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A server framework for Deno
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interface ResolveArg
import { type ResolveArg } from "";

Arguments available to a Resolver function.

Type Parameters

Groups extends GroupsParser | null = null
Context extends Ctx<unknown> | null = null
Query extends QueryParser | null = null
Message extends Parser | null = null
Upgrade extends boolean | null = null


req: Request

The incoming Request this Rpc is handling.

res: Headers

Response headers to include when the Response is constructed.

url: URL

The WHATWG URL for this request.

conn: http.ConnInfo

Connection information provided by Deno.

path: string

The path that matched this Rpc's path init option.

The parsed path groups object captured while routing the request.

ctx: Context extends Ctx<infer C> ? C : undefined

The context created by this Rpc's Ctx function.

The parsed query string parameters object.

message: Upgrade extends true ? undefined : ParserOutput<Message>

If this isn't a socket-type Rpc, this will be the parsed request body.

asset: (opt: ServeAssetOptions) => Promise<Response>

Searches for an asset on disk and either returns a Response containing that asset or throws a 404 error if the asset isn't found. See the documentation for the top-level asset() function for more details; this function is the same thing but bound to the Request received by the Rpc.

response: response

Packs a response to return. Because the return value of the resolver is already processed and packed, you should only need this if you want to set status/Text explicitly.

redirect: (to: string, status?: number) => Response

Returns a redirect Response. If the redirect path doesn't specify an origin, the origin of the current request is used. If the path starts with a ".", it is joined with the pathname of the request to get the final redirect path. If the status isn't provided, 302 is used.

upgrade: Upgrade extends true ? <Send = unknown>(init: Omit<SocketInit<Send, Message>, "packers" | "message">) => SocketResponse<Send> : undefined

Upgrades the request to become a web socket. This is only available if the upgrade init option is true. The Response returned by this function should be returned by the Rpc's resolve function.