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Canvas API for Deno, ported from canvaskit-wasm (Skia).
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interface EmulatedCanvas2D
import { type EmulatedCanvas2D } from "";


width: number
height: number


dispose(): void

Cleans up all resources associated with this emulated canvas.

decodeImage(bytes: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array): Image

Decodes an image with the given bytes.

getContext(type: "2d"): EmulatedCanvas2DContext

Returns an emulated canvas2d context if type == '2d', null otherwise.

getContext(type: string): null
loadFont(bytes: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, descriptors: Record<string, string>): void

Loads the given font with the given descriptors. Emulates new FontFace().

registerFont(src: string, descriptors: object): void

Registers a font into Canvas. (node-canvas compatibility)

makePath2D(str?: string): EmulatedPath2D

Returns an new emulated Path2D object.

toDataURL(codec?: string, quality?: number): string

Returns the current canvas as a base64 encoded image string.

toBuffer(mimeType?: "image/png" | "image/jpeg"): Uint8Array

Returns Buffer containing Image data.