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/** Cell type */// deno-lint-ignore ban-typesexport type ICell = number | string | String | Cell;
/** Cell options. */export interface ICellOptions { border?: boolean; colSpan?: number; rowSpan?: number;}
/** Cell representation. */export class Cell { protected options: ICellOptions = {};
/** Get cell length. */ public get length(): number { return this.toString().length; }
/** * Create a new cell. If value is a cell, the value and all options of the cell * will be copied to the new cell. * @param value Cell or cell value. */ public static from(value: ICell): Cell { const cell = new this(value); if (value instanceof Cell) { cell.options = Object.assign({}, value.options); } return cell; }
/** * Cell constructor. * @param value Cell value. */ public constructor(private value: ICell) {}
/** Get cell value. */ public toString(): string { return this.value.toString(); }
/** * Set cell value. * @param value Cell or cell value. */ public setValue(value: ICell): this { this.value = value; return this; }
/** * Clone cell with all options. * @param value Cell or cell value. */ public clone(value?: ICell): Cell { const cell = new Cell(value ?? this); cell.options = Object.assign({}, this.options); return cell; }
/** * Setter: */
/** * Enable/disable cell border. * @param enable Enable/disable cell border. * @param override Override existing value. */ public border(enable: boolean, override = true): this { if (override || typeof this.options.border === "undefined") { this.options.border = enable; } return this; }
/** * Set col span. * @param span Number of cols to span. * @param override Override existing value. */ public colSpan(span: number, override = true): this { if (override || typeof this.options.colSpan === "undefined") { this.options.colSpan = span; } return this; }
/** * Set row span. * @param span Number of rows to span. * @param override Override existing value. */ public rowSpan(span: number, override = true): this { if (override || typeof this.options.rowSpan === "undefined") { this.options.rowSpan = span; } return this; }
/** * Getter: */
/** Check if cell has border. */ public getBorder(): boolean { return this.options.border === true; }
/** Get col span. */ public getColSpan(): number { return typeof this.options.colSpan === "number" && this.options.colSpan > 0 ? this.options.colSpan : 1; }
/** Get row span. */ public getRowSpan(): number { return typeof this.options.rowSpan === "number" && this.options.rowSpan > 0 ? this.options.rowSpan : 1; }}