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Experimental server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.// This module is browser-only.
/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />/// <reference lib="dom" />/// <reference lib="dom.iterable" />/// <reference lib="dom.asynciterable" />/// <reference lib="esnext" />
export * from "./client.ts";export * from "./html.ts";export * from "./parser.ts";export * from "./serial.ts";export * from "./ws.ts";
/** Creates a new DocumentFragment using the provided HTML. */export function make(html: string) { const template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content;}
/** * Shorthand for `document.querySelector`. If a second `parent` node is * provided, it will be searched instead of the document. */export function $<T extends Element = HTMLElement>( selector: string, parent: ParentNode = document,): T | null { return parent.querySelector(selector);}
/** * Shorthand for `document.querySelectorAll`. If a second `parent` node is * provided, it will be searched instead of the document. */export function $$<T extends Element = HTMLElement>( selector: string, parent: ParentNode = document,): NodeListOf<T> { return parent.querySelectorAll(selector);}