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A server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.
import { assertEquals } from "./deps_test.ts";import { client } from "../client.ts";import type { EndpointRequest, EndpointResponse, RouterRequest,} from "../client.ts";
Deno.test("client fetch", async t => { // Setup const oldFetch = self.fetch; // Put it back when you're done const lastFetch = { url: "", init: undefined as RequestInit | undefined, }; let returnResponse = new Response(); self.fetch = (url, init) => { lastFetch.url = url as string; lastFetch.init = init; return new Promise(resolve => resolve(returnResponse)); };
await t.step("A: bare endpoint", async () => { type Endpoint = (req: EndpointRequest) => EndpointResponse<true>; returnResponse = new Response("true", { headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, }); const response = await client<Endpoint>("http://localhost/base")({}); assertEquals(lastFetch, { url: "http://localhost/base", init: { method: "GET", headers: {}, body: null, }, }); assertEquals(response, true); });
await t.step("B: endpoint with query", async () => { type Endpoint = ( req: EndpointRequest<{ query: "b" }>, ) => EndpointResponse<Error>;
returnResponse = new Response(`{"$error":"b"}`, { headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, }); const response = await client<Endpoint>("http://localhost/base")({ query: { query: "b", }, }); assertEquals(lastFetch, { url: "http://localhost/base?query=b", init: { method: "GET", headers: {}, body: null, }, }); assertEquals(response, new Error("b")); });
await t.step("C: endpoint with query and message", async () => { type Endpoint = (req: EndpointRequest< { query: "c" }, { message: Date } >) => EndpointResponse<undefined>;
const date = new Date(); returnResponse = new Response(null); const response = await client<Endpoint>("http://localhost/base")({ query: { query: "c" }, message: { message: date }, }); assertEquals(lastFetch, { url: "http://localhost/base?query=c", init: { method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, body: `{"message":{"$date":"${date.toJSON()}"}}`, }, }); assertEquals(response, undefined); });
await t.step("D: router with two endpoints, one is nested", async () => { type Router = (req: RouterRequest<{ one: (req: EndpointRequest) => EndpointResponse<"yes">; two: (req: RouterRequest<{ three: (req: EndpointRequest< { four: "five" }, { six: "seven" } >) => EndpointResponse<"no">; }>) => Response; }>) => Response;
returnResponse = new Response("yes"); const response1 = await client<Router>("http://localhost/base").one({}); assertEquals(lastFetch, { url: "http://localhost/base/one", init: { method: "GET", headers: {}, body: null, }, }); assertEquals(response1, "yes"); returnResponse = new Response("no"); const response2 = await client<Router>("http://localhost/base") .two.three({ query: { four: "five" }, message: { six: "seven" }, }); assertEquals(lastFetch, { url: "http://localhost/base/two/three?four=five", init: { method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, body: `{"six":"seven"}`, }, }); assertEquals(response2, "no"); });
// All done, put the fetch back self.fetch = oldFetch;});