TypeError("Unknown integer type: " + a); } } function gd(a, b) { var c = Sb[a]; void 0 === c && W(b + " has unknown type " + Wc(a)); return c } function Cc(a) { if (null === a) return "null"; var b = typeof a; return "object" === b || "array" === b || "function" === b ? a.toString() : "" + a } function hd(a, b) { switch (b) { case 2: return function (c) { return this.fromWireType(S[c >> 2]) }; case 3: return function (c) { return this.fromWireType(nb[c >> 3]) }; default: throw new TypeError("Unknown float type: " + a); } } function id(a, b, c) { switch (b) { case 0: return c ? function (d) { return hb[d] } : function (d) { return v[d] }; case 1: return c ? function (d) { return ab[d >> 1] } : function (d) { return $a[d >> 1] }; case 2: return c ? function (d) { return K[d >> 2] } : function (d) { return mb[d >> 2] }; default: throw new TypeError("Unknown integer type: " + a); } } var jd = {}; function kd(a) { var b = jd[a]; return void 0 === b ? dc(a) : b } var ld = []; function md(a) { var b = ld.length; ld.push(a); return b } function nd(a, b) { for (var c = Array(a), d = 0; d < a; ++d)c[d] = gd(K[(b >> 2) + d], "parameter " + d); return c } var od; za ? od = function () { var a = process.hrtime(); return 1E3 * a[0] + a[1] / 1E6 } : "undefined" !== typeof dateNow ? od = dateNow : od = function () { return }; function pd(a) { var b = a.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays"); b && (a.vertexAttribDivisor = function (c, d) { b.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(c, d) }, a.drawArraysInstanced = function (c, d, h, m) { b.drawArraysInstancedANGLE(c, d, h, m) }, a.drawElementsInstanced = function (c, d, h, m, q) { b.drawElementsInstancedANGLE(c, d, h, m, q) }) } function qd(a) { var b = a.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object"); b && (a.createVertexArray = function () { return b.createVertexArrayOES() }, a.deleteVertexArray = function (c) { b.deleteVertexArrayOES(c) }, a.bindVertexArray = function (c) { b.bindVertexArrayOES(c) }, a.isVertexArray = function (c) { return b.isVertexArrayOES(c) }) } function rd(a) { var b = a.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers"); b && (a.drawBuffers = function (c, d) { b.drawBuffersWEBGL(c, d) }) } var sd = 1, td = [], ud = [], vd = [], wd = [], xd = [], X = [], yd = [], zd = [], ha = [], Ad = [], Bd = [], Cd = {}, Dd = {}, Ed = {}, Fd = 4; function Gd(a) { Hd || (Hd = a) } function fa(a) { for (var b = sd++, c = a.length; c < b; c++)a[c] = null; return b } function ka(a) { Id = ha[a]; f.wi = Y = Id && Id.nh; return !(a && !Y) } function ja(a) { a || (a = Id); if (!a.Qh) { a.Qh = !0; var b = a.nh; pd(b); qd(b); rd(b); b.xi = b.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance"); b.yi = b.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query"); b.Bi = b.getExtension("WEBGL_multi_draw"); var c = "OES_texture_float OES_texture_half_float OES_standard_derivatives OES_vertex_array_object WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc WEBGL_depth_texture OES_element_index_uint EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic EXT_frag_depth WEBGL_draw_buffers ANGLE_instanced_arrays OES_texture_float_linear OES_texture_half_float_linear EXT_blend_minmax EXT_shader_texture_lod EXT_texture_norm16 WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc EXT_color_buffer_half_float WEBGL_color_buffer_float EXT_sRGB WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1 EXT_disjoint_timer_query WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc EXT_color_buffer_float WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2 WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc".split(" "); (b.getSupportedExtensions() || []).forEach(function (d) { -1 != c.indexOf(d) && b.getExtension(d) }) } } var Hd, Id, Jd = []; function Kd(a, b, c, d) { for (var h = 0; h < a; h++) { var m = Y[c](), q = m && fa(d); m ? ( = q, d[q] = m) : Gd(1282); K[b + 4 * h >> 2] = q } } function Ld(a, b) { if (b) { var c = void 0; switch (a) { case 36346: c = 1; break; case 36344: return; case 34814: case 36345: c = 0; break; case 34466: var d = Y.getParameter(34467); c = d ? d.length : 0; break; case 33309: if (2 > Id.version) { Gd(1282); return } c = 2 * (Y.getSupportedExtensions() || []).length; break; case 33307: case 33308: if (2 > Id.version) { Gd(1280); return } c = 33307 == a ? 3 : 0 }if (void 0 === c) switch (d = Y.getParameter(a), typeof d) { case "number": c = d; break; case "boolean": c = d ? 1 : 0; break; case "string": Gd(1280); return; case "object": if (null === d) switch (a) { case 34964: case 35725: case 34965: case 36006: case 36007: case 32873: case 34229: case 36662: case 36663: case 35053: case 35055: case 36010: case 35097: case 35869: case 32874: case 36389: case 35983: case 35368: case 34068: c = 0; break; default: Gd(1280); return } else { if (d instanceof Float32Array || d instanceof Uint32Array || d instanceof Int32Array || d instanceof Array) { for (a = 0; a < d.length; ++a)K[b + 4 * a >> 2] = d[a]; return } try { c = | 0 } catch (h) { Gd(1280); Ka("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet0v: Unknown object returned from WebGL getParameter(" + a + ")! (error: " + h + ")"); return } } break; default: Gd(1280); Ka("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet0v: Native code calling glGet0v(" + a + ") and it returns " + d + " of type " + typeof d + "!"); return }K[b >> 2] = c } else Gd(1281) } function Md(a) { var b = la(a) + 1, c = Nd(b); na(a, v, c, b); return c } function Od(a) { a -= 5120; return 0 == a ? hb : 1 == a ? v : 2 == a ? ab : 4 == a ? K : 6 == a ? S : 5 == a || 28922 == a || 28520 == a || 30779 == a || 30782 == a ? mb : $a } function Pd(a, b, c, d, h) { a = Od(a); var m = 31 - Math.clz32(a.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), q = Fd; return a.subarray(h >> m, h + d * (c * ({ 5: 3, 6: 4, 8: 2, 29502: 3, 29504: 4, 26917: 2, 26918: 2, 29846: 3, 29847: 4 }[b - 6402] || 1) * (1 << m) + q - 1 & -q) >> m) } var Qd = [], Rd = [], Sd = {}; function Td() { if (!Ud) { var a = { USER: "web_user", LOGNAME: "web_user", PATH: "/", PWD: "/", HOME: "/home/web_user", LANG: ("object" === typeof navigator && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || "C").replace("-", "_") + ".UTF-8", _: va || "./this.program" }, b; for (b in Sd) a[b] = Sd[b]; var c = []; for (b in a) c.push(b + "=" + a[b]); Ud = c } return Ud } var Ud; function Vd(a) { return 0 === a % 4 && (0 !== a % 100 || 0 === a % 400) } function Wd(a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = 0; d <= b; c += a[d++]); return c } var Xd = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], Yd = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; function Zd(a, b) { for (a = new Date(a.getTime()); 0 < b;) { var c = a.getMonth(), d = (Vd(a.getFullYear()) ? Xd : Yd)[c]; if (b > d - a.getDate()) b -= d - a.getDate() + 1, a.setDate(1), 11 > c ? a.setMonth(c + 1) : (a.setMonth(0), a.setFullYear(a.getFullYear() + 1)); else { a.setDate(a.getDate() + b); break } } return a } function $d(a, b, c, d) { function h(z, R, T) { for (z = "number" === typeof z ? z.toString() : z || ""; z.length < R;)z = T[0] + z; return z } function m(z, R) { return h(z, R, "0") } function q(z, R) { function T(ua) { return 0 > ua ? -1 : 0 < ua ? 1 : 0 } var da; 0 === (da = T(z.getFullYear() - R.getFullYear())) && 0 === (da = T(z.getMonth() - R.getMonth())) && (da = T(z.getDate() - R.getDate())); return da } function u(z) { switch (z.getDay()) { case 0: return new Date(z.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 29); case 1: return z; case 2: return new Date(z.getFullYear(), 0, 3); case 3: return new Date(z.getFullYear(), 0, 2); case 4: return new Date(z.getFullYear(), 0, 1); case 5: return new Date(z.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31); case 6: return new Date(z.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 30) } } function y(z) { z = Zd(new Date(z.Tf + 1900, 0, 1), z.Wg); var R = new Date(z.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 4), T = u(new Date(z.getFullYear(), 0, 4)); R = u(R); return 0 >= q(T, z) ? 0 >= q(R, z) ? z.getFullYear() + 1 : z.getFullYear() : z.getFullYear() - 1 } var E = K[d + 40 >> 2]; d = { pi: K[d >> 2], oi: K[d + 4 >> 2], Ug: K[d + 8 >> 2], Ng: K[d + 12 >> 2], Ag: K[d + 16 >> 2], Tf: K[d + 20 >> 2], Vg: K[d + 24 >> 2], Wg: K[d + 28 >> 2], Ei: K[d + 32 >> 2], ni: K[d + 36 >> 2], ri: E ? Ta(E) : "" }; c = Ta(c); E = { "%c": "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", "%D": "%m/%d/%y", "%F": "%Y-%m-%d", "%h": "%b", "%r": "%I:%M:%S %p", "%R": "%H:%M", "%T": "%H:%M:%S", "%x": "%m/%d/%y", "%X": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ec": "%c", "%EC": "%C", "%Ex": "%m/%d/%y", "%EX": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ey": "%y", "%EY": "%Y", "%Od": "%d", "%Oe": "%e", "%OH": "%H", "%OI": "%I", "%Om": "%m", "%OM": "%M", "%OS": "%S", "%Ou": "%u", "%OU": "%U", "%OV": "%V", "%Ow": "%w", "%OW": "%W", "%Oy": "%y" }; for (var I in E) c = c.replace(new RegExp(I, "g"), E[I]); var N = "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "), Q = "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "); E = { "%a": function (z) { return N[z.Vg].substring(0, 3) }, "%A": function (z) { return N[z.Vg] }, "%b": function (z) { return Q[z.Ag].substring(0, 3) }, "%B": function (z) { return Q[z.Ag] }, "%C": function (z) { return m((z.Tf + 1900) / 100 | 0, 2) }, "%d": function (z) { return m(z.Ng, 2) }, "%e": function (z) { return h(z.Ng, 2, " ") }, "%g": function (z) { return y(z).toString().substring(2) }, "%G": function (z) { return y(z) }, "%H": function (z) { return m(z.Ug, 2) }, "%I": function (z) { z = z.Ug; 0 == z ? z = 12 : 12 < z && (z -= 12); return m(z, 2) }, "%j": function (z) { return m(z.Ng + Wd(Vd(z.Tf + 1900) ? Xd : Yd, z.Ag - 1), 3) }, "%m": function (z) { return m(z.Ag + 1, 2) }, "%M": function (z) { return m(z.oi, 2) }, "%n": function () { return "\n" }, "%p": function (z) { return 0 <= z.Ug && 12 > z.Ug ? "AM" : "PM" }, "%S": function (z) { return m(z.pi, 2) }, "%t": function () { return "\t" }, "%u": function (z) { return z.Vg || 7 }, "%U": function (z) { var R = new Date(z.Tf + 1900, 0, 1), T = 0 === R.getDay() ? R : Zd(R, 7 - R.getDay()); z = new Date(z.Tf + 1900, z.Ag, z.Ng); return 0 > q(T, z) ? m(Math.ceil((31 - T.getDate() + (Wd(Vd(z.getFullYear()) ? Xd : Yd, z.getMonth() - 1) - 31) + z.getDate()) / 7), 2) : 0 === q(T, R) ? "01" : "00" }, "%V": function (z) { var R = new Date(z.Tf + 1901, 0, 4), T = u(new Date(z.Tf + 1900, 0, 4)); R = u(R); var da = Zd(new Date(z.Tf + 1900, 0, 1), z.Wg); return 0 > q(da, T) ? "53" : 0 >= q(R, da) ? "01" : m(Math.ceil((T.getFullYear() < z.Tf + 1900 ? z.Wg + 32 - T.getDate() : z.Wg + 1 - T.getDate()) / 7), 2) }, "%w": function (z) { return z.Vg }, "%W": function (z) { var R = new Date(z.Tf, 0, 1), T = 1 === R.getDay() ? R : Zd(R, 0 === R.getDay() ? 1 : 7 - R.getDay() + 1); z = new Date(z.Tf + 1900, z.Ag, z.Ng); return 0 > q(T, z) ? m(Math.ceil((31 - T.getDate() + (Wd(Vd(z.getFullYear()) ? Xd : Yd, z.getMonth() - 1) - 31) + z.getDate()) / 7), 2) : 0 === q(T, R) ? "01" : "00" }, "%y": function (z) { return (z.Tf + 1900).toString().substring(2) }, "%Y": function (z) { return z.Tf + 1900 }, "%z": function (z) { z =; var R = 0 <= z; z = Math.abs(z) / 60; return (R ? "+" : "-") + String("0000" + (z / 60 * 100 + z % 60)).slice(-4) }, "%Z": function (z) { return z.ri }, "%%": function () { return "%" } }; for (I in E) 0 <= c.indexOf(I) && (c = c.replace(new RegExp(I, "g"), E[I](d))); I = ae(c); if (I.length > b) return 0; hb.set(I, a); return I.length - 1 } Xb = f.InternalError = Wb("InternalError"); for (var be = Array(256), ce = 0; 256 > ce; ++ce)be[ce] = String.fromCharCode(ce); cc = be; lc = f.BindingError = Wb("BindingError"); vc.prototype.isAliasOf = function (a) { if (!(this instanceof vc && a instanceof vc)) return !1; var b = this.Ef.Pf.Jf, c = this.Ef.If, d = a.Ef.Pf.Jf; for (a = a.Ef.If;;)c = b.Og(c), b =; for (;;)a = d.Og(a), d =; return b === d && c === a }; vc.prototype.clone = function () { this.Ef.If || nc(this); if (this.Ef.Lg) return this.Ef.count.value += 1, this; var a = rc(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), { Ef: { value: mc(this.Ef) } })); a.Ef.count.value += 1; a.Ef.yg = !1; return a }; vc.prototype["delete"] = function () { this.Ef.If || nc(this); this.Ef.yg && !this.Ef.Lg && W("Object already scheduled for deletion"); pc(this); qc(this.Ef); this.Ef.Lg || (this.Ef.Xf = void 0, this.Ef.If = void 0) }; vc.prototype.isDeleted = function () { return !this.Ef.If }; vc.prototype.deleteLater = function () { this.Ef.If || nc(this); this.Ef.yg && !this.Ef.Lg && W("Object already scheduled for deletion"); tc.push(this); 1 === tc.length && sc && sc(uc); this.Ef.yg = !0; return this }; Kc.prototype.Mh = function (a) { && (a =; return a }; Kc.prototype.qh = function (a) { this.Zf && this.Zf(a) }; Kc.prototype.argPackAdvance = 8; Kc.prototype.readValueFromPointer = Qb; Kc.prototype.deleteObject = function (a) { if (null !== a) a["delete"]() }; Kc.prototype.fromWireType = function (a) { function b() { return this.Tg ? Jc(this.Jf.zg, { Pf: this.Zh, If: c, $f: this, Xf: a }) : Jc(this.Jf.zg, { Pf: this, If: a }) } var c = this.Mh(a); if (!c) return this.qh(a), null; var d = Ic(this.Jf, c); if (void 0 !== d) { if (0 === d.Ef.count.value) return d.Ef.If = c, d.Ef.Xf = a, d.clone(); d = d.clone(); this.qh(a); return d } d = this.Jf.Lh(c); d = wc[d]; if (!d) return; d = this.Sg ? d.Ch : d.pointerType; var h = Gc(c, this.Jf, d.Jf); return null === h ? : this.Tg ? Jc(d.Jf.zg, { Pf: d, If: h, $f: this, Xf: a }) : Jc(d.Jf.zg, { Pf: d, If: h }) }; f.getInheritedInstanceCount = function () { return Object.keys(Hc).length }; f.getLiveInheritedInstances = function () { var a = [], b; for (b in Hc) Hc.hasOwnProperty(b) && a.push(Hc[b]); return a }; f.flushPendingDeletes = uc; f.setDelayFunction = function (a) { sc = a; tc.length && sc && sc(uc) }; Vc = f.UnboundTypeError = Wb("UnboundTypeError"); f.count_emval_handles = function () { for (var a = 0, b = 5; b < dd.length; ++b)void 0 !== dd[b] && ++a; return a }; f.get_first_emval = function () { for (var a = 5; a < dd.length; ++a)if (void 0 !== dd[a]) return dd[a]; return null }; for (var Y, de = 0; 32 > de; ++de)Jd.push(Array(de)); var ee = new Float32Array(288); for (de = 0; 288 > de; ++de)Qd[de] = ee.subarray(0, de + 1); var fe = new Int32Array(288); for (de = 0; 288 > de; ++de)Rd[de] = fe.subarray(0, de + 1); function ae(a) { var b = Array(la(a) + 1); na(a, b, 0, b.length); return b } var ze = { lb: function (a) { return Nd(a + 16) + 16 }, jb: function (a, b, c) { (new Jb(a)).Ph(b, c); "uncaught_exception" in Kb ? : = 1; throw a; }, vb: function () { K[ge() >> 2] = 63; return -1 }, M: function () { return 0 }, Cb: function () { }, xb: function () { return 0 }, yb: function (a, b, c, d, h, m) { m <<= 12; 0 !== (d & 16) && 0 !== a % 16384 ? b = -28 : 0 !== (d & 32) ? (a = he(16384, b)) ? (ie(a, 0, b), Lb[a] = { Xh: a, Wh: b, Bh: !0, fd: h, Di: c, flags: d, offset: m }, b = a) : b = -48 : b = -52; return b }, zb: function (a, b) { if (-1 === (a | 0) || 0 === b) a = -28; else { var c = Lb[a]; c && b === c.Wh && (Lb[a] = null, c.Bh && Yc(c.Xh)); a = 0 } return a }, O: function () { }, Ab: function () { }, N: function () { }, D: function (a) { var b = Ob[a]; delete Ob[a]; var c = b.elements, d = c.length, h = (u) { return u.fh }).concat( (u) { return })), m = b.Mg, q = b.Zf; Zb([a], h, function (u) { c.forEach(function (y, E) { var I = u[E], N = y.dh, Q =, z = u[E + d], R = y.jh, T = y.lh; = function (da) { return I.fromWireType(N(Q, da)) }; y.write = function (da, ua) { var U = []; R(T, da, z.toWireType(U, ua)); Pb(U) } }); return [{ name:, fromWireType: function (y) { for (var E = Array(d), I = 0; I < d; ++I)E[I] = c[I].read(y); q(y); return E }, toWireType: function (y, E) { if (d !== E.length) throw new TypeError("Incorrect number of tuple elements for " + + ": expected=" + d + ", actual=" + E.length); for (var I = m(), N = 0; N < d; ++N)c[N].write(I, E[N]); null !== y && y.push(q, I); return I }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Qb, Wf: q }] }) }, v: function (a) { var b = ac[a]; delete ac[a]; var c = b.Mg, d = b.Zf, h = b.rh, m = (q) { return q.fh }).concat( (q) { return })); Zb([a], m, function (q) { var u = {}; h.forEach(function (y, E) { var I = q[E], N = y.dh, Q =, z = q[E + h.length], R = y.jh, T = y.lh; u[y.Gh] = { read: function (da) { return I.fromWireType(N(Q, da)) }, write: function (da, ua) { var U = []; R(T, da, z.toWireType(U, ua)); Pb(U) } } }); return [{ name:, fromWireType: function (y) { var E = {}, I; for (I in u) E[I] = u[I].read(y); d(y); return E }, toWireType: function (y, E) { for (var I in u) if (!(I in E)) throw new TypeError('Missing field: "' + I + '"'); var N = c(); for (I in u) u[I].write(N, E[I]); null !== y && y.push(d, N); return N }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Qb, Wf: d }] }) }, Eb: function (a, b, c, d, h) { var m = bc(c); b = dc(b); $b(a, { name: b, fromWireType: function (q) { return !!q }, toWireType: function (q, u) { return u ? d : h }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: function (q) { if (1 === c) var u = hb; else if (2 === c) u = ab; else if (4 === c) u = K; else throw new TypeError("Unknown boolean type size: " + b); return this.fromWireType(u[q >> m]) }, Wf: null }) }, k: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E, I, N, Q) { I = dc(I); m = Uc(h, m); u && (u = Uc(q, u)); E && (E = Uc(y, E)); Q = Uc(N, Q); var z = Ub(I); yc(z, function () { Zc("Cannot construct " + I + " due to unbound types", [d]) }); Zb([a, b, c], d ? [d] : [], function (R) { R = R[0]; if (d) { var T = R.Jf; var da = T.zg } else da = vc.prototype; R = Vb(z, function () { if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== ua) throw new lc("Use 'new' to construct " + I); if (void 0 === U.ig) throw new lc(I + " has no accessible constructor"); var Cb = U.ig[arguments.length]; if (void 0 === Cb) throw new lc("Tried to invoke ctor of " + I + " with invalid number of parameters (" + arguments.length + ") - expected (" + Object.keys(U.ig).toString() + ") parameters instead!"); return Cb.apply(this, arguments) }); var ua = Object.create(da, { constructor: { value: R } }); R.prototype = ua; var U = new zc(I, R, ua, Q, T, m, u, E); T = new Kc(I, U, !0, !1, !1); da = new Kc(I + "*", U, !1, !1, !1); var kb = new Kc(I + " const*", U, !1, !0, !1); wc[a] = { pointerType: da, Ch: kb }; Lc(z, R); return [T, da, kb] }) }, j: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q) { var u = bd(c, d); b = dc(b); m = Uc(h, m); Zb([], [a], function (y) { function E() { Zc("Cannot call " + I + " due to unbound types", u) } y = y[0]; var I = + "." + b, N = y.Jf.constructor; void 0 === N[b] ? (E.wg = c - 1, N[b] = E) : (xc(N, b, I), N[b].Rf[c - 1] = E); Zb([], u, function (Q) { Q = [Q[0], null].concat(Q.slice(1)); Q = ad(I, Q, null, m, q); void 0 === N[b].Rf ? (Q.wg = c - 1, N[b] = Q) : N[b].Rf[c - 1] = Q; return [] }); return [] }) }, u: function (a, b, c, d, h, m) { assert(0 < b); var q = bd(b, c); h = Uc(d, h); var u = [m], y = []; Zb([], [a], function (E) { E = E[0]; var I = "constructor " +; void 0 === E.Jf.ig && (E.Jf.ig = []); if (void 0 !== E.Jf.ig[b - 1]) throw new lc("Cannot register multiple constructors with identical number of parameters (" + (b - 1) + ") for class '" + + "'! Overload resolution is currently only performed using the parameter count, not actual type info!"); E.Jf.ig[b - 1] = function () { Zc("Cannot construct " + + " due to unbound types", q) }; Zb([], q, function (N) { E.Jf.ig[b - 1] = function () { arguments.length !== b - 1 && W(I + " called with " + arguments.length + " arguments, expected " + (b - 1)); y.length = 0; u.length = b; for (var Q = 1; Q < b; ++Q)u[Q] = N[Q].toWireType(y, arguments[Q - 1]); Q = h.apply(null, u); Pb(y); return N[0].fromWireType(Q) }; return [] }); return [] }) }, c: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u) { var y = bd(c, d); b = dc(b); m = Uc(h, m); Zb([], [a], function (E) { function I() { Zc("Cannot call " + N + " due to unbound types", y) } E = E[0]; var N = + "." + b; u && E.Jf.$h.push(b); var Q = E.Jf.zg, z = Q[b]; void 0 === z || void 0 === z.Rf && z.className !== && z.wg === c - 2 ? (I.wg = c - 2, I.className =, Q[b] = I) : (xc(Q, b, N), Q[b].Rf[c - 2] = I); Zb([], y, function (R) { R = ad(N, R, E, m, q); void 0 === Q[b].Rf ? (R.wg = c - 2, Q[b] = R) : Q[b].Rf[c - 2] = R; return [] }); return [] }) }, U: function (a, b, c) { a = dc(a); Zb([], [b], function (d) { d = d[0]; f[a] = d.fromWireType(c); return [] }) }, Db: function (a, b) { b = dc(b); $b(a, { name: b, fromWireType: function (c) { var d = dd[c].value; ed(c); return d }, toWireType: function (c, d) { return Ec(d) }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Qb, Wf: null }) }, n: function (a, b, c, d) { function h() { } c = bc(c); b = dc(b); h.values = {}; $b(a, { name: b, constructor: h, fromWireType: function (m) { return this.constructor.values[m] }, toWireType: function (m, q) { return q.value }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: fd(b, c, d), Wf: null }); yc(b, h) }, m: function (a, b, c) { var d = gd(a, "enum"); b = dc(b); a = d.constructor; d = Object.create(d.constructor.prototype, { value: { value: c }, constructor: { value: Vb( + "_" + b, function () { }) } }); a.values[c] = d; a[b] = d }, P: function (a, b, c) { c = bc(c); b = dc(b); $b(a, { name: b, fromWireType: function (d) { return d }, toWireType: function (d, h) { if ("number" !== typeof h && "boolean" !== typeof h) throw new TypeError('Cannot convert "' + Cc(h) + '" to ' +; return h }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: hd(b, c), Wf: null }) }, o: function (a, b, c, d, h, m) { var q = bd(b, c); a = dc(a); h = Uc(d, h); yc(a, function () { Zc("Cannot call " + a + " due to unbound types", q) }, b - 1); Zb([], q, function (u) { u = [u[0], null].concat(u.slice(1)); Lc(a, ad(a, u, null, h, m), b - 1); return [] }) }, y: function (a, b, c, d, h) { function m(E) { return E } b = dc(b); -1 === h && (h = 4294967295); var q = bc(c); if (0 === d) { var u = 32 - 8 * c; m = function (E) { return E << u >>> u } } var y = -1 != b.indexOf("unsigned"); $b(a, { name: b, fromWireType: m, toWireType: function (E, I) { if ("number" !== typeof I && "boolean" !== typeof I) throw new TypeError('Cannot convert "' + Cc(I) + '" to ' +; if (I < d || I > h) throw new TypeError('Passing a number "' + Cc(I) + '" from JS side to C/C++ side to an argument of type "' + b + '", which is outside the valid range [' + d + ", " + h + "]!"); return y ? I >>> 0 : I | 0 }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: id(b, q, 0 !== d), Wf: null }) }, w: function (a, b, c) { function d(m) { m >>= 2; var q = mb; return new h(gb, q[m + 1], q[m]) } var h = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array][b]; c = dc(c); $b(a, { name: c, fromWireType: d, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: d }, { Oh: !0 }) }, q: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E, I, N) { c = dc(c); m = Uc(h, m); u = Uc(q, u); E = Uc(y, E); N = Uc(I, N); Zb([a], [b], function (Q) { Q = Q[0]; return [new Kc(c, Q.Jf, !1, !1, !0, Q, d, m, u, E, N)] }) }, Q: function (a, b) { b = dc(b); var c = "std::string" === b; $b(a, { name: b, fromWireType: function (d) { var h = mb[d >> 2]; if (c) for (var m = d + 4, q = 0; q <= h; ++q) { var u = d + 4 + q; if (q == h || 0 == v[u]) { m = Ta(m, u - m); if (void 0 === y) var y = m; else y += String.fromCharCode(0), y += m; m = u + 1 } } else { y = Array(h); for (q = 0; q < h; ++q)y[q] = String.fromCharCode(v[d + 4 + q]); y = y.join("") } Yc(d); return y }, toWireType: function (d, h) { h instanceof ArrayBuffer && (h = new Uint8Array(h)); var m = "string" === typeof h; m || h instanceof Uint8Array || h instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || h instanceof Int8Array || W("Cannot pass non-string to std::string"); var q = (c && m ? function () { return la(h) } : function () { return h.length })(), u = Nd(4 + q + 1); mb[u >> 2] = q; if (c && m) na(h, v, u + 4, q + 1); else if (m) for (m = 0; m < q; ++m) { var y = h.charCodeAt(m); 255 < y && (Yc(u), W("String has UTF-16 code units that do not fit in 8 bits")); v[u + 4 + m] = y } else for (m = 0; m < q; ++m)v[u + 4 + m] = h[m]; null !== d && d.push(Yc, u); return u }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Qb, Wf: function (d) { Yc(d) } }) }, H: function (a, b, c) { c = dc(c); if (2 === b) { var d = Va; var h = bb; var m = cb; var q = function () { return $a }; var u = 1 } else 4 === b && (d = db, h = eb, m = fb, q = function () { return mb }, u = 2); $b(a, { name: c, fromWireType: function (y) { for (var E = mb[y >> 2], I = q(), N, Q = y + 4, z = 0; z <= E; ++z) { var R = y + 4 + z * b; if (z == E || 0 == I[R >> u]) Q = d(Q, R - Q), void 0 === N ? N = Q : (N += String.fromCharCode(0), N += Q), Q = R + b } Yc(y); return N }, toWireType: function (y, E) { "string" !== typeof E && W("Cannot pass non-string to C++ string type " + c); var I = m(E), N = Nd(4 + I + b); mb[N >> 2] = I >> u; h(E, N + 4, I + b); null !== y && y.push(Yc, N); return N }, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Qb, Wf: function (y) { Yc(y) } }) }, F: function (a, b, c, d, h, m) { Ob[a] = { name: dc(b), Mg: Uc(c, d), Zf: Uc(h, m), elements: [] } }, E: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y) { Ob[a].elements.push({ fh: b, dh: Uc(c, d), eh: h, kh: m, jh: Uc(q, u), lh: y }) }, x: function (a, b, c, d, h, m) { ac[a] = { name: dc(b), Mg: Uc(c, d), Zf: Uc(h, m), rh: [] } }, g: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E) { ac[a].rh.push({ Gh: dc(b), fh: c, dh: Uc(d, h), eh: m, kh: q, jh: Uc(u, y), lh: E }) }, Fb: function (a, b) { b = dc(b); $b(a, { Rh: !0, name: b, argPackAdvance: 0, fromWireType: function () { }, toWireType: function () { } }) }, A: function (a, b, c, d) { a = ld[a]; b || W("Cannot use deleted val. handle = " + b); b = dd[b].value; c = kd(c); a(b, c, null, d) }, ea: ed, z: function (a, b) { b = nd(a, b); for (var c = b[0], d = + "_$" + b.slice(1).map(function (E) { return }).join("_") + "$", h = ["retType"], m = [c], q = "", u = 0; u < a - 1; ++u)q += (0 !== u ? ", " : "") + "arg" + u, h.push("argType" + u), m.push(b[1 + u]); d = "return function " + Ub("methodCaller_" + d) + "(handle, name, destructors, args) {\n"; var y = 0; for (u = 0; u < a - 1; ++u)d += " var arg" + u + " = argType" + u + ".readValueFromPointer(args" + (y ? "+" + y : "") + ");\n", y += b[u + 1].argPackAdvance; d += " var rv = handle[name](" + q + ");\n"; for (u = 0; u < a - 1; ++u)b[u + 1].deleteObject && (d += " argType" + u + ".deleteObject(arg" + u + ");\n"); c.Rh || (d += " return retType.toWireType(destructors, rv);\n"); h.push(d + "};\n"); a = $c(h).apply(null, m); return md(a) }, mb: function (a) { 4 < a && (dd[a].ih += 1) }, pa: function () { return Ec([]) }, Aa: function (a) { return Ec(kd(a)) }, C: function (a, b) { a = gd(a, "_emval_take_value"); a = a.readValueFromPointer(b); return Ec(a) }, d: function () { Ia() }, rb: function (a, b) { if (0 === a) a =; else if (1 === a || 4 === a) a = od(); else return K[ge() >> 2] = 28, -1; K[b >> 2] = a / 1E3 | 0; K[b + 4 >> 2] = a % 1E3 * 1E6 | 0; return 0 }, Vc: function (a) { Y.activeTexture(a) }, Wc: function (a, b) { Y.attachShader(ud[a], yd[b]) }, Xc: function (a, b, c) { Y.bindAttribLocation(ud[a], b, Ta(c)) }, Yc: function (a, b) { 35051 == a ? = b : 35052 == a && (Y.xg = b); Y.bindBuffer(a, td[b]) }, ac: function (a, b) { Y.bindFramebuffer(a, vd[b]) }, bc: function (a, b) { Y.bindRenderbuffer(a, wd[b]) }, Ob: function (a, b) { Y.bindSampler(a, Ad[b]) }, Zc: function (a, b) { Y.bindTexture(a, xd[b]) }, rc: function (a) { Y.bindVertexArray(zd[a]) }, uc: function (a) { Y.bindVertexArray(zd[a]) }, _c: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.blendColor(a, b, c, d) }, $c: function (a) { Y.blendEquation(a) }, W: function (a, b) { Y.blendFunc(a, b) }, Vb: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E) { Y.blitFramebuffer(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E) }, X: function (a, b, c, d) { 2 <= Id.version ? c ? Y.bufferData(a, v, d, c, b) : Y.bufferData(a, b, d) : Y.bufferData(a, c ? v.subarray(c, c + b) : b, d) }, Y: function (a, b, c, d) { 2 <= Id.version ? Y.bufferSubData(a, b, v, d, c) : Y.bufferSubData(a, b, v.subarray(d, d + c)) }, cc: function (a) { return Y.checkFramebufferStatus(a) }, Z: function (a) { Y.clear(a) }, _: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.clearColor(a, b, c, d) }, $: function (a) { Y.clearStencil(a) }, eb: function (a, b, c, d) { return Y.clientWaitSync(Bd[a], b, (c >>> 0) + 4294967296 * d) }, aa: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.colorMask(!!a, !!b, !!c, !!d) }, ba: function (a) { Y.compileShader(yd[a]) }, ca: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u) { 2 <= Id.version ? Y.xg ? Y.compressedTexImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u) : Y.compressedTexImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, v, u, q) : Y.compressedTexImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, u ? v.subarray(u, u + q) : null) }, da: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y) { 2 <= Id.version ? Y.xg ? Y.compressedTexSubImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y) : Y.compressedTexSubImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, v, y, u) : Y.compressedTexSubImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, y ? v.subarray(y, y + u) : null) }, fa: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u) { Y.copyTexSubImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u) }, ga: function () { var a = fa(ud), b = Y.createProgram(); = a; ud[a] = b; return a }, ha: function (a) { var b = fa(yd); yd[b] = Y.createShader(a); return b }, ia: function (a) { Y.cullFace(a) }, ja: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { var d = K[b + 4 * c >> 2], h = td[d]; h && (Y.deleteBuffer(h), = 0, td[d] = null, d == && ( = 0), d == Y.xg && (Y.xg = 0)) } }, dc: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a; ++c) { var d = K[b + 4 * c >> 2], h = vd[d]; h && (Y.deleteFramebuffer(h), = 0, vd[d] = null) } }, ka: function (a) { if (a) { var b = ud[a]; b ? (Y.deleteProgram(b), = 0, ud[a] = null, Cd[a] = null) : Gd(1281) } }, ec: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { var d = K[b + 4 * c >> 2], h = wd[d]; h && (Y.deleteRenderbuffer(h), = 0, wd[d] = null) } }, Pb: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { var d = K[b + 4 * c >> 2], h = Ad[d]; h && (Y.deleteSampler(h), = 0, Ad[d] = null) } }, la: function (a) { if (a) { var b = yd[a]; b ? (Y.deleteShader(b), yd[a] = null) : Gd(1281) } }, Xb: function (a) { if (a) { var b = Bd[a]; b ? (Y.deleteSync(b), = 0, Bd[a] = null) : Gd(1281) } }, ma: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { var d = K[b + 4 * c >> 2], h = xd[d]; h && (Y.deleteTexture(h), = 0, xd[d] = null) } }, sc: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { var d = K[b + 4 * c >> 2]; Y.deleteVertexArray(zd[d]); zd[d] = null } }, vc: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { var d = K[b + 4 * c >> 2]; Y.deleteVertexArray(zd[d]); zd[d] = null } }, na: function (a) { Y.depthMask(!!a) }, oa: function (a) { Y.disable(a) }, qa: function (a) { Y.disableVertexAttribArray(a) }, ra: function (a, b, c) { Y.drawArrays(a, b, c) }, pc: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.drawArraysInstanced(a, b, c, d) }, nc: function (a, b) { for (var c = Jd[a], d = 0; d < a; d++)c[d] = K[b + 4 * d >> 2]; Y.drawBuffers(c) }, sa: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.drawElements(a, b, c, d) }, qc: function (a, b, c, d, h) { Y.drawElementsInstanced(a, b, c, d, h) }, jc: function (a, b, c, d, h, m) { Y.drawElements(a, d, h, m) }, ta: function (a) { Y.enable(a) }, ua: function (a) { Y.enableVertexAttribArray(a) }, Tb: function (a, b) { return (a = Y.fenceSync(a, b)) ? (b = fa(Bd), = b, Bd[b] = a, b) : 0 }, va: function () { Y.finish() }, wa: function () { Y.flush() }, fc: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.framebufferRenderbuffer(a, b, c, wd[d]) }, gc: function (a, b, c, d, h) { Y.framebufferTexture2D(a, b, c, xd[d], h) }, xa: function (a) { Y.frontFace(a) }, ya: function (a, b) { Kd(a, b, "createBuffer", td) }, hc: function (a, b) { Kd(a, b, "createFramebuffer", vd) }, ic: function (a, b) { Kd(a, b, "createRenderbuffer", wd) }, Qb: function (a, b) { Kd(a, b, "createSampler", Ad) }, za: function (a, b) { Kd(a, b, "createTexture", xd) }, tc: function (a, b) { Kd(a, b, "createVertexArray", zd) }, wc: function (a, b) { Kd(a, b, "createVertexArray", zd) }, Yb: function (a) { Y.generateMipmap(a) }, Ba: function (a, b, c) { c ? K[c >> 2] = Y.getBufferParameter(a, b) : Gd(1281) }, Ca: function () { var a = Y.getError() || Hd; Hd = 0; return a }, Zb: function (a, b, c, d) { a = Y.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(a, b, c); if (a instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer || a instanceof WebGLTexture) a = | 0; K[d >> 2] = a }, bb: function (a, b) { Ld(a, b) }, Da: function (a, b, c, d) { a = Y.getProgramInfoLog(ud[a]); null === a && (a = "(unknown error)"); b = 0 < b && d ? na(a, v, d, b) : 0; c && (K[c >> 2] = b) }, Ea: function (a, b, c) { if (c) if (a >= sd) Gd(1281); else { var d = Cd[a]; if (d) if (35716 == b) a = Y.getProgramInfoLog(ud[a]), null === a && (a = "(unknown error)"), K[c >> 2] = a.length + 1; else if (35719 == b) K[c >> 2] = d.hh; else if (35722 == b) { if (-1 == d.Jg) { a = ud[a]; var h = Y.getProgramParameter(a, 35721); for (b = d.Jg = 0; b < h; ++b)d.Jg = Math.max(d.Jg, Y.getActiveAttrib(a, b).name.length + 1) } K[c >> 2] = d.Jg } else if (35381 == b) { if (-1 == d.Kg) for (a = ud[a], h = Y.getProgramParameter(a, 35382), b = d.Kg = 0; b < h; ++b)d.Kg = Math.max(d.Kg, Y.getActiveUniformBlockName(a, b).length + 1); K[c >> 2] = d.Kg } else K[c >> 2] = Y.getProgramParameter(ud[a], b); else Gd(1282) } else Gd(1281) }, _b: function (a, b, c) { c ? K[c >> 2] = Y.getRenderbufferParameter(a, b) : Gd(1281) }, Fa: function (a, b, c, d) { a = Y.getShaderInfoLog(yd[a]); null === a && (a = "(unknown error)"); b = 0 < b && d ? na(a, v, d, b) : 0; c && (K[c >> 2] = b) }, Lb: function (a, b, c, d) { a = Y.getShaderPrecisionFormat(a, b); K[c >> 2] = a.rangeMin; K[c + 4 >> 2] = a.rangeMax; K[d >> 2] = a.precision }, Ga: function (a, b, c) { c ? 35716 == b ? (a = Y.getShaderInfoLog(yd[a]), null === a && (a = "(unknown error)"), K[c >> 2] = a ? a.length + 1 : 0) : 35720 == b ? (a = Y.getShaderSource(yd[a]), K[c >> 2] = a ? a.length + 1 : 0) : K[c >> 2] = Y.getShaderParameter(yd[a], b) : Gd(1281) }, J: function (a) { if (Dd[a]) return Dd[a]; switch (a) { case 7939: var b = Y.getSupportedExtensions() || []; b = b.concat( (d) { return "GL_" + d })); b = Md(b.join(" ")); break; case 7936: case 7937: case 37445: case 37446: (b = Y.getParameter(a)) || Gd(1280); b = Md(b); break; case 7938: b = Y.getParameter(7938); b = 2 <= Id.version ? "OpenGL ES 3.0 (" + b + ")" : "OpenGL ES 2.0 (" + b + ")"; b = Md(b); break; case 35724: b = Y.getParameter(35724); var c = b.match(/^WebGL GLSL ES ([0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]?)(?:$| .*)/); null !== c && (3 == c[1].length && (c[1] += "0"), b = "OpenGL ES GLSL ES " + c[1] + " (" + b + ")"); b = Md(b); break; default: return Gd(1280), 0 }return Dd[a] = b }, cb: function (a, b) { if (2 > Id.version) return Gd(1282), 0; var c = Ed[a]; if (c) return 0 > b || b >= c.length ? (Gd(1281), 0) : c[b]; switch (a) { case 7939: return c = Y.getSupportedExtensions() || [], c = c.concat( (d) { return "GL_" + d })), c = (d) { return Md(d) }), c = Ed[a] = c, 0 > b || b >= c.length ? (Gd(1281), 0) : c[b]; default: return Gd(1280), 0 } }, Ha: function (a, b) { b = Ta(b); var c = 0; if ("]" == b[b.length - 1]) { var d = b.lastIndexOf("["); c = "]" != b[d + 1] ? parseInt(b.slice(d + 1)) : 0; b = b.slice(0, d) } return (a = Cd[a] && Cd[a].th[b]) && 0 <= c && c < a[0] ? a[1] + c : -1 }, Mb: function (a, b, c) { for (var d = Jd[b], h = 0; h < b; h++)d[h] = K[c + 4 * h >> 2]; Y.invalidateFramebuffer(a, d) }, Nb: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q) { for (var u = Jd[b], y = 0; y < b; y++)u[y] = K[c + 4 * y >> 2]; Y.invalidateSubFramebuffer(a, u, d, h, m, q) }, Ub: function (a) { return Y.isSync(Bd[a]) }, Ia: function (a) { return (a = xd[a]) ? Y.isTexture(a) : 0 }, Ja: function (a) { Y.lineWidth(a) }, Ka: function (a) { Y.linkProgram(ud[a]); var b = ud[a]; a = Cd[a] = { th: {}, hh: 0, Jg: -1, Kg: -1 }; for (var c =, d = Y.getProgramParameter(b, 35718), h = 0; h < d; ++h) { var m = Y.getActiveUniform(b, h), q =; a.hh = Math.max(a.hh, q.length + 1); "]" == q.slice(-1) && (q = q.slice(0, q.lastIndexOf("["))); var u = Y.getUniformLocation(b, q); if (u) { var y = fa(X); c[q] = [m.size, y]; X[y] = u; for (var E = 1; E < m.size; ++E)u = Y.getUniformLocation(b, q + "[" + E + "]"), y = fa(X), X[y] = u } } }, La: function (a, b) { 3317 == a && (Fd = b); Y.pixelStorei(a, b) }, oc: function (a) { Y.readBuffer(a) }, Ma: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q) { if (2 <= Id.version) if ( Y.readPixels(a, b, c, d, h, m, q); else { var u = Od(m); Y.readPixels(a, b, c, d, h, m, u, q >> 31 - Math.clz32(u.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)) } else (q = Pd(m, h, c, d, q)) ? Y.readPixels(a, b, c, d, h, m, q) : Gd(1280) }, $b: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.renderbufferStorage(a, b, c, d) }, Wb: function (a, b, c, d, h) { Y.renderbufferStorageMultisample(a, b, c, d, h) }, Rb: function (a, b, c) { Y.samplerParameteri(Ad[a], b, c) }, Sb: function (a, b, c) { Y.samplerParameteri(Ad[a], b, K[c >> 2]) }, Na: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.scissor(a, b, c, d) }, Oa: function (a, b, c, d) { for (var h = "", m = 0; m < b; ++m) { var q = d ? K[d + 4 * m >> 2] : -1; h += Ta(K[c + 4 * m >> 2], 0 > q ? void 0 : q) } Y.shaderSource(yd[a], h) }, Pa: function (a, b, c) { Y.stencilFunc(a, b, c) }, Qa: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.stencilFuncSeparate(a, b, c, d) }, Ra: function (a) { Y.stencilMask(a) }, Sa: function (a, b) { Y.stencilMaskSeparate(a, b) }, Ta: function (a, b, c) { Y.stencilOp(a, b, c) }, Ua: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.stencilOpSeparate(a, b, c, d) }, Va: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y) { if (2 <= Id.version) if (Y.xg) Y.texImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y); else if (y) { var E = Od(u); Y.texImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, E, y >> 31 - Math.clz32(E.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)) } else Y.texImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, null); else Y.texImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y ? Pd(u, q, d, h, y) : null) }, Wa: function (a, b, c) { Y.texParameterf(a, b, c) }, Xa: function (a, b, c) { Y.texParameterf(a, b, S[c >> 2]) }, Ya: function (a, b, c) { Y.texParameteri(a, b, c) }, Za: function (a, b, c) { Y.texParameteri(a, b, K[c >> 2]) }, kc: function (a, b, c, d, h) { Y.texStorage2D(a, b, c, d, h) }, _a: function (a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y) { if (2 <= Id.version) if (Y.xg) Y.texSubImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y); else if (y) { var E = Od(u); Y.texSubImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, E, y >> 31 - Math.clz32(E.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)) } else Y.texSubImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, null); else E = null, y && (E = Pd(u, q, h, m, y)), Y.texSubImage2D(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, E) }, $a: function (a, b) { Y.uniform1f(X[a], b) }, ab: function (a, b, c) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniform1fv(X[a], S, c >> 2, b); else { if (288 >= b) for (var d = Qd[b - 1], h = 0; h < b; ++h)d[h] = S[c + 4 * h >> 2]; else d = S.subarray(c >> 2, c + 4 * b >> 2); Y.uniform1fv(X[a], d) } }, Rc: function (a, b) { Y.uniform1i(X[a], b) }, Sc: function (a, b, c) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniform1iv(X[a], K, c >> 2, b); else { if (288 >= b) for (var d = Rd[b - 1], h = 0; h < b; ++h)d[h] = K[c + 4 * h >> 2]; else d = K.subarray(c >> 2, c + 4 * b >> 2); Y.uniform1iv(X[a], d) } }, Tc: function (a, b, c) { Y.uniform2f(X[a], b, c) }, Uc: function (a, b, c) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniform2fv(X[a], S, c >> 2, 2 * b); else { if (144 >= b) for (var d = Qd[2 * b - 1], h = 0; h < 2 * b; h += 2)d[h] = S[c + 4 * h >> 2], d[h + 1] = S[c + (4 * h + 4) >> 2]; else d = S.subarray(c >> 2, c + 8 * b >> 2); Y.uniform2fv(X[a], d) } }, Qc: function (a, b, c) { Y.uniform2i(X[a], b, c) }, Pc: function (a, b, c) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniform2iv(X[a], K, c >> 2, 2 * b); else { if (144 >= b) for (var d = Rd[2 * b - 1], h = 0; h < 2 * b; h += 2)d[h] = K[c + 4 * h >> 2], d[h + 1] = K[c + (4 * h + 4) >> 2]; else d = K.subarray(c >> 2, c + 8 * b >> 2); Y.uniform2iv(X[a], d) } }, Oc: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.uniform3f(X[a], b, c, d) }, Nc: function (a, b, c) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniform3fv(X[a], S, c >> 2, 3 * b); else { if (96 >= b) for (var d = Qd[3 * b - 1], h = 0; h < 3 * b; h += 3)d[h] = S[c + 4 * h >> 2], d[h + 1] = S[c + (4 * h + 4) >> 2], d[h + 2] = S[c + (4 * h + 8) >> 2]; else d = S.subarray(c >> 2, c + 12 * b >> 2); Y.uniform3fv(X[a], d) } }, Mc: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.uniform3i(X[a], b, c, d) }, Lc: function (a, b, c) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniform3iv(X[a], K, c >> 2, 3 * b); else { if (96 >= b) for (var d = Rd[3 * b - 1], h = 0; h < 3 * b; h += 3)d[h] = K[c + 4 * h >> 2], d[h + 1] = K[c + (4 * h + 4) >> 2], d[h + 2] = K[c + (4 * h + 8) >> 2]; else d = K.subarray(c >> 2, c + 12 * b >> 2); Y.uniform3iv(X[a], d) } }, Kc: function (a, b, c, d, h) { Y.uniform4f(X[a], b, c, d, h) }, Jc: function (a, b, c) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniform4fv(X[a], S, c >> 2, 4 * b); else { if (72 >= b) { var d = Qd[4 * b - 1], h = S; c >>= 2; for (var m = 0; m < 4 * b; m += 4) { var q = c + m; d[m] = h[q]; d[m + 1] = h[q + 1]; d[m + 2] = h[q + 2]; d[m + 3] = h[q + 3] } } else d = S.subarray(c >> 2, c + 16 * b >> 2); Y.uniform4fv(X[a], d) } }, xc: function (a, b, c, d, h) { Y.uniform4i(X[a], b, c, d, h) }, yc: function (a, b, c) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniform4iv(X[a], K, c >> 2, 4 * b); else { if (72 >= b) for (var d = Rd[4 * b - 1], h = 0; h < 4 * b; h += 4)d[h] = K[c + 4 * h >> 2], d[h + 1] = K[c + (4 * h + 4) >> 2], d[h + 2] = K[c + (4 * h + 8) >> 2], d[h + 3] = K[c + (4 * h + 12) >> 2]; else d = K.subarray(c >> 2, c + 16 * b >> 2); Y.uniform4iv(X[a], d) } }, zc: function (a, b, c, d) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniformMatrix2fv(X[a], !!c, S, d >> 2, 4 * b); else { if (72 >= b) for (var h = Qd[4 * b - 1], m = 0; m < 4 * b; m += 4)h[m] = S[d + 4 * m >> 2], h[m + 1] = S[d + (4 * m + 4) >> 2], h[m + 2] = S[d + (4 * m + 8) >> 2], h[m + 3] = S[d + (4 * m + 12) >> 2]; else h = S.subarray(d >> 2, d + 16 * b >> 2); Y.uniformMatrix2fv(X[a], !!c, h) } }, Ac: function (a, b, c, d) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniformMatrix3fv(X[a], !!c, S, d >> 2, 9 * b); else { if (32 >= b) for (var h = Qd[9 * b - 1], m = 0; m < 9 * b; m += 9)h[m] = S[d + 4 * m >> 2], h[m + 1] = S[d + (4 * m + 4) >> 2], h[m + 2] = S[d + (4 * m + 8) >> 2], h[m + 3] = S[d + (4 * m + 12) >> 2], h[m + 4] = S[d + (4 * m + 16) >> 2], h[m + 5] = S[d + (4 * m + 20) >> 2], h[m + 6] = S[d + (4 * m + 24) >> 2], h[m + 7] = S[d + (4 * m + 28) >> 2], h[m + 8] = S[d + (4 * m + 32) >> 2]; else h = S.subarray(d >> 2, d + 36 * b >> 2); Y.uniformMatrix3fv(X[a], !!c, h) } }, Bc: function (a, b, c, d) { if (2 <= Id.version) Y.uniformMatrix4fv(X[a], !!c, S, d >> 2, 16 * b); else { if (18 >= b) { var h = Qd[16 * b - 1], m = S; d >>= 2; for (var q = 0; q < 16 * b; q += 16) { var u = d + q; h[q] = m[u]; h[q + 1] = m[u + 1]; h[q + 2] = m[u + 2]; h[q + 3] = m[u + 3]; h[q + 4] = m[u + 4]; h[q + 5] = m[u + 5]; h[q + 6] = m[u + 6]; h[q + 7] = m[u + 7]; h[q + 8] = m[u + 8]; h[q + 9] = m[u + 9]; h[q + 10] = m[u + 10]; h[q + 11] = m[u + 11]; h[q + 12] = m[u + 12]; h[q + 13] = m[u + 13]; h[q + 14] = m[u + 14]; h[q + 15] = m[u + 15] } } else h = S.subarray(d >> 2, d + 64 * b >> 2); Y.uniformMatrix4fv(X[a], !!c, h) } }, Cc: function (a) { Y.useProgram(ud[a]) }, Dc: function (a, b) { Y.vertexAttrib1f(a, b) }, Ec: function (a, b) { Y.vertexAttrib2f(a, S[b >> 2], S[b + 4 >> 2]) }, Fc: function (a, b) { Y.vertexAttrib3f(a, S[b >> 2], S[b + 4 >> 2], S[b + 8 >> 2]) }, Gc: function (a, b) { Y.vertexAttrib4f(a, S[b >> 2], S[b + 4 >> 2], S[b + 8 >> 2], S[b + 12 >> 2]) }, lc: function (a, b) { Y.vertexAttribDivisor(a, b) }, mc: function (a, b, c, d, h) { Y.vertexAttribIPointer(a, b, c, d, h) }, Hc: function (a, b, c, d, h, m) { Y.vertexAttribPointer(a, b, c, !!d, h, m) }, Ic: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.viewport(a, b, c, d) }, fb: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.waitSync(Bd[a], b, (c >>> 0) + 4294967296 * d) }, e: function (a, b) { je(a, b || 1); throw "longjmp"; }, ob: function (a, b, c) { v.copyWithin(a, b, b + c) }, pb: function (a) { a >>>= 0; var b = v.length; if (2147483648 < a) return !1; for (var c = 1; 4 >= c; c *= 2) { var d = b * (1 + .2 / c); d = Math.min(d, a + 100663296); d = Math.max(16777216, a, d); 0 < d % 65536 && (d += 65536 - d % 65536); a: { try { Oa.grow(Math.min(2147483648, d) - gb.byteLength + 65535 >>> 16); ob(Oa.buffer); var h = 1; break a } catch (m) { } h = void 0 } if (h) return !0 } return !1 }, ad: function () { return Id ? Id.Nh : 0 }, V: function (a) { return ka(a) ? 0 : -5 }, tb: function (a, b) { var c = 0; Td().forEach(function (d, h) { var m = b + c; h = K[a + 4 * h >> 2] = m; for (m = 0; m < d.length; ++m)hb[h++ >> 0] = d.charCodeAt(m); hb[h >> 0] = 0; c += d.length + 1 }); return 0 }, ub: function (a, b) { var c = Td(); K[a >> 2] = c.length; var d = 0; c.forEach(function (h) { d += h.length + 1 }); K[b >> 2] = d; return 0 }, Gb: function (a) { if (!noExitRuntime && (Qa = !0, f.onExit)) f.onExit(a); wa(a, new Ha(a)) }, G: function () { return 0 }, sb: function (a, b) { a = 1 == a || 2 == a ? 2 : Ia(); hb[b >> 0] = a; return 0 }, wb: function (a, b, c, d) { a = Nb.Ai(a); b = Nb.zi(a, b, c); K[d >> 2] = b; return 0 }, nb: function () { }, L: function (a, b, c, d) { for (var h = 0, m = 0; m < c; m++) { for (var q = K[b + 8 * m >> 2], u = K[b + (8 * m + 4) >> 2], y = 0; y < u; y++) { var E = v[q + y], I = Mb[a]; 0 === E || 10 === E ? ((1 === a ? Ja : Ka)(Sa(I, 0)), I.length = 0) : I.push(E) } h += u } K[d >> 2] = h; return 0 }, a: function () { return La | 0 }, bd: function (a, b) { Y.bindFramebuffer(a, vd[b]) }, db: function (a) { Y.clear(a) }, Bb: function (a, b, c, d) { Y.clearColor(a, b, c, d) }, kb: function (a) { Y.clearStencil(a) }, I: function (a, b) { Ld(a, b) }, i: ke, t: le, f: me, B: ne, Kb: oe, T: pe, S: qe, R: re, h: se, l: te, r: ue, s: ve, Jb: we, Hb: xe, Ib: ye, memory: Oa, p: function (a) { a = +a; return 0 <= a ? +xb(a + .5) : +wb(a - .5) }, ib: function () { }, K: function () { }, hb: function () { }, gb: function () { }, b: function (a) { La = a | 0 }, qb: function (a, b, c, d) { return $d(a, b, c, d) }, table: Pa }; (function () { function a(h) { f.asm = storeWasm.exports; yb--; f.monitorRunDependencies && f.monitorRunDependencies(yb); 0 == yb && (null !== zb && (clearInterval(zb), zb = null), Ab && (h = Ab, Ab = null, h())) } function b(h) { a(h.instance) } function c(h) { return Hb().then(function (m) { return new Promise((res)=>res(new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmMod, d))) }).then(h, function (m) { Ka("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: " + m); Ia(m) }) } var d = { a: ze }; yb++; f.monitorRunDependencies && f.monitorRunDependencies(yb); if (f.instantiateWasm) try { return f.instantiateWasm(d, a) } catch (h) { return Ka("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: " + h), !1 } (function () { if (Ma || "function" !== typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming || Eb() || Bb("file://") || "function" !== typeof fetch) return c(b);new Promise((res)=>res(true)).then(function () { return new Promise((res)=>{let wA = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmMod, d); storeWasm = wA; res(wA)}).then(b, function (m) { Ka("wasm streaming compile failed: " + m); Ka("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation"); return c(b) }) }) })(); return {} })(); var Ib = f.___wasm_call_ctors = function () { return (Ib = f.___wasm_call_ctors =, arguments) }, ie = f._memset = function () { return (ie = f._memset = f.asm.dd).apply(null, arguments) }, Nd = f._malloc = function () { return (Nd = f._malloc = f.asm.ed).apply(null, arguments) }, Yc = f._free = function () { return (Yc = f._free = f.asm.fd).apply(null, arguments) }, ge = f.___errno_location = function () { return (ge = f.___errno_location =, arguments) }, Xc = f.___getTypeName = function () { return (Xc = f.___getTypeName = f.asm.hd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.___embind_register_native_and_builtin_types = function () { return (f.___embind_register_native_and_builtin_types =, arguments) }; var je = f._setThrew = function () { return (je = f._setThrew = f.asm.jd).apply(null, arguments) }, Ae = f.stackSave = function () { return (Ae = f.stackSave = f.asm.kd).apply(null, arguments) }, Be = f.stackRestore = function () { return (Be = f.stackRestore = f.asm.ld).apply(null, arguments) }, he = f._memalign = function () { return (he = f._memalign =, arguments) }, Ce = f.dynCall_v = function () { return (Ce = f.dynCall_v = f.asm.nd).apply(null, arguments) }, De = f.dynCall_vi = function () { return (De = f.dynCall_vi = f.asm.od).apply(null, arguments) }, Ee = f.dynCall_vii = function () { return (Ee = f.dynCall_vii = f.asm.pd).apply(null, arguments) }, Fe = f.dynCall_viii = function () { return (Fe = f.dynCall_viii = f.asm.qd).apply(null, arguments) }, Ge = f.dynCall_viiii = function () { return (Ge = f.dynCall_viiii = f.asm.rd).apply(null, arguments) }, He = f.dynCall_viiiii = function () { return (He = f.dynCall_viiiii =, arguments) }, Ie = f.dynCall_viiiiii = function () { return (Ie = f.dynCall_viiiiii =, arguments) }, Je = f.dynCall_viiiiiiiii = function () { return (Je = f.dynCall_viiiiiiiii = f.asm.ud).apply(null, arguments) }, Ke = f.dynCall_ii = function () { return (Ke = f.dynCall_ii = f.asm.vd).apply(null, arguments) }, Le = f.dynCall_iii = function () { return (Le = f.dynCall_iii = f.asm.wd).apply(null, arguments) }, Me = f.dynCall_iiii = function () { return (Me = f.dynCall_iiii = f.asm.xd).apply(null, arguments) }, Ne = f.dynCall_iiiii = function () { return (Ne = f.dynCall_iiiii = f.asm.yd).apply(null, arguments) }, Oe = f.dynCall_iiiiii = function () { return (Oe = f.dynCall_iiiiii = f.asm.zd).apply(null, arguments) }, Pe = f.dynCall_iiiiiii = function () { return (Pe = f.dynCall_iiiiiii = f.asm.Ad).apply(null, arguments) }, Qe = f.dynCall_iiiiiiiiii = function () { return (Qe = f.dynCall_iiiiiiiiii = f.asm.Bd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_i = function () { return (f.dynCall_i = f.asm.Cd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vif = function () { return (f.dynCall_vif = f.asm.Dd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viffi = f.asm.Ed).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifi = f.asm.Fd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiiii = f.asm.Gd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifiiiiiiii = f.asm.Hd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viffiiiiiffiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viffiiiiiffiii = f.asm.Id).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viififiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viififiiiiiiii = f.asm.Jd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiffii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiffii = f.asm.Kd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiiii = f.asm.Ld).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vifffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_vifffi = f.asm.Md).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiffi = f.asm.Nd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viffffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viffffi = f.asm.Od).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiff = f.asm.Pd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiifiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiifiii = f.asm.Qd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiffii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiffii = f.asm.Rd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vifff = function () { return (f.dynCall_vifff = f.asm.Sd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viff = f.asm.Td).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iifii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iifii = f.asm.Ud).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vifii = function () { return (f.dynCall_vifii = f.asm.Vd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viif = function () { return (f.dynCall_viif = f.asm.Wd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_fi = function () { return (f.dynCall_fi = f.asm.Xd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_fii = function () { return (f.dynCall_fii = f.asm.Yd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiffii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiffii = f.asm.Zd).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viffii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viffii = f.asm._d).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiifi = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiifi = f.asm.$d).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iif = function () { return (f.dynCall_iif =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiif = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiif =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiif = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiif = f.asm.ce).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiffi =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiiiiii =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiii = f.asm.fe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifffffffffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifffffffffi =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vifffiiff = function () { return (f.dynCall_vifffiiff = f.asm.he).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vifffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_vifffff =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiff = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiff =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viffffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viffffff =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viffff = f.asm.le).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vifffffffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_vifffffffff =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iifff = function () { return (f.dynCall_iifff =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiiiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiiiiiiiiii = f.asm.oe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiifiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiifiiiiiiii =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiffiiiiiffiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiffiiiiiffiii = f.asm.qe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiififiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiififiiiiiiii =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifffi =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiffi = f.asm.te).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiffffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiffffi = f.asm.ue).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiff =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiifiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiifiii = f.asm.we).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiffii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiffii = f.asm.xe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifff =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiif = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiif = f.asm.ze).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiffi = f.asm.Ae).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiifff = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiifff = f.asm.Be).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_fiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_fiii = f.asm.Ce).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiifffffffffi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiifffffffffi = f.asm.De).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifffiiff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifffiiff = f.asm.Ee).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifffff = f.asm.Fe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiff = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiff = f.asm.Ge).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiffffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiffffff = f.asm.He).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiffff = f.asm.Ie).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifffffffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifffffffff = f.asm.Je).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viffiif = function () { return (f.dynCall_viffiif = f.asm.Ke).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiffiif = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiffiif = f.asm.Le).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_fiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_fiiiiii = f.asm.Me).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii = f.asm.Ne).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiifi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiifi = f.asm.Oe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiiifi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiiifi = f.asm.Pe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiifi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiifi = f.asm.Qe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiiiiiii = f.asm.Re).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiiifi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiiifi = f.asm.Se).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_ji = function () { return (f.dynCall_ji = f.asm.Te).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiji = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiji = f.asm.Ue).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iijjiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iijjiii = f.asm.Ve).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iij = function () { return (f.dynCall_iij = f.asm.We).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vijjjii = function () { return (f.dynCall_vijjjii = f.asm.Xe).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifii = f.asm.Ye).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iidi = function () { return (f.dynCall_iidi = f.asm.Ze).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiiiiii = f.asm._e).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viji = function () { return (f.dynCall_viji = f.asm.$e).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vijiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_vijiii =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiij = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiij =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_fiff = function () { return (f.dynCall_fiff =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiffii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiffii = f.asm.df).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viid = function () { return (f.dynCall_viid = f.asm.ef).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viddi = function () { return (f.dynCall_viddi = f.asm.ff).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viifd = function () { return (f.dynCall_viifd =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_jii = function () { return (f.dynCall_jii = f.asm.hf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viijii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viijii = f.asm.jf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vijii = function () { return (f.dynCall_vijii = f.asm.kf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiff = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiff = f.asm.lf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiiiiiiiii =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vf = function () { return (f.dynCall_vf =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vffff = function () { return (f.dynCall_vffff = f.asm.of).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiij = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiij =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viij = function () { return (f.dynCall_viij = f.asm.qf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiij = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiij = f.asm.rf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_viiij = function () { return (f.dynCall_viiij = f.asm.sf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_vij = function () { return (f.dynCall_vij =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiiiiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiiiiiiiii = f.asm.uf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_jiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_jiiii = f.asm.vf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_jiiiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_jiiiiii =, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iijj = function () { return (f.dynCall_iijj = f.asm.xf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_jiji = function () { return (f.dynCall_jiji = f.asm.yf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iidiiii = function () { return (f.dynCall_iidiiii = f.asm.zf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiiij = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiiij = f.asm.Af).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiiid = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiiid = f.asm.Bf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiiijj = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiiijj = f.asm.Cf).apply(null, arguments) }; f.dynCall_iiiiiijj = function () { return (f.dynCall_iiiiiijj = f.asm.Df).apply(null, arguments) }; function ke(a, b) { var c = Ae(); try { return Ke(a, b) } catch (d) { Be(c); if (d !== d + 0 && "longjmp" !== d) throw d; je(1, 0) } } function le(a, b, c) { var d = Ae(); try { return Le(a, b, c) } catch (h) { Be(d); if (h !== h + 0 && "longjmp" !== h) throw h; je(1, 0) } } function te(a, b, c) { var d = Ae(); try { Ee(a, b, c) } catch (h) { Be(d); if (h !== h + 0 && "longjmp" !== h) throw h; je(1, 0) } } function me(a, b, c, d) { var h = Ae(); try { return Me(a, b, c, d) } catch (m) { Be(h); if (m !== m + 0 && "longjmp" !== m) throw m; je(1, 0) } } function se(a, b) { var c = Ae(); try { De(a, b) } catch (d) { Be(c); if (d !== d + 0 && "longjmp" !== d) throw d; je(1, 0) } } function ue(a, b, c, d) { var h = Ae(); try { Fe(a, b, c, d) } catch (m) { Be(h); if (m !== m + 0 && "longjmp" !== m) throw m; je(1, 0) } } function oe(a, b, c, d, h, m) { var q = Ae(); try { return Oe(a, b, c, d, h, m) } catch (u) { Be(q); if (u !== u + 0 && "longjmp" !== u) throw u; je(1, 0) } } function ve(a, b, c, d, h) { var m = Ae(); try { Ge(a, b, c, d, h) } catch (q) { Be(m); if (q !== q + 0 && "longjmp" !== q) throw q; je(1, 0) } } function pe(a, b, c, d, h, m, q) { var u = Ae(); try { return Pe(a, b, c, d, h, m, q) } catch (y) { Be(u); if (y !== y + 0 && "longjmp" !== y) throw y; je(1, 0) } } function we(a, b, c, d, h, m) { var q = Ae(); try { He(a, b, c, d, h, m) } catch (u) { Be(q); if (u !== u + 0 && "longjmp" !== u) throw u; je(1, 0) } } function ne(a, b, c, d, h) { var m = Ae(); try { return Ne(a, b, c, d, h) } catch (q) { Be(m); if (q !== q + 0 && "longjmp" !== q) throw q; je(1, 0) } } function ye(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E) { var I = Ae(); try { Je(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E) } catch (N) { Be(I); if (N !== N + 0 && "longjmp" !== N) throw N; je(1, 0) } } function xe(a, b, c, d, h, m, q) { var u = Ae(); try { Ie(a, b, c, d, h, m, q) } catch (y) { Be(u); if (y !== y + 0 && "longjmp" !== y) throw y; je(1, 0) } } function qe(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E) { var I = Ae(); try { return Qe(a, b, c, d, h, m, q, u, y, E) } catch (N) { Be(I); if (N !== N + 0 && "longjmp" !== N) throw N; je(1, 0) } } function re(a) { var b = Ae(); try { Ce(a) } catch (c) { Be(b); if (c !== c + 0 && "longjmp" !== c) throw c; je(1, 0) } } var Re; function Ha(a) { = "ExitStatus"; this.message = "Program terminated with exit(" + a + ")"; this.status = a } Ab = function Se() { Re || Te(); Re || (Ab = Se) }; function Te() { function a() { if (!Re && (Re = !0, f.calledRun = !0, !Qa)) { qb(sb); qb(tb); ba(f); if (f.onRuntimeInitialized) f.onRuntimeInitialized(); if (f.postRun) for ("function" == typeof f.postRun && (f.postRun = [f.postRun]); f.postRun.length;) { var b = f.postRun.shift(); ub.unshift(b) } qb(ub) } } if (!(0 < yb)) { if (f.preRun) for ("function" == typeof f.preRun && (f.preRun = [f.preRun]); f.preRun.length;)vb(); qb(rb); 0 < yb || (f.setStatus ? (f.setStatus("Running..."), setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(function () { f.setStatus("") }, 1); a() }, 1)) : a()) } } = Te; if (f.preInit) for ("function" == typeof f.preInit && (f.preInit = [f.preInit]); 0 < f.preInit.length;)f.preInit.pop()(); noExitRuntime = !0; Te();
return CanvasKitInit.ready } );})();