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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import type { Command } from "../command.ts";import type { IArgument } from "../types.ts";
/** Generates bash completions script. */export class BashCompletionsGenerator { /** Generates bash completions script for given command. */ public static generate(cmd: Command) { return new BashCompletionsGenerator(cmd).generate(); }
private constructor(protected cmd: Command) {}
/** Generates bash completions code. */ private generate(): string { const path = this.cmd.getPath(); const version: string | undefined = this.cmd.getVersion() ? ` v${this.cmd.getVersion()}` : "";
return `#!/usr/bin/env bash# bash completion support for ${path}${version}
_${replaceSpecialChars(path)}() { local word cur prev local -a opts COMPREPLY=() cur="\${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="\${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" cmd="_" opts=() _${replaceSpecialChars(this.cmd.getName())}_complete() { local action="$1"; shift mapfile -t values < <( ${this.cmd.getName()} completions complete "\${action}" "\${@}" ) for i in "\${values[@]}"; do opts+=("$i") done }
${this.generateCompletions(this.cmd).trim()} for word in "\${COMP_WORDS[@]}"; do case "\${word}" in -*) ;; *) cmd_tmp="\${cmd}_\${word//[^[:alnum:]]/_}" if type "\${cmd_tmp}" &>/dev/null; then cmd="\${cmd_tmp}" fi esac done \${cmd}
if [[ \${#opts[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2207 COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "\${cur}")) return 0 fi
local values values="$( printf "\\n%s" "\${opts[@]}" )" local IFS=$'\\n' # shellcheck disable=SC2207 local result=($(compgen -W "\${values[@]}" -- "\${cur}")) if [[ \${#result[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2207 COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "\${cur}")) else # shellcheck disable=SC2207 COMPREPLY=($(printf '%q\\n' "\${result[@]}")) fi return 0}
complete -F _${replaceSpecialChars(path)} -o bashdefault -o default ${path}`; }
/** Generates bash completions method for given command and child commands. */ private generateCompletions(command: Command, path = "", index = 1): string { path = (path ? path + " " : "") + command.getName(); const commandCompletions = this.generateCommandCompletions( command, path, index, ); const childCommandCompletions: string = command.getCommands(false) .filter((subCommand: Command) => subCommand !== command) .map((subCommand: Command) => this.generateCompletions(subCommand, path, index + 1) ) .join("");
return `${commandCompletions}
${childCommandCompletions}`; }
private generateCommandCompletions( command: Command, path: string, index: number, ): string { const flags: string[] = this.getFlags(command);
const childCommandNames: string[] = command.getCommands(false) .map((childCommand: Command) => childCommand.getName());
const completionsPath: string = ~path.indexOf(" ") ? " " + path.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ") : "";
const optionArguments = this.generateOptionArguments( command, completionsPath, );
const completionsCmd: string = this.generateCommandCompletionsCommand( command.getArguments(), completionsPath, );
return ` __${replaceSpecialChars(path)}() { opts=(${[...flags, ...childCommandNames].join(" ")}) ${completionsCmd} if [[ \${cur} == -* || \${COMP_CWORD} -eq ${index} ]] ; then return 0 fi ${optionArguments} }`; }
private getFlags(command: Command): string[] { return command.getOptions(false) .map((option) => option.flags .split(",") .map((flag) => flag.trim()) ) .flat(); }
private generateOptionArguments( command: Command, completionsPath: string, ): string { let opts = ""; const options = command.getOptions(false); if (options.length) { opts += 'case "${prev}" in'; for (const option of options) { const flags: string = option.flags .split(",") .map((flag) => flag.trim()) .join("|");
const completionsCmd: string = this.generateOptionCompletionsCommand( option.args, completionsPath, { standalone: option.standalone }, );
opts += `\n ${flags}) ${completionsCmd} ;;`; } opts += "\n esac"; }
return opts; }
private generateCommandCompletionsCommand( args: IArgument[], path: string, ) { if (args.length) { // @TODO: add support for multiple arguments return `_${replaceSpecialChars(this.cmd.getName())}_complete ${ args[0].action }${path}`; }
return ""; }
private generateOptionCompletionsCommand( args: IArgument[], path: string, opts?: { standalone?: boolean }, ) { if (args.length) { // @TODO: add support for multiple arguments return `opts=(); _${replaceSpecialChars(this.cmd.getName())}_complete ${ args[0].action }${path}`; }
if (opts?.standalone) { return "opts=()"; }
return ""; }}
function replaceSpecialChars(str: string): string { return str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_");}