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The easy one.


I have put CitrineScript on a small pause, I am working on a lot of things! Such as learning C, C++ (after c), and I am also working on a TextMate grammar extension for CitrineScript, which means you will get syntax highlighting! I did work on a decent amount of new features before I decided this, so I will publish them. Also, I have been on vacation with family! So, I plan to be back in a week or so; probably earlier. Thank you! Also, to be friendly to beginners, I do plan to update the docs website for these new features ASAP.


Welcome to CitrineScript! CitrineScript is a very simple, light and fun language to learn! In this README, I will show you how to get started, and some resources to help you with this language!

1. Prerequisites

You need to install Deno.

2. Installation

To run CitrineScript files (.ces), you need our runtime CLI, you don’t actually need this too, because it comes packaged with the CLI, which is called Citrin. So go to the Citrin repo to get started.

3. Running your files!

The CLI will only run .ces files, and we check this. So make your main.ces file and get started with your coding!

Why CitrineScript

Because CitrineScript isn’t close to a high level language yet there isn’t really a reason except to support me, I want to be a Software Engineer and supporting any of my projects will help this career path! I will still give you reasons though.

  1. Lightweight

Assuming you install the Citrin cli, which is very small (1kb unpacked!!!), this makes CitrineScript files easy to run. This is possible because I upload the Citrine base on which means it’s on the cloud and you don’t have to install it yourself!

  1. It’s easy!

CitrineScript has a very simple syntax. Here is some examples:

# Comments are just one hashtag! And they keep going until a new line.
# Also no semicolons, except for special use cases.
# Example:

let x; # CitrineScript needs to have this so it knows that this is not just an undefined variable

let x = 5
static y = 5

# Otherwise, they are not needed, see how these words are understandable for both program and also non programmers easily?

static z = x + y # Some math!

io.print(z) # output: 10
sys.sleep(2000) # wait 2 seconds
io.print(z + z) # output: 20

I think you get the point.


CitrineScript Official Documentation:

Here’s how to contribute.

That’s it for now!