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Command line framework for deno πŸ¦• Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --unstable
import { rgb24 } from "";import { tty } from "../../ansi/tty.ts";import { prompt } from "../../prompt/prompt.ts";import { Checkbox } from "../../prompt/checkbox.ts";import { Input } from "../../prompt/input.ts";import { List } from "../../prompt/list.ts";import { Number } from "../../prompt/number.ts";import { Secret } from "../../prompt/secret.ts";import { Select } from "../../prompt/select.ts";import { Toggle } from "../../prompt/toggle.ts";import { colors } from "./data/colors.ts";import { firstNames } from "./data/first_names.ts";
const result = await prompt([{ name: "text", message: "Enter some cool stuff", type: Input,}, { message: "Whats your name?", name: "text", type: Input, suggestions: firstNames,}, { name: "color", message: "Choose a color", type: Select, search: true, options: Object.entries<number>(colors).map(([name, value]) => ({ name: rgb24(name, value), value: name, })),}, { name: "animals", message: "Select some animal's", type: Checkbox, options: [{ name: "πŸ¦• Dino", value: "dino", }, { name: "🐡 Monkey", value: "monkey", }, { name: "🐢 Dog", value: "dog", }, { name: "🦊 Fox", value: "fox", }, { name: "🐱 Cat", value: "cat", }, { name: "🦁 Lion", value: "lion", }, { name: "🐴 Horse", value: "horse", }, { name: "🐻 Bear", value: "bear", }, { name: "🐨 Koala", value: "koala", }],}, { name: "password", message: "Enter some super secret information", type: Secret,}, { name: "number", message: "Enter a number", hint: "Use up/down to increase/decrease the value", type: Number,}, { name: "toggle", message: "Confirm something", hint: "Use left/right to toggle the value", type: Toggle,}, { name: "tags", message: "Enter some comma separated words", type: List, suggestions: ["deno", "typescript", "cliffy"],}]);
console.log("result:", result);
tty.cursorHide();await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));tty.cursorTo(0, 0);