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A simple, extendable markdown renderer for your terminal.
// TODO check
export type Node = | RootNode | HeaderNode | TextNode | HtmlNode | ParagraphNode | StrongNode | EmphasisNode | StrikethroughNode | BlockQuoteNode | ListItemNode | OrderedListNode | UnorderedListNode | InlineCodeNode | CodeNode | ThematicBreakNode | ImageNode | ImageReferenceNode | LinkNode | LinkReferenceNode | DefinitionNode | TableNode;
export interface NodePosition { line: number; column: number; offset: number;}
export interface NodeBase { type: string; position: { start: NodePosition; end: NodePosition; }; children?: Node[];}
export interface RootNode extends NodeBase { type: "root";}
export interface HeaderNode extends NodeBase { type: "heading"; depth: number; children: Node[];}
export interface TextNode extends NodeBase { type: "text"; value: string;}
export interface HtmlNode extends NodeBase { type: "html"; value: string;}
export interface ParagraphNode extends NodeBase { type: "paragraph"; children: Node[];}
export interface StrongNode extends NodeBase { type: "strong"; children: Node[];}
export interface EmphasisNode extends NodeBase { type: "emphasis"; children: Node[];}
export interface StrikethroughNode extends NodeBase { type: "delete"; children: Node[];}
export interface BlockQuoteNode extends NodeBase { type: "blockquote"; children: Node[];}
export interface ListNode extends NodeBase { type: "list"; ordered: boolean; start: null | number; /** * Whether one or more of the children are separated with a blank line from * its siblings (when `true`), or not (when `false` or not present). */ spread: boolean; children: ListItemNode[]; listLevel: number;}
export interface OrderedListNode extends ListNode { ordered: true; start: number;}
export interface UnorderedListNode extends ListNode { ordered: false; start: null;}
export interface ListItemNode extends NodeBase { type: "listItem"; /** * Whether one or more of the children are separated with a blank line from * its siblings (when `true`), or not (when `false` or not present). */ spread: boolean; checked: null; listLevel: number; children: Node[];}
export interface InlineCodeNode extends NodeBase { type: "inlineCode"; value: string;}
export interface CodeNode extends NodeBase { type: "code"; value: string; lang: string; /** Anything after the language. * * \`\`\`ts codeExample title="helloWorld.ts" 6 * * console.log('alma') * * \`\`\` * * Gives `meta: 'codeExample title="helloWorld.ts" 6'` */ meta: string;}
export interface ThematicBreakNode extends NodeBase { type: "thematicBreak"; value: string; children: never;}
export interface ImageNode extends NodeBase { type: "image"; title: string | null; url: string; alt: string; children: never;}
export interface ImageReferenceNode extends NodeBase { type: "imageReference"; alt: string; label: string; identifier: string; referenceType: ReferenceType;}
/** * Explicitness of a reference. * * `'shortcut'`: the reference is implicit, its identifier inferred from its * content * * `'collapsed'`: the reference is explicit, its identifier inferred from its * content * * `'full'`: the reference is explicit, its identifier explicitly set */export type ReferenceType = "shortcut" | "collapsed" | "full";
export interface LinkNode extends NodeBase { type: "link"; title: string | null; url: string; children: Node[];}
export interface LinkReferenceNode extends NodeBase { type: "linkReference"; label: string | null; identifier: string; referenceType: ReferenceType; children: Node[];}
export interface DefinitionNode extends NodeBase { type: "definition"; label: string | null; identifier: string; title: string | null; url: string;}
export interface TableNode extends NodeBase { type: "table"; children: Node[];}