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A server framework for Deno
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interface EndpointSchema
import { type EndpointSchema } from "";

Request processing options for constructing Endpoints.

Type Parameters

GroupsOutput = Record<string, string | string[]>
Ctx = unknown
QueryInput extends Record<string, string | string[]> = (Record<string, string | string[]>)
QueryOutput = Record<string, string | string[]>
MessageInput = unknown
MessageOutput = unknown


path: string | null

URLPattern string to match against the Request's routed path. If the string starts with '^', the full request path will be used instead. The full URLPattern syntax is supported. Any captured path groups will be merged into the path groups captured during routing. The matched path is available as the "path" resolver argument.

groups: Parser<Record<string, string | string[]>, GroupsOutput> | null

Parses any path groups captured during routing. The result is available as the "groups" resolver argument. If an error is thrown during parsing, the Endpoint won't match with the request and the router will continue looking for matching handlers.

keys: [string, ...string[]] | null

Keys to use when signing cookies. The cookies are available as the "cookies" resolver argument.

ctx: ((c: ContextArg) => Ctx | Promise<Ctx>) | null

Factory function Endpoints can use to create a custom context, which is made available to resolvers as the ctx property on the resolver arguments. Context handling happens after the Endpoint matched with the Request but before input validation begins.

TODO: Example use case

query: Parser<QueryInput, QueryOutput> | null

Parses the query string parameters passed into the URL. If parsing fails, undefined will be parsed to check for a default value. If that also fails, a 400 bad request error will be sent to the client. The output is available as the "query" resolver argument.

maxBodySize: number | null

Limits the size of posted messages. If a message exceeds the limit, a 413 HttpError will be thrown and serialized back to the client. If 0 is specified, body size is unlimited. (Don't do that.) The default max body size is 1024 * 1024 bytes (1 Megabyte).

serializers: Serializers | null

Serializers to use when serializing and deserializing Request and Response bodies.

message: Parser<MessageInput, MessageOutput>

Parses the POSTed body, if there is one. The behavior of this parser determines the methods allowed for this endpoint. If there is no parser, only GET and HEAD requests will be allowed. If there is one and it successfully parses undefined, POST will also be allowed. If the parser throws when parsing undefined, only POST will be allowed. The output from parsing is available as the "message" resolver argument.

resolveError: ((x: ResolveErrorArg) => any) | null

Resolves an error thrown during Endpoint processing into a Response to serve to the client. If no Response is returned, the error will be serialized if it's an HttpError, or a 500 error will be serialized instead if it isn't. If a different error is re-thrown, that error will be serialized instead.