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cjs Deno

Create variables like __dirname and __filename in Deno. Their behavior is the same as Node.js variables.


// example.ts
import { getDirname, getFilename } from '';

const __dirname = getDirname(import.meta.url);
const __filename = getFilename(import.meta.url);

// Your code here...


getDirname(importMetaUrl: string): string

The directory name of the current module.

getFilename(importMetaUrl: string): string

The file name of the current module. This is the current module file’s absolute path.

Node.js support

This should work with the stable Ecmascript modules implementation of Node.js. See this link for more information.


This library is highly tested to provide the same variables behavior of Node.js. If you see something is missing or ¿did you find a bug? pull requests are really welcome.