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import { cursor, erase, image, ImageOptions, link, scroll } from "./csi.ts";
/** AnsiEscape representation. */export class AnsiEscape { /** Create instance from file. */ public static from(file: Deno.WriterSync): AnsiEscape { return new this(file); }
protected constructor(protected file: Deno.WriterSync) {}
/** * Write to file. * @param code Value. */ protected write(code: string): this { this.file.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(code)); return this; }
/** * Cursor */
/** * Move cursor to x, y, counting from the top left corner. * @param x Position left. * @param y Position top. */ public cursorTo(x: number, y?: number): this { return this.write(, y)); }
/** * Move cursor by offset. * @param x Offset left. * @param y Offset top. */ public cursorMove(x: number, y: number): this { return this.write(cursor.move(x, y)); }
/** * Move cursor up by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ public cursorUp(count = 1): this { return this.write(cursor.up(count)); }
/** * Move cursor down by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ public cursorDown(count = 1): this { return this.write(cursor.down(count)); }
/** * Move cursor right by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ public cursorForward(count = 1): this { return this.write(cursor.forward(count)); }
/** * Move cursor left by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ public cursorBackward(count = 1): this { return this.write(cursor.backward(count)); }
/** * Move cursor to the beginning of the line n lines down. * @param count Number of lines. */ public cursorNextLine(count = 1): this { return this.write(cursor.nextLine(count)); }
/** * Move cursor to the beginning of the line n lines up. * @param count Number of lines. */ public cursorPrevLine(count = 1): this { return this.write(cursor.prevLine(count)); }
/** Move cursor to first column of current row. */ public cursorLeft(): this { return this.write(cursor.left); }
/** Hide cursor. */ public cursorHide(): this { return this.write(cursor.hide); }
/** Show cursor. */ public cursorShow(): this { return this.write(; }
/** Save cursor. */ public cursorSave(): this { return this.write(; }
/** Restore cursor. */ public cursorRestore(): this { return this.write(cursor.restore); }
/** * Scroll */
/** * Scroll window up by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ public scrollUp(count = 1): this { return this.write(scroll.up(count)); }
/** * Scroll window down by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ public scrollDown(count = 1): this { return this.write(scroll.down(count)); }
/** * Erase */
/** Clear screen. */ public eraseScreen(): this { return this.write(erase.screen); }
/** * Clear screen up. * @param count Number of lines. */ public eraseUp(count = 1): this { return this.write(erase.up(count)); }
/** * Clear screen down. * @param count Number of lines. */ public eraseDown(count = 1): this { return this.write(erase.down(count)); }
/** Clear current line. */ public eraseLine(): this { return this.write(erase.line); }
/** Clear to line end. */ public eraseLineEnd(): this { return this.write(erase.lineEnd); }
/** Clear to line start. */ public eraseLineStart(): this { return this.write(erase.lineStart); }
/** * Clear n line's up. * @param count Number of lines. */ public eraseLines(count: number): this { return this.write(erase.lines(count)); }
/** * Style */
/** * Render link. * @param text Link text. * @param url Link url. */ public link(text: string, url: string): this { return this.write(link(text, url)); }
/** * Render image. * @param buffer Image buffer. * @param options Image options. */ public image(buffer: Uint8Array, options?: ImageOptions): this { return this.write(image(buffer, options)); }}