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Get environment variables exposed by CI services
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/** * Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment. * * @module */
import appveyor from "./services/appveyor.ts";import bamboo from "./services/bamboo.ts";import bitbucket from "./services/bitbucket.ts";import bitrise from "./services/bitrise.ts";import buddy from "./services/buddy.ts";import buildkite from "./services/buildkite.ts";import circleci from "./services/circleci.ts";import cirrus from "./services/cirrus.ts";import codebuild from "./services/codebuild.ts";import codefresh from "./services/codefresh.ts";import codeship from "./services/codeship.ts";import drone from "./services/drone.ts";import github from "./services/github.ts";import gitlab from "./services/gitlab.ts";import jenkins from "./services/jenkins.ts";import sail from "./services/sail.ts";import semaphore from "./services/semaphore.ts";import shippable from "./services/shippable.ts";// import teamcity from "./services/teamcity.ts";import travis from "./services/travis.ts";import vsts from "./services/vsts.ts";import wercker from "./services/wercker.ts";import git from "./services/git.ts";
import type { DetectProvider, Info } from "./types.ts";
const { env, cwd } = Deno;
const services: { [index: string]: DetectProvider } = { appveyor, bamboo, bitbucket, bitrise, buddy, buildkite, circleci, cirrus, codebuild, codefresh, codeship, drone, github, gitlab, jenkins, sail, semaphore, shippable, // teamcity, travis, vsts, wercker,};
let isCI: boolean | null = null;let info: Info | null = null;const envs = env.toObject();
for (const name of Object.keys(services)) { if (services[name].detect(envs, cwd())) { isCI = true; info = await services[name].configuration(envs, cwd()); break; }}
if (isCI == null) { isCI = git.detect(envs); info = await git.configuration(envs, cwd());}
const { name, service, branch, commit, tag, build, buildUrl, job, jobUrl, isPr, pr, prBranch, slug, root,} = info ?? {};
export { /** Git branch being built or targeted by a Pull Request */ branch, /** CI service build number */ build, /** Link to the CI service build */ buildUrl, /** Commit sha that triggered the CI build */ commit, /** `true` is running on a CI, `false` otherwise */ isCI, /** `true` if the build has been triggered by a Pull Request, `false` otherwise */ isPr, /** CI service job number */ job, /** Link to the CI service job */ jobUrl, /** CI service Commercial name (e.g. `Travis CI`, `CircleCI`, `GitLab CI/CD`) */ name, /** Pull Request number (only for builds triggered by a Pull Request) */ pr, /** Git branch branch from which the Pull Request originated (only for builds triggered by a Pull Request) */ prBranch, /** The path to the directory where the repository is being built */ root, /** Standardized CI service name (e.g. `travis`, `circleci`, `gitlab`) */ service, /** The slug (in form: owner_name/repo_name) of the repository currently being built */ slug, /** Git tag that triggered the CI build */ tag,};