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A server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License. // This module is browser-compatible. // This module is heavily inspired by
// REVIEW: Automatically escape strings for XSS, see// ?// REVIEW: Support for functions?
/** * Init options for constructing HttpErrors, which can expose arbitrary data and * status codes during de/serialization. */export interface HttpErrorInit { /** An HTTP status code describing what kind of error this is. */ status?: number; /** Optional data exposed to the client when this error is serialized. */ expose?: unknown; /** Other details about the error. Omitted during serialization. */ detail?: Record<string, unknown>;}
// HttpError is defined here so that serial.ts can be self-contained/** Error class for describing exceptions during HTTP processing. */export class HttpError extends Error { /** An HTTP status code describing what kind of error this is. */ status: number; /** Optional data exposed to the client when this error is serialized. */ expose: unknown; /** Other details about the error. Omitted during serialization. */ detail: Record<string, unknown>;
constructor(message: string, init?: HttpErrorInit) { super(message); this.status = init?.status || 500; this.expose = init?.expose || null; this.detail = init?.detail || {}; }}
/** * Interface for serializing and deserializing arbitrary non-JSON primitive * values into JSON. */export interface Serializer<I = unknown, O = unknown> { /** * Checks if this serializer applies to the value. */ check(value: unknown): boolean; /** * Transforms the value into its JSON-compatible format. The value returned by * this function will be re-serialized, i.e. not every nested value needs to * be JSON compatible. */ serialize(value: I): O; /** * Transforms serialized values into their original input. Any nested * serialized values will still be serialized when this function is called * initially. Use the `whenDone` registration function to finish setting up * the resulting output only when each of the nested values is finished * deserializing, i.e. "ready". */ deserialize( raw: unknown, whenDone: (fn: (ready: O) => void) => void, ): I;}
// REVIEW: I don't think this function is really necessary. Probably fine to// make all the serializer types unknowns and not provide this typing function// at all/** * Constructs a Serializer. This simply returns the first argument, it's only * used for type annotations. */export function serializer<I = unknown, O = unknown>( init: Serializer<I, O>,): Serializer<I, O> { return init;}
/** * Type alias representing a Serializer with any input or output type. Useful * for type constraints. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AnySerializer = Serializer<any, any>;
/** * A group of named Serializer objects. Serializer keys are used to tag * serialized values on the output JSON, which is required in order to correctly * deserialize the value on the other side. */export type Serializers = Record<string, AnySerializer | null>;
/** * Determines if the object is a plain object or not. This also checks for * prototype poisoning; it returns false whenever the prototype of an input * object was poisoned before JSON.parsing it. */export function isPojo(obj: unknown): obj is Record<string | symbol, unknown> { return ( !!obj && typeof obj === "object" && ( Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null ) );}
// Creating a constant object results in the default serializers being included// in bundles regardless of whether or not they get used. Wrapping them in a// function fixes this. Also, creating them on every call is unnecessary work,// so they get cached to the window with a symbolfunction defaults(): Map<string, AnySerializer> { const sym = Symbol.for(""); const s = self as unknown as typeof self & { [sym]?: Map<string, AnySerializer>; };
const cached = s[sym]; if (cached) { return cached; }
Object.assign(self, { [sym]: new Map<string, AnySerializer>(Object.entries({ symbol: serializer({ check: (v) => typeof v === "symbol", serialize: (v: symbol) => { const key = Symbol.keyFor(v); if (typeof key === "string") { return { for: key }; } return { desc: v.description }; }, deserialize: (raw: { for: string } | { desc: string }) => { if ("for" in raw && typeof raw.for === "string") { return Symbol.for(raw.for); } return Symbol((raw as { desc: string }).desc); }, }), error: serializer({ check: (v) => v instanceof Error, serialize: (v: Error) => { if (v instanceof HttpError) { return { type: "HttpError", message: v.message, status: v.status, expose: v.expose, }; } // switch ( { case "EvalError": case "RangeError": case "ReferenceError": case "SyntaxError": case "TypeError": case "URIError": case "AggregateError": return { type:, message: v.message }; default: return v.message; } }, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any deserialize: (raw: any, whenDone) => { if (typeof raw === "string") { return new Error(raw); } switch (raw.type) { case "HttpError": { const err = new HttpError(raw.message, { status: parseInt(raw.status, 10), // Should be parsed first }); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any whenDone((ready: any) => { err.expose = ready.expose; }); return err; } case "EvalError": return new EvalError(raw.message); case "RangeError": return new RangeError(raw.message); case "ReferenceError": return new ReferenceError(raw.message); case "SyntaxError": return new SyntaxError(raw.message); case "TypeError": return new TypeError(raw.message); case "URIError": return new URIError(raw.message); case "AggregateError": return new AggregateError(raw.message); default: return new Error(raw.message); } }, }), date: serializer({ check: (v) => v instanceof Date, serialize: (v: Date) => v.toJSON(), deserialize: (raw) => new Date(raw as string), }), undefined: serializer({ check: (v) => typeof v === "undefined", serialize: () => true, deserialize: () => undefined, }), map: serializer({ check: (v) => v instanceof Map, serialize: (v: Map<unknown, unknown>) => Array.from(v.entries()), deserialize: (_, whenDone) => { const map = new Map(); whenDone((entries) => { entries.forEach((v) => map.set(v[0], v[1])); }); return map; }, }), set: serializer({ check: (val) => val instanceof Set, serialize: (v: Set<unknown>) => Array.from(v.values()), deserialize: (_, whenDone) => { const set = new Set(); whenDone((values) => { values.forEach((v) => set.add(v)); }); return set; }, }), bigint: serializer({ check: (v) => typeof v === "bigint", serialize: (v: bigint) => v.toString(), deserialize: (raw) => BigInt(raw as string), }), regexp: serializer({ check: (v) => v instanceof RegExp, serialize: (v: RegExp) => v.toString(), deserialize: (raw) => { const r = (raw as string).slice(1).split("/"); return new RegExp(r[0], r[1]); }, }), number: serializer({ check: (v) => typeof v === "number" && ( isNaN(v) || v === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || v === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ||, -0) ), serialize: (v: number) => (, -0) ? "-zero" : v === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? "+infinity" : v === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? "-infinity" : "nan" ), deserialize: (raw: string) => ( raw === "-zero" ? -0 : raw === "+infinity" ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : raw === "-infinity" ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : NaN ), }), conflict: serializer({ check: (v) => { if (!isPojo(v)) { return false; } const keys = Object.keys(v); return keys.length === 1 && keys[0].startsWith("$"); }, serialize: (v: Record<string, string>) => Object.entries(v)[0], deserialize: (_, whenDone) => { const result: Record<string, unknown> = {}; whenDone((entry) => { result[entry[0]] = entry[1]; }); return result; }, }), buffer: serializer({ check: (v) => v instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(v), // TODO: This could be faster - serialize: (v: ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer) => { let base64 = ""; const data = new Uint8Array( v instanceof ArrayBuffer ? v : v.buffer, ); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { base64 += String.fromCharCode(data[i]); } return { type:, data: self.btoa(base64), }; }, deserialize: (raw: { type: string; data: string }) => { const data = self.atob(; const buf = new Uint8Array(data.length); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { buf[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); } switch (raw.type) { case "ArrayBuffer": return buf.buffer; case "Int8Array": return new Int8Array(buf.buffer); case "Uint8Array": return new Uint8Array(buf.buffer); case "Uint8ClampedArray": return new Uint8ClampedArray(buf.buffer); case "Int16Array": return new Int16Array(buf.buffer); case "Uint16Array": return new Uint16Array(buf.buffer); case "Int32Array": return new Int32Array(buf.buffer); case "Uint32Array": return new Uint32Array(buf.buffer); case "Float32Array": return new Float32Array(buf.buffer); case "Float64Array": return new Float64Array(buf.buffer); case "BigInt64Array": return new BigInt64Array(buf.buffer); case "BigUint64Array": return new BigUint64Array(buf.buffer); case "DataView": return new DataView(buf.buffer); default: // Uint8Array is the fallback return buf; } }, }), })), });
return s[sym]!;}
function serializerMap(serializers?: Serializers): Map<string, AnySerializer> { if (!serializers) { return defaults(); }
const defs = defaults(); const smap = new Map<string, AnySerializer>(); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(serializers)) { if (v === null) { continue; } if (k === "ref" || defs.has(k)) { throw new Error( `Conflict: The serializer key "${k}" is reserved`, ); } smap.set(k, v); } if (!smap.size) { return defs; } for (const [k, v] of defs.entries()) { smap.set(k, v); } return smap;}
/** * Serializes a value recursively until it's JSON-compatible. Serializers can be * plugged in to extend the accepted types beyond what Cav supports by default. * If a value isn't recognized by any of the provided or default serializers, an * error will be thrown. */export function serialize( value: unknown, serializers?: Serializers | null,): unknown { const smap = serializerMap(serializers || undefined); const paths = new Map<unknown, string[]>();
const pathString = (p: string[]) => ( => v.replace(/\./g, "\\.")).join(".") );
const recur = ( val: unknown, path: string[], ): unknown => { if (val && (typeof val === "object" || typeof val === "symbol")) { if (paths.has(val)) { return { $ref: pathString(paths.get(val)!) }; } paths.set(val, path); }
if ( val === null || typeof val === "string" || typeof val === "boolean" || (typeof val === "number" && !, -0) && Number.isFinite(val)) ) { return val; }
for (const [name, serializer] of smap.entries()) { if (serializer.check(val)) { const key = `$${name}`; return { [key]: recur(serializer.serialize(val), [...path, key]) }; } }
if (isPojo(val)) { const copy: Record<string, unknown> = {}; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(val)) { copy[k] = recur(v, [...path, k]); } return copy; }
if (Array.isArray(val)) { const copy: unknown[] = []; for (let k = 0; k < val.length; k++) { copy[k] = recur(val[k], [...path, k.toString()]); } return copy; }
if ( typeof val === "object" && "toJSON" in val && typeof (val as { toJSON: unknown })["toJSON"] === "function" ) { return (val as { toJSON: (key: string) => unknown }).toJSON( path[path.length - 1], ); }
throw new TypeError( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any `No matching serializers for instance of "${(val as any)}"`, ); };
return recur(value, [""]);}
/** * Deserializes a JSON value that was `serialize()`d back into the original * input. An error will be thrown if a value was serialized with an unknown * serializer. */export function deserialize<T = unknown>( value: unknown, serializers?: Serializers | null,): T { const smap = serializerMap(serializers || undefined); const objects = new Map<string, unknown>(); const whenDones: (() => void)[] = [];
const recur = (val: unknown, path: string) => { if (!val || typeof val !== "object") { return val; }
if (Array.isArray(val)) { const copy: unknown[] = []; objects.set(path, copy); for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { copy.push(recur(val[i], path + "." + i.toString())); } return copy; }
// NOTE: This block should protect against prototype poisoning if (!isPojo(val)) { throw new TypeError( `Non-plain objects can't be deserialized - Path: "${path}"`, ); }
const keys = Object.keys(val); if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === "$ref") { const refPath = (val as Record<string, string>).$ref; const ref = objects.get(refPath); if (!ref) { throw new Error( `Invalid reference "${refPath}" - Path: "${path}"`, ); } return ref; } if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0].startsWith("$")) { const tag = keys[0]; const name = keys[0].slice(1); const serializer = smap.get(name); if (!serializer) { throw new Error( `No matching serializer with name "${name}" - Path: "${path}"`, ); }
const raw = val[tag]; let serialized: unknown = undefined; const result = serializer.deserialize(raw, (fn) => { whenDones.push(() => fn(serialized)); }); if ( result && ( typeof result === "object" || typeof result === "symbol" ) ) { objects.set(path, result); } serialized = recur(raw, `${path}.${tag}`); return result; }
const copy: Record<string, unknown> = {}; objects.set(path, copy); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(val)) { copy[k] = recur(v, path + "." + k.replace(/\./g, "\\.")); } return copy; };
const result = recur(value, ""); let fn = whenDones.pop(); while (fn) { fn(); fn = whenDones.pop(); } return result as T;}
interface PackedBody { body?: BodyInit | null; headers?: HeadersInit;}
function packBody( body: unknown, serializers?: Serializers,): PackedBody { if ( body === null || typeof body === "undefined" || body instanceof ReadableStream || body instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(body) || typeof body === "string" || body instanceof URLSearchParams || body instanceof FormData ) { return { body }; }
if (body instanceof File) { return { body, headers: { "content-disposition": `attachment; filename="${}"` }, }; }
if (body instanceof Blob) { return { body, headers: { "content-disposition": "attachment" }, }; }
// Anything else needs to be serialized either as JSON or as a multipart form // if there's Blobs anywhere in the input const form = new FormData(); const fileKeys = new Map<Blob, string>(); const json = JSON.stringify(serialize(body, { ...serializers, __blob: serializer({ check: (v) => v instanceof Blob, serialize: (v: Blob) => { let key = fileKeys.get(v); if (key) { return key; }
key = crypto.randomUUID(); form.set(key, v); fileKeys.set(v, key); return key; }, deserialize: () => null, // Not needed here }), })); if (!fileKeys.size) { return { body: json, headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, }; } form.set( "__shape", new File([json], "__shape.json", { type: "application/json", }), ); return { body: form };}
const mimeString = /^text\/plain;?/;const mimeParams = /^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded;?/;const mimeJson = /^application\/json;?/;const mimeForm = /^multipart\/form-data;?/;
/** Options for the `unpack()` function. */export interface UnpackOptions { /** Serializers to use when unpacking the Request or Response body. */ serializers?: Serializers; /** * If the Request or Response body exceeds this size, a 413 HttpError will be * thrown. If not specified, the default is 1 megabyte. If the number is 0, * there will be no limit on body size. */ maxBodySize?: number;}
// TODO: Add an option for controlling the way forms/blobs/files are processed.// (For large file uploads that are disk backed)/** * Deserializes a Request generated with `packRequest()` back into the original * request body. Any serializers specified during packing need to be specified * here as well. */export async function unpack( packed: Request | Response, opt?: UnpackOptions,): Promise<unknown> { // GET requests and 204 responses return undefined. Any other Request or // Response without a body returns null if ( (packed instanceof Request && packed.method === "GET") || (packed instanceof Response && packed.status === 204) ) { return undefined; } if (!packed.body) { return null; }
const maxBodySize = ( typeof opt?.maxBodySize === "number" ? opt.maxBodySize : 1024 * 1024 // 1 megabyte ); const contentLength = parseInt(packed.headers.get("content-length")!, 10); if (isNaN(contentLength) && maxBodySize !== 0) { // If there's no content-length specified but there's a body stream, we need // to use ReadableStreams to track the size of the body. If the size ever // exceeds the maxBodySize, throw a 413 const reader = packed.body.getReader(); const op = packed; let size = 0; packed = new Response(new ReadableStream({ start: controller => { const pump = async (): Promise<void> => { const chunk = await; if (chunk.done) { controller.close(); return; } if (chunk.value) { size += chunk.value.length; if (size > maxBodySize) { throw new HttpError("413 payload too large", { status: 413 }); } } controller.enqueue(chunk.value); return pump(); }; return pump(); }, }), { headers: op.headers }); }
const type = packed.headers.get("content-type") || ""; const disposition = packed.headers.get("content-disposition"); if (disposition) { const match = disposition.match(/^attachment; filename="(.+)"/); if (match) { const filename = match[1]; return new File([await packed.blob()], filename, { type }); // REVIEW } if (disposition.match(/^attachment;?/)) { return await packed.blob(); } }
const parseForm = (form: FormData) => { const result: Record<string, string | File | (string | File)[]> = {}; for (const [k, v] of form.entries()) { const old = result[k]; if (Array.isArray(old)) { old.push(v); } else if (typeof old === "undefined") { result[k] = v; } else { result[k] = [old, v]; } } return result; };
if (type.match(mimeString)) { return await packed.text(); } if (type.match(mimeParams)) { return parseForm(await packed.formData()); } if (type.match(mimeJson)) { return deserialize(await packed.json(), opt?.serializers); } if (type.match(mimeForm)) { const form = await packed.formData(); const shape = form.get("__shape"); if ( !shape || !(shape instanceof Blob) || shape.type !== "application/json" ) { return parseForm(form); } return deserialize(JSON.parse(await shape.text()), { ...opt?.serializers, __blob: serializer({ check: () => false, // Not needed here serialize: () => null, // Not needed here deserialize: (raw: string) => form.get(raw), }), }); }
// The fallback behavior just returns a Blob (for now) return await packed.blob();}
function mergeHeaders(a?: HeadersInit, b?: HeadersInit) { const ah = new Headers(a); const bh = new Headers(b); for (const [k, v] of bh.entries()) { if (k === "content-type" || k === "content-disposition") { ah.set(k, v); } else { ah.append(k, v); } } return ah;}
/** Initializer options when creating a Request with `packRequest()`. */export interface PackRequestInit extends Omit<RequestInit, "body" | "method"> { serializers?: Serializers; body?: unknown;}
/** * Serializes a new Request, which can then be deserialized using * `unpack()`. Only GET and POST requests are supported; the method used * is automatically determined based on the presence of the `body` init * option. Any headers specified on the init options will override the headers * determined during serialization. The serializable input types can be extended * with the serializers option. * * If the body is `undefined`, the method is GET. If the body is `null`, * the method is POST with no body. Any defined body (including null) results * in a POST request. * * If the body extends BodyInit, it'll be passed through to the Request * constructor unmodified. It'll be deserialized according to the content-type * set on the request headers, which can sometimes result in asymmetric * deserialization. * * If the body is a File or Blob, it'll also be sent with a * "content-disposition: attachment" header. It'l be deserialized back into a * regular Blob or File, along with the file name if there is one, regardless of * the content-type. * * If the body is any other type, it'll first be serialized as JSON using * `serialize()`. The default serializers are extended to include Files and * Blobs; if a File or Blob exists on the serialized value, the request will be * sent as a specially formatted FormData instead of JSON. It'll be deserialized * back into the original `body` with all the Files and Blobs back in the * right place. Referential equality for Files and Blobs will be preserved, so * that duplicate Blobs only have 1 copy uploaded. */export function packRequest(url: string, init?: PackRequestInit): Request { const packed = packBody(init?.body, init?.serializers); return new Request(url, { ...init, method: typeof packed.body === "undefined" ? "GET" : "POST", headers: mergeHeaders(packed.headers, init?.headers), body: packed.body, });}
/** Options for `unpack()`-ing a Request or Response. */export interface UnpackOptions { serializers?: Serializers; maxBodySize?: number;}
export interface PackResponseInit extends ResponseInit { serializers?: Serializers;}
/** * Serializes a new Response, which can then be deserialized back into the input * body using `unpack()`. Any headers specified on the init options will * override the headers determined during serialization. The same applies for * status and statusText. The serializable input types can be extended with the * serializers option. * * If the body is `undefined`, a 204 Response is created. If the body is `null`, * a 200 response is created with a zero-length body. * * If the body extends BodyInit, it'll be passed through to the Response * constructor unmodified. During `unpack()`, it'll be deserialized according to * the content-type set on the response headers, which can sometimes result in * asymmetric deserialization. * * If the body is a File or Blob, it'll also be sent with a * "content-disposition: attachment" header. During `unpack()`, it will be * deserialized back into a regular Blob or File, along with the file name if * there is one, regardless of the content-type. * * If the body is any other type, it'll first be serialized as JSON using * `serialize()`. The default serializers are extended to include Files and * Blobs; if a File or Blob exists on the serialized value, the response will be * sent as a specially formatted FormData instead of JSON. During `unpack()`, * it'll be deserialized back into the original `body` with all the Files and * Blobs back in the right place. Referential equality for Files and Blobs will * be preserved, so that duplicate Blobs only have 1 copy uploaded. */export function packResponse( body?: unknown, init?: PackResponseInit,): Response { // If it's already a Response, just append the headers and forward it. Ignore // the init status and statusText // TODO: Test the above caveat if (body instanceof Response) { const mergeHeaders = new Headers(init?.headers); for (const [k, v] of mergeHeaders.entries()) { body.headers.append(k, v); } return body; }
const packed = packBody(body, init?.serializers); return new Response(packed.body, { // res.status overrides default status status: typeof packed.body === "undefined" ? 204 : 200, ...init, headers: mergeHeaders(packed.headers, init?.headers), });}