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A server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.
import { path, emit, graph } from "./deps.ts";import { createEtagHash, should304 } from "./_etag.ts";
// TODO: Add option for source maps
function parseCwd(cwd: string): string { if (cwd.startsWith("https://") || cwd.startsWith("http://")) { cwd = path.join(cwd, ".."); } else if (cwd.startsWith("file://")) { cwd = path.join(path.fromFileUrl(cwd), ".."); } return cwd;}
export interface ServeBundleOptions { /** * If provided, this sets the current working directory when looking for the * bundle. If a file://, http://, or https:// path is provided, the parent * folder of the path is used. This is useful if you want to serve assets * relative to the current file using `import.meta.url`. If the `url` option * is also a file://, http://, or https:// url, this option is ignored. * Default: `"."` */ cwd?: string; /** * The path of the file to bundle. If this is an absolute URL (starts with * file://, http://, or https://), the `cwd` option is ignored. This option is * required. */ url: string;}
interface BundleCache { code: string; headers: Headers; etag: string; modified: Date;}
const bundleCache = new Map<string, Promise<BundleCache>>();
async function bundle(url: string): Promise<string> { const code = (await emit.bundle(path.fromFileUrl(url), { allowRemote: true, type: "module", compilerOptions: { inlineSources: false, inlineSourceMap: false, sourceMap: false, }, load: async (specifier) => { const res = await fetch(specifier); const headers: Record<string, string> = {}; for (const [k, v] of res.headers.entries()) { if (!headers[k]) { headers[k] = v; } } return { kind: "module", specifier: res.url, headers: headers, content: await res.text(), }; }, })).code;
// TODO: Currently, the source map options are ignored by deno_emit. // (deno_emit is still new and v0). We need to manually remove the inline // source maps until those options get implemented return code.split("//# sourceMappingURL=")[0];}
/** * Response factory for bundling and serving TypeScript and JavaScript files. * Bundled files are cached into memory and watched for changes, if possible. * When a change occurs, the cached bundle is invalidated. The request is only * used for caching headers. */export async function serveBundle( req: Request, opt: ServeBundleOptions,): Promise<Response> { const cwd = opt.cwd ? parseCwd(opt.cwd) : Deno.cwd(); let url = opt.url; if ( !url.startsWith("file://") && !url.startsWith("https://") && !url.startsWith("http://") ) { url = path.toFileUrl(path.resolve(cwd, url)).href; }
let cache = bundleCache.get(url); if (cache) { const { code, headers, etag, modified } = await cache; if (should304({ req, etag, modified })) { return new Response(null, { status: 304, headers }); } return new Response(code, { headers }); }
const createCache = async (): Promise<BundleCache> => { try { const code = await bundle(url); const etag = await createEtagHash(code); // TODO: Use the modified date + file size? const modified = new Date(); // TODO: Use the real modified date? const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("content-type", "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8"); headers.set("etag", etag); headers.set("last-modified", modified.toUTCString()); return { code, headers, etag, modified }; } catch (err) { bundleCache.delete(url); throw err; } };
cache = createCache(); bundleCache.set(url, cache);
// If possible, start an async fs watcher loop that regenerates the cached // bundle whenever the file or its dependencies change (async () => { try { while (true) { // Wait for the last bundle to finish first. If it failed, the loop // should break await cache;
const deps = (await graph.createGraph(url)).modules .filter(m => m.specifier.startsWith("file://")) .map(m => path.fromFileUrl(m.specifier)); for await (const _ of Deno.watchFs(deps)) { break; }
cache = createCache(); bundleCache.set(url, cache); } } catch { // Errors during file watching are silently dropped return; } })();
const { code, headers } = await cache; return new Response(code, { headers });}