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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.// This module is browser-compatible.
// Self-contained module for un/packing arbitrary values for sending over the// wire (via HTTP). pack.ts is inspired by superjson and the other libraries// that inspired it. (See their "Prior art", the bullets at the end of their// readme.)
// Also shout-out to json-dry, they had a really good solution to the circular// reference problem. I didn't use or read their code (my answer may be// wrong/incomplete), but I did snag the whenDone idea from them.//
// There may be something fundamentally broken about this module, but if there// is, I haven't found it yet. If you find something that seems amiss, please// let me know so that I can learn:
// TODO: Support for ArrayBuffer/View
/** * A group of functions used to recognize, pack, and unpack objects and special * values that are not strings, basic numbers, booleans, or nulls into objects * that are JSON compatible. */export interface Packer<I = unknown, O = unknown> { /** * Function for checking if the packer applies to a given value. JSON * primitives like basic numbers, strings, booleans, and nulls skip all * packers and are returned as-is. i.e. `check: (v) => typeof v === "string"` * would always return false. */ check(value: unknown): boolean; /** * Transforms the value into its output on the resulting json-compatible * object. The value returned by this function will be re-packed; the output * does not need to be JSON-compatible. */ pack(value: I): O; /** * Unpacks packed values into their original shape and structure. Initially, * the value is only constructed from the raw packed JSON. Values that are * more complex and need things like referential equality or non-POJO/Array * objects will need to use the `whenDone` registration function to access the * equivalent of the value returned from `pack()` when the value was * serialized. (See the docs for the WhenDone type for more details.) */ unpack(raw: unknown, whenDone: WhenDone<O>): I;}
/** * A Packer's `unpack()` function receives the raw packed JSON value as its * first argument and this registration function as the second. Functions * registered with WhenDone will be run last-in-first-out (stack order) when the * raw JSON has been processed into the final object instance. WhenDone * functions are needed whenever the packed data is more complex than simple * JSON values, for example when referential equality needs to be maintained or * when the pack function returns anything that needs to be re-packed by some * other packer. Referenced objects may not be fully initialized when the * registered function is called, but its instance will be instantiated so that * references can be fixed. */export type WhenDone<O> = (fn: (packed: O) => void) => void;
/** * Constructs a Packer. This simply returns the first argument, it's only used * for type annotations. */export function packer<I = unknown, O = unknown>( init: Packer<I, O>,): Packer<I, O> { return init;}
/** * Type alias representing a Packer with any input or output type. Useful for * type constraints. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AnyPacker = Packer<any, any>;
/** * A Record of Packers. Packer keys are used to tag packed values on the output * JSON, which is required in order to correctly unpack the value on the other * side. */export type Packers = Record<string, AnyPacker | null>;
const usedPackers: Map<string, AnyPacker> = new Map(Object.entries({ error: packer({ check: (v) => v instanceof Error, pack: (v: Error) => v.message, unpack: (raw) => new Error(raw as string), }), date: packer({ check: (v) => v instanceof Date, pack: (v: Date) => v.toJSON(), unpack: (raw) => new Date(raw as string), }), undefined: packer({ check: (v) => typeof v === "undefined", pack: () => null, unpack: () => undefined, }), symbol: packer({ check: (v) => typeof v === "symbol", pack: (v: symbol) => v.description, unpack: (raw) => Symbol(raw as string), }), map: packer({ check: (v) => v instanceof Map, pack: (v: Map<unknown, unknown>) => Array.from(v.entries()), unpack: (_, whenDone) => { const map = new Map(); whenDone((packed) => { packed.forEach(v => map.set(v[0], v[1])); }); return map; }, }), set: packer({ check: (val) => val instanceof Set, pack: (v: Set<unknown>) => Array.from(v.values()), unpack: (_, whenDone) => { const set = new Set(); whenDone((packed) => { packed.forEach(v => set.add(v)); }); return set; }, }), bigint: packer({ check: (v) => typeof v === "bigint", pack: (v: bigint) => v.toString(), unpack: (raw) => BigInt(raw as string), }), regexp: packer({ check: (v) => v instanceof RegExp, pack: (v: RegExp) => v.toString(), unpack: (raw) => { const r = (raw as string).slice(1).split("/"); return new RegExp(r[0], r[1]); }, }), number: packer({ check: (v) => typeof v === "number" && ( isNaN(v) || v === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || v === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ||, -0) ), pack: (v: number) => ( isNaN(v) ? "nan" : v === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? "+infinity" : v === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? "-infinity" :, -0) ? "-0" : 0 // Should never happen ), unpack: (raw: string) => ( raw === "nan" ? NaN : raw === "+infinity" ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : raw === "-infinity" ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : raw === "-zero" ? -0 : 0 ), }), conflict: packer({ check: (v) => { if (!isPojo(v)) { return false; } const keys = Object.keys(v); return keys.length === 1 && keys[0].startsWith("$"); }, pack: Object.entries, unpack: (_, whenDone) => { const result: Record<string, unknown> = {}; whenDone((parsed) => { result[parsed[0][0]] = parsed[0][1]; }); return result; }, }),}));
/** * Registers the Packers to be used as defaults in addition to the library * defaults for the top-level packing functions. Falsy properties are skipped. * If any packer keys conflict with the packers that are already in use, an * error is thrown. Returns the input `packers` argument. */export function usePackers<P extends Packers>(packers: P): P { for (const [name, packer] of Object.entries(packers)) { if (!packer) { continue; }
if (name === "ref" || usedPackers.has(name)) { throw new Error( `Conflict: Packer name "${name}" is already used`, ); } usedPackers.set(name, packer); } return packers;}
function packerMap(packers?: Packers): Map<string, AnyPacker> { if (!packers) { return usedPackers; }
const pm = new Map(); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(packers)) { if (v === null) { continue; } if (k === "ref" || usedPackers.has(k)) { throw new Error( `Conflict: Packer name "${k}" is already used`, ); } pm.set(k, v); } if (!pm.size) { return usedPackers; } for (const [k, v] of usedPackers.entries()) { pm.set(k, v); } return pm;}
/** * Packs a value recursively until it's JSON-compatible. Packers can be plugged * in to extend the accepted types beyond what Cav supports by default as well * as the packers registered with `usePackers()`. Referential equality will be * preserved whenever the same object or symbol value is encountered more than * once. If a value isn't recognized by any of the used packers or the default * packers, an error is thrown. */export function pack(value: unknown, packers?: Packers): unknown { const pm = packerMap(packers); const paths = new Map<unknown, string[]>();
const pathString = (p: string[]) => ( => v.replace(/\./g, "\\.")).join(".") ); const recur = ( val: unknown, path: string[], ): unknown => { if (val && (typeof val === "object" || typeof val === "symbol")) { if (paths.has(val)) { return { $ref: pathString(paths.get(val)!) }; } paths.set(val, path); }
if ( val === null || typeof val === "string" || typeof val === "boolean" || (typeof val === "number" && !, -0) && Number.isFinite(val)) ) { return val; }
for (const [name, packer] of pm.entries()) { if (packer.check(val)) { const key = `$${name}`; return { [key]: recur(packer.pack(val), [...path, key]) }; } }
if (isPojo(val)) { const copy: Record<string, unknown> = {}; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(val)) { copy[k] = recur(v, [...path, k]); } return copy; }
if (Array.isArray(val)) { const copy: unknown[] = []; for (let k = 0; k < val.length; k++) { copy[k] = recur(val[k], [...path, k.toString()]); } return copy; }
if ( typeof val === "object" && "toJSON" in val && typeof (val as { toJSON: unknown })["toJSON"] === "function" ) { return (val as { toJSON: (key: string) => unknown }).toJSON( path[path.length - 1], ); }
throw new TypeError( `No matching packers for ${val}`, ); };
return recur(value, [""]);}
/** * Unpacks a value packed with `pack()` into the original value. Referential * equality will be restored on the output object. An error will be thrown if a * value was packed with an unknown/unused packer. */export function unpack<T = unknown>(value: unknown, packers?: Packers): T { const pm = packerMap(packers); const objects = new Map<string, unknown>(); const whenDones: (() => void)[] = [];
const recur = (val: unknown, path: string) => { if (!val || typeof val !== "object") { return val; }
if (Array.isArray(val)) { const copy: unknown[] = []; objects.set(path, copy); for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { copy.push(recur(val[i], path + "." + i.toString())); } return copy; }
// NOTE: This block should protect against prototype poisoning if (!isPojo(val)) { throw new TypeError( `Non-plain objects can't be unpacked - Path: ${path}`, ); }
const keys = Object.keys(val); if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === "$ref") { const refPath = (val as Record<string, string>).$ref; const ref = objects.get(refPath); if (!ref) { throw new Error( `Invalid reference "${refPath}" - Path: "${path}"`, ); } return ref; } if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0].startsWith("$")) { const tag = keys[0]; const name = keys[0].slice(1); const packer = pm.get(name); if (!packer) { throw new Error( `No matching packer with name "${name}" - Path: "${path}"`, ); }
const raw = val[tag]; let packed: unknown = undefined; const result = packer.unpack(raw, (fn) => { whenDones.push(() => fn(packed)); }); if (result && ( typeof result === "object" || typeof result === "symbol" )) { objects.set(path, result); } packed = recur(raw, `${path}.${tag}`); return result; }
const copy: Record<string, unknown> = {}; objects.set(path, copy); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(val)) { copy[k] = recur(v, path + "." + k.replace(/\./g, "\\.")); } return copy; }; const result = recur(value, ""); let fn = whenDones.pop(); while (fn) { fn(); fn = whenDones.pop(); } return result as T;}
/** * Packs the value into a JSON string. This function is a one-liner: * * ```ts * return JSON.stringify(pack(value, packers || undefined), null, spaces); * ``` */export function packJson( value: unknown, packers?: Packers | null, spaces?: string | number,): string { return JSON.stringify(pack(value, packers || undefined), null, spaces);}
/** * Unpacks the JSON string into the original value. Any packers used during * packing (outside of registered packers and the Cav defaults) need to be * provided here as well, or an error may be thrown. This function is a * one-liner: * * ```ts * return unpack(JSON.parse(value), packers); * ``` */export function unpackJson( value: string, packers?: Packers,): unknown { return unpack(JSON.parse(value), packers);}
/** * Packs a value into a type that is compatible with a Response BodyInit, making * it easy to pack values for sending to an external host/client via HTTP. If a * provided value is already compatible with BodyInit, it will be returned with * an appropriate mime type, skipping the packing process. During packing, this * function extends the default supported types to include Blobs and Files. If a * Blob is encountered during packing, the resulting body will be a multipart * FormData that encodes the shape of the input as well as the blobs that were * encountered. Otherwise, a regular JSON string will be returned. Blobs and * Files can be placed anywhere on the input value, even if they are nested. */export function packBody(value: unknown, packers?: Packers): { body: BodyInit; mime: string;} { if ( value instanceof ArrayBuffer || value instanceof ReadableStream || ArrayBuffer.isView(value) ) { return { body: value, mime: "application/octet-stream", }; } if (typeof value === "string") { return { body: value, mime: "text/plain", }; } if (value instanceof URLSearchParams) { return { body: value, mime: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }; } if (value instanceof Blob) { return { body: value, mime: value.type, }; } const form = new FormData(); const fileKeys = new Map<Blob, string>(); const shape = packJson(value, { ...packers, __blob: packer({ check: (v) => v instanceof Blob, pack: (v: Blob) => { let key = fileKeys.get(v); if (key) { return key; }
key = crypto.randomUUID(); form.set(key, v); fileKeys.set(v, key); return key; }, unpack: () => null, // Not needed here }), });
if (!fileKeys.size) { return { body: shape, mime: "application/json", }; } form.set("__shape", new Blob([shape], { type: "application/json", })); return { body: form, mime: "multipart/form-data", };}
const mimeStream = /^application\/octet-stream;?/;const mimeString = /^text\/plain;?/;const mimeParams = /^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded;?/;const mimeJson = /^application\/json;?/;const mimeForm = /^multipart\/form-data;?/;
/** * Unpacks a Request or Response object whose body was packed with `packBody()`. * Any packers used outside of the library defaults during packing need to be * provided here as well, or an error may be thrown. */export async function unpackBody( from: Request | Response, packers?: Packers,): Promise<unknown> { const mime = from.headers.get("content-type"); if (!mime || mime.match(mimeStream)) { return from.body; } if (mime.match(mimeString)) { return await from.text(); } if (mime.match(mimeParams)) { const form = await from.formData(); const params = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [k, v] of form.entries()) { params.append(k, v as string); } return params; } if (mime.match(mimeJson)) { return unpack(await from.json(), packers); } if (mime.match(mimeForm)) { const form = await from.formData(); const shape = form.get("__shape"); if ( !shape || !(shape instanceof Blob) || shape.type !== "application/json" ) { return form; } return unpackJson(await shape.text(), { ...packers, __blob: packer({ check: () => false, // Not needed here pack: () => false, // Not needed here unpack: (raw: string) => { const blob = form.get(raw); if (!blob || !(blob instanceof Blob)) { throw new Error( `Referenced blob "${raw}" is missing from the form body`, ); } return blob; }, }), }); } return await from.blob();}
/** * Utility function used in the packing functions that determines if an object * is a plain object or not. Because this is such a common operation when * checking and serializing unknown objects, it's being exported as part of the * API. */export function isPojo(obj: unknown): obj is Record<string, unknown> { return ( !!obj && typeof obj === "object" && ( Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null ) );}