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🦥 Run async functions with limited concurrency and optional rate limiting
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interface IQueue
import { type IQueue } from "";


pending: number

Number of active items running now

waiting: number

Number of queued items waiting to run

length: number

Total number of active and queued items

concurrency: number

Maximum number of active items running at once

throttle: number

Minimum number of milliseconds between start of each item


has(item: T): boolean

Returns true if item is queued (active or waiting)

get(item: T): Promise<R> | undefined

Returns the deferred promise for the item

append(item: T, callback: QueueCallback<T, R>): Promise<R>

Append an item to the queue

prepend(item: T, callback: QueueCallback<T, R>): Promise<R>

Prepend an item to the queue

sort(compare: (a: T, b: T) => number): void

Prioritize the order of queued items

clear(): void

Clear the queue