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Deno package for type-safe Clarinet tests
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variable types
import { types } from "";


` export type ClarityAbiTypeBuffer = { buffer: { length: number } }; export type ClarityAbiTypeStringAscii = { 'string-ascii': { length: number } }; export type ClarityAbiTypeStringUtf8 = { 'string-utf8': { length: number } }; export type ClarityAbiTypeResponse = { response: { ok: ClarityAbiType; error: ClarityAbiType }; }; export type ClarityAbiTypeOptional = { optional: ClarityAbiType }; export type ClarityAbiTypeTuple = { tuple: { name: string; type: ClarityAbiType }[]; }; export type ClarityAbiTypeList = { list: { type: ClarityAbiType; length: number }; }; export type ClarityAbiTypeUInt128 = 'uint128'; export type ClarityAbiTypeInt128 = 'int128'; export type ClarityAbiTypeBool = 'bool'; export type ClarityAbiTypePrincipal = 'principal'; export type ClarityAbiTypeTraitReference = 'trait_reference'; export type ClarityAbiTypeNone = 'none'; export type ClarityAbiTypePrimitive = | ClarityAbiTypeUInt128 | ClarityAbiTypeInt128 | ClarityAbiTypeBool | ClarityAbiTypePrincipal | ClarityAbiTypeTraitReference | ClarityAbiTypeNone; export type ClarityAbiType = | ClarityAbiTypePrimitive | ClarityAbiTypeBuffer | ClarityAbiTypeResponse | ClarityAbiTypeOptional | ClarityAbiTypeTuple | ClarityAbiTypeList | ClarityAbiTypeStringAscii | ClarityAbiTypeStringUtf8 | ClarityAbiTypeTraitReference; export interface ClarityAbiArg { name: string; type: ClarityAbiType; } export interface ClarityAbiFunction { name: string; access: 'private' | 'public' | 'read_only'; args: ClarityAbiArg[]; outputs: { type: ClarityAbiType; }; } export type TypedAbiArg<T, N extends string> = { _t?: T; name: N }; export type TypedAbiFunction<T extends TypedAbiArg<unknown, string>[], R> = & ClarityAbiFunction & { _t?: T; _r?: R; }; export interface ClarityAbiVariable { name: string; access: 'variable' | 'constant'; type: ClarityAbiType; } export type TypedAbiVariable<T> = ClarityAbiVariable & { defaultValue: T; }; export interface ClarityAbiMap { name: string; key: ClarityAbiType; value: ClarityAbiType; } export type TypedAbiMap<K, V> = ClarityAbiMap & { _k?: K; _v?: V; }; export interface ClarityAbiTypeFungibleToken { name: string; } export interface ClarityAbiTypeNonFungibleToken { name: string; type: ClarityAbiType; } export interface ClarityAbi { functions: ClarityAbiFunction[]; variables: ClarityAbiVariable[]; maps: ClarityAbiMap[]; fungible_tokens: ClarityAbiTypeFungibleToken[]; non_fungible_tokens: ClarityAbiTypeNonFungibleToken[]; } export type TypedAbi = Readonly<{ functions: { [key: string]: TypedAbiFunction<TypedAbiArg<unknown, string>[], unknown>; }; variables: { [key: string]: TypedAbiVariable<unknown>; }; maps: { [key: string]: TypedAbiMap<unknown, unknown>; }; constants: { [key: string]: unknown; }; fungible_tokens: Readonly<ClarityAbiTypeFungibleToken[]>; non_fungible_tokens: Readonly<ClarityAbiTypeNonFungibleToken[]>; contractName: string; contractFile?: string; }>; export interface ResponseOk<T, E> { value: T; isOk: true; _e?: E; } export interface ResponseErr<T, E> { value: E; isOk: false; _o?: T; } export type Response<Ok, Err> = ResponseOk<Ok, Err> | ResponseErr<Ok, Err>; export type OkType<R> = R extends ResponseOk<infer V, unknown> ? V : never; export type ErrType<R> = R extends ResponseErr<unknown, infer V> ? V : never; `