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Convert strings between camelCase, PascalCase, Title Case, snake_case and more
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import { assertEquals } from "./deps.ts";
import normalCase from "../normalCase.ts";
const TESTS: Array<[string, string, string?, string?]> = [ // Single words. ["test", "test"], ["TEST", "test"],
// Camel case. ["testString", "test string"], ["testString123", "test string123"], ["testString_1_2_3", "test string 1 2 3"], ["x_256", "x 256"], ["anHTMLTag", "an html tag"], ["ID123String", "id123 string"], ["Id123String", "id123 string"], ["foo bar123", "foo bar123"], ["a1bStar", "a1b star"],
// Constant case. ["CONSTANT_CASE ", "constant case"], ["CONST123_FOO", "const123 foo"],
// Random cases. ["FOO_bar", "foo bar"],
// Non-alphanumeric separators. ["", "dot case"], ["path/case", "path case"], ["snake_case", "snake case"], ["snake_case123", "snake case123"], ["snake_case_123", "snake case 123"],
// Punctuation. ['"quotes"', "quotes"],
// Space between number parts. ["version 0.45.0", "version 0 45 0"], ["version 0..78..9", "version 0 78 9"], ["version 4_99/4", "version 4 99 4"],
// Odd input. [null as any, ""], [undefined, ""], [(10 as unknown) as string, "10"], [ ({ toString: function () { return "test"; }, } as unknown) as string, "test", ],
// Whitespace. [" test ", "test"],
// Non-ascii characters. ["español", "español"], ["Beyoncé Knowles", "beyoncé knowles"], ["Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn", "iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn"],
// Number string input. ["something_2014_other", "something 2014 other"],
// Custom replacement character ["HELLO WORLD!", "hello_world", null as any, "_"], ["foo bar!", "foobar", null as any, ""],
// Custom locale. ["A STRING", "a strıng", "tr"],
// ["amazon s3 data", "amazon s3 data"], ["foo_13_bar", "foo 13 bar"],];
Deno.test("shouldConvertCase", function (): void { TESTS.forEach(function (test): void { const before = test[0]; const after = test[1]; const locale = test[2]; const replacement = test[3];
assertEquals(normalCase(before, locale, replacement), after); });});