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A server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.
import { base64 } from "./deps.ts";
// TODO: Allow changing the header (but not alg yet)// TODO: This is a very minimal API that doesn't do expiration checks or// anything like that. Should it?// TODO: Make this browser compatible by removing the base64 dependency and// writing your own version with the help of// TODO: Support keygrip?
const header = base64.encode(JSON.stringify({ alg: "HS256" }));const encoder = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();const random = new Uint8Array(32);crypto.getRandomValues(random);const rand = decoder.decode(random);const fallback = base64.encode(rand);const signingAlg = { name: "HMAC", hash: "SHA-256" } as const;
// I'm caching keys because I don't know the overhead of crypto.subtle.importKey// REVIEW: I don't know for sure if any of this is correct security-wiseconst keyCache = new Map<string, CryptoKey>();
async function importKey(key: string): Promise<CryptoKey> { let k = keyCache.get(key); if (k) { return k; }
k = await crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", encoder.encode(key), signingAlg, false, ["sign", "verify"], ); keyCache.set(key, k); return k;}
async function sign(data: string, key: string): Promise<string> { const k = await importKey(key); return base64.encode( await crypto.subtle.sign( signingAlg, k, encoder.encode(data), ), );}
async function verify( data: string, sig: string, keys: string[],): Promise<boolean> { for (const key of keys) { const k = await importKey(key); if ( await crypto.subtle.verify( signingAlg, k, base64.decode(sig), encoder.encode(data), ) ) { return true; } } return false;}
/** * Creates a new JWT with the given payload, which is passed into JSON.stringify * before encoding. If no key is specified, a securely random transient fallback * will be used. The fallback key is only generated once during startup and it's * lost when the Deno process quits. * * If multiple keys are specified, only the first key will be used. * * JWT header: `{ "alg": "HS256" }` */export async function encodeJwt( payload: unknown, keys = fallback as string | string[],): Promise<string> { const key = Array.isArray(keys) ? keys[0] : keys; const jwt = `${header}.${base64.encode(JSON.stringify(payload))}`; const sig = await sign(jwt, key); return `${jwt}.${sig}`;}
/** * Verifies the JWT and returns its parsed payload object. If verification * fails, an error will be thrown. * * Verification will fail if: * * - The header isn't `{ "alg": "HS256" }` (temporary, WIP) * - The JWT was signed with an unknown key * - The signature doesn't match its header/payload * * Multiple keys can be provided to handle key rollover. If no keys are * provided, the module-level random fallback key will be used. */export async function decodeJwt( jwt: string, keys = fallback as string | string[],): Promise<unknown> { const parts = jwt.split(".");
if (parts.length !== 3) { throw new Error("Invalid JWT - bad format"); }
try { const header = decoder.decode(base64.decode(parts[0])); const h = JSON.parse(header); if (h.alg !== "HS256") { throw null; } } catch { throw new Error("Invalid JWT - unsupported header"); }
keys = Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : [keys]; if (!await verify(`${parts[0]}.${parts[1]}`, parts[2], keys)) { throw new Error("Invalid JWT - bad signature"); }
try { const payload = decoder.decode(base64.decode(parts[1])); return JSON.parse(payload); } catch { throw new Error("Invalid JWT - bad payload"); }}