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Experimental server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.
import { http, path } from "./deps.ts";import { createEtagHash, should304 } from "./_etag.ts";import { context } from "./context.ts";import type { RouterShape, RouterRequest, Handler,} from "./client.ts";
// TODO: Optimization idea: For nested objects, instead of creating a new// router, create multiple URL patterns so that fewer functions get called when// routing a request. i.e. "/foo/bar" is fewer functions than foo: { bar: end }
declare const _router: unique symbol;
/** Cav Router handlers, for routing requests. */// deno-lint-ignore ban-typesexport type Router<S extends RouterShape = {}> = S & (( req: RouterRequest<S>, conn: http.ConnInfo,) => Promise<Response>) & { // Prevents the type from being shown as a function in the magnifier when the // schema is empty [_router]?: true;};
/** * Constructs a new Router handler using the provided routes. The route * properties are also available on the returned Router function. */export function router<S extends RouterShape>(routes: S): Router<S> { const shape: Record<string, Handler | Handler[]> = {}; for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(routes)) { if (typeof v === "undefined" || v === null) { continue; }
k = k.split("/").filter(k2 => !!k2).join("/");
if (typeof v === "string") { const staticStr = v;
// When serving static strings, content-type is determined by the // extension in the route. If there isn't one, fallback to HTML. Only some // extensions are supported for now. It's important that content-type // detection isn't run based on the content of a dynamic string (in an // endpoint) because it'd open an XSS vuln const ext = path.extname(k); let type: string; switch(ext) { case ".html": type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"; break; case ".md": type = "text/markdown; charset=UTF-8"; break; case ".css": type = "text/css; charset=UTF-8"; break; case ".txt": type = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"; break; case ".js": type = "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8"; break; case ".json": type = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"; break; case ".svg": type = "image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8"; break; case ".rss": type = "application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8"; break; case ".xml": type = "application/xml; charset=UTF-8"; break; default: type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"; }
// Because there's no file info to work with, we generate the etag using // the entire string. It's a static string, therefore we only have to do // this once const etag = createEtagHash(staticStr); const modified = new Date();
v = async (req: Request) => { if (req.method === "OPTIONS") { return new Response(null, { status: 204, headers: { "allow": "OPTIONS, GET, HEAD" }, }); } if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") { return new Response("405 method not allowed", { status: 405, headers: { "allow": "OPTIONS, GET, HEAD" }, }); }
const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("etag", await etag); headers.set("last-modified", modified.toUTCString()); headers.set("content-type", type);
// This works similarly to how the std lib does it in their file server if (should304({ req, etag: await etag, modified, })) { return new Response(null, { status: 304, headers }); } const res = new Response(staticStr, { headers }); if (req.method === "HEAD") { return new Response(null, { headers: res.headers }); } return res; }; }
const old = shape[k]; if (!old) { shape[k] = v; } else if (Array.isArray(old)) { if (typeof v === "function") { shape[k] = [...old, v]; } else { shape[k] = [...old, ...v]; } } else { if (typeof v === "function") { shape[k] = [old, v]; } else { shape[k] = [old, ...v]; } } }
// Check that routes are valid for (const k of Object.keys(shape)) { // The wildcard route is allowed if (k === "*") { continue; }
const split = k.split("/"); for (const s of split) { // "." and ".." aren't allowed if (s === "." || s === "..") { throw new SyntaxError( "'.' and '..' aren't allowed in route path segments", ); } } }
// Sort the handlers like this: // 1. Solo wildcards are always last // 2. By path depth. Paths with more path segments get tested sooner. // 3. For two paths that have the same depth, index order is used (lower // index === higher priority) const paths = Object.keys(shape); const sortedPaths: string[] = paths.sort((a, b) => { if (a === b) { return 0; }
// #1 if (a === "*") { return 1; } if (b === "*") { return -1; }
// #2 const la = a.split("/").length; const lb = b.split("/").length; if (la !== lb) { return lb - la; }
// #3 return paths.indexOf(b) - paths.indexOf(a); });
const patterns = new Map<URLPattern, Handler | Handler[]>(); for (const p of sortedPaths) { const pattern = ( p === "*" ? `/:__nextPath*/*?` : !p ? "/" : `/${p}/:__nextPath*/*?` ); patterns.set(new URLPattern(pattern, "http://_._"), shape[p]); } const handler = async ( req: Request, conn: http.ConnInfo, ): Promise<Response> => { // Check for redirect const ctx = context(req); if (ctx.redirect) { return ctx.redirect; }
let lastNoMatch: Response | null = null;
for (const [pattern, fn] of patterns.entries()) { const match = pattern.exec(ctx.path, "http://_._"); if (!match) { continue; } const param = { ...ctx.param }; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(match.pathname.groups)) { param[k] = v; }
// REVIEW: I don't think this delete will ever cause a bug but it might? // The 0 group is always empty I think. // delete param["0"];
const path = `/${param.__nextPath || ""}`; delete param.__nextPath;
const oPath = ctx.path; const oParam = ctx.param;
// The context object is only created once for every request, so // modifications to the data object will be preserved across handling // contexts Object.assign(ctx, { path, param });
try { if (Array.isArray(fn)) { for (const f of fn) { const response = await f(req, conn); if (didMatch(response)) { return response; } else { lastNoMatch = response; } } } else { const response = await fn(req, conn); if (didMatch(response)) { return response; } else { lastNoMatch = response; } } } finally { // Before moving on, put the path and param back to their original // state Object.assign(ctx, { path: oPath, param: oParam }); } }
// When nothing matches, return the last 404 if (lastNoMatch) { return lastNoMatch; } return noMatch(new Response("404 not found", { status: 404 })); };
return Object.assign(handler, routes);}
const _noMatch = Symbol("_noMatch");
/** * Adds a Symbol to the Response to indicate to any containing Routers that the * handler didn't match with the Request. The Router will continue looking for * matches. */export function noMatch(res: Response): Response { return Object.assign(res, { [_noMatch]: true });}
/** * Checks if the Response is a "did match" Response, i.e. the handler it came * from wants this Response to be returned to the client. */export function didMatch(res: Response): boolean { return !(res as Response & Record<symbol, boolean>)[_noMatch];}