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A server framework for Deno
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interface Socket
import { type Socket } from "";

Cav's WebSocket wrapper interface.

Type Parameters

Send = unknown
Message = unknown


The raw WebSocket instance.

send: (data: Send) => void

Send data to the connected party. The data provided is serialized using the top-level serialize() function.

close: (code?: number, reason?: string) => void

Closes the web socket connection. An optional code and reason may be provided, and will be available to all "close" event listeners.


on(type: "open", cb: SocketListener<"open">): void

Register an event listener for the "open" event, which is fired when the web socket connection is established. The socket must be opened before any data can be sent.

on(type: "close", cb: SocketListener<"close">): void

Register an event listener for the "close" event, which is fired when the web socket connection is ended.

on(type: "message", cb: SocketListener<"message", Message>): void

Register an event listener for the "message" event, which is fired every time a message is received from the connected party. The message received is deserialized and made available on the "message" property assigned to the event.

on(type: "error", cb: SocketListener<"error">): void

Register an event listener for the "error" event, which is fired when the connection has been closed due to an error.

| "open"
| "close"
| "message"
| "error"
, cb?: (ev: Event) => void | Promise<void>
): void

Unregister an event listener for a particular event type. If no listener is provided, all listeners for that event type will be unregistered. If the event type is also omitted, all listeners for the web socket will be unregistered.