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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run
import { Command } from "../../command/command.ts";
// Sub-command implemented using action handler (description is supplied separately to `.command()`)await new Command() .command( "clone <source:string> [destination:string]", "Clone a repository into a newly created directory.", ) .action((source: string, destination: string) => { console.log("clone command called"); }) .parse(Deno.args);
// Sub-command implemented using a command instance as second parameter.await new Command() .command( "clone", new Command() .arguments("<source:string> [destination:string]") .description("Clone a repository into a newly created directory.") .action((source: string, destination: string) => { console.log("clone command called"); }), ) .parse(Deno.args);
// Command implemented using separate executable file (description is passes as second parameter to `.command()`)await new Command() .command("start <service>", "Start named service.").executable() .command("stop [service]", "Stop named service, or all if no name supplied.") .executable() .parse(Deno.args);