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A server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.
import { http, path as stdPath } from "./deps.ts";import { serveAsset } from "./asset.ts";import { routerContext, noMatch } from "./router.ts";import { HttpError, packResponse, unpack } from "./serial.ts";import { cookieJar } from "./cookie.ts";import { webSocket } from "./ws.ts";import { normalizeParser } from "./parser.ts";import { serveBundle } from "./bundle.ts";import type { EndpointRequest, SocketRequest } from "./client.ts";import type { Parser, ParserInput, ParserOutput } from "./parser.ts";import type { CookieJar } from "./cookie.ts";import type { Serializers } from "./serial.ts";import type { ServeAssetOptions } from "./asset.ts";import type { WS } from "./ws.ts";import type { QueryRecord, ParamRecord } from "./router.ts";import type { ServeBundleOptions } from "./bundle.ts";
// TODO: Test what happens when sending huge amounts of data to a server with a// websocket. AFAIK, there's no way to prevent processing super large web socket// messages
/** Options for processing requests, used to construct Endpoints. */export interface EndpointSchema { /** * URLPattern string to match against the Request's routed path. If the string * starts with '^', the full request path will be used instead. The full * URLPattern syntax is supported. Any captured path parameters will be merged * into the path parameters captured during routing. The matched path is * available as the "path" resolver argument. */ path?: string | null; /** * Parses any path parameters captured during routing. The result is available * as the "param" resolver argument. If an error is thrown during parsing, * the endpoint won't match with the request and the router will continue * looking for matching handlers. */ param?: Parser<ParamRecord> | null; /** * Keys to use when signing cookies. The cookies are available as the * "cookie" resolver argument. */ keys?: [string, ...string[]] | null; /** * Factory function endpoints can use to create a custom context, which is * made available to resolvers as the `ctx` property on the resolver * arguments. Context handling happens after the endpoint matched with the * Request but before input validation begins. */ ctx?: ((c: ContextArg) => any) | null; /** * Parses the query string parameters passed into the URL. If parsing fails, * `undefined` will be parsed to check for a default value. If that also * fails, a 400 bad request error will be sent to the client. The output is * available as the "query" resolver argument. */ query?: Parser<QueryRecord> | null; /** * Limits the size of posted bodies. If a body exceeds the limit, a 413 * HttpError will be thrown and serialized back to the client. If 0 is * specified, body size is unlimited. (Don't do that.) The default max body * size is 1024 * 1024 bytes (1 Megabyte). */ maxBodySize?: number | null; /** * Serializers to use when serializing and deserializing Request and * Response bodies. */ serializers?: Serializers | null; /** * Parses the POSTed body, if there is one. The behavior of this parser * determines the methods allowed for this endpoint. If there is no parser, * only GET and HEAD requests will be allowed. If there is one and it * successfully parses `undefined`, POST will also be allowed. If the parser * throws when parsing `undefined`, *only* POST will be allowed. The output * from parsing is available as the "body" resolver argument. */ body?: Parser | null; /** * Resolves a successfully matching request into an output to send to the * client. */ // resolve?: ((x: ResolveArg<any, any, any, any>) => any) | null; /** * Overrides the type returned by the resolver. The value of this property * doesn't matter, it's only used for its type. */ result?: unknown; /** * If specified, an error thrown during request processing will be passed into * this function, which can return a value to send back to the client instead * of the error. If an error is re-thrown, that error will be serialized to * the client instead of the original error. */ error?: ((x: ErrorArg) => any) | null;}
/** Arguments available to Context functions. */export interface ContextArg { /** The Request being handled. */ req: Request; /** * A ResponseInit applied to the Endpoint's resolved value when packing it * into a Response. The Headers are always available. */ res: ResponseInit & { headers: Headers }; /** new URL(req.url) */ url: URL; /** The Deno-provided ConnInfo describing the connection for the request. */ conn: http.ConnInfo; /** * The CookieJar for this Request/Response pair, created after the Endpoint * matched with the Request. */ cookie: CookieJar; /** The path that matched the Endpoint's path schema option. */ path: string; /** The unprocessed query object associated with this request. */ query: QueryRecord; /** The unprocessed path parameters object captured during routing. */ param: ParamRecord; /** * When context functions need to run cleanup tasks after the Endpoint has * resolved the Response (such as setting cookies, logging performance * metrics, etc.), they can use this registration function to do so. Cleanup * functions are executed in stack order (last in first out). */ cleanup: (fn: () => Promise<void> | void) => void;}
/** Arguments available to a ResolveError function. */export interface ErrorArg { /** The Request being processed. */ req: Request; /** * A ResponseInit applied to the Endpoint response after resolving and packing * the value to send to the client. The Headers object is always available. */ res: ResponseInit & { headers: Headers }; /** new URL(req.url) */ url: URL; /** Connection information provided by Deno. */ conn: http.ConnInfo; /** The path that matched the Endpoint's path schema option. */ path: string; /** The unprocessed query object associated with this request. */ query: QueryRecord; /** The unprocoessed path parameters object captured during routing. */ param: ParamRecord; /** The offending error. */ error: unknown; /** * Returns a TypeScript/JavaScript bundle as a response. The bundle is cached * into memory and, if possible, watched and rebundled whenever updated. */ bundle: (opt: ServeBundleOptions) => Promise<Response>; /** Returns a Response created using an asset from an assets directory. */ asset: (opt?: ServeAssetOptions) => Promise<Response>; /** * Returns a redirect Response. If the redirect path doesn't specify an * origin, the origin of the current request is used. If the path starts with * a ".", it is joined with the pathname of the Request url to get the final * redirect path. The default status is 302. */ redirect: (to: string, status?: number) => Response;}
/** * Type utility for extracting the output of a "param" parser on an * EndpointSchema or SocketSchema. */// export type ParamOutput<Schema> = (// "param" extends keyof Schema ? (// Schema extends { param: Parser } ? (// ParserOutput<Schema["param"]>// )// : Schema extends { param?: undefined | null } ? ParamRecord// : never// )// : Schema extends Record<string, unknown> ? ParamRecord// : unknown// );
/** * Type utility for extracting the output of a "ctx" function on an * EndpointSchema or SocketSchema. */// export type CtxOutput<Schema> = (// "ctx" extends keyof Schema ? (// Schema extends { ctx: (x: any) => infer C } ? Awaited<C>// : Schema extends { ctx?: undefined | null } ? undefined// : never// )// : Schema extends Record<string, unknown> ? undefined// : unknown// );
/** * Type utility for extracting the output of a "query" parser on an * EndpointSchema or SocketSchema. */// export type QueryOutput<Schema> = (// "query" extends keyof Schema ? (// Schema extends { query: Parser } ? (// ParserOutput<Schema["query"]>// )// : Schema extends { query?: undefined | null; } ? QueryRecord// : never// )// : Schema extends Record<string, unknown> ? QueryRecord// : unknown// );
/** * Type utility for extracting the output of a "body" parser on an * EndpointSchema or SocketSchema. */// export type BodyOutput<Schema> = (// "body" extends keyof Schema ? (// Schema extends { body: Parser } ? (// ParserOutput<Schema["body"]>// )// : Schema extends { body?: undefined | null } ? undefined// : never// )// : Schema extends Record<string, unknown> ? undefined// : unknown// );
/** Arguments available to the resolver of an endpoint. */export interface ResolveArg< Param extends EndpointSchema["param"], Ctx extends EndpointSchema["ctx"], Query extends EndpointSchema["query"], Body extends EndpointSchema["body"],> { /** The Request being handled. */ req: Request; /** * A ResponseInit applied to the endpoint response after resolving and packing * the value to send to the client. The Headers object is always available. */ res: ResponseInit & { headers: Headers }; /** new URL(req.url) */ url: URL; /** Connection information provided by Deno. */ conn: http.ConnInfo; /** The CookieJar created after the endpoint matched with the Request. */ cookie: CookieJar; /** The path that matched the endpoint's `path` schema option. */ path: string; /** The parsed path parameters captured while routing the request. */ param: EndpointSchema["param"] extends Param ? ParamRecord : ParserOutput<Param>; /** The context created after the endpoint matched the Request. */ ctx: EndpointSchema["ctx"] extends Ctx ? undefined : ParserOutput<Ctx>; /** The parsed query string parameters. */ query: EndpointSchema["query"] extends Query ? QueryRecord : ParserOutput<Query>; /** The parsed Request body, if any. */ body: EndpointSchema["body"] extends Body ? undefined : ParserOutput<Body>; /** * Returns a TypeScript/JavaScript bundle as a response. The bundle is cached * into memory and, if possible, watched and rebundled whenever updated. */ bundle: (opt: ServeBundleOptions) => Promise<Response>; /** Returns a Response created using an asset from an assets directory. */ asset: (opt?: ServeAssetOptions) => Promise<Response>; /** * Returns a redirect Response. If the redirect path doesn't specify an * origin, the origin of the current request is used. If the path starts with * a ".", it is joined with the pathname of the Request url to get the final * redirect path. The default status is 302. */ redirect: (to: string, status?: number) => Response;}
/** Cav Endpoint handler, for responding to requests. */export type Endpoint<Schema extends EndpointSchema> = Schema & (( req: EndpointRequest<( Schema extends { query: Parser } ? ParserInput<Schema["query"]> : QueryRecord | undefined ), ( Schema extends { body: Parser } ? ParserInput<Schema["body"]> : Schema extends { body?: null } ? undefined : unknown ), ( unknown extends Schema["result"] ? ( Schema extends { resolve: (x: any) => infer R } ? ( Awaited<R> extends Response ? unknown : R ) : Schema extends { resolve?: null } ? undefined : unknown ) : Schema["result"] )>, conn: http.ConnInfo,) => Promise<Response>);
/** * Constructs a new Endpoint request handler. The schema properties will be * assigned to the returned endpoint function, so that they can be reused on * other endpoint schemas. */export function endpoint< Schema extends EndpointSchema, Param extends EndpointSchema["param"], Ctx extends EndpointSchema["ctx"], Query extends EndpointSchema["query"], Body extends EndpointSchema["body"], Result = undefined,>( schema: Schema & EndpointSchema & { param?: Param; ctx?: Ctx; query?: Query; body?: Body; resolve?: ((x: ResolveArg<Param, Ctx, Query, Body>) => Result) | null; },): Endpoint<Schema>;// ): Endpoint<(// EndpointSchema extends Schema ? {}// : Schema// ), (// unknown extends Schema["result"] ? (// Awaited<Result> extends Response ? unknown : Awaited<Result>// )// : Schema["result"]// )>;export function endpoint( _schema: EndpointSchema & { resolve?: ((x: ResolveArg<any, any, any, any>) => void) | null; },) { const schema = _schema || {}; const resolver = _schema.resolve || (() => {});
const checkMethod = methodChecker(schema.body); const matchPath = pathMatcher({ path: schema.path, param: schema.param, }); const parseInput = inputParser({ query: schema.query, body: schema.body, maxBodySize: schema.maxBodySize, serializers: schema.serializers, });
const handler = async (req: Request, conn: http.ConnInfo) => { const routerCtx = routerContext(req); if (routerCtx.redirect) { return routerCtx.redirect; }
// Utilities const asset = (opt?: ServeAssetOptions) => serveAsset(req, opt); const bundle = (opt: ServeBundleOptions) => serveBundle(req, opt); const redirect = (to: string, status?: number) => { if (to.startsWith("../") || to.startsWith(".")) { to = stdPath.join(url.pathname, to); } const u = new URL(to, url.origin); // NOTE: Don't use Response.redirect. It prevents modifying headers // return Response.redirect(u.href, status || 302); return new Response(null, { status: status || 302, headers: { "location": u.href }, }); };
const res: ResponseInit & { headers: Headers } = { headers: new Headers() }; const { url } = routerCtx; const cleanupTasks: (() => Promise<void> | void)[] = []; let output: unknown = undefined; let path: string; let param: unknown; let unparsedParam: ParamRecord; let error: unknown = undefined;
try { ({ path, param, unparsedParam } = await matchPath(req)); } catch { return noMatch(new Response("404 not found", { status: 404 })); }
try { const options = await checkMethod(req); if (options) { return options; }
const cookie = await cookieJar(req, schema.keys || undefined); cleanupTasks.push(() => cookie.setCookies(res.headers));
let ctx: unknown = undefined; if (schema.ctx) { ctx = await schema.ctx({ req, res, url, conn, cookie, path, query: routerCtx.query, param: unparsedParam, cleanup: (task: () => Promise<void> | void) => { cleanupTasks.push(task); }, }); }
const { query, body } = await parseInput(req); output = await resolver({ req, res, url, conn, cookie, path, param: param as any, ctx: ctx as any, query: query as any, body: body as any, bundle, asset, redirect, }); } catch (err) { error = err; // Check to see if the error function can handle it if (schema.error) { // If it rethrows, use the newly thrown error instead. If it returns // something, that thing should be packed into a Response try { output = await schema.error({ req, res, url, conn, error, path: routerCtx.path, param: routerCtx.param, query: routerCtx.query, bundle, asset: (opt?: ServeAssetOptions) => serveAsset(req, opt), redirect, }); error = null; } catch (err) { error = err; } } }
// Cleanup while (cleanupTasks.length) { const task = cleanupTasks.pop()!; await task(); }
if (error instanceof HttpError) { res.status = error.status; output = error.expose ? error : error.message; } else if (error) { // Triggers a 500 HttpError on the client const bugtrace = crypto.randomUUID().slice(0, 5); console.error(`ERROR: Uncaught exception [${bugtrace}] -`, error); res.status = 500; output = `500 internal server error [${bugtrace}]`; }
const response = packResponse(output, { ...res, serializers: schema.serializers || undefined, }); if (req.method === "HEAD") { return new Response(null, { headers: response.headers, status: response.status, statusText: response.statusText, }); } return response; };
return Object.assign(handler, schema) as any;}
/** * Given an Endpoint's "body" option, this returns a function that checks * whether a Request's method is allowed or not during handling. When a * request's method isn't in the calculated set of allowed methods, a 405 * HttpError will be thrown. If the returned value is a Response, it should be * returned to the client right away. It means the request is an OPTIONS * request, and the Response returned is meant to handle it. * * OPTIONS is always an allowed method. If the body parser is `null` or * `undefined`, GET and HEAD will be allowed. If there's a body parser and it * successfully parses `undefined`, GET, HEAD, and POST will be allowed. If the * body parser throws an error while parsing `undefined`, only POST will be * allowed. */function methodChecker( body?: Parser | null,): (req: Request) => Promise<Response | null> { const parseBody = body && normalizeParser(body);
let allowed: Set<string> | null = null; return async (req: Request) => { // On the first request, setup the allowed methods set. Doing it here // because the parser can be async, and doing it in a separate async IIFE // could lead to a race condition and screw up the tests if (!allowed) { allowed = new Set(["OPTIONS"]); let postRequired = false; if (parseBody) { try { await parseBody(undefined); } catch { postRequired = true; } } if (postRequired) { allowed.add("POST"); } else { allowed.add("GET"); allowed.add("HEAD"); if (parseBody) { allowed.add("POST"); } } }
if (!allowed.has(req.method)) { throw new HttpError("405 method not allowed", { status: 405 }); }
return ( req.method === "OPTIONS" ? new Response(null, { headers: { allow: Array.from(allowed.values()).join(", "), }, }) : null ); };}
/** * Returns a function that checks whether or not a Request matches with the * Endpoint using its "path" pattern option. If the path pattern starts with * '^', the full pathname on the Request url will be used. Otherwise, the * "routed" path will be used, which may not be the same as the full path if * this Endpoint is nested inside a Router. If no "path" option is specified, * "/" is the default meaning the containing Router(s) should have routed (i.e. * consumed) the entire request path before reaching the called Endpoint. * * When calling the returned function, if the request path matches, the * parameters on the RequestContext (captured by the containing Router(s)) will * be merged with the parameters captured during path matching and then parsed * with the parameters parser, if any. The path and parsed parameters will be * returned on success, a 404 HttpError will be thrown on failure. */function pathMatcher(opt: { path?: string | null; param?: Parser | null;}): (req: Request) => Promise<{ path: string; param: unknown; unparsedParam: ParamRecord;}> { const useFullPath = opt.path && opt.path.startsWith("^"); const pattern = new URLPattern( useFullPath ? opt.path!.slice(1) : opt.path || "/", "http://_", ); const parseParam = ( typeof opt.param === "function" ? opt.param : opt.param ? opt.param.parse : null );
return async (req: Request) => { const routerCtx = routerContext(req); const path = useFullPath ? routerCtx.url.pathname : routerCtx.path; const match = pattern.exec(path, "http://_");
if (!match) { throw new HttpError("404 not found", { status: 404 }); }
// 0 param should be the path that matched, i.e. the path var already set delete match.pathname.groups["0"];
const unparsedParam = { ...routerCtx.param }; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(match.pathname.groups)) { unparsedParam[k] = v; }
let param = unparsedParam; if (!parseParam) { return { path, param, unparsedParam }; }
try { param = await parseParam(param); } catch { try { param = await parseParam(undefined); } catch { throw new HttpError("404 not found", { status: 404 }); } }
return { path, param, unparsedParam }; };}
/** * Creates an input parser that processes the Endpoint input using the relevant * EndpointSchema options. If parsing fails, a 400 HttpError will be thrown with * the offending error exposed on the "expose" property. If it succeeds, the * parsed query and body will be returned. */function inputParser(opt: { query?: Parser | null; body?: Parser | null; maxBodySize?: number | null; serializers?: Serializers | null;}): (req: Request) => Promise<{ query: unknown; body: unknown;}> { const parseQuery = opt.query && normalizeParser(opt.query); const parseBody = opt.body && normalizeParser(opt.body);
return async (req) => { const routerCtx = routerContext(req);
let query: unknown = routerCtx.query; if (parseQuery) { try { query = await parseQuery(query); } catch (err) { try { query = await parseQuery(undefined); } catch { if (err instanceof HttpError) { throw err; } throw new HttpError(( err instanceof Error ? err.message : "400 bad request" ), { status: 400, detail: { original: err } }); } } }
let body: unknown = undefined; if (req.body && parseBody) { // If the req.body is true, parseBody should also be true due to the // method check that happens at the start of request handling. The above // conditional is redundant for type purposes body = await unpack(req, { maxBodySize: ( typeof opt.maxBodySize === "number" ? opt.maxBodySize : undefined ), serializers: opt.serializers || undefined, });
try { body = await parseBody(body); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof HttpError) { throw err; } throw new HttpError(( err instanceof Error ? err.message : "400 bad request" ), { status: 400, detail: { original: err } }); } }
return { query, body }; };}
/** Initializer options for creating an `assets()` endpoint. */export type AssetsInit = Omit<ServeAssetOptions, "path">;
/** * Creates an Endpoint for serving static assets. The routed request path will * be used to find the asset to serve from inside the assets directory * specified. */export function assets(init?: AssetsInit) { return endpoint({ path: "*" as const, resolve: ({ asset }) => asset(init), });}
/** Initializer options for creating a `bundle()` endpoint. */export type BundleInit = ServeBundleOptions;
/** * Creates an endpoint for serving a TypeScript or JavaScript bundle. The bundle * is cached into memory and will be watched and rebundled whenever updated, if * possible. */export function bundle(init: BundleInit) { // Warm up the cache serveBundle(new Request("http://_"), init).catch(() => {});
return endpoint({ resolve: ({ bundle }) => bundle(init), });}
/** * Creates an Endpoint that always redirects. The "path" schema option is "/", * i.e. the whole request path should have been consumed by the containing * router(s) before the request reaches a redirect endpoint. If the redirect * path doesn't specify an origin, the origin of the request is used. If the * path starts with a "./" or a "../", it's joined with the pathname of the * Request url to get the final redirect path. The default status is 302. */export function redirect(to: string, status?: number) { return endpoint({ resolve: ({ redirect }) => redirect(to, status || 302), });}
/** Schema options for creating a `socket()` handler. */export interface SocketSchema extends Omit< EndpointSchema, "maxBodySize" | "body" | "result"> { /** * Incoming message parser. Without this, received messages will be typed as * `unknown`. When a message fails to parse, an error message will be sent * back to the client. */ recv?: Parser | null; /** * The type of message this Socket expects to send to a connected client. The * value of this property doesn't matter, it's only used for the type. */ send?: any;}
/** Cav endpoint handler for connecting web sockets. */export type Socket<Schema extends SocketSchema> = ( Schema extends null ? {} : Schema) & (( req: SocketRequest<( Schema extends { query: Parser } ? ParserInput<Schema["query"]> : QueryRecord | undefined ), ( "send" extends keyof Schema ? Schema["send"] : unknown ), ( Schema extends { recv: Parser } ? ParserInput<Schema["recv"]> : unknown )>, conn: http.ConnInfo,) => Promise<Response>);
/** * Type utility for extracting the type of message a socket expects to send from * its SocketSchema. */// export type SendType<Schema extends SocketSchema | null> = (// Schema extends { send: infer S } ? S// : unknown// );
/** * Type utility for extracting the type of message a socket expects to receive * from its SocketSchema. */// export type RecvType<Schema extends SocketSchema | null> = (// Schema extends { recv: Parser<infer R> } ? R// : unknown// );
/** Arguments available to the setup function of a socket endpoint. */export interface SetupArg< Param extends SocketSchema["param"], Ctx extends SocketSchema["ctx"], Query extends SocketSchema["query"], Send extends SocketSchema["send"], Recv extends SocketSchema["recv"],> extends Omit< ResolveArg<Param, Ctx, Query, any>, "body" | "asset" | "redirect"> { ws: WS<Send, ( SocketSchema["recv"] extends Recv ? unknown : ParserOutput<Recv> )>;}
/** * Constructs a new Socket request handler using the provided schema and setup * function. The schema properties will be assigned to the returned socket * endpoint function, with the setup argument available as the "setup" property. */export function socket< Schema extends SocketSchema, Param extends SocketSchema["param"], Ctx extends SocketSchema["ctx"], Query extends SocketSchema["query"], Send extends SocketSchema["send"], Recv extends SocketSchema["recv"],>( schema: Schema & SocketSchema & { param?: Param; ctx?: Ctx; query?: Query; send?: Send; recv?: Recv; setup?: ((x: SetupArg<Param, Ctx, Query, Send, Recv>) => Promise<void> | void), },): Socket<Schema>;export function socket( _schema: SocketSchema & { setup?: ((x: SetupArg<any, any, any, any, any>) => Promise<void> | void) }, // _setup: ((x: SetupArg) => Promise<void> | void) | null,) { const schema = _schema || {}; const setup = _schema.setup || (() => {}); const recv = normalizeParser(schema.recv || ((m) => m));
return endpoint({ ...schema, resolve: async x => { let socket: WebSocket; let response: Response; try { ({ socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(x.req, { protocol: "json", })); } catch { x.res.headers.set("upgrade", "websocket"); throw new HttpError("426 upgrade required", { status: 426 }); } const ws = webSocket(socket, { recv, serializers: schema.serializers, }); // TODO: It would be nice if the onsetup can return a response to // serialize in case of a problem. Don't merge socket with endpoint, even // though it seems like that would be the right thing to do here; they // function differently and don't use the exact same schema structure if (setup) { await setup({ ...x, ws }); } return response; } });}