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A server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.// This module is browser-compatible.
import { webSocket } from "./ws.ts";import { HttpError, packRequest, unpack } from "./serial.ts";import type { WS } from "./ws.ts";import type { Serializers } from "./serial.ts";
// TODO: Several type constraints are more permissive than they should be, for// example query parsers should constrain to Parser<Record<string, string |// string[]>>. Further, the Any types (like AnyParser, AnyEndpointSchema, etc.)// probably don't need to exist, but I'm not positive. I should get everything// tested before I try to fix these things
/** * Generic handler type for server-defined Request handlers. */export type Handler = ( req: Request, ...a: any[]) => Promise<Response> | Response;
const _cav = Symbol("cav");
/** * A server endpoint handler can use this Request type to ferry type information * to the client about what argument types are acceptable and what the Response * will deserialize into. */export interface EndpointRequest<Query, Message, Resp> extends Request { [_cav]?: { // imaginary endpointRequest: { query: Query; message: Message; resp: Resp; }; };}
/** * A server socket handler can use this Request type to ferry type information * to the client about the valid socket send/receive message types and * acceptable query string parameters for the initial request. */export interface SocketRequest<Query, Send, Receive> extends Request { [_cav]?: { // imaginary socketEndpointRequest: { query: Query; send: Send; receive: Receive; }; };}
/** * A server router handler can use this Request type to ferry type information * to the client about what routes exist and what data they accept/return. The * client uses the RouterShape to infer which property accesses are valid and * what their response type will be. */export interface RouterRequest<Shape> extends Request { [_cav]?: { // imaginary routerRequest: Shape; };}
/** * Type constraint for the type parameter of a RouterRequest. The shape * describes the client property accesses that would result in a valid endpoint * call. The endpoints are specified by their handler definitions. */export interface RouterShape { [x: string]: ClientType;}
/** Type constraint for the Client's type parameter. */export type ClientType = ( | Handler | Handler[] | RouterShape | null);
/** * Expands a route path from a RouterRequest into an object representing the * Client property accesses required to trigger a request for that route. * Example: `ExpandPath<"hello/world", true>` becomes `{ hello: { world: true } * }` * * This is needed because routes are allowed to have slashes and/or path groups * in them. */type ExpandPath<K, T> = ( K extends `:${string}/${infer P2}` ? { [x: string]: ExpandPath<P2, T> } : K extends `*` | `:${string}` ? { [x: string]: T } : K extends `/${infer P}` | `${infer P}/` | `${infer P}/*` ? ExpandPath<P, T> : K extends `${infer P1}/${infer P2}` ? { [x in P1]: ExpandPath<P2, T> } : K extends string ? { [x in K]: T } : never);
/** * Generates a type from the input with any strictly undefined/never properties * removed. Preserves optional properties. */type Clean< T, Required = { [ K in keyof T as ( T[K] extends never ? never : undefined extends T[K] ? never : K ) ]: T[K]; }, Optional = { [ K in keyof T as ( K extends keyof Required ? never : T[K] extends never ? never // ParserInput can return never : K ) ]?: T[K]; },> = Required & Optional;
/** */type UnionToIntersection<U> = ( U extends unknown ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never;
/** * Client function that wraps a `fetch()` process tailored for making requests * to a Cav handler, complete with serialization and socket support. */export type Client<T = null> = ( T extends Handler ? ( Parameters<T>[0] extends RouterRequest<infer S> ? Client<S> : Parameters<T>[0] extends EndpointRequest<infer Q, infer M, infer R> ? ( (x: ClientArg<Q, M, false>) => Promise<[R, Response]> ) : Parameters<T>[0] extends SocketRequest<infer Q, infer S, infer R> ? ( (x: ClientArg<Q, never, true>) => WS<R, S> ) : UnknownClient )
: T extends RouterShape ? UnionToIntersection<{ [K in keyof T]: ExpandPath<K, Client<T[K]>>; }[keyof T]>
: T extends ClientType[] ? UnionToIntersection<Client<T[number]>>
: UnknownClient);
/** A version of the Client type without E2E type safety. */export interface UnknownClient { <Socket extends boolean = false>(x: UnknownClientArg<Socket>): ( true extends Socket ? WS<unknown, unknown> : Promise<[unknown, Response]> ); [x: string]: UnknownClient}
// TODO: Any other fetch options that can be forwarded (example: CORS)/** * Arguments for the client function when its internal path points to an * endpoint. */export type ClientArg<Query, Message, Socket> = { /** * Additional path segments to use when making a request to this endpoint. * Including extra path segments should only be done if the endpoint expects * it. Default: `undefined` */ path?: string; /** * Additional headers to include when making this request. */ headers?: HeadersInit; /** * Additional serializers to use while serializing data for this specific * request. Default: `undefined` */ serializers?: Serializers; // onProgress?: (progress: number) => void | Promise<void>; // :(} & Clean<{ /** * If the endpoint requires upgrading for web sockets (socket endpoint), this * value should be set to `true`. Default: `undefined` */ socket: Socket extends true ? true : never; /** * The query string parameters expected by the endpoint. Default: `undefined` */ query: Query; /** * This is the type of message the endpoint expects to be POSTed. Ignored if * the `socket` option is `true`. Default: `undefined` */ message: true extends Socket ? never : Message;}>;
/** * ClientArg but without any type information. These are the arguments when the * type for the client function isn't known. */export interface UnknownClientArg<Socket extends boolean = boolean> { path?: string; socket?: Socket; headers?: HeadersInit; query?: unknown; message?: Socket extends true ? never : unknown; serializers?: Serializers; // onProgress?: (progress: number) => void | Promise<void>; // :(}
/** * Constructs a new Client function tied to the base URL. The provided set of * serializers will be used everywhere that data is de/serialized when using * this client, including web sockets. * * If the type parameter provided is a Router, Endpoint, or SocketEndpoint, the * returned Client's type will be tailored to match the inputs and outputs * expected by that handler. * * The Client is a function wrapped in a getter Proxy. Each property access will * return a new Client, extending the URL of the original Client; the periods * translate to path dividers and the property keys are path segments. * * Extended example: * * ```ts * // server.ts ------------------------------------------- * * import { * router, * endpoint, * serve, * } from ""; * * export type Main = typeof main; * * const main = router({ * api: { * v1: { * // GET /api/v1/hello -> `123` (application/json) * hello: endpoint(() => 123), * }, * v2: { * // GET /api/v2/hello?name=$name -> `$name` (text/plain) * hello: endpoint({ * query: (q: { name: string }) => q, * resolve: (x) =>, * }), * }, * }, * }); * * serve(main, { port: 8080 }); * * // client.ts --------------------------------------------- * * import { client } from ""; * import type { Main } from "../server.ts"; * * const main = client<Main>("http://localhost:8080"); * * const v1 = main.api.v1.hello; * // Type: (x: ClientArg) => Promise<number> * * const v2 = main.api.v2.hello; * // Type: (x: ClientArg<{ name: string }>) => Promise<string> * * console.log(await v1()); * console.log(await main.api.v1.hello()); * // Output: [123, Response] (for both) * * console.log(await v2({ query: { name: "world" } })) * // Output: ["world", Response] * * console.log(await v2({ query: {} })); * // IDE error: Missing "name: string" on query * // Output: [undefined, Response] * * await main.not.found(); * // Throws: HttpError("404 not found", { status: 404 }) * ``` */export function client<T extends ClientType = null>( baseUrl = "", baseSerializers?: Serializers,): Client<T> { // Remove duplicate/trailing slashes from the base url let [proto, ...others] = baseUrl.split("://"); others = => v.split("/").filter(v2 => !!v2).join("/")); baseUrl = proto + "://" + others.join("/");
const clientFn = (path: string, x: UnknownClientArg = {}) => { // Calculate the final request path let xp = x.path || ""; xp = xp.split("/").filter(v => !!v).join("/"); path = baseUrl + (path ? "/" + path : "") + (xp ? "/" + xp : "");
// Check that there's no conflicting serializer names let serializers: Serializers = { ...(x.serializers || {}) }; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(serializers)) { if (v && baseSerializers && baseSerializers[k]) { throw new Error( `Conflict: The serializer key "${k}" is already used by one of the client's base serializers`, ); } else if (!v) { delete serializers[k]; } } serializers = { ...baseSerializers, ...serializers };
// If there is an explicit origin in the path, it should override the second // argument. i.e. the second argument is just a fallback const url = new URL(path, self.location?.origin); if (x.query) { const q = x.query as Record<string, string | string[]>; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(q)) { if (Array.isArray(v)) { for (const v2 of v) { url.searchParams.append(k, v2); } } else { url.searchParams.append(k, v); } } }
if (x.socket) { if (url.protocol === "http:") { url.protocol = "ws:"; } else { url.protocol = "wss:"; }
// Note that this is returned synchronously. It's anti-pattern to // sometimes return promises but not all the time. I'm doing this // consciously; I don't want to need async/await just to use web sockets, // whose API is already asynchronous b/c event listeners return webSocket(url.href, { serializers }); }
return (async () => { const req = packRequest(url.href, { headers: x.headers, message: x.message, serializers, });
const res = await fetch(req); const body = await unpack(res, { serializers }); if (!res.ok && !(body instanceof HttpError)) { throw new HttpError(( typeof body === "string" ? body : res.statusText ), { status: res.status, detail: { body, res }, }); } else if (!res.ok && body instanceof HttpError) { body.detail.res = res; body.detail.body = body; throw body; } return [body, res]; })(); };
const proxy = (path: string): unknown => { return new Proxy((x: UnknownClientArg) => clientFn(path, x), { get(_, property) { const append = (property as string) .split("/").filter(p => !!p).join("/"); return proxy(path && append ? path + "/" + append : path + append); }, }); };
return proxy("") as Client<T>;}