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import * as capnpTs from "";


A generic blob of bytes. Can be converted to a DataView or Uint8Array to access its contents using toDataView() and toUint8Array(). Use copyBuffer() to copy an entire buffer at once.

A generic list class. Implements Filterable,

A simple object that describes the size of a struct.

An orphaned pointer. This object itself is technically a pointer to the original pointer's content, which was left untouched in its original message. The original pointer data is encoded as attributes on the Orphan object, ready to be reconstructed once another pointer is ready to adopt it.

A pointer referencing a single byte location in a segment. This is typically used for Cap'n Proto pointers, but is also sometimes used to reference an offset to a pointer's content or tag words.


Read a pointer in raw form (a packed message with framing headers). Does not care or attempt to validate the input beyond parsing the message segments.