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ClazzX is a small typesafe utility library for composing HTML classes. Unlike Vanilla Extract, Stitches, or CVA (all fantastic options) ClazzX takes a different approach, using state rather than variants to compose styles.

The classic approach is to create a series of variants that can be selected:

className={myButton({size: "small", intent="primary"})}
// AND
<Button size="small" intent="primary" />

In comparison, ClazzX models combinations of styles based on state.

className={MyButton.c({small: true, primary: true})}
// AND
<Button small primary />

This simplifies the logic of tying the styling of a component to complex state. Instead of a series of nested ternary operators, simple logical operators can be used to clearly define the appropriate styles.

    primary: true,
    loading: isLoading,
    error: isError 
<Button primary loading={isLoading} error={isError}>

// Versus the traditional variant approach

intent: isLoading ? "loading" 
: isError ? "error" 
: "primary"
// AND
<Button intent={isLoading ? "loading" : isError ? "error" : "primary"}>


// Deno
import { ClazzX, clx } from ""

// NPM
npm i clazzx

// Yarn
yarn add clazzx

Getting Started

A basic component

import { ClazzX } from 'clazzx'

class Input extends ClazzX {
    // the base class will always be applied
    base = "border rounded-md font-sans"

    small = "px-2 py-1 text-sm"
    md = "px-3 py-2 text-base"
    lg = "px-4 py-3 text-lg"

    // you can use both strings and string arrays freely
    primary = [
    secondary = [

function MyCustomComponent(){
    return <input className={Input.c({ md: true, secondary: true })}/>

Default Classes

You can set default classes that are applied if nothing is passed to the classes method.

default = [, this.secondary, "hover:scale-105"]


If you want to conditionally apply styles when two or more states are true, you can create compound states.

compounds = [{
    state: ["primary", "large"],
    classes: "shadow-md"


Classes are applied in the order of the states.

className={btn.classes({rounded: true, square: true})}
// className="border-md border-none"
<Button primary secondary small medium>
// className="bg-primary bg-secondary text-sm text-md"

The order of classes works like this:

  1. base
  2. …order based on state || default classes
  3. Compounds


StyleProps is an exported type that gives you access to the parameters of the style class. You can use this to strongly type components.

function MyButton({...props}: StyleProps<MyStyleClass>){}


clx is a variadic utility function that composes a string based on it’s truthy inputs.

const a = clx(["bg-green-300", "text-md"])
// "bg-green-300 text-md"

const b = clx("bg-red-300", false && "text-red-700")
// "bg-red-300"

const c = clx(["p-4", false && "mt4"], "text-black", true && "font-bold")
// "p-4 text-black font-bold"

It can be imported or used as a static method on ClazzX.

Accessing fields

Each ClazzX instance exposes a static get() method to access the fields and methods of the class.


import { Style, StyleProps } from "clazzx"

class LinkStyles extends ClazzX {
    base: "font-link no-underline transition duration-200"

    primary: "text-link hover:text-link-hover"
    secondary: "text-secondary hover:text-secondary-hover"
    active: "text-active hover:text-active-hover underline"

    default = this.primary

interface Link {
    children: ReactNode 
    props: StyleProps<LinkStyles> & HTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>

function Link({children, ...props}: Link){
    return <a {...props} className={LinkStyles.c({...props})}>{children}</a>

function App(){
    const router = useRouter()
    // ...
    return (
        // ...
        <Link href="/about" secondary active={router.isCurrentPage}>
            My Link
        // ...

With Globals

class GlobalStyles extends ClazzX {
    padding = {
        sm: "p-2",
        md: "p-4",
        lg: "p-6",
        dynamic: (i: number) => {

class Input extends GlobalStyles {
    sm = clx(, "rounded-sm")
    md = clx(, "rounded-md")
    lg = clx(this.padding.lg, "rounded-lg")

    warning = "outline-red"

    compounds = [{
        state: ["sm", "warning"],
        classes: this.padding.dynamic(8)