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// Copyright 2022 the Cav authors. All rights reserved. MIT License.// This module is server-only.// *butter*
// TODO: files and blobs that flush to disk when a certain memory threshold is// reached. Using them works the same as regular files and blobs // TODO: Incorporate the standard library's multipart reader // TODO: CORS // TODO: RpcLimits
import { asset } from "./asset.ts";import { http, path as stdPath } from "./deps.ts";import { NO_MATCH, requestData, requestBody, response, upgradeWebSocket, bakeCookie,} from "./http.ts";import { HttpError } from "./client.ts";
import type { AssetOptions } from "./asset.ts";import type { Cookie, SocketResponse } from "./http.ts";import type { Packers } from "./pack.ts";import type { Socket } from "./client.ts";
/** * An object or function responsible for parsing data or throwing errors if the * data isn't shaped as expected. These can either be functions with a single * data argument that return the parsed data or an object with a `parse(data): * unknown` function property that does the same. Cav is specifically tuned to * be compatible with (but not dependent on) Zod, a schema-based data parsing * library. However, any parsing library can be used, as long as its parsers * satisfy this Parser interface. (Let me know if more shapes should be * supported in a github issue.) You can also write strongly-typed parsing * functions and objects by hand if you don't want to use a third-party * parsing library. * * To read more about Zod, visit */export type Parser<I = unknown, O = unknown> = ( | ParserFunction<I, O> | ParserObject<I, O>);
/** * A function that parses data. If data is not shaped as expected, an error * should be thrown. */export interface ParserFunction<I = unknown, O = unknown> { (input: I): Promise<O> | O;}
/** An object with a ParserFunction as its "parse" property. Zod compatible. */export interface ParserObject<I = unknown, O = unknown> { parse(input: I): Promise<O> | O;}
/** Extracts the input type of a given Parser. */export type ParserInput<T> = ( T extends { _input: infer I } ? I // zod : T extends Parser<infer I> ? I : never);
/** Extracts the output type of a given Parser. */export type ParserOutput<T> = ( T extends { _output: infer O } ? O // zod : T extends Parser<unknown, infer O> ? O : never);
/** * An http.Handler constructed by an RpcFactory. Rpcs are one of two fundamental * building blocks of Cav server applications, the other being Stacks. Rpcs are * responsible for handling a request, and Stacks are responsible for routing a * request to the appropriate Rpc. Once a Request reaches an Rpc and the Rpc's * path matches the request, the Rpc is expected to handle all errors and return * a Response. If the path doesn't match the Rpc's path, the special NO_MATCH * error will be thrown. Uncaught errors bubble up to and are handled by the * top-level Server, which will log them and respond with a 500 Response. */export interface Rpc< I extends RpcInit = RpcInit, R extends unknown = unknown,> { (req: Request, conn: http.ConnInfo): Promise<Response>; /** The resolver function used to construct this Rpc. */ readonly resolver: Resolver<I, R>; /** The RpcInit options used to construct this Rpc. */ readonly init: I;}
/** * Alias for an Rpc with any resolver or init types. Useful for type * constraints. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AnyRpc = Rpc<any, any>;
/** Initializer options when constructing Rpcs. */export interface RpcInit<C extends unknown = unknown>{ /** * If the routed path of the request doesn't match this URLPattern string, a * NO_MATCH error will be thrown and the stack will continue searching for * matching routes. If this string starts with "^", the full Request path is * used instead of the routed path. (The routed path is determined by the * containing stack, the full path comes from `req.url.pathname`.) The default * behavior expects that the containing stack(s) consumed the entire path, * thus leaving the Rpc path as "/". The full URLPattern syntax is supported, * and any captured path groups will be merged with the path groups captured * by the containing stacks before undergoing groups parsing. (See the docs * for the "groups" property.) The path which matched this string is * accessible on the ResolverArg, CtxArg, and OnErrorArg as the "path" * property. Default: `"/"` */ path?: string | null; /** * When a Request matches the path for this Rpc, all captured groups from the * Rpc and the Stack will be parsed using this Parser. If the Parser throws an * error, the error will be converted into a NO_MATCH and the containing stack * will continue looking for matching routes to handle the request. The result * of parsing is available on the ResolverArg as the "groups" property. If the * parser is "optional" (i.e. it successfully parses `undefined`), all parsing * errors will be suppressed and that fallback value will be used for the * ResolverArg whenever an error is thrown. Default: `null` */ groups?: Parser<Record<string, string> | undefined> | null; /** * Controls what to do when a matching path does or does not have a trailing * slash at the end of it. "require" will cause paths to not match if there's * no trailing slash. "allow" will allow but not require trailing slashes * (note that this may have negative SEO implications if multiple paths lead * to the same page being served). "reject" will cause paths with a trailing * slash to not match. "redirect" will cause otherwise matching requests with * a trailing slash to be redirected to the same path without the trailing * slash. This setting is ignored if the requested path is the root path "/". * Default: `"redirect"` */ trailingSlash?: "require" | "allow" | "reject" | "redirect" | null; /** * A Ctx function responsible for constructing the "ctx" property available on * the ResolverArg. This is only run if the requested path matched. Default: * `null` */ ctx?: Ctx<C> | null; /** * A parser used to parse the "query" object from the RequestData associated * with a Request. This data comes from the query string in the url of the * request. Default: `null` */ query?: Parser<Record<string, string | string[]> | undefined> | null; /** * A parser used to either (1) parse the Request body after it's unpacked * using unpackBody or (2) parse the message received if this Rpc results in a * webSocket connection via the "upgrade" utility function available on the * ResolverArg. If this Rpc is not a socket-type Rpc and this parser does not * successfully parse `undefined`, the allowed methods for this Rpc will only * include "POST", not "GET" or "HEAD". If this Parser is omitted, the only * allowed methods are "GET" and "HEAD". If it does parse `undefined`, all * three methods are allowed. Default: `null` */ message?: Parser | null; /** * For non-socket Rpcs, this limits the maximum size of the Request body. Note * that, currently, the entire Request body is loaded into memory during * request processing. Support for large file uploads is in the works. The * unit is bytes. Default: `5 * 1024 * 1024` (5 MB) */ maxBodySize?: number | null; /** * When true, this Rpc is expected to return a SocketResponse resulting from a * call to the ResolverArg's "upgrade" utility function. The allowed methods * will be limited to "GET" and "HEAD", and the "message" parser will be used * for received socket messages instead of request bodies. Default: `false` */ socket?: boolean | null; /** * Keys used when creating the "cookie" that's available on the ResolverArg. * If this isn't provided, a random fallback key will be used. Default: `null` */ keys?: [string, ...string[]] | null; /** * Packers used when packing and unpacking request and response bodies as * well as socket messages. Default: `null` */ packers?: Packers | null; /** * Error handler which should return a response whenever an error occurs. This * will not receive the NO_MATCH error that may get thrown if a request path * doesn't match the Rpcs path pattern. Any error that gets re-thrown will * bubble, presumably up to the top-level Server. If this isn't provided, the * default behavior is to serialize HttpErrors and re-throw any other kind of * error. Default: `null` */ onError?: OnError | null;}
/** * In Cav, there is no middleware. To fill the gap, Rpcs can leverage Ctx * functions to create context-dependent data related to a request. These * functions are where you'd set up databases, create session objects, etc. * Anything returnd by this function is available on the ResolverArg as "ctx". */export interface Ctx<C extends unknown = undefined> { (x: CtxArg): Promise<C> | C;}
/** Arguments available to the Ctx function of an Rpc. */export interface CtxArg { /** The incoming Request. */ req: Request; /** The outgoing Headers, applied before a Response is returned. */ res: Headers; /** The WHATWG URL for the current Request. */ url: URL; /** The Deno-provided ConnInfo associated with the request. */ conn: http.ConnInfo; /** The cookie constructed after the Rpc path matched the request. */ cookie: Cookie; /** The raw query object associated with this request. */ query: Record<string, string | string[]>; /** The path that matched the Rpc's path init option. */ path: string; /** The raw path groups object associated with this request. */ groups: Record<string, string>; /** * Some Ctx functions may need to run cleanup tasks once a Response is ready * to send back to the client. Functions registered with "whenDone" will be * added to a stack structure, and just before the Rpc returns a response, * each cleanup function will be popped from the stack and executed. */ whenDone(fn: () => Promise<void> | void): void;}
/** * Handles errors in an Rpc. The value returned from OnError is passed through * the response() function, i.e. it undergoes packing. To bypass packing, return * a Response object. The res headers associated with the request will still be * applied. */export interface OnError { (x: OnErrorArg): unknown;}
/** Arguments available to the OnError function of an Rpc. */export interface OnErrorArg extends CtxArg { /** The offending error. */ error: unknown; /** * Searches for an asset on disk and either returns a Response containing that * asset or throws a NO_MATCH error if the asset isn't found. See the * documentation for the top-level asset() function for more details; this * function is the same thing but bound to the Request received by the Rpc. */ asset(opt: AssetOptions): Promise<Response>; /** Packs a response to return. Use this if you need to set status/Text. */ response: typeof response;}
/** * After an Rpc matches with an incoming request, the Resolver is responsible * for resolving the request data into a response to send back to the client. * The value returned from the Resolver will be packed with the top-level * response() function, i.e. it undergoes packing via packBody(). */export interface Resolver< I extends RpcInit | undefined = RpcInit | undefined, R extends unknown = unknown,> { (x: ResolverArg<I>): Promise<R> | R;}
/** Arguments available to a Resolver function. */export interface ResolverArg<I extends RpcInit<unknown> | undefined> { /** The RpcInit that was used to construct this Rpc. */ init: I; /** The incoming Request this Rpc is handling. */ req: Request; /** Response headers to include when the Response is constructed. */ res: Headers; /** The WHATWG URL for this request. */ url: URL; /** Connection information provided by Deno. */ conn: http.ConnInfo; /** A Cookie baked with the req and res headers. */ cookie: Cookie; /** The path that matched this Rpc's path init option. */ path: ( I extends { path?: null } ? "/" : string ); /** The parsed path groups object captured while routing the request. */ groups: ( I extends RpcInit ? I extends { groups?: null } ? Record<string, string> : ParserOutput<I["groups"]> : Record<string, string> ); /** The context created by this Rpc's Ctx function. */ ctx: ( I extends RpcInit ? I extends { ctx?: null } ? undefined : I extends { ctx: Ctx<infer C> } ? C : unknown : undefined ); /** The parsed query string parameters object. */ query: ( I extends RpcInit ? I extends { query?: null } ? Record<string, string | string[]> : ParserOutput<I["query"]> : Record<string, string | string[]> ); /** If this isn't a socket-type Rpc, this will be the parsed request body. */ message: ( I extends RpcInit ? I extends { socket: true } ? undefined : I extends { message?: null } ? undefined : ParserOutput<I["message"]> : undefined ); /** * If this is a socket-type Rpc, this function is a bound version of the * top-level upgradeWebSocket function. It upgrades the request to be a * websocket and returns the socket as well as a SocketResponse which should * be returned by the resolver. The type parameter indicates the type of * message the socket will send back to the client, so that the client types * can know what to expect when the client socket receives messages. */ upgrade: ( I extends RpcInit ? I extends { socket: true } ? <SendType extends unknown = unknown>() => { socket: Socket<SendType, I["message"]>; response: SocketResponse<SendType>; } : undefined : undefined ); /** * Searches for an asset on disk and either returns a Response containing that * asset or throws a 404 error if the asset isn't found. See the documentation * for the top-level asset() function for more details; this function is the * same thing but bound to the Request received by the Rpc. */ asset(opt: AssetOptions): Promise<Response>; /** * Packs a response to return. Because the return value of the resolver is * already processed and packed, you should only need this if you want to set * status/Text explicitly. */ response: typeof response; /** * Returns a redirect Response. If the redirect path doesn't specify an * origin, the origin of the current request is used. If the path starts with * a ".", it is joined with the pathname of the request to get the final * redirect path. If the status isn't provided, 302 is used. */ redirect(to: string, status?: number): Response; /** * The same whenDone registration function available on the CtxArg when * constructing the ctx. Typically, this will only be used inside the Ctx * function, but there's no reason you can't also use it in the Resolver so * here it is. */ whenDone: CtxArg["whenDone"];}
/** * A factory function for creating Rpc handlers. Factories are useful for DRY * programming; when a lot of the Rpcs you're creating have the same shape, you * can create an RpcFactory that will can use a custom set of default RpcInit * options. That RpcFactory would then replace each `rpc()` call where you'd * like the defaults to be applied. Options provided to the factory on the init * argument will still override the factory's default options. The top-level * rpc() function is itself an RpcFactory: `export const rpc = rpcFactory({});`. * The defaults used to create the factory are available on the `defaults` * property. */export interface RpcFactory<D extends RpcInit> { < R extends unknown, I extends RpcInit<unknown> = Record<never, never>, S = ShallowMerge<D, I>, M = { [K in keyof S]: S[K] }, >( init: I | null, resolver: Resolver<M, R>, ): Rpc<M, R>; < R extends SocketResponse<unknown>, I extends RpcInit<unknown> & { socket: true }, S = ShallowMerge<D, I>, M = { [K in keyof S]: S[K] }, >( init: I, resolver: Resolver<M, R>, ): Rpc<M, R>; /** The default RpcInit provided when constructing this RpcFactory. */ readonly defaults: D;}
/** * Creates an Rpc handler. This function is an RpcFactory with no defaults * specified: * * ```ts * export const rpc = rpcFactory({}); * ``` */export const rpc = rpcFactory({});
/** * Creates a factory function for creating Rpc handlers. RpcInit options * provided to the created factory will be filtered for null or undefined * properties and then shallow-merged with the provided defaults. If an option * isn't specified in the defaults or the RpcInit, the library fallback will be * used. */export function rpcFactory<D extends RpcInit>(defaults: D): RpcFactory<D> { const rpcFactory = (_init: RpcInit | null, resolver: Resolver): Rpc => { const init: RpcInit<unknown> = { ...defaults }; if (_init) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_init)) { if (v !== null && typeof v !== "undefined") { init[k as keyof RpcInit] = v; } } }
const useFullPath = init.path && init.path.startsWith("^"); const pathPattern = new URLPattern( init.path && useFullPath ? init.path.slice(1) : init.path || "/", "http://_._", // Doesn't matter, but stay consistent );
const parsers = { groups: typeof init.groups === "function" ? init.groups : init.groups ? (v: unknown) => (init.groups as ParserObject).parse(v) : null, query: typeof init.query === "function" ? init.query : init.query ? (v: unknown) => (init.query as ParserObject).parse(v) : null, message: typeof init.message === "function" ? init.message : init.message ? (v: unknown) => (init.message as ParserObject).parse(v) : null, };
const methods = new Set<string>(["initIONS"]); if (init.socket) { methods.add("GET"); methods.add("HEAD"); } else { (async function () { const postAllowed = !!parsers.message; let postRequired = false; if (parsers.message) { try { await parsers.message(undefined); } catch { postRequired = true; } } if (postAllowed) { methods.add("POST"); } if (!postRequired) { methods.add("GET"); methods.add("HEAD"); } })(); }
const handler = async (req: Request, conn: http.ConnInfo) => { const data = requestData(req); const { res, url, path: _path } = data; const path = useFullPath ? url.pathname : _path;
const _asset = async (opt: AssetOptions) => { return await asset(req, opt); };
const upgrade = ( init.socket ? () => upgradeWebSocket(req, { messageParser: init.message || undefined, packers: init.packers || undefined, }) : undefined );
const redirect = (to: string, status?: number) => { if (to.startsWith(".")) { to = stdPath.join(url.pathname, to); } const u = new URL(to, url.origin); return Response.redirect(u.href, status || 302); };
// Path matching. If there's no match, throw next to indicate to the // containing stack that it should continue searching for matches const match = pathPattern.exec(path, "http://_._"); if (!match) { throw NO_MATCH; }
// Merge the matching path groups with the path groups on the // CavRequest, then parse it. If the parse fails, try to parse // undefined. If that also fails, throw next let groups: unknown = {, ...match.pathname.groups }; const pg = groups as Record<string | number, string>; if (parsers.groups) { try { groups = await parsers.groups(pg); } catch { try { groups = await parsers.groups(undefined); } catch { throw NO_MATCH; } } }
// Now that there's for sure a match, handle trailing slashes if (url.pathname !== "/") { switch (init.trailingSlash) { case "require": if (!url.pathname.endsWith("/")) { throw NO_MATCH; } break; case "allow": break; case "reject": if (url.pathname.endsWith("/")) { throw NO_MATCH; } break; case "redirect": default: if (url.pathname.endsWith("/")) { const u = new URL(url.href); u.pathname = u.pathname.slice(0, u.pathname.length - 1); return Response.redirect(u.href, 302); } break; } }
const cookie = await bakeCookie({ req, res, keys: init.keys || undefined, });
const whenDones: (() => Promise<void> | void)[] = []; const whenDone = (fn: () => Promise<void> | void) => { whenDones.push(fn); };
const _response: typeof response = (body, _init) => { const resp = response(body, { ..._init, packers: _init?.packers || init.packers || undefined, }); if (req.method === "HEAD") { return new Response(null, { headers: resp.headers }); } return resp; };
const ctxArg = { req, res, url, conn, cookie, query: data.query, path, groups: data.groups, whenDone, };
try { // Get the custom context and merge its contents into the rpc context. // Errors thrown inside the custom context are allowed to bubble up to // the error catcher (no error wrapping) let ctx: unknown = undefined; if (init.ctx) { ctx = await init.ctx(ctxArg); }
// Check the method against the allowed methods if (!methods.has(req.method)) { throw new HttpError("405 method not allowed", { status: 405 }); }
// If it's an OPTIONS request, handle it and return early if (req.method === "OPTIONS") { res.append( "Allow", Array.from(methods.values()).join(", "), ); await cookie.flush(); return _response(null, { status: 204, headers: res, }); }
// Parse the query. If parsing fails, try to parse undefined instead. If // that also fails, rethrow the first error if it was a HttpError, or // wrap it in a HttpError if not let query: unknown = data.query; if (parsers.query) { try { query = await parsers.query(data.query); } catch (e) { try { query = await parsers.query(undefined); } catch (_trashed) { if (e instanceof HttpError) { throw e; } throw new HttpError("400 bad request", { status: 400, expose: { reason: "Query failed to parse", error: e }, }); } } }
// If this isn't a socket-type Rpc, attempt to parse the request body if // there's a body parser. If parsing fails, rethrow if it's a Cav error // and wrap in a 400 if not. If there's no body parser or if this is a // socket rpc, skip this step (don't touch the body) let message: unknown = undefined; if (!init.socket && parsers.message) { message = await requestBody(req, { maxSize: init.maxBodySize || undefined, packers: init.packers || undefined, });
try { message = await parsers.message(message); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof HttpError) { throw e; } throw new HttpError("400 bad request", { status: 400, expose: { reason: "Message failed to parse", error: e }, }); } }
// Resolve to the response body and return the final response const r = await resolver({ init, req, res, url, conn, cookie, path, groups, ctx, query, message, upgrade, asset: _asset, whenDone, redirect, response: _response, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any } as ResolverArg<any>); await cookie.flush(); return _response(r, { headers: res }); } catch (e) { let e2: unknown = e; if (init.onError) { try { const r = await init.onError({ ...ctxArg, asset: _asset, response: _response, error: e, }); await cookie.flush(); return _response(r, { headers: res }); } catch (e3) { e2 = e3; } }
// Every next branch leads to a return before the cookie is ever // modified again, so flush here instead of further down await cookie.flush();
// If it's the NO_MATCH error, 500+ HttpError, or if it's any error // besides an HttpError, let it bubble without serializing. The Server // will catch it if ( e2 === NO_MATCH || !(e2 instanceof HttpError) || e2.status >= 500 ) { throw e2; }
// If it's an HttpError, send it back as a response return _response(e2, { status: e2.status, headers: res }); } finally { let fn = whenDones.pop(); while (fn) { await fn(); fn = whenDones.pop(); } } };
return Object.assign(handler, { init, resolver }); }
return Object.assign(rpcFactory, { defaults });}
/** Initializer options for the assets() utility function. */export interface AssetsInit< I extends RpcInit = Record<never, never>,> extends Omit<AssetOptions,"path"> { /** RpcInit options to use when constructing the assets Rpc handler. */ rpcInit?: I;}
/** * Utility function for creating an Rpc handler specifically for serving static * assets. The asset filePath served is equal to the path provided to the * resolver for the constructed Rpc. Use the "init" option on the provided * AssetsInit to fine-tune the behavior of the created Rpc. Unless overridden, * the "path" RpcInit option is set to "*" and the "trailingSlash" RpcInit * option is set to "allow". */export function assets< I extends RpcInit = Record<never, never>, S = ShallowMerge<{ path: "*"; trailingSlash: "allow" }, I>, M = { [K in keyof S]: S[K] },>(init?: AssetsInit<I>): Rpc<M, Response> { return rpc({ path: "*", trailingSlash: "allow", ...init?.rpcInit, }, ({ asset, path }) => { return asset({ ...init, path }); });}
/** * Utility function for creating an Rpc handler that always redirects. If an * origin isn't provided in the redirect url, the origin of the request will be * used. Paths can also be relative; if the path starts with a ".", the path * will be joined with the pathname of the request using the std path.join() * function. If the status isn't provided, 302 is used. */export function redirect(to: string, status?: number): Rpc<{ path: "*";}, Response> { return rpc({ path: "*" }, ({ redirect }) => { return redirect(to, status || 302); });}
type ShallowMerge< A extends unknown, B extends unknown,> = { [K in keyof A | keyof B]: K extends keyof B ? B[K] : K extends keyof A ? A[K] : never;};